Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 438 - Her Mind Is Eased Finally

Chapter 438 Her Mind Is Eased Finally

Seeing Fu Zhengzheng squat down, Han Siqi squats immediately, “Zhengzheng, what’s wrong?”

“I’ve got a stomachache.”

“Don’t move.” Han Siqi becomes panic. He holds her with one hand while calling with the other one quickly.

Fifteen minutes later, here comes an ambulance from Handa City Branch of Shuguang Hospital. Fu Zhengzheng who looks pale is rushed into the hospital. After examination, the doctor concludes she has pregnancy discomfort and luckily, she didn’t act intensely. He prescribes her some medicine and tells her to nurse the body carefully. Then she is transferred to the ward for infusion by medical workers.

Looking at Fu Zhengzheng who is fine now, Han Siqi is heart-broken, “Zhengzheng, sorry.”

Fu Zhengzheng sighs, “Siqi, I don’t want to hear sorry. I hope everything you do doesn’t let me and Fu Xing down and gives you a clear conscience.”

Han Siqi opens his mouth but says nothing at last.

“Siqi, money is worldly possession. It can’t be brought when you were born or taken away when you die. Han family has got enough wealth. What’s the point of owning so much money? If…”

“Believe me. I know how far to go and when to stop.”

“I’m willing to believe you. I want to believe you.” But can what you’ve done make me believe you? Fu Zhengzheng says in a choked voice.

“Please don’t cry, or baby’s mood will be affected.” Han Siqi strokes her hands and soothes her softly, “Listen to me. Brother handed over Weihan to me in a good state. I don’t hope it has an adverse impact when I am in charge of it. As for yesterday’s goods carried by Shengtian for Weihan, if there was really something wrong, could relevant departments allow them to be carried to Shengtian warehouse? The police keep such a close watch on Brotherhood recently.”

“Weihan’s goods always go through the green channel.”

“Do you think the so-called green channel is a wide free road and goods are exempt from inspection? You’re also a civil servant. Don’t think your co-workers are so derelict of duty.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks what Han Siqi says is reasonable, but she still feels worried, “But…”

“No but. Just as you say, Han family has got enough wealth and doesn’t need to take risks to earn dirty money. We have been married for such a long time. Aren’t you clear if I’m such a profit-seeking businessman?”

Now it’s Fu Zhengzheng’s turn to be silent. Actually, she always believes Han Siqi’s character. But his explanation about the two recent things is really far-fetched and she can’t help suspecting him.

“I know you suspect me because I am too close to Tang Feng recently.”

“Tang Feng is the second command of Brotherhood. Now even Xiao Jinchong is inclined to approach you intentionally. I’m afraid…”

“Then I’ll stay away from Tang Feng. Can you stop worrying?”

“Will you stop your business contact with him?”

Han Siqi seems reluctant, “We’ve signed the contract. If breaching the business relation, Weihan has to pay a large sum of default fine. Thus, Weihan’s revenue of over half a year will be given away basically.”

“So serious? Um, how about keeping your business contact but sending someone else to negotiate with him later?”



“Yes. Is your mind eased now?”

“Yeah.” Fu Zhengzheng becomes cheerful but still tells him worriedly, “Please do what you say.”

“Of course.”

“Siqi, don’t blame me for meddling in your business. I know you think highly of Tang Feng’s capability, but he…”

“Well, you don’t need to say more. If I don’t understand what you think, how can I be a good husband?” Han Siqi says and sits down next to Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng leans her head on his shoulder. Her face cracks into a smile but her eyes are still full of anxiety.

In the next days, sure enough, Han Siqi comes home on time for dinner after work. After dinner, he walks with her in the community and doesn’t mention the business contact with Shengtian. When Fu Zhengzheng asks sometimes, he only replies that Min Zhongxu is in charge of it.

Fu Zhengzheng calls Min Zhongxu secretly to ask about it in a roundabout way. Min Zhongxu complains to her immediately that Han Siqi doesn’t allow him to pause for breath and has assigned another heavy task to him. Thus, she believes what Han Siqi says completely.

But on Mrs. Lin’s birthday, she tells Yang Tao secretly that Han Siqi deleted her message. Yang Tao says no problems have been found in Shengtian’s carriage recently. The police don’t pay special attention to Shengtian recently, because lots of drugs flow into B City and bring a disaster to citizens. The Anti-drug Criminal Investigation Brigade doesn’t have enough police strength, so they are sparing no efforts to help to search for the chief criminal and send drug addicts to the drug rehabilitation center, because when their drug addiction reoccurs, they’re likely to be a threat to others.

“Most drug addicts and traffickers are related to Brotherhood. We’re investigating the gang. Shengtian Trading Company is affiliated to it, but we haven’t found it related to the drug case yet. Therefore, we can delay the investigation of Shengtian temporarily. The pressing matter of the moment is to solve the drug case. Of course, we’ll still send someone to keep a close watch on Shengtian. Please rest at home. Tell Zhu Ting to keep watch on Tang Feng and others on the condition of ensuring her own safety. Once a problem is found, report it to us in time.” Yang Tao tells her finally.

