Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 411 - You Think Too Much

Chapter 411 You Think Too Much

“Miss Zhu, your express package.” A woman says outside.

Express package? The service of express delivery is still available in the evening?

Zhu Ting feels strange. She looks through the peep hole and sees a middle-aged woman standing at the door with something on her hands.


“Miss Zhu, your express package.”

Zhu Ting looks around. Then she fetches a mop and puts it beside the door. When she is about to open the door, the next-door old lady says outside, “The service of express delivery is available in the evening?”

“Good evening, our express company has a business named instant delivery, which means to offer 24-hour delivery service ceaselessly.”

Zhu Ting opens the door. The middle-aged woman repeats what she just explained to the old lady and then hands the box to her.

“Miss Zhu, please sign for it.”

Zhu Ting takes the box. Seeing no sender’s name, she weighs it secretly. There is something inside but it’s not very heavy. She can’t guess what it is.

“Please sign here.” The courier passes a pen to her.

The old lady laughs, “Miss Zhu, is it a gift from your boyfriend? Young people usually waste money. You can see each other every day, so what’s the point of sending an express package?”

“Mom, it’s romance instead of waste. Do you think everyone else is like your wooden son?” The daughter-in-law of the old lady retorts sulkily and then enters the room.

Zhu Ting smiles at the old lady and signs her name. The courier takes the sheet and goes downstairs. The old lady is made speechless by her daughter-in-law and enters the room unhappily. Zhu Ting closes the door and listens close to the box, but she doesn’t hear anything. Then she puts it on the table and tears it with a knife.

After opening the box, she is shocked at once.

It’s full of various small bottles.

She picks up one of them, smells and then realizes these bottles are filled with perfume. According to her study about perfume these days, the perfume is all expensive. She can’t help feeling strange.

She just observed perfume in malls, but she didn’t buy anything.

Who sent the perfume?

Tang Feng?

She checks the box again, but she doesn’t find any paper or anything abnormal. She opens each bottle and smells. However, she doesn’t find the fragrance that she wants. Then she throws the bottles back to the box frustratedly and returns to the room for sleep.

Because of the activity in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, the director of the law firm allows the staff to go off duty two hours earlier the next day. They are asked to go home to dress themselves. Zhu Ting returns home, takes a shower, changes her clothes and then comes to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort ahead of schedule. As told by Fu Zhengzheng, she comes to a room next to the one booked by the law firm.

“Hi, please have a cup of tea.” Fu Zhengzheng, who has waited in the room for a while, pours a cup of tea for Zhu Ting.

“Thank you.” Zhu Ting takes the cup, but she doesn’t drink the tea. Instead, she stares at Fu Zhengzheng, “Sister Fu, will you persuade me to go back again?”

Without answering her question directly, Fu Zhengzheng signals her to sit down and then says slowly.

“Have you found anything about perfume?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head.

“Perhaps the investigation will not have a result. Why not…”

“Maybe it’s not the smell of perfume. I’ll try another way.”

“Even if you find the smell, the person with the smell can’t be proved to be the murderer killing Fu Wenhai.”

Zhu Ting argues anxiously, “At least he is suspectable.”

“B City has such a large population. Besides, you don’t know clearly what the smell is. We can’t help you. It’s impossible for you to smell everyone.”

Zhu Ting lowers her voice, “I know it’s unrealistic. I just want to try my best to search.”

“Yang Tao and Muxian are secretly investigating the people acquiring Rongsheng and Wenhai Building Materials as well as those taking over Tong Lean’s turf. They are the largest beneficiaries after Fu Wenhai’s death. Perhaps the murderer or the one ordering to kill Fu Wenhai is among them. They have become impatient. I believe they will emerge soon. Once the target is clear, everything will come to light.”

Finding Zhu Ting silent, Fu Zhengzheng moves closer to her, sits down, holds her hand and says smilingly, “I can understand your feeling. In fact, all of us are anxious. When the case is really solved, I will tell you.”

