Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 432 - A Dinner of White Vengeance?

Chapter 432 A Dinner of White Vengeance?

She is astonished. Then she moves quickly to one side of the French window and cranes her neck to peep, while holding the cellphone and being ready to call for help.

At this moment, a person reaches out hands to her through the French window. She is startled. She peers carefully and finds the person is Chen Qiaolan who is cleaning the glass.

Seeing her, Chen Qiaolan gesticulates immediately. She can’t hear clearly and walks to the gate quickly. As soon as she gets to the gate, it’s opened by Chen Qiaolan.

“Zhengzheng, it’s so hot. Why did you stand outside?”

“I didn’t expect there would be someone at home.” Fu Zhengzheng scratches her head embarrassedly.

Chen Qiaolan realizes the reason and laughs, “Did you think a thief broke in?”

Fu Zhengzheng grins.

“Splendid Oriental Castle has good security and thieves can’t enter.” Chen Qiaolan brings a bowl of cool soup with tremella and lotus nuts to Fu Zhengzheng. “Thanks for what you’ve done for Xiaoxiang.”

“You’ve known it?” Fu Zhengzheng takes the soup.

Chen Qiaolan nods, “We went to the drug rehabilitation center to see her. The doctor said she wasn’t heavily addicted to drugs and could cut it out soon so long as she was cooperative.”

“That’s good.” Fu Zhengzheng walks towards the dining room.

“Hey, do you want to put it into the fridge to cool it?”

“Yes, it’s so hot. It’s more comfortable to drink cold soup with lotus nuts.”

“No. Madam has said specially that you can’t drink the cold soup with lotus nuts.” Chen Qiaolan runs over quickly to block her way, “You’re pregnant and can’t eat cold food, or the baby’s hands will shiver after it’s born.”

“Is that true?”

“Yes. People in my hometown also believe it. Madam forgot to tell you, so she asked me to tell you that summer was coming and please refrain from eating iced food.”

“OK, I’ll refrain.” Fu Zhengzheng walks back to the sitting room with the soup.

“Madam also hopes you can eat out less frequently, because the outside food isn’t clean. Now it’s the special period, so please be cautious about food.”

“Oh, got it.”

At this moment, her cellphone rings. Seeing the call is from Han Siqi, she answers it immediately.

“Zhengzheng, eat out with me tonight.”

“Eat out? Who will we have dinner with?”

“A client.”

“Sorry. Mom just asked Aunt Chen to tell me not to eat out, because the outside food is not clean.”

“Tang Feng invites us to dinner. Xiao Jinchong and Zhu Ting will go, too.”

Fu Zhengzheng changes her mind instantly, “Now that Tang Feng invites us, I will go.”

“I’ll ask Lu Song to pick you up at dusk.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone and begins to drink the soup in a daze, considering how to help Zhu Ting creep into the warehouse of Shengtian Company tonight.

At 6:00 p.m., Fu Zhengzheng comes to Royal Hotel in Lu Song’s car. Han Siqi has arrived and is waiting for her at the gate.

She holds Han Siqi’s arm and can’t help asking in a low voice, “Who treats us to dinner actually, Tang Feng or Xiao Jinchong?”

“Xiao Jinchong asks Tang Feng to arrange the dinner. Perhaps he wants to take advantage of the chance to meet me.”

“Shengtian Trading Company is managed by Tang Feng. He negotiates with you about business. Xiao Jinchong isn’t in charge. Does he need to be involved in it?”

“Maybe they have their own thoughts.”

“If they want to negotiate about business, it’s enough to treat you to dinner. Why do they invite me? Is it because…”

Han Siqi pauses his steps, “What?”

“Do you still remember that Zhu Ting was kidnapped to Yuetian Hotel by Xiao Jinchong’s men? Do you know why?”

“Xiao Jinchong is lecherous and Zhu Ting is pretty.”

