Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 437 - You Must Have Had Fun with Your Woman Last Night

Chapter 437 You Must Have Had Fun with Your Woman Last Night

Following his eyes, Han Siqi looks at the surveillance video on one side of the desk and sees Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing coming upstairs. Tang Feng turns off the mainframe computer of surveillance swiftly, picks up a pile of paper from the desk, gives it to Han Siqi, and signals him to sit down.

Han Siqi sits down, picks up the paper and reads. It’s the export carriage contract of a clothing company affiliated to Weihan. Tang Feng talked about it with him yesterday.

“What do you think of the charge?” Tang Feng asks.

“It’s not my ideal one.”

“I’m wondering your ideal charge is…”

“5% higher.”

“Mr. Han, could you please leave a little profit to me in the business? The charge leaves us no profit at all. My boss will not accept it.”

Han Siqi doesn’t say anything and just continues studying the contract.

Tang Feng grits his teeth, “OK, 5%. I’ll quit the 2% commission given by my boss. Shall we sign the contract now?”

“OK.” Han Siqi agrees without hesitation.

They sign the contract. Then Han Siqi rises and goes out. He goes downstairs and drives off.

After seeing Han Siqi leave, Tang Feng is about to return to the office when Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing come out of an adjacent room.

Tang Feng looks at them “in astonishment”, “Boss? Brother Xing? Why are you here?”

“We have nothing to do, so we hang around. Seeing the light of your office on, we come upstairs to have a look – did Han Siqi just leave?” Xiao Jinchong asks with a big smile on his face.

Tang Feng nods, “Yes. He came here to check the goods we carried for Weihan today and signed the export carriage contract of their clothing company.”

“Oh? What about the charge?”

“3% higher than the previous one.”

“It’s 5%, right?”

Tang Feng asks “in surprise”, “Boss, how do you know it?”

“We just heard your bargaining with Han Siqi outside. To win the business, you even give up your commission. I don’t know whether it’s because you are loyal to Brotherhood or you want to achieve your personal purpose.” Wu Zhenxing utters with disdain.

Tang Feng gives an embarrassed smile, “I have been the second command of Brotherhood. What personal purpose will I achieve? I just think Weihan Group is our VIP client now and it doesn’t matter to surrender part of the profits. When we have more cooperation with it, we will earn the surrendered profits sooner or later. Boss, do you think so?”

“Yes.” Xiao Jinchong responds contentedly and then casts his scolding eyes to Wu Zhenxing, “I sent you to negotiate, but you failed. Now Tang Feng has made the deal, you shouldn’t suspect his motive.”

“Boss, I just think…”

“I haven’t become a dotard yet.”

“Yes, boss, I am wrong.” Seeing Xiao Jinchong’s face darken, Wu Zhenxing corrects himself at once and falls into silence. But when his eyes sweep past Teng Feng, they are filled with loathing.

Tang Feng pretends not to notice it and smiles at Xiao Jinchong instead, “Boss, thanks for your understanding.”

“Sure. Tang Feng, among members of Brotherhood, I have the highest opinion of you.”

“Boss, please believe me. I won’t let you down.”

“Cool. When will the clothes of Weihan be carried out?”

“Not soon. Mr. Han said the amount was large this time and the clothes might be carried four or five days later.”

“I heard you were not well today. Really?”

Tang Feng smiles, “Perhaps because I ate too many sorts of things last night and they had adverse effects. I had infusion and have become well now.”

Wu Zhenxing interrupts in an unconvinced tone, “We eat the same food last night. We’re all fine. Why are you exceptional? Perhaps you caught a cold when you had fun with your woman last night.”

Xiao Jinchong becomes interested soon, “Tang Feng, tell me, how many times did you fuck your woman?”

Tang Feng replies, “I was drunk yesterday and felt groggy. Maybe I did only two or three times.”

Hearing Tang Feng say “only two or three times”, Wu Zhenxing feels surprised first and then sneers, “Could you do two or three times when you were groggy? Did it last two minutes each time?”

“I can just last over half an hour each time. How can I be compared with Brother Xing?” Tang Feng knows Wu Zhenxing is well-known for his “quick shooting”, so he says on purpose.

Hearing that, Xiao Jinchong laughs loudly. Wu Zhenxing becomes embarrassed and lowers his voice but still responds with disdain, “Don’t tell me you usually play with your woman for three or four hours each night.”

Tang Feng is “shocked”, “Brother Xing, why are you so clear about it? Did you eavesdrop outside my room?”

Wu Zhenxing becomes surlier, “I will find a woman for you to give us a live show sooner or later. Let me see if you can brag then.”

Xiao Jinchong says after he laughs enough, “Zhenxing, don’t think that others also last two minutes each time just like you. The time is only enough to take off and put on trousers.”

At present Wu Zhenxing has turned red in the face. Tang Feng can’t choke back his laughter.

Xiao Jinchong adds, “How pretty Zhu Ting is. If she sleeps with you, you will last more than two minutes.”

“Boss?” Wu Zhenxing’s eyes light up with excitement immediately.

But Tang Feng’s face changes at once, “Boss!”

