Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 417 - Are You Capable of Keeping Ten Women?

Chapter 417 Are You Capable of Keeping Ten Women?

“Which client?”

“Tang Feng.”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes serious, “Xiao Jinchong comes here?”

“No. I ran across Zhu Ting. Tang Feng told me she’s his girlfriend.”

“His girlfriend? How can it be possible? Zhu Ting will leave here tomorrow. She must have been forced by Tang Feng.”

“Though they didn’t look like affectionate lovers, she didn’t seem to be forced.”

It comes to Fu Zhengzheng’s mind that Zhu Ting once said she intended to infiltrate Brotherhood by means of Tang Feng’s love for her. A thrill runs through Fu Zhengzheng. She goes to fetch the cellphone immediately.

“Call Zhu Ting? It’s not the proper time.” Han Siqi stops her at once.

Fu Zhengzheng pauses and then takes out her cellphone to call, “Let me ask Yang Tao what’s going on. Perhaps Zhu Ting also knows my pregnancy, so she contacts him directly.”

She calls Yang Tao and asks about Zhu Ting.

Yang Tao feels surprised too, “Why did she go out with Tang Feng to see a client? I’ve arranged to send her back tomorrow morning.”

Fu Zhengzheng becomes nervous and tells him that Zhu Ting intends to infiltrate Brotherhood.

“Crazy! She has no sense of discipline at all!”

“I didn’t dissuade her in time. It’s my fault. I…”

“Even if you dissuaded her, it wouldn’t be useful. She acts first and reports afterwards intentionally so that we can’t send her away from B City, doesn’t she?”

“What shall we do? We can’t stand by and let her seek her doom while doing nothing.”

“Zhengzheng.” Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng who looks excited to sit down.

Yang Tao seems to realize something and comforts her softly, “I’ll try to meet Zhu Ting this evening. If I can’t persuade her to leave, I will manage to help her. Don’t worry. Take care of yourself at home.”

After hanging up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng sees Han Siqi’s guilty expression. She hooks his neck and smiles, “Even if you didn’t tell me, I will know it tomorrow morning. I’m not excited at all.”

Knowing she pretends to be light-hearted, Han Siqi sighs.

“So long as the case isn’t solved, you can’t be relived.”

“I know how far to go and when to stop. Don’t worry. Your baby won’t suffer.” But soon after she says it, she becomes anxious, “How rash Zhu Ting is! It’s so important but she didn’t discuss with us beforehand. Moreover, even if she intends to infiltrate Brotherhood, she shouldn’t have accepted Tang Feng so quickly. Doesn’t she know ‘More haste, less speed’?”

“She must have known that Tang Feng was going to see me this evening. She came with him. Perhaps she wanted to let me tell you it.”

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have told her though he knew she would be excited after hearing it.

“She didn’t tell me this noon. Maybe she made the decision this afternoon temporarily. How many times have you dealt with Tang Feng?”

“He has come to see me for several times, but I have contacted him formally for only four times.”

“What’s Tang Feng like in your opinion?”

Han Siqi thinks and then replies, “He looks undisciplined and has many bad habits of hooligans. However, he is careful at work and good at reading others’ minds and utilizing resources. As a whole, he is a clever partner.”

“You speak so highly of him?”

“Of course, will I agree to cooperate with someone else without hesitation?”

“You’re a businessman. Making profit is most important to you.”

Han Siqi laughs, “The profit is legal. Sleep now.”

He reaches out to take off her coat.

“Hey, you can’t do it now.” She clings to her chest immediately.

Han Siqi pats her forehead with a wry smile, “What are you thinking? Do you want to sleep with your coat?”

Fu Zhengzheng flushes but remains stubborn, “What I’m thinking is just the thing you often want to do, isn’t it?”

“Because of the baby, my status is different now.”

Fu Zhengzheng is amused and reaches out to poke his forehead. Han Siqi holds her hand, helps her lie down, covers her with a blanket and then goes to wash.


After seeing Han Siqi off, Tang Feng walks to his car with Zhu Ting.

“Do you feel better now?” Tang Feng opens the door for Zhu Ting fawningly.

Zhu Ting sits into the car sulkily and snubs him.

Tang Feng sits behind the wheel quickly, but he doesn’t start the car. Instead, he cranes his neck to her and smiles, “Pretty girl, smile. You only lost your job. Then you can rest at home. So many people want to rest but they can’t.”

Zhu Ting rolls her eyes at him, “Do you hope I live on air?”

“Don’t worry. I’ll keep you.” Tang Feng pats his chest.

“Your company hasn’t got the first business. How can you keep me?”

Tang Feng grins, “You’re so slim that it’s not a problem to keep ten women like you even if I can’t get the business.”

“You want to keep ten women?” Zhu Ting’s face darkens and intends to get out of the car.

Knowing he has put his foot in his mouth, Tang Feng holds her back immediately and apologizes with a smile, “I didn’t mean that. My loyalty to you can be testified by the sun and the moon. OK, I’m uneducated and clumsy of speech. You are tolerant. Please forgive me, OK?”

“The sun and the moon are too busy to testify it for you.” Zhu Ting pulls her face, “I just try to develop the relationship with you, but I haven’t agreed to be your girlfriend. Why did you introduce me as your girlfriend to Mr. Han?”

“You are so pretty that I want to see face. How about going to see our new house?”

