Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 412 - Evil Design

Chapter 412 Evil Design

Her injured foot lands on the ground. It’s so painful that she pulls back her foot immediately. Thus, she loses her balance. Luckily, Tang Feng steadies her in time.

“I will be gentle!” Tang Feng thinks he hurt her just now.

“You, you are…”

“I didn’t mean to. Alright, I will be more careful, OK?” Tang Feng presses Zhu Ting to sit down and puts her foot on his laps again.

Zhu Ting doesn’t move anymore. She stares at him who is applying medicine to her foot carefully. The delicate fragrance permeates the air.

She never thought the special smell for which she has spent so much time looking in vain could be found here.

He said the medicine wasn’t easily available and he was reluctant to let others use it. Doesn’t that mean…

How come he is the person she is looking for?

Why did he kill Fu Wenhai? Why did he take nothing away from the coffer after killing Fu Wenhai, send someone to rescue her from Jiang San and take her to the coffer?

Did he just utilize her to call the police?

He was helping the police? Without him, Fu Wenhai might have escaped from B City under the police’s nose and even taken the treasures from the coffer.

Who is he? What background does he have?

She always thought he is only a hooligan. It seems that she underestimated him.

Now Zhu Ting is full of doubts. But before the person is ascertained to be her enemy or friend, she has to swallow back the doubts, find an opportunity to update Fu Zhengzheng after leaving here and ask her to investigate Tang Feng’s background.

After Tang Feng applies medicine to Zhu Ting’s foot, he sees her staring at him in a daze. He stands up slowly, moves the chair he just sat on, puts her foot lightly on it and then leans forward.

“Hey! What do you want to do?!” Zhu Ting is startled. She leans backward instantly and props her hand against him while staring at his face alertly.

“To make you see me more clearly.”

“Who wants to see you clearly? Get away from me!”

But Tang Feng moves closer to her. He holds her hand before his chest with a hand and pinches her chin with the other one. He stares at her seriously without his typical grin.

“I hope you can see me clearly and engrave me in your mind. So long as you close your eyes, I will appear before you.”

Zhu Ting throws her head but fails to throw off his hands, so she drops her eyes deliberately to avoid his eyes.

Feeling Tang Feng raise her chin higher, she closes her eyes resignedly and seems that she doesn’t want to remember him at all.

At this moment, she feels something soft touching her lips. She opens her eyes quickly and pulls back her hands to push him away while shaking her head desperately. Unexpectedly, he kneels on the sofa with one leg, holds her shoulder with the other hand and presses her tightly against the sofa back. His lips stick firmly to her tempting ones as if glue were smeared between them.


Zhu Ting lets off incoherent sound. Unable to push away the man like a stone, she beats him crazily with both hands and curses him for his immoral behavior in the heart.

Just now she guessed he might be the police’s friend. It turns out that she overestimated him. He is actually an uncivilized bastard.

Tang Feng seems to be addicted. He doesn’t leave her lips after kissing for quite a while. He even puts one hand brazenly on her waist and moves it upward.

Zhu Ting becomes panicky. She clings to the corner of her clothes and finds a chance to bite his lips hard.

At this moment, the doorbell rings.

Tang Feng, who is stiff all over, has to leave her lips, licks his bleeding lips and rises to open the door while cursing.

Zhu Ting hurries to adjust her clothes and stands up on tiptoe. Two young guys with yellow hair come in.

One of them glances at Zhu Ting who is blushing, retracts his head and grins embarrassedly, “Brother Feng, sorry, we come here at an improper time.”

“Now that you’re clear, why not get out right now?”

“I come to bring night snack for you. We’ll leave right now.” He puts a bag on the table and glances at Zhu Ting again.

“Hurry up.” Tang Feng gives him a kick.

The young guy leans to one side to dodge it and then runs towards the door. After they go out, Tang Feng closes the door with his foot.

Turning around, he is greeted with Zhu Ting standing behind him with a fruit knife.

“Open the door.”

“Your foot…”

“Open the door.”

“OK, I’ll open the door and send you home. Put down the knife.”

Ignoring him, Zhu Ting limps outwards after he opens the door.

“Be careful…”

“None of your business.” Zhu Ting jumps into the lift. Seeing Tang Feng about to rush into it, she points the knife at him and forces him away from the lift.

She barely walks out of the community and hails a taxi. When she gets home, it’s already 11:00 p.m. She takes out her cellphone to call Fu Zhengzheng immediately and tells what she has found about Tang Feng.

“He?! Are you sure?” Fu Zhengzheng is astonished.

“Yes. He said the medicine was obtained with someone’s help.” Then Zhu Ting pauses and says, “I know it’s rash to convict him of the crime with only the smell. But we can ask someone to investigate Tang Feng’s track on the day when Fu Wenhai died. I believe everything will be clear after the investigation.”

She doesn’t tell Fu Zhengzheng that she was kissed by Tang Feng with force.

“OK, I will ask someone to investigate now.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and is going to call Yang Tao. Meeting Han Siqi’s eyes, she asks him, “Are you sure Tang Feng is a real businessman?”

