Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 439 - Well-deserved Punishment

Chapter 439 Well-deserved Punishment

“What do you want to do?” Zhu Ting takes a step back.

A man laughs and then says in a low voice, “Miss Zhu, we’re Brother Feng’s friends. He asks us to take you to Glamour Restaurant.”

Zhu Ting glances at them and makes sure that she has never seen them. She guesses they may be sent here by Xiao Jinchong, so she asks deliberately, “Where is Tang Feng? Why doesn’t he call me?”

“Brother Feng is drinking with our boss and asks us to come to Central Street to pick you up. The car is parked at the entrance of Central Street. Miss Zhu, please go with us.” The man points outward and signals Zhu Ting to go with him.

“Tang Feng said he would come to pick me up after he finished his work. It’s unnecessary to bother you.” Zhu Ting nails the lie. Then she steers clear of them and walks forward.

The man blocks her way again, “Miss Zhu, actually, our boss sends us here to pick you up. Considering that Brother Feng will go to the dock, our boss is worried about your safety when you hang around alone, so he asks us to take you there. Please go with us. Don’t put us in an awkward position.”

“Sorry. I’m not well acquainted with your boss. I will go there with Tang Feng after he finishes his work.”

Refused by Zhu Ting, the other man takes out a gun suddenly and pushes it against Zhu Ting’s back, which startles her.

Suddenly, she recollects Tang Feng’s abnormal behaviors and his words before he left — “Fix all your eyes on clothes. Don’t run away with another man secretly.” She comes to realize that he was warning her off going with strangers. But she thinks her beauty isn’t the only reason why Xiao Jinchong wants to take her to Glamour Restaurant with force. Though he is lecherous, she knows he usually takes measured actions. She doesn’t know what happened.

She isn’t scared of their guns. There are many pedestrians around. If they fight here, innocent people may be hurt, so she doesn’t strike back.

“Let’s go, Miss Zhu.” The man covers his hand with a coat, pushes the gun against Zhu Ting’s waist again, and urges her to move.

Zhu Ting has to go with them. She decides to look for a chance to subdue them when they walk to the car.

Kidnapped by the two men on both sides, she goes to an alley on one side of Central Street entrance.

The alley is a little dark. She sees vaguely a black car parked in the alley and decides to fight in the dark. But when she just enters the alley, she feels a pain on her back and then passes out. She has no time to fight back.

After Han Siqi gets home with Fu Zhengzheng, he turns on his computer and begins to work on it.

Fu Zhengzheng thinks he is dealing with work, so she doesn’t disturb him and watches TV alone.

After about ten minutes, Han Siqi stands up suddenly and looks at her, “Zhengzheng, I have to go out. Sleep early.”

“Where are you going?” Fu Zhengzheng comes to him at once.

“To the company.”

“Company? Are you going to Glamour Restaurant?”

“Of course not.” Han Siqi takes her to the bed and presses her down, “I’ll be back soon.”

Then before she says anything, he walks out in a hurry.

“Siqi!” Fu Zhengzheng walks after him but she doesn’t catch up with him. Then she walks fast to the window, lifts the curtain slightly to look at the downstairs yard, and soon sees him. He is calling and walking to the garage. Then he drives off.

It has been a long time since she saw him so anxious last time. She feels vaguely restless. She thinks and calls Yang Tao. But the call isn’t answered. Then she calls Muxian, and it’s not answered either. Feeling more restless, she calls Han Siqi. He insists that he is going to the company. She hangs up the phone, changes clothes, and drives towards Weihan Building.

After more than twenty minutes, she arrives at the parking lot of Weihan Building and really sees Han Siqi’s car. Knowing he doesn’t lie to her, she feels relieved. Afraid that he will be surprised to see her, she doesn’t get out of the car and drives back to Splendid Oriental Castle instead.

In fact, Han Siqi is not in Weihan Building now. Instead, he is in a standard room of an unimpressive hotel. Besides him, there are three others, including Zhen Chao, Fu Zhengzheng’s brother.

Afraid that his car is arresting, Han Siqi parks it in Weihan Building and then comes to the small hotel by taxi.

“Is the news true?” Han Siqi asks Zhen Chao in a low voice.

When walking in the community, he took the hint from the conversation with Tang Feng, so he helped Tang Feng convey the news within the shortest time.

Zhen Chao nods seriously at him, “Xiao Jinchong keeps Tang Feng in Glamour Restaurant and sends Wu Zhenxing to take charge of the carriage. It’s probably true.”

“He doesn’t send Tang Feng to do it. It appears that he still doesn’t believe Tang Feng.”

“Xiao Jinchong is an old fox. He always takes others as tools and few people can win his complete trust.”

“He trusts Wu Zhenxing.”

“Wu Zhenxing is his cousin.”

Han Siqi didn’t know their relationship before and comes to understand suddenly.

Zhen Chao smiles, “It’s normal that you didn’t know their relationship. After all, they haven’t been here for a long time. But we have kept a close watch on them for over two years, so we’re clear about their daily habits, including when they go to bed and how much they eat every day.”

