Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 435 - An Ill-timed Sickness

Chapter 435 An Ill-timed Sickness

“You’re satisfied with yesterday’s goods, and tomorrow’s goods will make you more satisfied. You wait for goods and I wait for money.” Then Xiao Jinchong laughs without restraint.

Zhu Ting knows the “goods” mentioned by Xiao Jinchong can’t be the building materials carried by Shengtian for Weihan Group. She is startled. After she sent the message to Fu Zhengzheng, Tang Feng has shown nothing unusual till now. She doesn’t know whether it’s because Fu Zhengzheng hasn’t reported the information to the superior or the police haven’t taken any action in case the gang is alerted.

But her duty is just to get information and other work isn’t her business.

She returns to the bathroom secretly. After Xiao Jinchong enters the private room, she comes out and goes into the private room too.

She and Tang Feng get home when it’s past 2:00 a.m. The first thing she does is send a message to Fu Zhengzheng while Tang Feng is taking a shower. But the message can’t be sent out, which puzzles her. Seeing the cellphone has no signal, she is more puzzled.

There is a high cell tower of China Mobile outside the community. Why is there no signal?

She walks to the balcony and shakes the cell phone, but there is still no signal.

Is there a signal shield in the house?

Hearing Tang Feng open the bathroom door, she slips her cellphone into the pocket immediately and bends over the guard bar, pretending to enjoy the night view.

“It’s so late. Don’t you want to sleep?” Tang Feng says behind her with a deep voice.

“I was sleepy before, but now I’m not.”

“Then let me talk with you?”

“No. I’ll take a shower and go to bed.” Zhu Ting enters the room. Tang Feng looks at her with complicated eyes and stands there still for quite a while.

After taking a shower, Zhu Ting lies on the bed, picks up her cellphone and asks Tang Feng on purpose, “It’s strange. Why does the cellphone have no signal?”

“The cell tower doesn’t work.”

“What? How can it not work? It means all cellphones around here have no signals? When can it get right?”

“I don’t know. It’s being repaired. Maybe it will get right tomorrow.”

“Oh.” It matters a lot if the cellphone has no signal. It may get right tomorrow. It won’t be late to tell Fu Zhengzheng the news tomorrow. Thinking of it, Zhu Ting feels more relieved.

It’s too strange that the cell tower doesn’t work.

Zhu Ting wakes up in the early morning. Tang Feng isn’t on the bed. She gropes for her cellphone immediately but finds it still has no signal.

Well, it’s better to find a chance to tell Fu Zhengzheng the news face to face, so she rises and changes clothes quickly.

With a bang, the bathroom door is opened. Tang Feng comes out of it groggily.

Seeing his pale face, Zhu Ting asks concernedly at once, “What’s wrong?”

“I’ve got the runs.”

“Let’s go to hospital right now.” If they go out of the Splendid Oriental Castle, perhaps the cell phone will have the signal.

“The doctor is arriving any minute.”

“Oh.” Zhu Ting is a little disappointed.

At this moment, there is a knock at the door. Zhu Ting opens it and sees Xiaohu and a person with a medical kit standing at the door. She ushers them in.

“Acute enteritis. He needs infusion.” The doctor concludes after examining him.

Hearing that, Tang Feng moves to the bed. Xiaohu fetches a clothes tree and puts it beside the bed. The doctor inserts the needle and then turns around to tell Zhu Ting, “He can only have a light diet today. Porridge is better.”


The doctor prescribes some medicine and gives it to Zhu Ting. After telling her the frequency and dosage to take the medicine, he goes out.

“Xiaohu, see Doctor Chen off.”

“OK.” Xiaohu goes out too.

“Ting, I’m sick. You should care for me, shouldn’t you?” Tang Feng gazes at her pitifully.

“I told you not to drink so much last night, but you didn’t listen to me. It must be caused by the alcohol.” Zhu Ting mixes hot water with cold one. She gives the warm water and medicine to Tang Feng, “one white pill and two anti-inflammatory pills.”

“My hand is engaged in infusion.”

“Don’t you have the other one?”

“I’m groggy. Feed me.” Tang Feng opens his mouth.

Zhu Ting throws the medicine into his mouth in a surly way and then places the cup near his mouth.

After taking the pills, Tang Feng grins, “How sweet the medicine you feed me is!”

“I’ll feed you rat poison tomorrow.”

“It’s not a good idea. We sleep on the same bed every day. If you poison me, I’m afraid you will have nightmares.”

Zhu Ting knows his bullshit will be endless. Eager to go out to see Fu Zhengzheng, she ignores him, puts the glass back, rises and intends to go out.

“I’ll cook porridge for you.” She knows there is no rice at home and can go out with an excuse.

“How can I have you work as a servant? Someone will bring it here. You just need to accompany me here.”

Zhu Ting has to come back. Staring at the infusion bottle for a while, she finds that the liquid medicine drips very slowly, so she wants to make it drip faster.

“The specific medicine for enteritis is mixed in it. If it drips quickly, I won’t be able to stand it.”

“You are a man. Are you so fragile?” She says this but still draws back her hands.

She knows little about medicine. His sickness is ill-timed.

She looks at her cellphone. It’s past 7:00 a.m., but the cellphone still has no signal. Glancing at the three big infusion bottles on the clothes tree, she guesses the infusion may last till the noon. She is anxious but doesn’t dare to show it. She has to sit down and plays the stupid Tetris on the cellphone. Of course, her another purpose is to check the cellphone’s signal at any time.

She sits in this way till the noon. As she expected, the infusion isn’t finished until past 12:00 at noon. Tang Feng eats the fresh dish brought by Xiaohu and then returns to the bed.

