Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 446 - One More Murder

Chapter 446 One More Murder

Everyone is surprised and casts eyes at the watchman quickly.

“Wu Zhenxing died.”

“What?! How?” Zhen Chao stares at him.

“The cause of death is under investigation. The preliminary conclusion is that he was poisoned. The waiter cleaning the hotel called the police. A suicide note was found at the scene, but it’s not sure if it’s written by Wu Zhenxing. The handwriting is under authentication. The scene has been blocked and further investigation is going on. This is the note content we copy.” The watchman gives Zhen Chao a piece of paper.

Zhen Chao takes the paper and reads it word by word. Han Siqi and Ji Muxian also read it on his both sides.

“According to the suicide note, Wu Zhenxing committed suicide because the smuggled cultural relics were found by the police last night. But Tang Feng is the scapegoat of the case, isn’t he? Why did he suicide?” Han Siqi doubts before others.

Ji Muxian thinks and then speculates, “Tang Feng didn’t know how serious it was. Maybe Xiao Jinchong was afraid that Tang Feng would break his word in the prison, so he made Wu Zhenxing another scapegoat when we were distracted. His purpose was to dissociate himself completely from the smuggling of cultural relics?”

Zhen Chao doesn’t think so, “According to our survey, Xiao Jinchong wasn’t involved in the smuggling of cultural relics at all. It’s in the charge of Wu Zhenxing. If it comes to light, all responsibilities should be borne by Wu Zhenxing. Maybe he made Tang Feng a scapegoat just to lower Wu Zhenxing’s guard and buy time to dispose of him.”

Hearing that, Ji Muxian sighs, “If your guess is right, should we curse Xiao Jinchong for being scheming or praise him for being farsighted?”

“How evil the old fox is! If he wants to put Tang Feng to death, we can understand. After all, Tang Feng is only his subordinate. But Wu Zhenxing is his relative and loyal to him. Unexpectedly, he is cruel enough to kill Wu Zhenxing.” Han Siqi says with disdain.

“Wu Zhenxing is dead and Tang Feng is jailed. Xiao Jinchong has lost two capable assistants. I think after he makes sure he is safe, he will pass the buck to Wu Zhenxing and then try to rescue Tang Feng. After all, Tang Feng has helped him at the critical moment. Perhaps he thinks Tang Feng will be as loyal as Wu Zhenxing.” Ji Muxian says and then looks at Zhen Chao. He has learned Tang Feng’s identity from Han Siqi.

Zhen Chao nods, “In this case, he will definitely not hurt Zhu Ting. After all, he has made the plan long before. Zhu Ting stays with Zhengzheng and will try her best to protect Zhengzheng, so they are probably safe now.”

Han Siqi’s gloomy eyes light up slightly.

Ji Muxian adds immediately, “If Xiao Jinchong wants to continue developing his power in B City, he must need Siqi’s help. With Wu Zhenxing as a scapegoat, he can take Zhengzheng back to Siqi as a favor.”

“Perhaps it’s a favorable turn.” Zhen Chao pats Han Siqi’s shoulder with a smile and points to his car, “Now that Zhengzheng and Zhu Ting are safe and we can’t find any clue, why not let them continue searching here? We can go back to learn more about Wu Zhenxing and see if we can find something useful.”

Han Siqi nods.

Zhen Chao tells Lu Song standing behind Han Siqi, “Drive over the car and let Siqi rest in it.”

Lu Song goes to drive it instantly.

After Han Siqi gets into the car driven by Lu Song, Zhen Chao gets into Ji Muxian’s car and they go to the police office.

“Zhengzheng…” On the way, Ji Muxian can’t help asking.

Zhen Chao’s smile freezes on his face instantly, “Maybe Siqi knows we are comforting him, but he is willing to believe us and doesn’t want to think a worse result. But before seeing the worst result, we must speculate optimistically, or we’ll mess things up.”

Ji Muxian doesn’t say more and remains concentrated on driving.

After arriving at the police office, Zhen Chao heads straight for Xiao Hui’s office. Xiao Hui is talking with Miao Kangjian. Seeing him come in, Xiao Hui goes forward to greet him.

“Old Xiao, I’m here to learn about Wu Zhenxing’s case.”

“We’re just talking about it. Take a seat and drink some water first.” Xiao Hui leads Zhen Chao to seat on the couch.

Miao Kangjian pours water and brings it to them.

“Excuse me?” Zhen Chao looks at Miao Kangjian and asks Xiao Hui.

Miao Kangjian introduces himself immediately, “I’m Miao Kangjian, the director of the coffer case.”

“He is also the deputy chief of the police office.” Xiao Hui adds.

“As well as the director of the anti-drug operation last night.” Ji Muxian adds too.

Zhen Chao takes the hint and smiles, “Deputy Chief Miao, thanks for the water.”

“My pleasure.” Miao Kangjian responds smilingly.

“Old Xiao, I will interrogate Tang Feng. Please arrange it.”

Xiao Hui responds at once, “No problem. Kangjian, take Tang Feng to the interrogating room.”

“OK.” Then Miao Kangjian goes out quickly.

Ji Muxian goes over to close the door.

Xiao Hui looks at Zhen Chao confusedly.

Zhen Chao smiles but doesn’t explain. Instead, he says, “Please tell us about Wu Zhenxing.”