“You’ve worked hard for it.”

“So long as the crime gang Brotherhood headed by Xiao Jinchong and Wu Zhenxing can be wiped out, it’s worth the efforts. You may not know what they do in D City. Their crimes are rampant. D City is caught in pandemonium. Citizens feel in danger and don’t dare to go out in the evening if not for important matters.”

Two years ago, Zhen Chao went to D City on business and saw some hooligans drag a girl into a hair salon by accident. He drove away the hooligans and saved the girl. As a result, he offended Brotherhood. He didn’t take it to heart but was nearly caught in D City. After going back, he began to have someone investigate Brotherhood and didn’t know how lawless the gang was until then. He swore that he would wipe out Brotherhood. Then he sent Tang Feng, a special soldier of whom he had the highest opinion, to collect Xiao Jinchong’s crime evidence.

Han Siqi is doubtful, “No one constrains them?”

“Xiao Jinchong is wealthy and generous in D City. Besides, he is good at dealing with interpersonal relationships. From top to bottom, most people have received his favor, so they usually turn a blind eye to what he does. Two policemen wanted to investigate him but died an unnatural death finally. Since then, no one dares to investigate Brotherhood anymore in D City. To find their crime evidence, Tang Feng came to D City secretly and infiltrated into Brotherhood two years ago, but he didn’t make great progress. Later, he rescued Xiao Jinchong accidentally. Xiao Jinchong felt satisfied with him. Thus, he began to work around Xiao Jinchong and got some chances. Xiao Jinchong is very prudent in everything. Though Tang Feng has accumulated some crime evidence, he doesn’t dare to do anything rashly in case Xiao Jinchong is alerted. It’s useless if we strike an evil person like Xiao Jinchong without full strength. We have to punish him once for all and leave no chances for him to turn over. We’ve waited so long. Now the time is ripe.”

“Xiao Jinchong is indeed capable. He not only broke Fu Wenhai and his Rongsheng Group during a short time but took over all his land quickly.”

“That’s because Xiao Jinchong has collected many cultural relics illegally during recent years and is trying to resell them abroad for huge profits. Therefore, he is interested in the docks of B City. However, Fu Wenhai wasn’t willing to cooperate with him, so he racked his brains to replace him. But you don’t know the true reason why he could take over Fu Wenhai’s land so quickly. It’s closely related to the user privacy hacked by means of Angelic Music software – the fake Pu Xiangchen worked for him and obeyed his instruction.”

Han Siqi is surprised, “Well, will tonight’s action be…”

“No. Xiao Hui doesn’t know what I will do. I assign the task to them temporarily. The persons inspecting ships leaving port are all arranged by me.”

“That’s good. What can I do? My men can come here anytime.”

“We’ve been well prepared. You don’t need to do anything except waiting here.”

“You’ve been well prepared?” Han Siqi is surprised at their fast speed, but he doesn’t think it unexpected after thinking twice. After all, Zhen Chao has come here in person.

“After Xiao Jinchong comes to B City, we find he is anxious, so we’re prepared all the time and just wait for this moment.” Zhen Chao pats Han Siqi’s shoulder and becomes serious, “Of course, without your great help, it can’t go so well, so you’ve made a great contribution.”

“That’s because Xiao Jinchong is too ambitious and puffed with pride. He thinks he has the privacy of high officials, so no one dares to wipe him out. He must know nothing about the rival who will bring him to justice. I help you because my wife is a police officer and my brother-in-law is a soldier. It will be unreasonable if I don’t.”

Zhen Chao laughs again, “Thank you so much.”

“Zhengzheng suspects me of joining Brotherhood’s illegal activities and often quarrels with me. She has a short temper and is pregnant. Each time she is angry with me, I feel anxious. After it’s finished and she knows the ins and outs, she will definitely chatter.”

“Leave it to me. I’ll explain it to her. I promise she will not complain at all. Instead, she will be proud of you.”

“So long as she doesn’t complain, that’s enough. Being proud of me…will be difficult.”

“Please believe me.”

At this moment, the nearby watchman’s cellphone rings. He answers it and his face cracks into a smile, “Commander, everything goes as we expect. Shall we carry out the next step now?”

Zhen Chao nods. The watchman calls and gives the instruction immediately, “Go to Glamour Restaurant and Yuetian Hotel to round up Xiao Jinchong and his men. Protect Tang Feng and Zhu Ting.”

“We’ve found lots of cultural relics in disguise among Weihan’s clothes that just left port. We’re sure to round up the whole gang headed by Xiao Jinchong at one swoop.” He looks gratified.

“Now that the end is obvious, I’m not needed here. I can go now.”

“Won’t you go with us to join the fun?”

“No. I’ll go back to accompany Zhengzheng. Since she is pregnant, she becomes fragile.”

“OK.” When they are about to go out, Zhen Chao’s phone rings.

“What? Something happened to Tang Feng?!”

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