Staring at Fu Zhengzheng for quite a while, Zhu Ting opens her mouth, but she doesn’t say anything at last.

“You smell good.”

“Really?” Zhu Ting smells but she doesn’t smell anything, “Maybe because I often use the free perfume, fragrance has infiltrated into my body.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “It’s good. No wonder perfume is so popular. It’s pleasant to smell.”

Zhu Ting is in no mood for joking. She forces a smile and looks solemn.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to notice her complicated expression and smiles, “Have a good time with your colleagues this evening. We will arrange someone to send you back recently.”

Zhu Ting nods, stands up and goes out, without saying more.

Does she really fall in love with Fu Wenhai?

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and sighs in her heart. Then she calls Yang Tao and tells him her talk with Zhu Ting. He says he will arrange someone to send Zhu Ting back to the army as soon as possible.

After hanging up the phone, she goes out of the room too and heads for Tian Xin’s residence.

Though Tian Xin has recovered, Ji Yashu says it’s also necessary to be nursed in confinement after miscarriage. Tian Xin can’t go out or eat at will, or she’ll have sequelae. Thus, she has to stay at home every day, expecting the end of the one-month confinement.

“If you follow me again, I will call the guard!”

A woman shouts furiously at nearby bushes. Fu Zhengzheng feels strange. It sounds like Zhu Ting’s voice. Who is following her?

Out of curiosity, she twists her head and looks in the direction of the voice.

A man with a tight T-shirt and short hair is blocking Zhu Ting’s way and grinning, “Guards can’t meddle in lovers’ business. Ting, what’s the brand of your perfume? It smells so good. Tell me the brand. I’ll buy more for you.”

“I was wondering who would be so bored that sent those bottles to me at night. Are you insane?”

Fu Zhengzheng can’t see Zhu Ting’s face, but it can be judged from her voice that she is very angry.

The man’s eyes narrow into slits while he laughs, “I know you care about me and are afraid I’m insane. Don’t worry, I only have lovesickness. With you as my medicine, I will get better soon.”

“I will never worry about you. Get out of my way.”

The man doesn’t. Instead, he opens his arms, as if waiting for Zhu Ting to run to him.

Zhu Ting gives him a kick. He has no other choice but to get out of her way. She walks forward fast. He follows her immediately. They turn a corner while bickering.

Fu Zhengzheng walks out and looks at where they disappear, lost in meditation.

Judged from the man’s clothes and manner, he must be the hooligan Tang Feng who often badgers Zhu Ting. She has mentioned him for several times.

To think that he comes here to badger her.

For fear that he will make trouble for Zhu Ting, Fu Zhengzheng takes out her cellphone and calls Wan Zhenghua, describing Tang Feng’s appearance and telling him to pay more attention to Tang Feng. After receiving Wan Zhenghua’s response, she walks to Tian Xin’s residence.

She accompanies Tian Xin for a while. After receiving Han Siqi’s call for dinner, she returns to the house of Han Siqi’s parents.

After dinner, she intends to have a walk with Han Siqi in the garden, but Han Siqi says he has an appointment with a client at 7:30 p.m. and promises to walk with her on another day. She doesn’t say anything. She plays with Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao for a while and then goes back to the room.

She watches TV alone. Thinking of Tang Feng, she calls Wan Zhenghua.

“Has the person I told you badgered the girl like Li Xiaomeng again?”

“A girl like Li Xiaomeng? I haven’t seen such a girl.”

“What has he done in the resort?”

“When I found him, he was eating in the western restaurant. Just now I saw him together with Mr. Han.”

“Siqi? They were together? In the western restaurant?” Fu Zhengzheng feels surprised.

Tang Feng is the client that Siqi said?

“No. That person went to a private room of the teahouse after eating western food. Soon Mr. Han entered.” Suddenly Wan Zhenghua becomes nervous, “Madam, I have talked too much.”

