Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 434 - I Won’t Make Her Enjoy Herself if She Doesn’t Cherish Me

Chapter 434 I Won’t Make Her Enjoy Herself if She Doesn’t Cherish Me

“How clumsy you are! Tidy it right now!” Xiaolong’s face changes. He rushes over, squats down and slips what falls down back to the package box.

The workers who were nearly hit by the box help tidying it in panic.

Though they are fast, Zhu Ting sees clearly the white powder amid the goods. She wants to pretend to help so as to move closer and look more clearly. But Tang Feng comes over, puts his arm around her shoulder and takes her away.

“It’s too dangerous here. Let’s go back now.”

Zhu Ting wants to look back, but Tang Feng doesn’t give her the chance. She has to go out with him.

While taking her away, Tang Feng tells Xiaolong with turning around, “Xiaolong, deal with everything here. Be careful. We’ll go back to sleep now.”

Xiaolong nods, “Brother Feng, don’t worry. I will.”

Tang Feng takes Zhu Ting into the car, starts it and drives straight back to Splendid Oriental Castle.

Because Teng Feng is around, Zhu Ting has no chance to update Fu Zhengzheng. After going home, she hurries to take out her phone and sends a message to Fu Zhengzheng while Tang Feng is taking a bath.

Fu Zhengzheng is lying on the bed and watching news. Han Siqi is busy before his computer. The prompt sound of a message breaks the silence in the room. They pick up their cellphones to check the message simultaneously.

Fu Zhengzheng jumps in surprise first. Then she closes the message and intends to click the contacts. But when she just finds Yang Tao’s number, her cellphone is snatched by Han Siqi.

“What happened?”

Fu Zhengzheng wants to take her cellphone back, but it’s late. He has begun to read the message in her cellphone, “There is white powder in the goods carried by Shengtian for Weihan. Zhu Ting went to Shengtian warehouse?”

“Let’s talk about it later. Let me call first.” Fu Zhengzheng takes her cellphone back.

Han Siqi stops her again, “You suspect the white powder is drug, so you will ask Yang Tao to inspect the warehouse of Shengtian Trading Company?”

“Brotherhood carries the white powder in the goods so mysteriously. Is it flour if it’s not drug?”

“Without evidence, it’s better not to label people at random.”

“If the police go to investigate it now, evidence will be found.” Fu Zhengzheng wants to break free from his hands.

But Han Siqi doesn’t loosen his hands, “You assert drugs are carried along with the goods, just because Zhu Ting said she saw some white powder in the warehouse of Shengtian Trading Company. Isn’t it an arbitrary conclusion? Perhaps it’s just white lime. When going through customs, all goods carried by Shengtian for Weihan have been checked by relevant departments. If there are really drugs inside, couldn’t the departments find them?”

“Now that you firmly believe there are no drugs, why are you afraid of Yang Tao’s investigation? Han Siqi, don’t tell me you’ve known it long before and you are also one member of the gang!”

“You’re even suspicious of me?!”

Fu Zhengzheng softens her voice, “I’m not suspicious of you. Do you think I want to believe you are involved in it? But you keep preventing me from calling Yang Tao. It makes me feel that you have a guilty conscience. Siqi, if you and Tang Feng haven’t done anything wrong, don’t be afraid of Yang Tao’s investigation.”

“Of course, I’m not afraid of the investigation. But think. If the police go to Shengtian warehouse to check Weihan’s goods, many people will know it. Even if you find nothing, the news that Weihan is suspected of drug trafficking will be spread. It will affect Weihan’s reputation and stock.”

“It won’t cause such a serious consequence, will it?” Fu Zhengzheng softens her voice again, “I will remind Yang Tao of investigating secretly. They are waiting for the information I get from Zhu Ting.”

Han Siqi shakes his head, “Weihan is always gaining momentum. Many rivals are expecting Weihan to get into trouble so that they can get profits from it. Brother is away. I don’t hope anything happens to Weihan when I am in charge of it.”

Looking at Han Siqi’s sober expression, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t have the heart. But at last she doesn’t change her mind.

“I know you won’t do anything illegal. I’m afraid you’ll be utilized by someone else. You’re clear about Zhu Ting’s capability. If she isn’t sure, she wouldn’t send the message to me. Neither You or Weihan can afford to be made a scapegoat. what I do is for the good of you and Weihan.” Then Fu Zhengzheng dials Yang Tao’s number again.

Before she gets through to him, Han Siqi hangs up for her once more, “Don’t draw in many people. If you’re really suspicious, I will take you to Shengtian warehouse for a check now.”

“Take me there?” Fu Zhengzheng looks at him in doubt.

Han Siqi gives a wry smile, turns around and then puts his cellphone on her hand.

Fu Zhengzheng understands his meaning and has an indescribable feeling in the heart. But she doesn’t return his cellphone to him.

Han Siqi fetches a suit of casual clothes from the wardrobe and tells her to put on them. He also gives her a coat and then walks downstairs with her.

They keep silent on the way. The car runs to Shengtian Trading Company soon. After showing the pass, Han Siqi drives the car straight to the warehouse. Now it’s quiet outside here and no one can be seen. Han Siqi has to take his cellphone from Fu Zhengzheng to call Tang Feng.

“I’m outside Shengtian warehouse and want to check the building materials you carry for me. You don’t need to come here. Just ask someone to open the warehouse gate for me. OK.”

Han Siqi hangs up the phone quickly. Just a few minutes later, a bare-breasted man wearing shorts runs over.

