Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 427 - Something Should Be Done by Men

Chapter 427 Something Should Be Done by Men

When Tang Feng takes Zhu Ting home, Fu Zhengzheng is walking up and down anxiously in the room.

Han Siqi takes her to the sofa and presses her down, “If you continue walking in this way, your son will come out.”

“Bullshit! Don’t talk nonsense!” Fu Zhengzheng touches her stomach which doesn’t bulge and casts her fierce glance at Han Siqi.

“Do you know mom’s mood affects the baby’s personality directly? Come on, drink the milk to calm yourself down.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes the milk but doesn’t drink it. Instead, she looks at him and complains, “I intended to ask Yang Tao to send someone to check rooms at the right time so that Zhu Ting could get away. But you asked Lu Song to solve it. It’s really not a good method to collide with their car. What if the car was out of control and hurt someone?”

“Don’t worry. They know how far to go and when to stop. Drink the milk. It will be cold soon.” Han Siqi doesn’t tell her Yuetian Hotel where Xiao Jinchong lives is owned by Brotherhood. If the police want to check its rooms, they need to be approved by the municipal leaders.

“Are you sure Zhu Ting isn’t hurt?” Han Siqi nods and then Fu Zhengzheng drinks the milk. But after taking a sip, she frowns, “Why is it tasteless?”

“This is pure milk.”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to return the milk to him but is stopped, “You’ve had too much sweet food recently. It’s out of limit. If you eat more, you will have diabetes before your delivery.”

“But pure milk is tasteless. I won’t drink milk anymore.”

“No, you can’t. The nutrition won’t be enough. Come on, close your eyes and drink it up at one go. It’s fast. If you don’t have enough nutrition, you will suffer.”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at the white pure milk and then looks at Han Siqi with pitiful eyes, “I don’t like milk from the beginning. I have accepted sweet milk with many efforts, but now you ask me to drink pure milk.”

“Well, I’ll add some honey into it.” Han Siqi fetches the honey jar and adds a little honey into the milk with a spoon.

“Add more!”

Han Siqi adds a little more honey.

“More!” Fu Zhengzheng demands.

Han Siqi gives the honey jar to her directly, “Drink the honey directly.”


Fu Zhengzheng reaches out her hand to take it with a grin. But Han Siqi puts the jar on the tea table, picks up the milk, stirs it, gives it to her again and threatens her, “If you don’t drink it, I will feed you.”

“Then feed me.” Fu Zhengzheng opens her mouth.

The spoon used to stir the milk is so small. If he feeds her with it, the milk will become cold soon. Then she can refuse to drink it with the excuse that the cold milk isn’t tasty.

With a cheeky grin, Han Siqi drinks the milk. Then he pinches Fu Zhengzheng’s chin suddenly and moves close to her.

Fu Zhengzheng understands his intention, but it’s late. As soon as her lips touch his, the slightly sweet milk runs into her mouth. She wants to say something, and milk runs down her throat.

Han Siqi laughs complacently, “Darling, is it more interesting to drink milk in this way?”

“Bother! Disgusting.” She licks her lips while glaring at him.

“It’s pleasant. Why do you think it’s disgusting? You will be fed in this way if you refuse to drink milk again. It’s a deal.”

Then Han Siqi plans to drink more milk. Fu Zhengzheng snatches it from him, drinks up over half a glass of milk at one go and then returns the glass to him sulkily.

“Don’t move.”

“I’ve drunk it up. What else do I have to do?”

Han Siqi moves close to her smilingly and licks the remaining milk on her lips.

Seeing him smack his lips, she asks in curiosity, “What’s its taste?”

“Milk – taste.” Han Siqi stresses “milk” deliberately.

Knowing he is teasing her, she cups his face in her hands with pretended anger and bites his lips lightly, “Now that you want to taste milk, I will…hmm…”

Her voice is swallowed by the sweet and long kiss.

Feeling Han Siqi’s hands moving around, she stops him at once.

Han Siqi also realizes his own impulse, so he loosens his hands and implores pitifully, “Darling, over a month has passed…”

“But the doctor said we couldn’t do that…”

“I will be careful, OK?” Han Siqi clings to her.

“I’m afraid you can’t refrain yourself.”

“I must.”

Though she is nervous, she doesn’t have the heart to turn him down, so she agrees at last.

“Darling, how are you feeling? Are you tired?” Han Siqi can’t help worrying after he finishes tenderly.

“I think you are tired. It seems to be harder than stealing.” Fu Zhengzheng embraces him with sympathy.

“What is the Chinese character of “man” composed of?”

“It’s composed of a ‘tian’ meaning farmland and a ‘li’ meaning strength. Why do you ask this?”

“So, when working in our own farmland, how can the man leave the work to the woman?”

“You deserve to be dead tired.”

Han Siqi laughs loudly. Then he rises and goes to the bathroom to run a hot bath. When it’s ready, he intends to lift Fu Zhengzheng there when her cellphone rings, so he takes the cellphone to her immediately.

“Zhu Ting’s message.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes the cellphone and clicks it for a look, “I’m fine. Join the opening of my store tomorrow.”

“OK.” She relies briefly.

“I told her this afternoon that I would join the opening of her store tomorrow, but she still sends a message to remind me. Has she found something important?” Fu Zhengzheng shows the message to Han Siqi.

When they communicate by message, they use brief words, for fear that others will find out. So even if Fu Zhengzheng is confused, she has to wait and ask Zhu Ting tomorrow.

“Now that she doesn’t tell you what it is, it means it’s not urgent. It’s not late for you to ask when you meet tomorrow.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods. After she puts down the cellphone, he lifts her again to have a bath.