Knowing Wan Zhenghua is usually discreet, Fu Zhengzheng corrects herself soon, “They’re friends. OK, everything is all right. you can go about your business now.”

Wan Zhenghua hangs up the phone panickily.

Isn’t Tang Feng only a hooligan? How come he has become Weihan’s client? Now that Siqi meets him in person, he isn’t a common client for sure.

Fu Zhengzheng feels extremely strange.

She met Tang Feng at dusk. He doesn’t look like a major client. He appears to be only a hooligan.

Could it be that she and Zhu Ting are not supposed to judge a person solely by his appearance? Perhaps he just looks like a hippie, but in fact he is very influential socially?

She and Zhu Ting always take him as a nobody appearing by chance and coveting Zhu Ting’s beauty, because he has done nothing to hurt her each time he meets Zhu Ting. He just keeps badgering her to be his girlfriend.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles helplessly. Zhu Ting is beautiful, so it’s normal to be badgered by a man.

Anyway, Zhu Ting will leave soon. He won’t have a chance even if he wants to continue badgering her.

While Fu Zhengzheng’s thoughts are wandering, Zhu Ting’s colleagues are singing cheerfully in the KTV box.

The law firm just won a lawsuit and the director is very excited, so he takes them out for relaxation.

Zhu Ting isn’t interested in joining the fun. She agrees to come because she has an appointment with Fu Zhengzheng. Besides, she doesn’t’ want to let others down, so she has to sit through it. When it’s about 9: 00 p.m., she goes out of the box with an excuse of going out for fresh air and then creeps to the gate of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

“Ting.” A Land-Rover comes out of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort and stops by her.

Zhu Ting gasps. It’s him again!

Seeing a vacant taxi coming over nearby, she bypasses his car head quickly and runs to the opposite of the road, without noticing the car running from behind.

“Look out!”

Zhu Ting glimpses dazzling car lights on the edge of her vision, pauses quickly and takes a step back. The car speeds by her. She escapes the collision, but she sprains her ankle because she steps on a small stone when she moves backward.

“Are you OK?” Tang Feng gets out of the car to support her immediately.

“None of your business. Ouch–” Zhu Ting struggles to stand up and almost loses her balance because of the pain. Tang Feng holds her into his arms and then helps her get into his car.

“Do you still put on a brave face after your ankle is sprained?” He helps her fasten the seat belt and then drives off.

Zhu Ting thinks he is taking her to the hospital, so she doesn’t decline his kindness for the first time. Unexpectedly, she finds him drive into a community.

“Where is it?”

“My home.”


“What’re you thinking? I have medicine for bruises and sprains at home.”

While explaining, he stops the car. He gets out of the car first, opens the door of the passenger seat and lifts Zhu Ting out directly.

“Hey, I can walk by myself.”

“You mean I wait upstairs for you to jump to my home at a snail’s pace? Don’t worry. I’m not interested in an injured person.”

She comes to his home on the 18th floor and looks around.

This is an apartment too. But apparently, it’s more high-end than hers. Besides, it’s tidy.

Tang Feng fetches a small glass bottle. She asks, “You live here alone?”

She thinks the home of a person like him is supposed to be messy.

“If you would like to, we can live here together.” Tang Feng puts her foot on his laps and unscrews the lid while teasing her.

Zhu Ting is speechless. Finding he plans to drip liquid medicine onto her ankle, she wants to pull back her leg, “What’s the medicine? Can it be applied?”

“It’s a kind of magic medicine that you can’t buy. No matter you have bruises and sprains or are stung by poisonous insects or are burnt, it only takes you one day to recover if two drips are applied. It also smells good and can be used as perfume. I am reluctant to waste it in this way – but if you like it, it’s different…Hey, don’t move!”

Tang Feng is late. Zhu Ting has kicked his hands away and stood up in shock…

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