“How do you do, Mr. Han? I’m Xiaolong in charge of Shengtian warehouse. I will open the gate for you right now.” Possibly Xiaolong didn’t expect Han Siqi would bring a woman, so he grins embarrassedly at Fu Zhengzheng, runs ahead to open the gate and then turns on the light.

Xiao Long points to the high piled boxes in the warehouse and says, “Mr. Han, these are Weihan’s building materials. Because they arrived in the evening, we didn’t dare to bother you to send someone to check and accept them, so we planned to carry them to the construction site of your company tomorrow morning for check and acceptance. I didn’t expect you would come here. Do you want to open the box for a check or…?”

Fu Zhengzheng responds first, “Carry a box out. We’ll check.”

Xiaolong looks at Han Siqi. After seeing Han Siqi nod, he says at once, “The box is heavy. Please wait a moment. I’ll ask some workers to carry it.”

Then he runs out.

Fu Zhengzheng examines the ground carefully and finds it clean. Then she walks to the outermost row of boxes placed away from others and checks and touches them, but she doesn’t find anything unusual.

Han Siqi doesn’t stop her. He just asks her quietly, “Which box do you want to open for a check?”

“Choose one from the rear.”

At this moment, Xiaolong comes in with four workers. Han Siqi points to the boxes and says, “Choose a box from each row.”

“OK.” Two workers climb onto the boxes at once and carry one from the top. Workers on the ground take it immediately.

The box is put on the ground. Xiaolong removes the paper strip seal, opens the box and takes everything out of it.

Han Siqi doesn’t allow Fu Zhengzheng to move close to it. Instead, he squats down, touches each one and then throws them back. He shakes his hands with white dust before Fu Zhengzheng intentionally and then brushes it slowly.

Fu Zhengzheng takes the hint. She doesn’t say anything and just stares at other boxes.

Workers open another one. Han Siqi checks it, too. All goods in the box are covered with white dust.

Fu Zhengzheng knows she and Zhu Ting misunderstand them, so she turns around and walks to the gate embarrassedly.

Han Siqi ignores her. He takes the wet tissue from Xiaolong, wipes his hands and praises, “The quality is good.”

“Brother Feng said quality, quantity and speed must be ensured in the cooperation with Mr. Han. Would you like to check more boxes?”

“No, thanks.” Han Siqi goes out and gets into the car with Fu Zhengzheng.

After driving out of the gate of Shengtian Trading Company, Han Siqi says, “Darling, do you believe us now?”

“I’m for your own good.”

“I know. Darling, please believe me in whatever I do at any time.”

“I’m wrong. Sorry.” Fu Zhengzheng sticks out her tongue and then takes out her cellphone to call Yang Tao.

Han Siqi slams on the brakes, “Will you call Yang Tao again?”

“He is waiting for my information. I’ll tell him what I know so that he can go back and have a good sleep.”

Hearing that, he doesn’t stop her anymore.

After Fu Zhengzheng calls Yang Tao, Han Siqi drives the car into their yard.

Fu Zhengzheng has become cheerful. She takes Han Siqi’s hand and enters the gate happily, but soon another problem comes into her mind, “If Brotherhood really takes advantage of the cooperation with Weihan to bring drugs secretly, they must have disposed the drugs when goods were moved to the warehouse. It must have been finished before they went to check the goods.”

They have to check goods earlier.

But now that there is nothing illegal in the warehouse, why did Siqi keep preventing her calling Yang Tao?

Just because the search of the Anti-drug Criminal Investigation Brigade will bring negative effects to Weihan? Or another reason?

If there is another reason, what is it?

She can’t figure it out.

Anyway, she can’t let down her guard.


The next evening, in the private room of KTV on the second floor of Yuetian Hotel.

Tang Feng and Zhu Ting are drinking and singing with Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing.

With a woman in his arms, Xiao Jinchong looks very happy and keeps drinking with Tang Feng.

“Tang Feng, continue working hard. You’ll gain what you deserve.”

“Thank you, boss.” Tang Feng drinks up again.

“Stop drinking. You’ve drunk a lot.” Zhu Ting tells Tang Feng quietly.

Xiao Jinchong looks sideways at Zhu Ting, “Your woman cherishes you very much.”

Tang Feng is tipsy and has his head turned, “I’m her man. She must cherish me, or I won’t make her enjoy herself.”

“Oh, it seems that you are good at conquering a woman. I need to learn how to please women.” Xiao Jinchong’s small eyes narrow.

The woman in his arms embraces him immediately and smiles fawningly, “Brother Chong, do you need to learn it? Plenty of women are waiting to please you. Whether they have the chance is up to you.”

“How coquettish you are! I like you.” Xiao Jinchong pinches the woman hard. She shouts in an exaggerate way and embraces him more tightly.

The embarrassing scene makes Zhu Ting flush. She wants to rise but is held by Tang Feng. He takes her into a dark corner and kisses her while embracing her tightly. She wants to struggle, but he warns her in her ear.

“If you don’t cooperate with me, I will do it really.”

Zhu Ting has to stop and allows Tang Feng to lift her onto his body. She sits on it. He covers his body with her long and wide dress. Then she realizes why he asked her to wear a dress today.

After quite a while, she adjusts her clothes and comes out of the private room with the excuse of breathing fresh air. She washes her face in the outside bathroom. When she is going to return to the private room, she sees Xiao Jinchong come out too. He talks on the phone while walking to the small balcony on the left and looking around from time to time.

Zhu Ting hides herself immediately and just hears Xiao Jinchong mention “this business”. Then he walks past and his voice fades. She can hear nothing and can’t help following him secretly…

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