Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 433 - Get Away from Me

Chapter 433 Get Away from Me

Wu Zhenxing points to the waitress and explains embarrassedly, “Xiaolan just wanted to splash some soup on Zhu Ting. I didn’t expect she would carelessly…”

“Many things are out of your expectation!”

“Boss, it’s accidental. I believe next time…” Meeting Xiao Jinchong’s cold eyes, Wu Zhenxing shuts himself up immediately.

Then Xiao Jinchong softens his voice, “Let’s talk about it after something wrong is found with the goods tonight. Is everything ready?”

“Yes. Everything goes as we planned.”

“Keep a close watch. Don’t make another blunder.”

“Yes, boss.” Wu Zhenxing behaves like a kid that has made a mistake.

Xiao Jinchong strides out.

“Brother Xing.” The waitress is still kneeling on the ground. She looks at Wu Zhenxing with an injured expression.

Wu Zhenxing goes forward and helps her stand up. Looking at her instep that’s burnt to be red, he feels sympathetic.

“Go to hospital. I will avenge this pain for you sooner or later.”

Zhu Ting drives Tang Feng towards Shuguang Hospital of Weihan.

On the way, Tang Feng asks suddenly, “Why didn’t you dodge it?”

“What?” Zhu Ting pretends to be ignorant.

“You saw Wu Zhenxing wink at the waitress clearly.”

“I thought she was his lover, so I didn’t take it seriously.”

Tang Feng doesn’t say more.

“Actually, you’re quite cruel.”

“What?” Tang Feng turns his head to look at Zhu Ting.

“The woman may be unable to walk tomorrow.”

Tang Feng’s mouth corners twitch, “It’s a lesson for her.”

“It’s a lesson for him, isn’t it?”

Tang Feng laughs, “You doesn’t seem very stupid.”

Zhu Ting smiles but doesn’t respond.

When seeing Wu Zhenxing and the waitress exchange glances, she began to notice the behavior of the waitress secretly, so she talked with Tang Feng intentionally and succeeded in drawing his attention to her. What he did next didn’t let her down. He protected her within the shortest time. She knew because of her position, so long as Tang Feng saved her, the waitress would not escape the hot soup.

If the waitress is burnt, Wu Zhenxing is sure to be sympathetic and vent his anger to the one hurting the waitress, because she saw the waitress look at Wu Zhenxing first with tender eyes when she entered the private room.

“Go straight.”

Zhu Ting is confused, “Go straight? We should turn left to go to Shuguang Hospital.”

“We won’t go to the hospital. I’ll send you back first.”

“No, you can’t take the burn lightly.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

Ignoring him, Zhu Ting stops the car at the red light on the left-turning lane.

Tang Feng can do nothing with her. He takes out a bottle and applies some liquid on his arm. A faint fragrance spreads in the car. Zhu Ting frowns.

The fragrance again. Fu Wenhai’s pale face flashes through her mind.

Tang Feng puts the bottle back and smiles, “The doctor’s medicine isn’t necessarily more effective than mine. The light has turned green. Ting?”

Zhu Ting withdraws her thoughts and starts the car at once.

“We don’t need to go to hospital. Take a U-turn on the left and go to the left-turning lane. Go back to Splendid Oriental Castle.”

Zhu Ting doesn’t listen to him. Instead, she pulls over and cranes her neck to look at Tang Feng’s hand.

“Are you sure it’s OK?”


Zhu Ting looks at the watch, “It’s just 8:00. Is it too early if we go back now?”

“What do you want to do?”

“There is a cinema ahead. Shall we go to see a movie?”

“We have a mini cinema at home.”

“We can’t have the same feeling at home. It has been a long time since I went to the cinema last time. It’s said that a new movie is on recently. If you don’t want to see a movie, that’s OK. I’ll go to see it by myself next time.” Zhu Ting begins to turn the wheel.

But Tang Feng stops her, “Just go if you want to. It has been a long time since I saw a movie last time, too.”

Zhu Ting restrains her excitement and drives forward.

They come to the cinema. Zhu Ting chooses a movie. Tang Feng buys two tickets of a movie shown at 8:30. They sit outside for a while and then enter together.

After entering it, Zhu Ting finds the high-class couple seat is actually a big bed which is surrounded by a “wall”!

“Um, this is a cinema?” Zhu Ting is surprised.

“We can see a movie while lying here. It feels as if we were at home. Great.” Tang Feng lies down without restraint, turns around and whistles at her, “How do you find it? It’s good, isn’t it?”

Not at all! Zhu Ting snorts in the heart.

“Well, are you shy?” Tang Feng points to the surrounding “wall” and laughs, “How considerate the cinema is! They offer such facilities so that lovers won’t be too shy.”

“You’ve known the high-class couple seats are like this in the cinema long before, right?”

“There is a large signboard at the entrance. You just fixed your eyes on me, a handsome guy beside you and paid no attention to it.”

Zhu Ting casts her disdainful eyes at him.

Tang Feng doesn’t take it to heart and grins instead, “The movie will begin. Why not lie down now?”