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng has nothing to say. Nothing seems to have happened around Zhu Ting. She feels more relieved.

After the deletion of her message, Han Siqi promises that he won’t touch her cellphone again, and she says she won’t mention it again. But she’s got into the habit of keeping her cellphone inside her vision. Han Siqi doesn’t take it to heart.

After dinner, Han Siqi takes her to walk in the community as usual. They come across Tang Feng’s car. Seeing them, Tang Feng stops the car and gets out of it with Zhu Ting immediately.

Nothing happened in the past days, so she didn’t go to Zhu Ting’s store. She is glad to encounter Zhu Ting here.

Before Fu Zhengzheng opens her mouth, Tang Feng greets Han Siqi loudly, “Mr. Han, what are you busy with recently? I tried to invite you to dinner for several times, but I was not given a chance.”

“Recently Zhengzheng isn’t well, so I stay with her at home.”

“Are you OK?” Zhu Ting and Tang Feng ask simultaneously.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles, “Fine. It’s not serious. I just need to rest.”

Then Zhu Ting feels relieved and tells her softly, “Please nurse your body carefully. Pregnancy discomfort is a big deal.”

Tang Feng echoes at once.

Tang Feng and Zhu Ting are well dressed, and Zhu Ting even wears light make-up. Fu Zhengzheng feels strange and asks, “I’m all right now. By the way, where are you going?”

“To the company.”

Han Siqi interrupts, “Goods will enter the port tonight, right?”

“No only some goods will enter the port, but some will leave the port, so I will go for a look.”

“The largest batch of goods will leave the port, right?”

“Maybe, but I’m not sure. I will be clear after I get there and see the goods.”

Fu Zhengzheng glances at Zhu Ting and smiles intentionally, “Mr. Tang, both of you are so well dressed. I thought you would go on a date. Unexpectedly, you are going to the dock. Don’t dirty your clothes.”

Tang Feng laughs, “Mrs. Han has sharp eyes. We are really going on a date. Because we have done some big business with Weihan, we plan to celebrate it. We’ve booked a private room in Glamour Restaurant. After finishing the work on the dock, we’ll go there for fun. Would you like to join us?”

Han Siqi waves at once, “Zhengzheng is pregnant and not well recently. She can’t go to such a noisy place in the evening.”

“That’s true.” Tang Feng smiles to show his understanding, “We’ll have other chances to gather.”

At this moment, his cellphone rings.

“Goods may arrive. Let’s talk another day. Bye.” Tang Feng says while waving at them. Then he takes out his phone and gets into the car. Zhu Ting gets into it too.

After they leave, Han Siqi takes Fu Zhengzheng back home.

“The wind is strong in the evening. Let’s go home.”

“Is it strong? I think it comfortable.” Fu Zhengzheng looks at him confusedly.

She used to demand to go back while he used to say it’s good for a pregnant woman to walk more.

“Let’s go home. I remember I have to check an important email.”

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t say more and goes home with him.

Before Tang Feng drives far out of the community, he receives Wu Zhenxing’s call.

“We’ve got to Glamour Restaurant. Have you arrived?”

Tang Feng is surprised, “Go to Glamour Restaurant now? isn’t it past 10: 00?”

“Goods haven’t arrived. Bring your woman to Glamour Restaurant now. Boss wants to drink with you.”

“Boss has got there too? OK, I’ll be there any minute.”

Tang Feng turns the car towards Glamour Restaurant, but he slows down slightly on the way.

Seeing Tang Feng silent, Zhu Ting has a vague feeling that something is wrong and can’t help asking, “What’s up?”

“Nothing. By the way, you want to buy clothes, right?”

“I’ve bought them today.”

“Why not buy some clothes for me? It has been a long time since I bought new clothes.”

He wants to buy clothes, too? Zhu Ting thinks what he says is strange, so she responds, “I’ll buy some for you on Central Street tomorrow.”

“Why do you delay it to tomorrow? I’ll drive you to the entrance of Central Street. When I come out of the company, I will ask Xiaohu to pick you up. Let’s meet at Glamour Restaurant.”

While saying, Tang Feng turns back to Central Street and then stops at the entrance.

She glances at him and finds that he looks sober. Suddenly she knows the reason. Xiao Jinchong knows Tang Feng will go to the company but still asks him to take her to Glamour Restaurant before that. He wants to have a chance to stay with her alone, doesn’t he? Does the lecherous man still have evil intentions against her?

Thinking of it, she feels cold. Without asking anything, she gets out of the car, stands there and watches Tang Feng back his car.

Tang Feng stops the car by her again, gazes at her affectionately, and then says in a joking tone, “Fix all your eyes on clothes. Don’t run away with another man secretly.”

Zhu Ting looks at him with a wry expression.

When Tang Feng’s car fades away from her vision, she turns around and walks to Central Street. She has never bought clothes for a man, so she doesn’t know what to buy. After window-shopping in a few shops, her hand is still empty. When she is about to enter another men’s clothing store, two tall men block her way suddenly…

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