Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 428 - The Girl is Pretty

Chapter 428 The Girl is Pretty

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked and plans to rush over to save Zhu Ting, but she is stopped by someone. Looking back, she sees Lu Song.

Lu Song signs her to be silent, draws her under a landscape tree and signals her to watch what’s going on ahead.

Fu Zhengzheng looks suspiciously only to find Zhu Ting’s cellphone has been taken away by the two men and she is pushed into the car. Then the car leaves immediately.

Lu Song still holds Fu Zhengzheng and signals her not to move.

After about ten seconds, another car stopping by the roadside is started and runs after the first one. Then Lu Song loosens his hand and takes out his cellphone to call. Perhaps he is arranging someone to follow that car which Zhu Ting is kept in.

Fu Zhengzheng turns around and looks to the direction of the two cars. She also takes out her cellphone to call Yang Tao and tells it to him briefly.

“Someone has reported it to me. It’s easy for Zhu Ting to fight with two men, right?” Yang Tao asks at once.

“Yes, she didn’t fight back, perhaps because she was afraid to expose her Kung Fu. She probably knows who kidnaps her.”

“Now Brotherhood is controlling the underworld of B City. Tang Feng is Xiao Jinchong’s trusted subordinate. When Brotherhood members welcomed Xiao Jinchong, Tang Feng took Zhu Ting with him publicly. No one dares to kidnap his woman before thinking twice, unless…”

“Unless Xiao Jinchong still bears an evil intention against Zhu Ting. But as the boss, he is loyal to buddies and won’t destroy his relationship with his buddy for a woman. Let alone he still relies on Tang Feng to negotiate business with Weihan. In this case, only one person is the most suspected. That is Wu Zhenxing, who is least willing to see Tang Feng become the second in command of Brotherhood.”

“Your analysis is reasonable. I’ll do more investigation. Be careful.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and gets into the car with Lu Song. After thinking, she tries to call Zhu Ting. Sure enough, her cellphone has been switched off. Then she calls Han Siqi without hesitation.

Once the call is answered, she hears a noise on the phone and can’t help frowning, “Siqi, where are you?”

“I’m in Glamour Restaurant.” He seems to lower his voice.

“Who do you stay with?”

“Mr. Tang. We’ve finished a business, so we come out for a celebration. I’ll go back soon.”

“You stay with Mr. Tang? Then tell him that your cousin likes the present from Zhu Ting and asks me to send her gratitude. But I can’t get through to Zhu Ting.”

“You can’t get through to her?” Han Siqi digests these words. He says “Got it” and then hangs up the phone in a hurry.

Fu Zhengzheng knows Han Siqi must have taken the hint. She prays in her heart that Tang Feng will realize something has happened to Zhu Ting and go to save her quickly.

After she puts down her cellphone, Lu Song asks, “Madam, shall we tell Tang Feng the position we track?”

“We can’t be involved in it. Watch it and then let’s see what we shall do.”

Lu Song nods and parks the car in her yard.

Fu Zhengzheng praises him after getting out of the car, “You were so smart and could find it wrong immediately.”

Lu Song is embarrassed, “I kept guarding there this afternoon and saw them act furtively. I thought they came for you, so I paid special attention to them. Unexpectedly their target was Miss Zhu.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng recollects she stayed for a long time at Zhu Linglong’s home and forgot that Lu Song was protecting her secretly, so she asks at once, “You haven’t had dinner, right?”

“Thank you for your caring. I will have dinner later.”

“Go ahead.”

Fu Zhengzheng enters the house quickly.

Once she goes inside, her cellphone rings. Seeing it’s from Han Siqi, she answers it immediately.

“Zhu Ting is missing?”

Hearing Han Siqi ask it, she guesses he has come out, so she tells him the truth, “Yes. When I came out of Linglong’s house, I saw her kidnapped into a car by two men. Has Tang Feng known it?”

“He couldn’t get through to Zhu Ting and has sent some guys to look for her.”

“Lu Song knows where Zhu Ting is shut away. How can we tell it to Tang Feng?”

Han Siqi keeps silent for a while and then says, “Leave it to me. Have you got home?”

“Yes. Lu Song drove me home.”

“OK. I will get home soon. Stay at home.”

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and can’t help calling Lu Song, “Keep a close watch. Before Tang Feng’s men arrive, play to the score if Zhu Ting is in danger.”

“Got it.”

Fu Zhengzheng puts the cellphone aside, ponders what happened to Zhu Ting and feels worried about her.

Zhu Ting is in the car with her eyes covered. After running for over twenty minutes, the car stops. Then she gets out of the car and is taken to somewhere.

It’s quiet around and she can’t hear any sound. Thus, she can’t guess where it is. She is only sure that she was taken here by two men.

A man pushes her down. She finds herself on a soft bed and wiggles her body to protest in panic.

