Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 430 - A New Problem

Chapter 430 A New Problem

The number of drug addicts increases sharply in B City recently!

“Why? Drug enforcement is well done, isn’t it?” She is confused.

“Accurately speaking, a surprising number of drugs have flown into this city secretly. There are more drug addicts and traffickers. So are the criminal cases. The social security is seriously disturbed. The real source of drugs hasn’t been found. It’s under investigation.”

Xiao Jinchong’s fat face flashes through Fu Zhengzheng’s mind immediately, “It must be related to Brotherhood.”

“It’s sure. Perhaps they want to develop a new drug trafficking market in this city to make huge profits. But we have no evidences. We once suspected…”

Yang Tao pauses and Fu Zhengzheng seems to understand, “It’s related to Shengtian Trading Company? Weihan?”

“We did suspect it’s related to the cooperation between Shengtian and Weihan. We secretly checked the goods shipped for Weihan by Shengtian Company for the first time, but we didn’t find any problem. They cooperated again after Tang Feng left hospital. Only after such a short time, drugs are not supposed to be so rampant. It may have another reason. We’re keeping a close watch on Brotherhood to see if we can find any problem.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng sighs with relief secretly. After all, it’s illegal. Even if Han Siqi is utilized, he can’t disassociate himself from it.

“Tomorrow night, Shengtian Company will ship another batch of goods to this city for Weihan. Generally, they ship the goods into the warehouse of Shengtian Company and then carry them to the place designated by Weihan the next day. Recently, the dock and warehouse of Shengtian Trading Company are guarded by more people. Let’s see if we can send someone to enter and check.”

“Can’t we ask the relevant departments to check more carefully?”

“The relevant departments just go through the motions, because they believe Weihan and don’t want to bring trouble to it. We don’t trust their inspection. We went to check secretly last time but was found. It was reported to the superior. Because we didn’t find any problem, Menghuai and I were scolded. I think it will be difficult to check again. If we can’t slip into it, we have to ask Zhu Ting for help.”

“Oh, I see.”

After hanging up the phone, she ponders for a while. Then she returns to the room, changes her clothes, takes out a bag from the cupboard and leaves home. She comes to Zhu Ting’s store on Central Street.

It’s 11:00 a.m. Only one customer is watching the goods on the counter. Xiaohu is sitting at the door and eating a watermelon.

“Hi, Sister Fu, welcome.” Zhu Ting sees Fu Zhengzheng immediately and goes fast to greet her.

Fu Zhengzheng raises the bag in her hand, “The maternity dress my cousin bought here is small. She asks me to change it into a bigger one.”

Zhu Ting takes the bag, opens it and has a look. She exchanges it immediately.

Glimpsing the customer walk out, Fu Zhengzheng whispers to Zhu Ting, “Recently, the number of drug addicts and traffickers is increasing sharply. Yang Tao suspects Brotherhood wants to develop a new drug trafficking market in this city. But it’s not found how drugs flow into the city. I suspect it’s related to the trade relation between Shengtian and Weihan. Another batch of goods of Weihan will be shipped in tomorrow evening. I hope you can find a chance to slip into the warehouse of Shengtian Company for a look.”

Zhu Ting stares at her and asks, “You suspect they smuggle drugs when shipping Weihan’s goods?”

Fu Zhengzheng nods, “The relevant departments usually provide a green channel for Weihan’s goods. When checking the goods, they just go through the motions. I’m afraid it’s abused by someone with ulterior motives.”

“I know what to do.”

Seeing someone else enter, Fu Zhengzheng picks up the bag packed by Zhu Ting and goes out.

Zhu Ting is thinking about what Fu Zhengzheng said when Tang Feng calls her. He says they will have dinner together and asks what she wants to eat. On a sudden inspiration, she says she is tired today and doesn’t want to go out. She suggests they eat out tomorrow evening. Tang Feng agrees at once. She begins to make a plan in the heart.

After coming out of Zhu Ting’s store, Fu Zhengzheng goes to Tian Xin’s restaurant to eat something and has a long talk with her in the office. She doesn’t leave until past 3:00 p.m. Then she comes to Lin Xiaoyue’s home.

After Tian Xin goes back to work, Lin Xiaoyue doesn’t work in the restaurant any longer. Hurried by her mother, she begins to decorate the new house of her brother. When Fu Zhengzheng arrives at her home, she hasn’t come back. Only Mrs. Lin is at home.

Mrs. Lin hasn’t seen Fu Zhengzheng for a long time. She holds Fu Zhengzheng’s hands happily and asks many questions. She also invites Fu Zhengzheng to stay for dinner.

Fu Zhengzheng accepts her invitation and goes to the supermarket with Mrs. Lin to buy vegetables. Mrs. Lin calls Yang Tao and Lin Xiaoyue. They say they will come back early.

After helping Mrs. Lin trim vegetables, Fu Zhengzheng thinks and calls Han Siqi to have dinner here. But he says he is busy and tells her to call Lu Song to pick her up after dinner. It makes her down.

He didn’t use to ignore her no matter how busy he was. Because she is worried about his cooperation with Shengtian, she feels more and more anxious.