“Yeah, what’s up?”

Fu Zhengzheng tells Han Siqi what Zhu Ting told her just now.

Han Siqi laughs, “Zhu Ting is too arbitrary.”

“So I will ask Yang Tao to investigate Tang Feng. If he has alibi, it means he has nothing to do with it.” Fu Zhengzheng speaks while calling Yang Tao.

“Wait! It…”

“Let’s talk about it later.” Fu Zhengzheng gesticulates to tell him that she has got through to Yang Tao, so Han Siqi has to stop. After she repeats again what Zhu Ting said, he enters the bathroom.

When Han Siqi comes out, Fu Zhengzheng has hung up the phone.

“You told me to wait. What did you want to say?”

“Nothing. I just wanted to tell you to investigate carefully.”

“Of course. We’ve found a suspect finally. The case may come to light.”

Han Siqi laughs, “Maybe you rejoice too soon. Tang Feng hasn’t been to B City for a long time. How much hatred can he have against Fu Wenhai? Besides, a murderer has to pay his own life for the murder. He controls all docks of B City. Is he willing to give up the good life and be jailed? I think he isn’t unless he is insane.”

“If Fu Wenhai hadn’t died, Rongsheng wouldn’t have collapsed so quickly. Tong Lean’s turf wouldn’t have been divided up so easily. Tang Feng’s docks are divided from Tong Lean’s, aren’t they?”

“You’re just half right. Before Fu Wenhai died, Tang Feng had controlled most docks of B City. Now he just has improved his power.”

“How long have you known Tang Feng? You defend him in this way. Don’t be deceived by the profits he gives you, or you will be in trouble.”

“Do you think I can be deceived so easily by profits? I just express my opinion objectively without prejudice.”

Fu Zhengzheng is a little angry, “You mean I have prejudice? I…”

“OK, darling, I’m wrong.” Han Siqi surrenders, “Darling, we can’t quarrel for another’s business.”

“I’m not quarreling with you. I just tell you to know the person more clearly. I feel he isn’t a good guy.”

“Thanks for your caring, darling. I will guard against him all the time.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng becomes less angry and mutes her voice, “It doesn’t hurt to be more alert. We have suffered many losses, haven’t we?”

“Then I will delay my cooperation with Tang Feng till you find out his background.”

“Once getting the investigation result, I will tell you immediately.”

“OK, darling, after talking about another’s thing, is it the time to do our own thing?”

“What thing do we have?”

“A good thing.” Han Siqi presses Fu Zhengzheng down to the bed.


Tang Feng takes a shower and lies on the bed. Then his cellphone rings.

“Brother Feng, Miss Zhu has got home. She seems to be fine.”

“Got it.” He throws the cellphone aside, puts his hands under his head as a pillow and stares at the TV screen aimlessly while recollecting his kiss with Zhu Ting.

In the sitting room, a camera is facing the sofa. His boss monitors him by means of it. He is clear that his boss hopes he can conquer Zhu Ting, so he just intended to pretend to his boss, but the false thing nearly became true. Luckily, the two brothers came to bring night snack in time. He feels lucky in the heart.

Zhu Ting…

He repeats the name in his heart with an evil grin.

He hasn’t been so deeply interested in a woman for a long time. Coincidentally, the woman has the same purpose with him. It’s fun.

At this moment, the computer lets off the prompt tone of a video. He rises quickly and connects the video immediately.

A fat person appears on the screen, smoking a cigar and looking at him smilingly.

Tang Feng becomes respectful instantly, “Boss.”

He turns out to be Xiao Jinchong, the head of Brotherhood. He laughs so heartily that the flesh on his face shakes, “Well done. You’ve conquered Fu Wenhai’s woman so quickly, haha.”


“Now that she can go to your house, you are close to success. Look for a quiet place and fuck her tomorrow. It’s your task, understand?”

“Yes, boss. No problem.” Tang Feng laughs evilly.

“Fuck her mercilessly. How I wish Fu Wenhai could be irritated to come to life. Hahaha.”

“Sure, boss.”

“Only I can take over his hard-won turf and his woman.” Xiao Jinchong laughs again and then skips to another topic, “How was your talk with Weihan about our cooperation?”

Tang Feng becomes serious instantly, “Han Siqi said he needed to consider about it. I guess he is worried, because we haven’t cooperated before.”

“In my opinion, he wants to cut down the price. Han Siqi is shrewder than his brother. If there is no better choice, just surrender a few more profits to develop the market. With Weihan’s cooperation, our business can be done much more smoothly.”

“OK, boss.”

“Come on. Only if you can deal with it can I hand all business in B City to you.”

“I will!”

“Don’t forget to fuck the girl as much as possible.” Xiao Jinchong laughs evilly again. As the screen becomes dark, his laughter disappears instantly.

Tang Feng puts on his dry expression again. He lays his feet on the computer desk and closes his eyes in meditation.

Then his cellphone receives a message. He rises, goes to the bed and picks up his cellphone for a look. His face changes sharply…

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