“It’s the superficial reason. In fact, Xiao Jinchong has a very suspicious mind. He once saw me in Zhu Ting’s store and connected her with my job.”

Han Siqi’s face changes, “Did he suspect Zhu Ting’s identity?”

“Yes. Luckily, Zhu Ting was smart and solved the crisis.”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You’re always busy with business and engaged in social activities. Do you have free time to listen to that?”

Han Siqi’s mouth corners twitch. Then he changes the topic, “Do you think Tang Feng invites us to dinner with Zhu Ting because of Xiao Jinchong’s ulterior motive?”

“If it’s not for business, he might have such an intention. Anyway, we should be cautious.”

“Don’t worry. I’m here.” Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng’s hand and walks to the private room booked by Tang Feng.

Entering the private room, Fu Zhengzheng finds several people are inside it. Seeing her and Han Siqi come in, they all stand up.

She recognizes Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing immediately.

Seeing them enter, Tang Feng points to the left and introduces immediately, “Mr. Han, this is my boss. Boss, they are Mr. Han and his wife.”

Xiao Jinchong walks over smilingly and shakes hands with Han Siqi, “I have long heard that Mr. Han is charming, young and promising and Mrs. Han is indescribably pretty and heroic. Now I see you and find you are equal to the reputations!”

Han Siqi laughs and says, “I’m flattered. In fact, Boss Xiao’s reputation is like thunder piercing the ear. When you are mentioned, who of the circle won’t give a thumbs-up?”

Tang Feng interrupts while laughing, “Now that Mr. Han and my boss regret not to have known each other before, why not enjoy our drinking? You’ll be friends from now on.”

Xiao Jinchong laughs and says immediately, “Of course.”

Han Siqi glances at Fu Zhengzheng and declines smilingly, “Sorry, but I’m afraid we have to drink another day. My wife is pregnant and can’t move around conveniently, so I have to look after her. Boss Xiao, please forgive me.”

Tang Feng interrupts again, “Boss, Mrs. Han seldom comes out for a social activity. I can’t invite her out usually.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng says smilingly, “Mr. Tang, it sounds as if we hadn’t had dinner together before.”

“Thanks to my Ting’s great honor.”

Zhu Ting is standing aside. Meeting Wu Zhenxing’s eyes, she says smilingly too, “When you guys have dinner together, you keep talking about business. Women are not interested in it.”

Tang Feng waves, “Then we won’t talk about business tonight. We’ll only enjoy food and have small chats. Boss, what do you think of it?”

Xiao Jinchong nods, “The wife is precious, and a pregnant wife is more precious. She should be taken care of. We know each other today, and won’t there be chances to drink together?”

Han Siqi responds at once, “Next time, I will treat you to dinner and make you enjoy yourself to the full.”

“OK. I’m looking forward to it.” Xiao Jinchong laughs loudly.

While the waitress is serving dishes, Tang Feng introduces Wu Zhenxing to Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng and then tells others to take seats, “Please take your seats. Let’s chat while eating.”

Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng sit down on the right of Xiao Jinchong. Tang Feng and Zhu Ting sit down one seat away from Xiao Jinchong intentionally. Wu Zhenxing sits down on that chair directly.

Tang Feng is good at enlivening the atmosphere. Xiao Jinchong is talkative and has an agreeable conversation with Han Siqi. But gradually, their topic comes to business. Wu Zhenxing is reticent and keeps eating.

However, Fu Zhengzheng notices that Wu Zhenxing always listens to her chat with Zhu Ting attentively. She doesn’t take it to heart and tells Zhu Ting how she feels after being pregnant “with great interest.”. Zhu Ting tells her what she talks with pregnant women shopping in her store. The two women keep talking with enthusiasm.

“Zhengzheng? Zhengzheng? Boss Xiao drinks a toast to us.”

Fu Zhengzheng is talking “with great interest” and doesn’t hear Han Siqi until he calls her for several times. Then she picks up the glass before her and drinks a toast to Xiao Jinchong with Han Siqi.

