Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 416 - It’s Too Much for Him

Chapter 416 It’s Too Much for Him

“What?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes serious.

“The dead person has been fired by the law firm.”

“The dead person?” Fu Zhengzheng thinks of Zhu Ting immediately and guesses Yang Tao is ready to send Zhu Ting away from B City with an excuse. Then she asks, “How do you know it?”

“I went to the law firm to consult something. To think that she worked there as a lawyer. I saw her leave with her things. It’s said that she offended the director and thus was fired.”

“This is the so-called exciting news?”

“Yes. You didn’t see her injured expression. I was glad to see that.”

“She has no relationship with Li Xiaomeng. They are two different persons.”

“No matter if she has relationship with Li Xiaomeng, each time I see her I will think of Li Xiaomeng, so I dislike her.”

Thinking of Zhu Ting will leave tomorrow morning, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t explain more to Zhu Linglong and just laughs with her.

After hanging up the phone, she calls Yang Tao to verify it and then feels relieved.

“Zhengzheng, are you…pregnant?” Yang Tao can’t help asking the question when he is about to hang up the phone.

“Yes, alas…”

“This is good news. Don’t sigh. Now you are free and can rest at home.”

“Who says I’m free? After Fu Wenhai’s death, Brotherhood emerges…”

“It’s none of your business. It’s a deal.”

“Yang Tao…”

“Siqi has spent much time and energy on the case. The large Weihan Group is waiting for him to manage. You are pregnant. If you join in the case investigation, how can he feel easy? It’s too much for him.”

It makes Fu Zhengzheng speechless. She twists her head and sees Han Siqi gazing at her concernedly. She finds suddenly that he has been emaciated and thus feels heart-broken.

Receiving no response on the phone, Yang Tao seems to feel something and adds smilingly, “Don’t think that only women need to be cared. So do men. Have a good rest. When I’m free, I will go to see you with Xiaoyue.”


After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng throws the cellphone on the bed. Seeing Han Siqi come over, she rises immediately.

“Where are you going?” Han Siqi blocks her way anxiously.

“Nowhere. I want to look at you.”

“Look at me?”

Fu Zhengzheng strokes his good-looking face, sweeps her thumb over his thick and dark eyebrows and stares at him in a daze.

Since the discovery of the coffer, she has become much safer. He can sleep better and has less blood streaks than before, but it can be seen clearly that his eye sockets sink slightly. His clothes also seem to be looser than before.

Then she chokes up just like something getting stuck in her throat.

“What’s up? What happened?”

When Han Siqi sees her bright eyes shrouded in mist, his stomach knots. He grabs her arms and stares at her.


She is too selfish. Whenever something happens, she only thinks of her task and has never considered his feeling.

When she once felt he was in danger, her stomach knotted. Even though he is a capable man, he feels nervous and frightened as well when his beloved woman is in danger.

From the first day of her task, she is likely to be in danger every minute. As a result, he has to worry about her all the time. Sometimes, he even can predict the coming of danger earlier than her, and thus he always stays highly tense.

Now she sees anxiety in his eyes again. Is it because he is afraid to lose her?

Tears roll down her face instantly.

“What happened on earth? Tell me now. Don’t be afraid. So long as I’m here, everything will be fine.” Han Siqi embraces her into his arms.

“Sorry…” She cries louder.

Seeming to understand what’s going on, he laughs suddenly and embraces her more tightly, “Stupid girl, why do you say sorry? OK, don’t cry. If we go downstairs and Xingxing sees your red eyes, he will think I bully you.”

His soft words make her unable to stop crying, “I think I’m very selfish. I’ve never considered anything for you and always make you worry for me.”

“You don’t want me to worry about you? Then which man do you want to worry about you?”

“I didn’t mean that!”

“It means you want me to worry about you?”

Fu Zhengzheng nods heavily with sobs.

“Then do you think it’s necessary to say more?” Han Siqi takes her to sit down and wipes tears from her eye corners. The anxiety in his eyes is changed into affectionateness, “Bearing a young brother or sister for Xingxing is the best consideration for me.”

She leans her head against his chest, “Do you hope it’s a boy or girl?”

“Gender doesn’t matter. The point is that I can accompany you during your pregnancy. I know it’s suffering to be pregnant, but I will accompany you and try my best to reduce your suffering to the minimum.”

It turns out that he wants to make up for his absence when she was pregnant with Fu Xing.

She pushes him away suddenly, pinches his mouth deliberately and pretends to be unhappy.

“When Tian was pregnant, you saw her vomit terribly and told me Fu Xing was enough for us. Now seeing I’m pregnant, you beam from ear to ear. What you said turns out to be a lie to please me.”

“Darling, I’ve never lied to you. I mean if the baby doesn’t come, I’ll agree with you about one child only. But the baby comes unexpectedly, so we have to welcome it happily.”