When it’s nearly 8:00 the next day, Fu Zhengzheng and Han Siqi come to Zhu Ting’s store specializing products for moms and babies on Central Street. It’s not large, but the ambiance at the door is lively. Flower baskets are put at both sides and a long string of firecrackers are placed in the middle.

In fact, Zhu Ting and Tang Feng didn’t plan to open the store with a grand ceremony. But after his buddies in Brotherhood know the news, they come to join the fun. Pedestrians pause their feet to look, and Zhu Ting is at a loss of what to do. Luckily, Tang Feng asks some buddies to help.

Tang Feng’s man sees Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng come near and hurries to tell Tang Feng. Then Tang Feng and Zhu Ting come out to greet them.

“Mr. Han, welcome. Ting is so honored.”

“The store opens. I must come here to show my support.” Han Siqi signals to Lu Song with a smile and he puts a big flower basket outside the store.

Tang Feng moves the flower basket to the most visible place immediately.

Zhu Ting gives a paper bag to Fu Zhengzheng. She takes it and smiles, “Wow, a gift.”

Zhu Ting imitates Han Siqi’s tone, “You come to join the opening of my store. I must give you a gift.”

They laugh together.

Tang Feng looks at the time and then smiles at Zhu Ting, “Ting, I need to do something with Mr. Han. Take care of the store.”

Zhu Ting nods and then asks Fu Zhengzheng, “Sister Fu, doesn’t your cousin come with you?”

Fu Zhengzheng answers, “She says there must be many people on the opening day, so she plans to come here another day.”

Zhu Ting goes forward and holds her, “Sister Fu, all goods of the store are placed out today. Why not look at what you need to take for your cousin? It will boost my business.”

“OK, let me look first and I’ll tell her to come here tomorrow.”

Hearing that, Han Siqi tells Fu Zhengzheng something and then leaves with Tang Feng.

Fu Zhengzheng enters with Zhu Ting, picks some items and has them packed. Then she sits beside Zhu Ting at the cashier desk, takes the water given by Zhu Ting and drinks slowly.

“Why do you call me here?” Fu Zhengzheng asks Zhu Ting under her breath while pretending to drink water.

Zhu Ting pulls out a tissue, wipes sweat on her nose and answers in a low voice, “Please investigate Tang Feng’s background.”

“Investigate Tang Feng? Xiao Jinchong’s trusted subordinate and the future second in command of Brotherhood. What else do you want to…”

“I mean Tang Feng’s experience before he entered Brotherhood.”

Fu Zhengzheng feels surprised, “Wasn’t he only a nobody as a hooligan?”

“I don’t think so.”

“What are you suspecting?”

“I’m not sure and can’t guess without a basis, so please ask Captain Yang to investigate – but no matter what the result is, I hope you can keep it secret, even from Mr. Han.”

Feeing Zhu Ting speak in a serious tone, Fu Zhengzheng responds quietly and then rises.

After some polite formulas, Fu Zhengzheng leaves.

As soon as she returns home, she calls Yang Tao and tells Zhu Ting’s request to him. Though he is as doubtful as her, he says he will investigate right away.

“Zhengzheng, Siqi is close to Tang Feng recently.”

“Yes, since Tang Feng risked his life to save Siqi, Siqi has been treating him friendly. Wu Zhenxing once tried to talk with Siqi about the cooperation between Weihan and Shengtian when Tang Feng was hospitalized, but he was turned down immediately by Siqi.”

“I heard of it. It’s said that because of it, Tang Feng enjoys higher prestige in Brotherhood and Xiao Jinchong has a higher opinion of him. But please warn Siqi that Tang Feng is a member of Brotherhood after all.”

“I have warned him long before, but he doesn’t listen to me. He says he and Tang Feng are just business partners and do legal business.” Fu Zhengzheng says with a wry smile.

“Once Tang Feng left the hospital, he was engaged in the cooperation with Weihan. We haven’t found anything improper yet. If it goes in this way, it doesn’t matter. But we still think it won’t keep going in this way, because Xiao Jinchong has come to B City.”

“I will keep a close watch on the development between them.”

“Ask Zhu Ting to pay more attention to what Xiao Jinchong and Tang Feng do– tell her to be careful.”

“I know.”

“The solution was risky last night, but we should be grateful to Siqi anyway.”

“Grateful? A serious accident was almost caused. I intended to call you and ask you to send some policemen to check the hotel rooms, but Siqi stopped me. Luckily…”

“I don’t have the right to check the hotel. A search warrant issued by the chief is needed at least. I guess Siqi must have known it, so he figured out such a solution. You can’t blame him for it.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng realizes she blamed Siqi wrongly.

“OK, I will send someone to investigate Tang Feng. I will call you if I get information.” Yang Tao hangs up the phone.

Fu Zhengzheng puts down her cellphone and sees the items for moms and babies taken from Zhu Ting’s store. Then she stands up and takes them to Zhu Linglong.

Zhu Linglong is bored at home alone. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng come, Zhu Linglong chats a lot with her. After she has dinner at Zhu Linglong’s house, it’s past 9:00 p.m., but Han Siqi hasn’t called her. Fu Zhengzheng feels strange. Out of Zhu Linglong’s house, she receives Yang Tao’s call. No special experience of Tang Feng has been found. Just like their previous investigation, he was a hooligan with no parents before entering Brotherhood.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t understand why Zhu Ting asks her to investigate Tang Feng. While walking, she decides to go to Zhu Ting’s store tomorrow with an excuse to tell her the result. At this moment, she sees Zhu Ting coming to her suddenly. She is excited and ready to go to her quickly. However, two men emerge suddenly. One presses a knife against Zhu Ting’s back while the other goes forward and covers her mouth…

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