Xiao Jinchong waves right away, “It’s just a hypothesis. Why are you both so excited? Don’t you know the rule of Brotherhood that the buddy’s woman can’t be touched?”

Wu Zhenxing’s eyes become gloomy instantly. Tang Feng sighs with relief.

“Now that you are not well. Go back to sleep early.” Xiao Jinchong pats Tang Feng’s shoulder.

Tang Feng points to his office, “Thanks for your caring, boss. I am fine now. But it’s getting late. I will go home after I keep the contract well.”

“OK, we’ll leave now.” After walking some steps, Xiao Jinchong turns around and tells Tang Feng, “Now that you’re fine, fuck her tonight to make up for what you missed last night. Fuck her until she cries for mercy.”

Tang Feng grins.

Wu Zhenxing glances at him indignantly and then catches up with Xiao Jinchong.

After they leave, Tang Feng tidies up his office and then goes home.

The night is peaceful.

Perhaps because of pregnancy, Fu Zhengzheng becomes drowsy recently. She can’t help sleeping late in every morning and can’t get up before 8:00 a.m. Without Zhu Ting’s call, she even doesn’t know the day has broken.

“Sister Fu, some new goods have arrived at the store. Would you like to tell your cousin to shop for what’s needed?”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng knows Zhu Ting has something to tell her, so she responds, “OK, I will go there with my cousin together.”

After hanging up the phone, she calls Zhu Linglong and tells the news to her.

Zhu Linglong is a shopaholic and likes to store things. Since her pregnancy, she has bought plenty of things for herself and the future baby, but she still thinks they are not enough. Hearing the news, she is glad and says she will meet Fu Zhengzheng in her aunt’s house.

Fu Zhengzheng hangs up the phone, changes her clothes, picks up her bag and comes to the house of Han Siqi’s parents. As soon as she finishes the breakfast, she sees Zhu Linglong swagger her way into the house with a big belly.

Fu Zhengzheng can’t help teasing her, “Linglong, how commandingly you walk!”

Zhu Linglong points to her belly and laughs, “Don’t make fun of me. You will walk in this way too in a few months.”

Central Street is close to Splendid Oriental Castle, so they walk to Zhu Ting’s store. Eager to know what Zhu Ting will tell her, Fu Zhengzheng wants to walk faster, but Zhu Linglong can’t keep pace with her when she accelerates. It makes her anxious.

They come to Zhu Ting’s store finally. Because it’s still early, only Zhu Ting is there. Seeing them come in, Zhu Ting goes forward to welcome and usher them to the shelf with new goods.

Zhu Linglong points to a yellowish green dress and shouts, “A new maternity dress! I’ll try it on!”

“OK.” Zhu Ting opens the door of the fitting room for her immediately.

After Zhu Linglong enters, Zhu Ting asks Fu Zhengzheng in a low voice, “Sister Fu, nothing wrong was found in last night’s goods?”

When Tang Feng got home last night, he seemed to be cheerful and whistled loudly while taking a shower. She felt very confused. She even asked Tang Feng about Shengtian in a roundabout way, but she got no exciting news.

Hearing her question, Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled, “Last night’s goods? What goods?”

“Xiao Jinchong carried drugs or similar things in the goods shipped by Shengtian for Weihan.”

“Was there such a batch of goods last night? Why didn’t I know?”

“I sent you a message and told you the news yesterday afternoon! Didn’t you receive it?”

“What time of yesterday afternoon?” Fu Zhengzheng asks while taking out her cellphone to check the message.

“Past 2:00p.m. It’s shown on my cellphone that the message has been sent to you.”

“How strange it is! Why is there not such a message?”

“Did someone touch your cellphone secretly and delete the message?”

“It’s impossible…” Suddenly Fu Zhengzheng shivers all over.

Zhu Ting asks immediately, “Who do you think of?”

“When I took a nap at noon yesterday, only Siqi was in the room.” Fu Zhengzheng seems down.

Zhu Ting is shocked too, “Did he also know there was something wrong with the goods carried last night, so he deleted the message I sent to you intentionally to prevent the police from checking the goods? No wonder I’ve found nothing unusual. Are he and Brotherhood…”

“Impossible. Siqi won’t do that!” Fu Zhengzheng’s face becomes pale.

“Maybe Brotherhood bribed Siqi with huge profits so that he lost his head for the moment.” Zhu Ting sighs, “It seems that there was really something wrong with last night’s goods. We missed a good chance to strike Brotherhood.”

At this time, Zhu Linglong comes out of the fitting room. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng look pale, she asks the reason at once. Fu Zhengzheng answers that she feels dizzy and sick suddenly. Then she goes home with Zhu Linglong and calls Han Siqi. When Han Siqi gets home, Zhu Linglong leaves.

Once seeing Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng roars, “Why did you delete the message Zhu Ting sent to me? Don’t give me the same reason that you’re afraid that Weihan’s reputation will be affected if the police investigate your goods!”

“What if I give the same reason?”

“Do you really think I can be fooled so easily? There must be a dirty deal between you and Brotherhood.”

Then Fu Zhengzheng rushes out. Han Siqi goes forward and holds her, “Where are you going?”

“I’m going to report it to the police office.”


“Let me go!”

“Zhengzheng, listen to me…”


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