Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 429 - Win the Bet

Chapter 429 Win the Bet

Zhu Ting is startled and props her hands against Tang Feng’s chest instantly, “What…what do you want to do?”

“Did you get hurt?” Tang Feng asks while lifting her clothes to check.

“No.” Zhu Ting pushes away his hands and tries to adjust her torn clothes.

Tang Feng loosens his hands and says seriously, “If I had arrived late, what would have happened?”

“Perhaps the consequence would have been terrible.”

“Don’t go out of Xiaohu’s vision, understand?”

“Oh.” Zhu Ting thinks and then can’t help asking, “They took me there because I was intimate with Fu Wenhai?”

“You were intimate with Fu Wenhai?”

Zhu Ting is embarrassed and corrects herself at once, “I mean they think I was intimate with Fu Wenhai and was his woman?”

Tang Feng stares at her for quite a while and then says, “My boss has a very suspicious mind. Maybe because you are in close contact with Mrs. Han, he becomes suspicious.”

Sure enough the old fox Xiao Jinchong is suspecting her as she expects! Luckily, she was smart and didn’t show her Kung Fu before them, or it would be difficult to explain it to Xiao Jinchong.

“Sister Fu and I? Your boss suspects I am also a police officer?” Zhu Ting feigns ignorance, “You’re close to Mr. Han. Why doesn’t he suspect you?”

“He may suspect me as well. OK, it’s over. Don’t take it to heart. Take a bath and change your clothes.”

“He suspects you too? He suspects you are a policeman?” Zhu Ting feels her heart beating fast. She manages to calm down and waits for Tang Feng’s answer.

Tang Feng cranes his neck, hooks her chin frivolously and whistles, “Do I look like a policeman?”

Zhu Ting’s heart cools soon. She pushes him away, picks up her pajamas and enters the bathroom. She doesn’t dare to show her fear after the event until she closes the door.

When the two guys emerged and pressed a knife against her, she didn’t resist and wanted to see what they were going to do. But she felt them pause and exchange their glances. She became alert and suspected they were sent by Xiao Jinchong to test her, because Xiao Jinchong asked something about Fu Zhengzheng in her store yesterday.

Therefore, she decided to bet and was kidnapped into the car by them.

She knew it would take Xiaohu five minutes at most to finish cleaning the store. It wouldn’t take him over twenty minutes to return to the villa. If he found she was not at home, he was sure to tell Tang Feng. If Tang Feng couldn’t get through to her, he would try his best to look for her. Splendid Oriental Castle is affiliated with Weihan. It’s not difficult for Tang Feng to check the surveillance video of the community. It won’t be a problem to find her whereabouts.

When entering the room with the two guys, she felt someone else inside it and guessed the person was Xiao Jinchong, so she didn’t take any action, wanting to see what he would do. But she didn’t expect there would be so many people.

But actually, if Tang Feng had arrived later and the two guys went too far, she didn’t know what she would do next.

It’s too risky today. Though she has won the bet, she still feels scared.

She doesn’t know if Tang Feng’s reaction today can dispel Xiao Jinchong’s suspicion of her.

After she takes a bath and opens the door, she sees Tang Feng leaning against the door frame and smoking. The choking smoke makes Zhu Ting frown. She fans it with her hand and walks through it.

“Get up early tomorrow. Learn Kung Fu from me.”

“Learn Kung Fu?” Zhu Ting stares at him confusedly.

“As my woman, you must be able to protect yourself.” Then Tang Feng enters the bathroom.

Zhu Ting looks at the fading figure reflected on the bathroom door with puzzled eyes.

When it’s nearly lunchtime the next day, Xiaohu goes out to buy food. Zhu Ting is in the store and going to fold some clothes. Fu Zhengzheng and Zhu Linglong come in. She goes over to welcome them.

“Zhu Ting, my cousin thinks your gift quite good, so we come here to shop.”

“Welcome.” Zhu Ting ushers them inside and introduces briefly to Zhu Linglong, “Necessities for pregnant women are here while babies’ things are there.”

Zhu Linglong waves, “I’ll look around by myself.”

Zhu Ting nods and smiles at Fu Zhengzheng, “You come here at a good time. If you came earlier, there were many customers. It’s not convenient for two pregnant women to move around.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “We choose the time specially.”

Glimpsing on the edge of her vision and finding there is no one else, Fu Zhengzheng asks Zhu Ting in a low voice, “Were you all right last night?”

Zhu Ting replies quietly, “Don’t worry. A false alarm. Xiao Jinchong tested me intentionally because he saw us in contact.”

“Oh?” Fu Zhengzheng is surprised, “Does he suspect your identity?”

“Maybe not. Xiao Jinchong has a seriously suspicious mind and likes to look at anything with suspicious eyes. It’s not bad. After the event, he won’t suspect me anymore.”

“That’s good. You asked me to investigate Tang Feng, but nothing special has been found. The investigation result is the same as what we know. Have you found anything abnormal?”

“No, I just want to know about Tang Feng’s experience so that I can be clearer about the way he acts.” Zhu Ting doesn’t tell the truth.

“Really?” Fu Zhengzheng asks suspiciously.

Zhu Ting nods. Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t keep asking and says as if deep in thought, “It seems that we should be more careful when we contact later.”

“Zhengzheng, I’ll take these.” Zhu Linglong points to the items in the basket.

“OK, I’ll pack them for you.” Zhu Ting packs them smilingly.