Then the light darkens. Zhu Ting has to sit down on the edge of the bed. Unexpectedly, as soon as she sits down, she is pulled down onto the bed by Tang Feng.

“The audience behind can see nothing but your head.” Tang Feng lifts her seriously.

Feeling she is lifted onto him, Zhu Ting is surprised, “Hey, what do you want to do?!”

When she is just done, she is moved inside by him.

Tang Feng lies on his side, looks at her and grins, “I just had dinner and have no interest now. But if you want me to do something, I can try my best to satisfy you.”

“Bah!” Zhu Ting spits, “Can’t I lie on the left? Why do you move me to the right?”

“Men should be on the left while women should be on the right.”


If I didn’t intend to go to the warehouse with you, would I come to watch the movie with you actively?

Alas, she didn’t pay attention to the detail when choosing the movie.

Feeling Tang Feng move closer, Zhu Ting has to move to the edge of the bed.

“If you fall from the bed, will others think I use too much force?” Tang Feng says jokingly.

“Get away from me!” Zhu Ting is furious but still can’t help moving closer to him.

Tang Feng laughs loudly. Zhu Ting is so annoyed that she is desperately eager to beat him up. Finally, she can’t help reaching out her hand to pinch his arm, but his arm is so hard that she can’t pinch it.

Tang Feng whispers to her in the ear, “Ting, I’m hard all over except one part. You can pinch it, if you want.”

Zhu Ting moves her hand downward immediately, but when she realizes his meaning, she flushes and withdraws her hand quickly. However, she can’t hold back her anger, so she holds his arm and bites it without mercy.

Tang Feng gasps.

Now it’s Zhu Ting’s turn to laugh complacently, “Though I can’t pinch you, I can bite you. I haven’t used all my strength. Move away, or I will bite you with all my strength.”

Tang Feng glances at her with pretending scared expression. At this moment, the movie begins. He lies still and stares at the screen without saying more.

Zhu Ting sighs with relief, looks at the time secretly and then casts her eyes at the screen while thinking about how to do next.

The movie will last for two and a half hours. At about 10:00, Tang Feng’s cellphone rings. Zhu Ting pretends to be concentrated on the movie while listening to his talk on the phone attentively.

Tang Feng hangs up the phone soon and rises, “Ting, I need to go to the company to deal with something. Continue watching the movie here. I’ll have Xiaohu come to pick you up.”

Zhu Ting makes a feint of looking at the time and rises too, “The movie is not interesting now. I want to go with you.”

“I’ll send you back first.” Tang Feng takes her hand and goes out.

“It’s a little far from here to our house. Let me go to the company with you.”

Tang Feng pauses, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to leave the company soon. You will be tired of waiting. It’s better…”

Zhu Ting curls her lips, “It’s only your excuse to go to the company. Maybe you want to see a woman.”

“How can it be possible? OK, go to the company with me. If you are tired of waiting, don’t blame me for not reminding you.”

“That’s my business.”

Hearing that. Tang Feng has to take her to the company.

He drives straight to the gate of the back warehouse of Shengtian Company.

“Would you like to sleep in the car or rest in my office?”

“You want to send me away?”

Tang Feng is made speechless. He gets out of the car and opens the door for Zhu Ting. When she gets out, he puts his arm around her. Zhu Ting doesn’t push him away and walks to the warehouse gate with him.

Several vans are shutting in and out of the warehouse gate to carry goods. Seeing Tang Feng’s car come over, Xiaolong says something to a person near him and then runs to Tang Feng.

“Brother Feng, goods have arrived.”

Tang Feng asks seriously, “Have they been checked?”

“They are being checked.” Xiaolong answers while turning around slightly and winking at Tang Feng.

Zhu Ting pretends not to see anything and looks around intentionally.

Tang Feng nods slightly and strikes inside the warehouse. Zhu Ting follows him immediately.

“Brother Feng.” Guys at the gate see Tang Feng and salute to him respectfully.

Ignoring them, Tang Feng goes inside straight while warning Zhu Ting quietly, “Look out for the vans.”

“OK.” Zhu Ting leans to one side and dodges a van.

Workers are busy carrying goods in the warehouse. The guys standing at the gate just now come in too and repeatedly tell workers to be careful.

Goods boxes are stuck with paper on which Weihan Group is written. Zhu Ting knows they are the so-called building materials carried by Shengtian to Weihan.

Seeing all of them extremely careful, she has the same doubt as Fu Zhengzheng.

She has to figure out a method to open a box and check.

Another van runs in and stops. Two workers climb onto it, carry a box and put it down. Workers on the ground take it immediately, carry it away and put it orderly.

Tang Feng and Xiaolong walk away to talk. Zhu Ting doesn’t follow them. Instead, she moves to a dark place beside the gate and secretly takes out a stone she prepared before from her pocket. When workers lift a box on the van, she throws the stone and hits a worker’s wrist precisely.



“Look out!”

Several people shout simultaneously. Then with a bang, the box drops on the ground. A corner of the package box is broken and something falls from it at once…

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