“Sister Feng, according to the doctor, Brother Feng is sure to be sleepy in the afternoon after the infusion of so much specific medicine liquid. The doctor told me repeatedly that someone must look after Brother Feng beside him. If he is found wrong, please call the doctor in time in case the medicine causes adverse effects. I have to go out this afternoon. Thank you for looking after Brother Feng at home.”

When she hears that she can call, Zhu Ting’s eyes light up, “Can the downstairs landline work?”


“Please talk indirectly when you call Doctor Chen. The landline is monitored. We don’t want Wu Zhenxing to know that Brother Feng is ill in case he will rack his brains to steal Brother Feng’s thunder.”

Zhu Ting becomes frustrated immediately.

After Xiaohu leaves, she sees Tang Feng sleep sound and plans to go out at fast as possible. But when she just walks to the door, Tang Feng begins to groan, and she has to turn back. However, each time she comes back, she finds him fine and sleeping sound.

After it repeats for several times, she is annoyed.

He is a member of Brotherhood. What’s the relationship of his life or death with me? Besides, he is as strong as a cow and may be all right.

She thinks in this way but still hesitates. It’s nearly 3:00 p.m. She is anxious and knows she can’t delay any longer. She grits her teeth, dashes downstairs and runs out at one go only to find that the cellphone regains the signal that has disappeared for one day. She sends a message to Fu Zhengzheng hurriedly. Soon she receives Fu Zhengzheng’s reply which reads “Got it.” Then she sighs with relief and runs back.

Back to the room, she sees Tang Feng still sleeping. She bears nothing in mind anymore and feels relaxed, so she lies down too and falls asleep unconsciously.

Tang Feng gives his back to her. Hearing the sound disappear behind him, his eye corners crack into a smile which is uneasily perceived.


“Siqi, what time is it?” Fu Zhengzheng half wakes up and asks Han Siqi.

“It’s past 4:00.”

“It’s already past 4:00? Impossible. I feel I didn’t sleep long.” Fu Zhengzheng turns around and seems still sleepy.

“Lazy cat, don’t sleep any longer. Get up. I will accompany you to go for a walk.” Han Siqi comes over, picks up her cellphone on the desk and shows it before her while secretly switching it from the mute mode back to ringtone one.

Fu Zhengzheng takes the cellphone and has a look. There are no new messages or missed calls. She throws the cellphone aside, yawns and stretches herself. Then she gets up drowsily and changes clothes.

“I want to go to Central Street. I don’t know if Zhu Ting is in the store now.”

“I’ll go with you.”

Perhaps because the sun is still blazing hot, there are apparently fewer people shopping on Central Street. They come to Zhu Ting’s store and see a signboard which reads “Closed temporarily.”

Fu Zhengzheng is slightly worried, “Is Zhu Ting OK? I want to call her and ask tentatively.”

Han Siqi stops her, “It will be a better choice that I call Tang Feng.”

“Then call him right now.”

Han Siqi calls Tang Feng and soon tells her the news, “Tang Feng is ill. Zhu Ting is looking after him at home and won’t come to the store today.”

“How does he get ill? He is so strong.”

“It’s said that he ate spoiled food yesterday.”

“Oh, no wonder mom doesn’t want us to eat out too much. We need to be more careful too.”

“Yes. Let’s go home. It’s so hot.” Han Siqi opens the sun umbrella and protects her from the sun.

Fu Zhengzheng gets anxious again, “Tang Feng is ill and Zhu Ting is looking after him at home. Their relationship seems to be close.”

“Zhu Ting moves into Tang Feng’s house as his girlfriend. The relationship is close from the beginning.”

“I mean Zhu Ting just agreed to test Tang Feng. Her true purpose was to know more about Brotherhood by the chance. From what happened yesterday evening, we could see he was really nice to her. I’m afraid she really falls in love with him.”

“You think too much. Fu Wenhai was also nice to Zhu Ting, wasn’t he? Did she fall in love with him?”

“I think she did, or she won’t persist in investigating the person murdering Fu Wenhai. But perhaps because she didn’t stay with him for a long time, their relationship wasn’t developed. But Fu Wenhai and Tang Feng are completely different. One is gentle and cultivated while the other is dandiacal. I think Zhu Ting may not fall in love with Tang Feng.”

“Then what are you worried about?”

Fu Zhengzheng shrugs and doesn’t say more.

When it’s past 8:00 p.m., Fu Zhengzheng receives Min Zhongxu’s call.

“Dear Zhengzheng, please intercede with Siqi for me.”

“What’s up?”

“Another batch of goods carried by Shengtian will arrive tonight. Siqi asked me to check and accept them. But Linglong is not well and doesn’t allow me to go out.”

“Just this? I will ask Siqi to have another one check and accept the goods. Take good care of Linglong.”

“How nice you are, dear Zhengzheng! Hug you.”

“Aren’t you afraid that Siqi will transfer you to C City?”

“I said nothing. Thanks for your help.” Min Zhongxu hangs up the phone quickly.

“What’s wrong with Linglong?” Han Siqi just comes out after taking a shower.

“She isn’t well. Ask another one to check and accept the goods carried by Shengtian.”

Han Siqi looks at the time and frowns, “It’s so late. I’ll go to check by myself and visit Tang Feng by the way. Have a good rest at home.”

Fu Zhengzheng nods. Han Siqi changes his clothes and goes out.

Han Siqi comes to Shengtian but doesn’t go to the warehouse. Instead, he goes to Tang Feng’s office directly.

Seeing him come in, Tang Feng pours a cup of tea for him, “It’s a narrow squeak today.”

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