At 6:00, Yang Tao and Lin Xiaoyue come back together. Lin Xiaoyue goes to help her mother immediately. After Yang Tao sits down, Fu Zhengzheng can’t wait to ask him about the of drug abuse and trafficking in the city.

Yang Tao tells her what he knows in detail.

At last, he adds, “Now the drug rehabilitation center of the city is crowded. Lots of drug traffickers have been arrested, but drug addicts and traffickers still emerge in an endless stream.”

“The city seems to be less and less peaceful.” Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “But I think it’s useless to arrest drug traffickers. It can’t eradicate the problem. It’s essential to find the source of drugs and eliminate it.”

“I know, but the drug traffickers we have arrested are only the nobodies that are addicted to drugs and want to buy drugs through drug trafficking. We have no clues.”

“It seems that the chief criminal behind the scenes has been fully prepared long ago. These people are just scapegoats. Perhaps, a large sum of money has flown to the chief criminal behind the scenes.”

Yang Tao nods, “Xiaoyue’s mom insists calling me back for dinner, or how can I have the leisure to sit here? I’m too busy to sit down for a while.”

Fu Zhengzheng laughs, “It seems that my baby cares about me and comes at this time, or I will be as busy as you.”

Yang Tao teases smilingly, “You’re not a member of our vice squad. You are a police officer responsible for household registration at most.”

Fu Zhengzheng scratches her head, “You’re right. I have just been off for a few days, but I forget my position. Is it the so-called baby brain?”

“Do you think you were very smart before?”

“I was only a little smarter than you.”

Then they both laugh.

Lin Xiaoyue comes out with a dish. She puts it down, runs over and asks curiously, “What are you talking about? You laugh so happily.”

Fu Zhengzheng says on purpose, “Yang Tao hears “baby brain”, so he is worried about you. He says you are not smart by nature. If you are pregnant, you will become a fool.”

Lin Xiaoyue pouts and glares at Yang Tao, “If I become a fool, you will be an idiot.”

Yang Tao grins embarrassedly, and Fu Zhengzheng rolls on the sofa while laughing.

Lin Xiaoyue seems to realize she is tricked, so she flushes and snorts at Fu Zhengzheng, “Sister Zhengzheng, I didn’t think you would become so naughty and make fun of me in a roundabout way.”

“Your husband made fun of me first. He is to blame.”

Hearing the word “husband”, Lin Xiaoyue becomes shy. She makes a face and then runs into the kitchen.

Yang Tao criticizes her smilingly, “Bad girl, when did you become so vengeful? By the way, when will Siqi arrive here?”

“He is busy in the company and won’t come here. He told us to enjoy ourselves.”

Hearing that, Yang Tao doesn’t ask anything. Soon, Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue come out with dishes. Four people sit at the table and have a happy dinner.

As soon as they finish the dinner, Lu Song calls her and says he is waiting under Lin Xiaoyue’s house.

After a small chat with Mrs. Lin and Lin Xiaoyue, Fu Zhengzheng goes downstairs and gets into Lu Song’s car.

“Madam, Chen Xiaoxiang has been found. She is trafficking drugs too.”

“Traffic drugs?” Though surprised, she doesn’t think it unexpected. While she is thinking about how to help Chen Xiaoxiang, Lu Song continues to say.

“Without money to buy drugs, she has to get drugs through trafficking. But I have asked someone to take her to the drug rehabilitation center with force. According to the doctor of the center, her drug addiction isn’t serious. Her drug rehabilitation may be not difficult. If she can realize it’s wrong and cooperate with the police investigation, it won’t be a big problem.”

“It’s up to her own decision finally. We can only give her so much help. Has Siqi gone back?”

“Mr. Han said he had a social activity and would go back late.”

“Why does he have so many social activities recently?” Fu Zhengzheng becomes upset. He has a social activity outside every day these days. She hates the alcohol smell most.

“Perhaps the company is developing a new business recently. Mr. Han can’t turn down some social activities.” Lu Song doesn’t dare to say more, but he still can’t help defending Han Siqi.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more, because she knows it’s useless to talk about it with Lu Song.

After she gets home and washes herself, it’s already 10:00 p.m. She tries to call Han Siqi but is not answered. It makes her unhappy.

Han Siqi doesn’t go home with alcohol smell until midnight. He doesn’t wash his face and lies on the bed straight, startling Fu Zhengzheng who has nearly fallen asleep. The sickening alcohol smell makes her angry.

“Why did you drink again? Go to wash.” She wants to pull him up.

But Han Siqi throws off her hands, “Let me lie. I’m dizzy.”

Fu Zhengzheng fetches a wet towel and wipes his face while complaining, “Why did you drink so much? Who did you drink with?”

“In a social activity, drinking is inevitable. I’m thirsty. Give me water.”

Finding Han Siqi doesn’t answer her question directly, she has guessed who he drank with. She curls her lips and then goes to pour water.

At this moment, Han Siqi’s cellphone rings. When she turns around, he has picked up the cellphone and gone to the balcony to answer the call.

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