Without asking anything, Xiao Hui tells them what he knows, “Wu Zhenxing died from cyanide poisoning. The suicide note found at the scene is preliminarily judged to be written by himself.”

“Written by himself?” Zhen Chao is surprised.

Xiao Hui nods, “It was, according to the identification result.”

“If the suicide note was written by Wu Zhenxing, the possibility of murder can be excluded.” Ji Muxian says in an unbelieving tone.

Han Siqi interrupts with a different opinion, “Xiao Jinchong kidnapped Zhu Ting to coerce Tang Feng to be his scapegoat. Perhaps, he also threatened Wu Zhenxing with his family and coerced him to commit suicide. Or he was well prepared long before, including finding someone to imitate Wu Zhenxing’s handwriting. So long as he has money, it’s not difficult.”

Zhen Chao agrees with him, “I think Siqi has a point. Wu Zhenxing’s parents died of illness successively when he was about ten years old. Then he began to follow Xiao Jinchong. His major shortcoming was being lecherous. He had exhausted himself at a young age. He married a few years ago but he still couldn’t make his wife pregnant with many efforts. Therefore, his wife couldn’t be used by Xiao Jinchong to coerce him. Besides, he always believed a living dog is better than a dead lion. How could it be possible that he committed suicide before we declare him guilty?”

Ji Muxian laughs coldly, “We’ve intercepted the cultural relics and will definitely investigate their source. Now that Wu Zhenxing is dead, the dead can’t bear witness.”

“Does Xiao Jinchong do anything unusual?” Han Siqi looks at Zhen Chao.

Zhen Chao replies, “No.”

At this moment, there is a knock on the door.

“Come in.” Xiao Hui looks at the door.

The door is opened and Yang Tao enters with a pile of paper. Seeing so many people sitting in the office, he is a little surprised, especially when he sees a stranger. He says nothing but stands aside.

Xiao Hui introduces Zhen Chao to Yang Tao, “This is Division Commander Zhen, the director of cultural relic smuggling case last night. You can say whatever you want. Nothing is a taboo.”

“Division Commander Zhen? You’re Zhengzheng’s…” Yang Tao pauses, nods slightly and says, “In this operation, we wiped out nine drugs-taking dens, arrested dozens of drug dealers and captured kinds of drugs of different amounts. The total amount is considerable.”

Xiao Hui laughs and praises, “Fabulous. Kangjian renders a great contribution.”

Ji Muxian interrupts, “Chief Xiao, was the operation proposed by Deputy Chief Miao?”

“Yes. He came up with the idea before, claiming a collective operation is good for eliminating the drug dealers that destroyed the peace of the city. The fact proves that his proposal does work.”

Zhen Chao and Han Siqi exchange glances but say nothing.

Ji Muxian adds, “Chief Xiao, Wu Zhenxing died. We should call Xiao Jinchong here to ask something about it, right? He is the head of Brotherhood and Wu Zhenxing’s only direct relative.”

Xiao Hui smiles, “I’ve asked someone to bring him.”

At this time, there is another knock on the door. Yang Tao who is nearest to the door opens it.

A policeman stands at the door uneasily and says quietly, “Chief Xiao, Deputy Chief Miao asks me to tell you that Tang Feng has been taken out.”

“Got it.” Xiao Hui rises.

But Zhen Chao blocks his way, “Old Xiao, you have a lot of work to do. Please go about your business. I’ll just ask Tang Feng something briefly.”

“OK.” Xiao Hui is indeed busy. Besides, he is well acquainted with Zhen Chao, so polite formulas are unnecessary. He, Yang Tao and Ji Muxian see Zhen Chao and Han Siqi off.

Zhen Chao and Han Siqi come to the interrogation room. Tang Feng and Miao Kangjian are standing in it.

Zhen Chao nods at Miao Kangjian, “Deputy Chief Miao, Old Xiao asks you to go to his office.”

“Well, here…”

“It doesn’t matter. After I finish the interrogation, I will call Old Xiao.”

“OK.” Miao Kangjian goes out.

“He…” Han Siqi looks at the back of Miao Kangjian as if deep in thought.

Zhen Chao smiles, “He just went astray but didn’t do evil.”

Ignoring their mysterious conversation, Tang Feng asks anxiously, “Have you found Ting and Mrs. Han?”

Zhen Chao shakes his head, “Not yet. Wu Zhenxing died.”

“Wu Zhenxing died?” Tang Feng even has no time to turn his frustration into shock.

“Poisoning suicide.”

“Suicide? Impossible. He has the courage to kill others, but he is definitely not bold enough to kill himself.” Tang Feng doesn’t believe at all.

Zhen Chao nods, “We don’t believe, either. But he left a suicide note at the scene and took all responsibilities for the case of cultural relic smuggling last night.”

“The suicide note must be forged by Xiao Jinchong. He is good at utilizing persons and has gathered many capable guys. He must be afraid that I may not do as he told me. To dissociate himself completely from the case, he killed Wu Zhenxing. How cruel he is!” Soon Tang Feng becomes excited, “But now that he has killed Wu Zhenxing, he probably won’t put me to death. After all, the loss of this assistant has destroyed him a lot. I guess he will save me out soon. In this case, Ting should be safe too.”

Then Zhen Chao’s cellphone rings.

“Commander, Xiao Jinchong gets into a car with luggage. It seems that he is going to escape. What shall we do?”

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