Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 426 - Freak, What Do You Want to Do?!

Chapter 426 Freak, What Do You Want to Do?!

Zhu Ting is panicky and calls Tang Feng right away, but his cellphone is switched off.

Tang Feng’s cellphone is usually switched on around the clock. Is he still in the regular meeting so his cellphone is switched off?

But if he is in the regular meeting, why is the boss Xiao Jinchong in the hotel?

Is it a scheme?

If she goes to the hotel as Xiao Jinchong demands, she is afraid something terrible will happen.

She feels strange. According to Tang Feng, Xiao Jinchong won’t touch a woman of his man. She and Tang Feng have shown their intimate relationship again and again. Why doesn’t Xiao Jinchong let her off?

She heaves a long sigh. Though she is good-looking, she isn’t good at dressing or flattering. Xiao Jinchong has seen the world. Logically speaking, he isn’t supposed to be attracted by her. She can’t figure it out.

The door is opened downstairs. She listens closely to the door of her room and faintly hears Xiaohu talking with a stranger. She guesses the comer is Xiao Jinchong’s man.

She calls Tang Feng again, but it’s still switched off. She walks up and down in the room anxiously, considering how to handle Xiao Jinchong after she goes to the hotel.

At this moment, her cellphone rings. It’s from Fu Zhengzheng.

Why does Fu Zhengzheng call her at this time?

Zhu Ting answers the call confusedly, “Sister Fu?”

“Zhu Ting, you can’t go to meet Xiao Jinchong alone. I’m afraid he has evil intention towards you.”

“How do you know?”

“When your cellphone was taken to be checked, we had a special device installed in it. We can monitor your calls and even those that you don’t get through.”

Zhu Ting understands at once and then speaks in a heavy tone, “Tang Feng said Brotherhood has a regular meeting tonight, but Xiao Jinchong asked me to go to the hotel at this time. It must be premeditated. I’m afraid I have no choice but to go there.”

Once she finishes, Xiaohu knocks at the door and says, “Miss Zhu, boss has sent someone to pick you up.”

“Got it. I will change clothes.” Zhu Ting responds and he stops knocking. She says with a wry smile, “Sister Fu, Xiao Jinchong has sent someone here. I was just hurried.”

Fu Zhengzheng ponders and then has an idea, “Go with them temporarily. I will ask someone to make trouble for you.”

Zhu Ting understands her meaning and agrees. When she is about to hang up the phone, Fu Zhengzheng adds, “Remember to take the cellphone with you!”

“I know.” After hanging up, she puts on simple clothes and goes downstairs.

Two big men are standing downstairs. Seeing her come down, they make away respectfully at once and then lead her to the yard.

Xiaohu gives her a paper bag with worried eyes.

Zhu Ting takes the bag and gets into the car with the men without saying anything.

On the way, she pretends to watch the view outside the window and looks outside casually.

When the car is started again after stopping at the red light at a crossing near the hotel, a black car dashes to it transversely as if being out of control.

“Look out!” The tall man on the passenger seat finds it first and shouts.

“Damn it!”

The driver finds it, too. Unable to dodge it, he turns the wheel to the left desperately. Zhu Ting, who sits on the backseat, is thrown heavily to the door. She grabs the handle above the door instantly to maintain balance. With a harsh sound of brake and fierce collision, she is thrown forward again. Her head is bumped on the back of the front seat. It makes her dizzy.

After a few seconds.

“Miss Zhu, are you OK?” The man on the front seat asks her.

After quite a while, Zhu Ting picks herself up between the two rows of seats “in panic” and shouts in pain, covering her foot.

“I have sprained my ankle probably.”

“Are you ok?”

“Not too terrible.”

The door is opened. Zhu Ting is helped out by one guy. She notices the car head has been terribly out of shape. The airbags on the driver seat and the passenger seat popped out. But the two men are all right. One is supporting her, and the other is calling. He sounds like calling Xiao Jinchong.

Though the other vehicle didn’t hit their car, it collided with another one driving straight. Wreckages are scattered on the ground. Fortunately, no one is hurt, but the scene is in a mess.

It makes Zhu Ting scared. She never thought the person sent by Fu Zhengzheng would be so bold. In order to stop her from going to the hotel, the person took such a risk. At such a big crossing, a pileup is prone to happen.

About ten minutes later, some cars fly over from the other direction and stop near Zhu Ting. When seeing the headmost one, she is surprised and excited – it’s Tang Feng’s car. The door opens and Tang Feng gets out of the car quickly.

“Ting, how are you?” Tang Feng asks anxiously.

“Not bad. I sprained my ankle.”

Tang Feng squats down and touches her foot, “Luckily, your bone isn’t hurt. Let’s go.”

Then he lifts her transversely and leaves.

“Does it hurt?” While driving, Tang Feng asks Zhu Ting concernedly.

“Not terribly. Aren’t you supposed to be in the regular meeting?”

“Yes, but when I heard you had a car accident, I rushed here.”

“Your cellphone was switched off. Who told you?”

“My boss sent someone to the meeting place to tell me – it’s right in the hotel where my boss lives. Why do you come out so late?”