Zhu Ting is about to glare at him, so he corrects himself immediately, “To see my new house. It’s not the small apartment.”

“You moved your house?”

“Didn’t you say you disliked an apartment? So this afternoon, I asked my friend to find a new residence. I believe you’ll like it.”

“How do you know I’ll like it?”

“Our minds are connected.”

“Bah!” Zhu Ting leans against the backrest and closes her eyes for rest, not talking with him anymore.

Tang Feng whistles, starts the car and drives towards the destination.

Zhu Ting keeps silent and lazily looks at the landscape trees on the roadside flashing past.

She isn’t interested in luxury cars or houses. She posed a difficult problem intentionally at noon. Unexpectedly he would solve it so quickly. Of course, she will visit the house and see how great capability he has.

Xiao Jinchong empowers him to manage all docks in B City. It means he is indeed one of the trusted subordinates of Xiao Jinchong just as the police investigation shows. Approaching him is tantamount to approaching Brotherhood.

The car runs to a community quickly. Zhu Ting sees its name engraved on the big stone in front of the gate –Splendid Oriental Castle.

Zhu Ting has never come here, but she knows it’s the real estate developed by Weihan Group.

The car runs to a villa. It’s not large and covers an area of about 200 square meters.

Tang Feng ushers Zhu Ting into it and promises complacently, “Ting, just make do with it temporarily. When I become wealthy, I will buy a bigger house for you.”

“Brother Feng.” Two burly chaps with tattoos on arms stand on both sides of the gate respectfully.

When raising his head, the tenderness on his face disappears immediately, and his voice becomes cold, “Have you cleaned the house?”


“This is Miss Zhu. You must treat her in the same way as you treat me, understand?”


“Go out.”

“Yes.” The two men go out fast and close the door lightly.

When Tang Feng turns around to look at Zhu Ting, his face is written with tenderness again. He tells her what’s inside the house.

Looking at the spacious and clean hall, Zhu Ting guesses how much it costs.

Tang Feng reaches out to embrace Zhu Ting, “Is it OK?”

Zhu Ting edges aside to dodge his hug and gives a dry response to show her satisfaction.

Not taking it to heart, Tang Feng pulls back his hands and smiles, “Your room in on the second floor. Will you have a look?”

“I haven’t decided to move here.”

“OK, it will be left for you.” Tang Feng says instantly.

“I’m tired and want to go back for rest.”

“OK. I’ll drive you home.”

Tang Feng drives Zhu Ting to the downstairs of her house and wants to accompany her upstairs but is stopped by her.

“Well, go to bed earlier. Call me if necessary.”

Zhu Ting nods and enters the passageway, leaving her back to Tang Feng.

Looking at her disappear in the passageway, Tang Feng doesn’t leave. He takes several steps back and sees the induction lamp on the second floor on and then off. Then he drives off.

Once Tang Feng leaves, a man with a cap walks from the corner and goes upstairs straight.

Zhu Ting enters her room, changes shoes and washes her face when she hears a knock as a secret signal. She goes to open the door at once.

The man with a cap enters. She finds he is Yang Tao.

“Captain Yang.”

“Go back tomorrow. I’ve arranged for it.”

Without responding to it, Zhu Ting says, “I think you saw who brought me back, right?”

Yang Tao understands her meaning and declines in a deep voice, “You must obey the arrangement.”

“Captain Yang, don’t you want to find out who killed Fu Wenhai? Don’t you want to ascertain the crimes of Brotherhood?”

“This is the police’s business. Your task has been finished.”

“I’m a soldier and have the duty to help you maintain social stability.” Finding Yang Tao still doesn’t agree, Zhu Ting softens her voice, “You know what kind of organization Brotherhood is. The police in D City can’t find solid evidence of its crimes and thus can do nothing about it. Now it has infiltrated B City completely and reaches its evil hand to B City. We should remove it while it is just a safety hazard, instead of standing by and watching it rooting deeply and quickly!”

Looking at Zhu Ting’s righteous face, Yang Tao says seriously, “I understand your feeling and worry. But there are so many police officers in B City, and how can we allow you as a girl to take the risk alone…”

Zhu Ting interrupts him immediately, “Captain Yang, gender isn’t considered when a task is assigned in the army. Only who is more suitable for the task is considered. Now no one else is more suitable than me to infiltrate Brotherhood, so please report to the superior and permit me to carry out the task.”

“But Brotherhood is complicated, and Tang Feng is a hooligan…”

“Captain Yang, so long as we can ascertain the crimes of Brotherhood and wipe it out so as to protect the citizens of B City, I’m willing to make some sacrifice.”

Looking at Zhu Ting who is righteous and resolute, Yang Tao is moved and sighs.

“It’s not easy to wipe out Brotherhood.”

“I’ve studied the development history of Brotherhood. Xiao Jinchong used to be prudent and consolidate at every step. However, this time he pocketed what belonged to Fu Wenhai and intruded into B City so fast. He even made it open and aboveboard. It means he does have great ability. Meanwhile, can’t we feel his arrogance and anxiety?”

Zhu Ting’s analysis surprises Yang Tao. He realizes he underestimated her ability, so he nods, “Go on.”

“An arrogant person is usually headstrong, self-righteous and supercilious, so his cloven hoof is most easily to find now.”

“You mean…”

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