“Hum!” She turns her face away from him.

“It’s said online that pregnant women will become bad-tempered. It’s true.”

“Ha, now that you know it, why not please me right now?”

Han Siqi strokes her stomach and smiles, “Sweetie, do you hear that? Your mummy tells you to please her. You should be good.”

“Bother. Zhongxu has set a bad example for you.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles through tears. A question springs into her mind, “By the way, why were you around the municipal police office this afternoon?”

If going from Weihan in the direction of the municipal police office and then going forward, he will get to the west of the city.

“I was going to the dock in the west of the city.”

Sure enough.

“You went to see Tang Feng? You’ve decided to cooperate with him?”

Han Siqi nods, “You’ve dispelled the suspicion against Tang Feng, and he offers a fair price for Weihan’s water freight.”

“But he is a member of Brotherhood. It’s not a good organization.”

“It is none of my business. So long as I do business honestly, that’s OK, right? Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. If something abnormal is found, I will call the police immediately.”

“They haven’t been in B City for a long time and may not act rashly now. After they establish their standing, perhaps they will act dishonestly. I’m afraid you will suffer losses.” Fu Zhengzheng expresses her worries.

Han Siqi pulls her hair, “Are you so unconfident about my ability? OK, don’t worry and have a good rest. I have to return to the company to deal with something. I will come back as early as possible to accompany you this evening, OK?”

Fu Zhengzheng can do nothing but resign herself to it.

After Han Siqi leaves, she lies on the bed and recollects what happened recently. Then she falls asleep gradually.

“She has slept for a long time. Shall we wake her up? Otherwise, she will be sleepless tonight.”

“Let’s wait. Take the corn porridge downstairs now.”

Fu Zhengzheng hears two voices in her sleep. She opens her eyes immediately, finding that the light of the room has been on and Tian Xin and Sun Qiubo are sitting on both sides of her bed.

“Why are you here?” She sits up gladly.

Tian Xin stops her “Hey, be careful. Now you are the one that needs to be specially protected.”

“We’ve been here for a long time. You slept sound, so we didn’t wake you up. You’ve missed the dinner.” Sun Qiubo gives her the porridge, “Look, your mother-in-law cooked the delicious porridge for you. Enjoy it.”

Fu Zhengzheng touches her stomach and feels hungry indeed. She enters the bathroom, washes and then goes out to eat the porridge.

Tian Xin stares at Fu Zhengzheng’s flat stomach worriedly, “You didn’t vomit when you were pregnant last time, did you? Why do you vomit this time?”

Fu Zhengzheng puts down the empty bowl and smiles, “The doctor said I had a slight cold. It might be the reason of my vomiting. But now I’m fine. I have a good appetite and sleep.”

“Cool. Muxian told me the police office had permitted your leave.”

Sun Qiubo asks, “So quickly? She will take a leave of one year, won’t she?”

“According to Muxian, considering the great contributions of Zhengzheng and Siqi on the coffer case, leaders permit her leave now so that she can rest longer.”

Sun Qiubo says, “I think leaders consider more than that. Don’t forget, Zhengzheng’s another identity is a daughter-in-law of Han family. They have to privilege her. Besides, pregnancy is very important.”

Tian Xin criticizes her at once, “How utilitarian your thought is! Do you think everyone is as snobbish as you?”

“Hey, Tian, you think I’m snobbish?” Sun Qiubo intends to pinch Tian Xin.

Fu Zhengzheng stops her at once, “Tian has just recovered. Don’t act rashly.”

Sun Qiubo glares, “You are sisters-in-law and I’m an outsider. You bully me together, don’t you?”

Fu Zhengzheng says with a wry smile, “You’re not grateful for my kindness.”

Sun Qiubo lies onto the bed sulkily, “My heart is injured. I won’t go tonight.”

Tian Xin drives her without mercy, “You’d better leave, or He Menghuai will call me and Zhengzheng ceaselessly at night.”

“You can switch your cellphone off.”

“Zhengzheng and I can switch our cellphones off. But I’m afraid He Menghuai will call 110 for the police tonight. It will disturb the citizens’ sound sleep, won’t it?”

“So much nonsense. I want to spray the salt soda water on you!”

Tian Xin fights back, “I also want to split you with my hand.”

“Stop. You quarrel each time you stay together just like enemies. Can you be quiet?” Fu Zhengzheng criticizes them smilingly.

Then the three women lie on the bed together and begin to chat as before. They keep chatting till Han Siqi comes back over 9:00 p.m. After that, the two women leave reluctantly.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends to complain to Han Siqi, “Why do you come back so early? We haven’t enjoyed ourselves to the full.”

Without responding to it, Han Siqi asks, “I had dinner with a client. Guess who I came across?”

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