“Thanks.” Zhu Linglong used to have a bad impression of Zhu Ting. But because of Fu Zhengzheng’s mediation, she has a better impression of Zhu Ting now, so her tone is more friendly.

Zhu Ting looks at the big bag of items, weighs it in her hand and then puts it aside, “It’s very heavy. Please leave your address. I’ll ask someone to take it to you.”

Zhu Linglong thinks it a bother to Zhu Ting, “Don’t bother. I will ask a waiter from Tian Xin’s restaurant to carry it.”

“It’s no bother. I’m grateful to you for shopping in my store.” Then Xiaohu enters with two bags. Zhu Ting calls him over at once, “Have your lunch later. Take these things to Miss Zhu’s house first.”

“Thank you.” Zhu Linglong accepts the favor and tells Xiaohu her address, because she can’t carry the big bag indeed.

After Fu Zhengzheng comes out of Zhu Ting’s store with Zhu Linglong, she receives Yang Tao’s call soon. He tells her that Shengtian Trading Company shipped a batch of building materials for Weihan yesterday and Weihan has signed for it.

“Have you found anything wrong?” This is what she is most concerned about.

“Not yet. But Weihan is a large taxpayer of B City. Their goods usually go through the green channel, so I don’t dare to alarm them. Nothing wrong has been found in the routine check by relevant departments. So, I hope you can go to Siqi’s company to see if there is anything unusual.”

“OK, I’ll do it right now.”

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, says goodbye to Zhu Linglong and then takes a taxi to go directly to Weihan Building for Han Siqi.

After seeing Han Siqi, she has a small talk with him and then asks indirectly about the building materials shipped to Weihan by Shengtian Trading Company.

Han Siqi doesn’t think too much and answers what she asks.

“Weihan used to cooperate with Fu Wenhai for most building materials. Now Wenhai Building Materials has been bankrupt. Tang Feng appears in time and takes over the cooperation. The price is low.”

Fu Zhengzheng asks deliberately, “I always think Tang Feng has evil intentions. He charges you a low price for the building materials. Is there a problem?”

“Are you afraid that the building materials he supplies are of poor quality?”

“I’m afraid that the building materials he supplies have an improper source.”

“Don’t worry. We go through the proper channel.”

“If the source is proper, the quality may have problems. One of them must be problematic.” Fu Zhengzheng still feels uneasy.

Han Siqi thinks, takes her hand and stands up, “Now that you are worried, let me take you to the warehouse to check. Most of the goods are still kept wholly intact in the warehouse.”

They drive to the warehouse in the fourth phase of Handa City. Fu Zhengzheng looks around inside it and checks shipping lists as if she knows a lot about it. But she doesn’t find any problem.

“Darling, are you relieved now?”

Fu Zhengzheng shrugs.

“I will receive other goods sent by Shengtian in the following days. Do you have any objection?”

Hearing Han Siqi’s tease, Fu Zhengzheng curls her lips and doesn’t say anything.

After returning home, she calls Yang Tao and tells what she knows to Yang Tao.

“Siqi said Shengtian would deliver more goods recently. Will the following goods have problems?”

Yang Tao doesn’t answer. He just says “Got it” and then hangs up the phone.

In the next five or six days, Han Siqi seems to be busier and often leaves home early. Fu Zhengzheng asks what he is busy with, and he only replies that he is busy with the company’s development. She isn’t well recently and doesn’t go out. Zhu Ting doesn’t contact her frequently. Because Xiao Jinchong was suspicious before, she doesn’t go to see Zhu Ting actively.

When she is walking in the yard in the morning, Chen Qiaolan runs in hurriedly.

Finding that Chen Qiaolan looks abnormal, Fu Zhengzheng runs over, holds her and asks, “Aunt Chen, what’s up?”

“Zhengzheng, please help Xiaoxiang.” Chen Qiaolan chokes with sob.

“What’s wrong with Xiaoxiang? Aunt Chen, sit down and tell me slowly.” Fu Zhengzheng takes Chen Qiaolan to sit down on a bench at a corner of the yard.

“Xiaoxiang is addicted to drugs.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, “Addicted to drugs? When?”

Chen Qiaolan wipes tears and nods, “After she left Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, I thought she would go back to the countryside with her parents. Unexpectedly, she came back after only a few days and hung around with some hooligans. It’s unknown when she was addicted to drugs. Her family wanted to take her to the drug rehabilitation center with force, but she escaped. Now we don’t know where she is. We’re afraid she will do evil if she doesn’t have money to take drugs, so I want to ask you and Siqi for help. Please look for her.”

“Aunt Chen, calm down, I will send someone to look for her right now.” Fu Zhengzheng calls Lu Song at once, tells him the situation of Xiaoxiang and asks him to look for her.

Chen Qiaolan heaves a long sigh worriedly, “Zhengzheng, in order to find Xiaoxiang, I asked her old friends with her parents in the past days. We didn’t get her whereabouts but found many of them were addicted to drugs. It’s said that some even traffic in drugs because they have no money to take drugs. Then they buy drugs with the money they earned from drug trafficking. They destroy both themselves and others. How can they be stopped?”

Buy drugs with the money earned from drug trafficking?

Suddenly Fu Zhengzheng feels it a serious problem. She soothes Chen Qiaolan and sees her off. Then she calls Yang Tao and tells it to him. Unexpectedly, he tells her a piece of more astonishing news…

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