Xiao Jinchong laughs, “I thought Mrs. Han was introverted, but actually she seems to be talkative.”

Han Siqi glances at Fu Zhengzheng affectionately and responds with a smile, “She is usually reticent, but whenever someone talks about the baby with her, she will become a chatterbox and can’t stop talking.”

At this time, a young and beautiful waitress comes in with a tray. A bowl of hot soup is on it. The waitress introduces the soup’s name to them smilingly. When she walks past Zhu Ting and is going to put the tray on the table, her elbow hits the back of Zhu Ting’s chair carelessly. It hurts, so she loosens her hands and the soup bowl slants towards Zhu Ting.

“Look out!” Tang Feng pulls Zhu Ting into his arms and embraces her while pushing the tray away.

Zhu Ting doesn’t realize the danger until now. She holds Tang Feng immediately.

With a crash, the tray and the soup bowl fall down nearby. Zhu Ting escapes it, but some soup splashes on Teng Feng’s wrist.

Zhu Ting turns around and glances at the hot soup scattered on the ground. She is startled. When seeing Tang Feng’s wrist that has been scalded to be red, she strokes it anxiously and asks him anxiously, “How do you feel?”

The waitress is terrified and realizes she has got into trouble. She apologizes in panic, “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t mean to.”

“Zhengzheng, are you OK?” Han Siqi is afraid the soup will splash and burn Fu Zhengzheng, so he pulls her away worriedly.

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and then turns around to look at Zhu Ting and Tang Feng.

Zhu Ting has taken Tang Feng to the bathroom.

Finding Fu Zhengzheng fine, Xiao Jinchong glares at the waitress and flies into a rage, “How did you work?!”

“Sir, sorry. I was really careless. I…I will pay the gentleman’s medical expense, OK?” The waitress is close to tears.

Xiao Jinchong stares at her coldly, “Do you have so much money?”

The waitress doesn’t dare to respond and just stares at the bathroom in panic.

Soon, Tang Feng and Zhu Ting come out. Xiao Jinchong and Han Siqi ask him about the injury simultaneously.

“Not serious. It may be all right if I apply some unguent after I get home.” Tang Feng smiles and then stares at the waitress coldly, “If my woman or Mrs. Han is hurt, I will give you a hot bath definitely.”

The waitress’s face becomes pale instantly. Her legs go limp and then she kneels down, crying and imploring Tang Feng to let her off.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t have the heart and looks at the waitress with sympathetic eyes, but she doesn’t say anything.

Zhu Ting ignores the waitress and just looks at Tang Feng’s hand worriedly, “Let’s go to hospital. Look, it becomes red. I’m afraid it will be inflamed tomorrow.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng has an idea and says at once, “It’s burnt. You must go to hospital. Siqi, what’s the surname of the doctor in Shuguang Hospital who is best at treating burns?”

“His surname is Wu.” Han Siqi takes the hint immediately.

“I don’t think it’s necessary to go to hospital.” When Tang Feng says, Han Siqi has got through to Doctor Wu.

“It’s better to go to hospital. There are so many things in the company. You can’t be affected.” Xiao Jinchong stands up.

“But the dinner isn’t finished…”

“We’ll have other chances to have dinner together. You can invite Mr. Han another day, and I will accompany Mr. Han.”

Han Siqi puts down the phone and nods in agreement, “Doctor Wu is on night duty. I have told him.”

“Let’s go. It will be inflamed if treatment is delayed.” Zhu Ting takes Tang Feng outward.

Seeing them leave, Han Siqi says goodbye to Xiao Jinchong with Fu Zhengzheng who is still “scared”. Then they go out.

Only three people are left in the private room. Xiao Jinchong’s smiling face darkens at once. He looks sideways at Wu Zhenxing who is standing near the waitress and snorts, “Look at what you’ve done!”

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