“Your boss asked me to take trousers to him.” Zhu Ting wears an injured expression, “I don’t know what he was going to do. He sent someone to take me from home. Didn’t you say your boss wouldn’t touch his buddy’s woman?”

“No wonder he didn’t attend the meeting with the excuse of being not well.” Tang Feng keeps silent for a few seconds and then says, “I haven’t done enough to you, so he doesn’t believe.”

Then he keeps silent until they arrive at home.

Tang Feng lifts Zhu Ting out of the car. Xiaohu and Xiaoma are startled to see that and go forward immediately to help him. But he pushes them away and lifts Zhu Ting to his upstairs room at one go.

He puts her on the bed and then goes to fetch medicine.

That medicine again.

When she looks at him applying it carefully, the doubt comes to her mind again.

“I once smelt the medicine.”

“I applied it to you when your ankle was sprained last time.”

Zhu Ting thinks and then says suddenly while staring at Tang Feng, “I was taken to the place where Fu Wenhai died. When I entered, I stumbled and someone steadied me. I smelt it on that person.”

Tang Feng’s hand trembles suddenly while he is applying medicine to her foot, but soon he returns to his normal expression and continues to apply medicine. Then he stops and gazes at her with hidden bitterness.

“Ting, I’m so nice to you. Why are you still keeping him in your mind? Do you live up to my deep love?”

“I’m not. I just talk about this matter to the exclusion of other things.”

Ignoring what she says, Tang Feng says overbearingly, “You’re my woman now. I don’t allow you to miss another man, even if he is dead.”

Zhu Ting knows he is trying to change the topic, so she considers how to get more information from him. Suddenly, Tang Feng curses, which startles Zhu Ting.

“Do you know why my boss is so interested in you?”

Zhu Ting shakes her head.

“Because you are the woman Fu Wenhai loved most.”

Zhu Ting is surprised and asks on purpose, “What’s the relationship between the two matters? Does your boss know Fu Wenhai?”

“My boss seeks nothing but profits and is always domineering. Three years ago, he sent Wu Zhenxing to B City to negotiate cooperation with Gu Yang and Tong Lean, but he was turned down. Afterwards, he found Fu Wenhai was the real boss of Rongsheng Group, so he came to talk with Fu Wenhai in person. They had some cooperation, but my boss didn’t profit much from Fu Wenhai and was not satisfied, so he returned to D City finally. He vowed to be revenged on Fu Wenhai.”

“Fu Wenhai was killed by your boss?”

Hearing her mention Fu Wenhai again, Tang Feng gets annoyed, “Why are you so concerned about Fu Wenhai? He is dead. What’s the use of your care about him? You should care about yourself. Fu Wenhai is dead and doesn’t exist anymore. But you are still alive as Fu Wenhai’s woman.”

Zhu Ting’s face becomes pale, “Your boss will revenge himself on me as the substitute of Fu Wenhai? But Fu Wenhai and I didn’t…”

“I know I’m your only man.” Tang Feng becomes tender and gives a satisfied smile, “Don’t worry. So long as my boss believes we’re lovers, he won’t bear any thought towards you. Do you know what my boss hopes me to do most after he knew you became my woman?”


“Fuck you.”

“You…you are freaks! Shame on you!” Zhu Ting stands up instantly.

Suddenly Tang Feng pinches her waist. Listening to her scream, he laughs loudly.

“You’re insane!” Seeing him reach out his hand again, she crosses her arms over her chest and glares at him, “What the fuck do you want to do?”

“What do you think I will fuck?” Tang Feng stresses the word “fuck” with a cheeky smile and pinches her again when she is off guard.

She screams again.

Then she recalls they did the same thing last night, so she understands why, but she still looks at Tang Feng doubtfully.

Tang Feng tidies the medical kit and goes to the bathroom.

When he comes out, he only wraps a bath towel around his waist. Small drops of water can still be seen on his body.

Zhu Ting jumps out of the bed right away.

“Where are you going?” Tang Feng stares at her.

“You sleep on the bed while I sleep on the sofa.”

“Sleep on the bed.”


“Don’t worry. I was tired last night and have no energy to do other things.” Tang Feng yawns and then lies on the bed.

Zhu Ting sits on the bed edge and sees Tang Feng fix his eyes on TV. It seems that he is really not interested in her. She feels relieved but still can’t help asking.

“Did you know long before that your boss would bear an evil thought against me after Fu Wenhai’s death?”


“You hurried me to move here and live with you, because your boss would come to B City soon?”

“I don’t want to see you in my boss’s arms. I love you so deeply.” Tang Feng moves close to her suddenly and winks affectionately.

Zhu Ting stares at his grinning face, but she doesn’t know if what he just said is true.

Tang Feng stretches himself, removes the bath towel from his waist, and exposes his underpants. Zhu Ting turns her face away immediately. Tang Feng doesn’t take it to heart. He folds the bath towel on the bedside cupboard and then lies down slowly.

When Zhu Ting looks at the bath towel neatly placed on the bedside cupboard, some pictures flash through her mind and then she has an idea…

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