“Wow, the girl is pretty. We’re so lucky.” A man says in a lecherous voice.

“What do you want to do?!” Zhu Ting shouts in “panic”.

“What do we want to do? Of course, we’ll do the most pleasant thing for men and women.”

After a man says, the other adds, “Pretty girl, do you like a tender man or a rough one?”

“Women always say shyly that they like tender men. But they earnestly wish men are rough on the bed. Otherwise, how can they enjoy themselves to the full? Hey, man, do you think so?”

“Yes, you’re right. Let’s fuck together.”

The two men grin hideously together.

Feeling the mattress sink, Zhu Ting knows they have gone to the bed and screams in “terror”, “Don’t come here! I’m Tang Feng’s woman. He is a member of Brotherhood. If you dare to do anything to me, Tang Feng and Brotherhood won’t let you off!”

“If I can fuck a pretty girl, I’m willing to die. Man, you’re in front and I’m behind her. Let’s fuck together!”

Then they throw themselves on Zhu Ting. She is “panic-stricken” but doesn’t untie the rope around her hands. She just kicks crazily while shouting for help.

“Tang Feng – Tang Feng – help!” Zhu Ting cries.

At this moment, it becomes noisy outside and the two men stop immediately. Zhu Ting continues shouting Tang Feng.

“Ting! Don’t be afraid. I’m here.” It’s Tang Feng’s familiar voice. He comforts her while untying the rope around her hands.

Her hands are untied. She takes off what covers her eyes immediately and peeps around when she looks at Tang Feng. The room is big and there are many other people in it, including Xiao Jinchong. He is sitting at a nearby desk. She doesn’t dare to look more. Pretending that she just sees Tang Feng clearly, she embraces Tang Feng and wails.

“They want…want…If you came late, I might be…” Zhu Ting sobs too bitterly to speak.

Tang Feng embraces her tightly and soothes her, “It’s all right. I’m here. Everything is fine.”

After Zhu Ting becomes calmer, he pushes her away lightly, wraps her with a sheet, goes to Xiao Jinchong with her in his arms and looks at Xiao Jinchong with a livid expression.

“Boss, since I joined Brotherhood over one year ago, did I do anything disloyal to Brotherhood?”

Xiao Jinchong didn’t expect such a question apparently. He keeps silent for a while and then responds, “No.”

“If you think I’m not capable and haven’t made a great contribution to Brotherhood, and that Brotherhood can’t accept me, you can tell me directly. I will go away with my woman right now.” Then Tang Feng is ready to go out with Zhu Ting.

“Brother Feng!” Tang Feng’s men call him anxiously.

Xiao Jinchong stands up to block his way and says with a dry smile, “Why are you so furious? Your woman isn’t hurt, right? They just want to joke with her to test if she is qualified to be your woman.”

“This joke isn’t fun at all. Boss, I know someone talks trash in front of you and you do it because you care about me and are afraid that I will be fooled. But now you see Ting is a weak woman. She is my woman. Your harm to her is the same as to me.” Then Tang Feng glances at scared Zhu Ting with a broken heart and holds her closer to him.

Xiao Jinchong goes forward and pats Tang Feng’s shoulder, “No one harms her. You think too much. OK, take your woman back to soothe her. That’s it.”

But Tang Feng refuses to leave and adds in a deep voice, “Boss, I have followed you so long. You should know that I’m persistent. So long as I decide to do something, I will be dead set on it. That’s how I treat both you and Ting. You are the only boss that I will respect this life. All I have now is owed to you. So long as you request, I dare to take any risk. Ting is the only woman that I love. I will also try my best to protect her and give her the life she wants. I can give up anything for her. Boss, I hope you can understand me.”

“Yes, I understand.” Xiao Jinchong understands Tang Feng’s implication. He smiles drily to hide his embarrassment and winks at the two persons behind Tang Feng, “Come to apologize to Mrs. Tang right now.”

The two men kidnapping Zhu Ting here bend over and apologize immediately, “Brother Feng, sorry. Sister-in-law, sorry.”

Xiao Jinchong clears his throat, looks around stately and then says slowly, “From now on, Tang Feng is the second in command of Brotherhood and Zhu Ting is his woman. You must respect them in the same way as you respect me. Do you hear me?”

“Yes!” They respond simultaneously.

Xiao Jinchong turns around to look at Tang Feng with a tenderer expression, “Are you satisfied now?”

“Thank you, boss. I will work harder for Brotherhood.”

Xiao Jinchong nods contentedly. Then he glances at Zhu Ting and waves at him, “It’s getting late. Take her back now.”

Tang Feng nods and then takes Zhu Ting out.

They return to Tang Feng’s house in Splendid Oriental Castle soon. After entering the room, Tang Feng holds Zhu Ting suddenly, presses her against the door and tears the sheet around her…

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