Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 52 - Go and Sleep on the Sofa

Chapter 52 Go and Sleep on the Sofa

Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head and smiles faintly, “I don’t know, and I’m not interested in it.”

Does she want to tell her that Han Siqi is staying with Qiao Keren?

Zhu Linglong stares at her and then can’t help telling her, “Qiao Keren was ill and Siqi went to visit her.”

Fall ill? Wasn’t she lively during the day?

Zhu Linglong understands Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes and shrugs her shoulders. “I don’t believe that she gets sick either, but I heard my eldest cousin say that she caught a cold after being frightened and affected by cold weather.”

“Oh, ha-ha.” Fu Zhengzheng laughs, pretending to be indifferent.

She just caught a cold, and he was busy to accompany her for half a night. But Fu Xing is having such a fever. Sure enough, we are really nothing in his mind.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles bitterly in her heart and bows her head to take the thermometer to take Fu Xing’s temperature.

“In fact, Siqi didn’t want to go at all, but my eldest cousin insisted.” Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng seems indifferent, Zhu Linglong is obviously a little disappointed and doesn’t continue. She sits on the sofa to play with her mobile phone while waiting for Min Zhongxu.


A few hours ago, at Qiao Yunhan’s home in Shangcheng Villa District, Junlin City.

“Siqi, I’m thirsty.” Having had a drip, Qiao Keren says sweetly to Han Siqi.

Seeing that his brother doesn’t move, Han Sixian says with a smile, “Third brother, are you embarrassed to pamper Keren in front of us?”

Despite his reluctance, Han Siqi obeys his brother’s wishes and takes over the cup in Deng Anyu’s hand.

Looking at his satisfied daughter, Qiao Yunhan says with a smile, “A girl coming of age cannot be kept from marriage.”

“Daddy!” Qiao Keren pretends to be angry.

“OK, OK, I stop, stop.” Qiao Yunhan says dotingly. Then he tells Han Siqi with a smile, “Daughters will get married at last. So much family property that I have earned will finally be others’, right?”

Han Siqi frowns slightly but doesn’t say anything.

But Han Sixian immediately answers, “Anyway, what you want to see most is Keren’s happiness, isn’t it?”

“That’s right. Ha-ha.” Qiao Yunhan says smilingly.

Just then, Han Siqi’s mobile phone rings. When he sees the familiar phone number, he wants to answer it outside, but a joke from Qiao Yunhan forces him to stop, “Is it a business call? Do you need to avoid us?”

He answers the call after a pause. As soon as he asks what the matter is, the anxious voice of Fu Zhengzheng comes over, “Xingxing is feverish! 39.7 degrees centigrade!”

His heart suddenly sinks. Qiao Keren, who is massaging the needle hole, says coquettishly to him, “Siqi, who is calling? Come and massage for me.”

His look changes slightly. He then tonelessly says “I see” before hanging up the phone. He knows that he can’t leave Junlin City at this moment.

“There’s something wrong with the company. I’ll let Zhongxu handle it.” Despite their eyes, Han Siqi steps out.

Han Sixian nods at Qiao Yunhan and immediately follows out.

Han Siqi gives Min Zhongxu an order in a low voice. When he turns around, he meets his elder brother’s stern eyes. He knows that he must have heard the words “Fu Zhengzheng”.

“Third brother, are you still in touch with her? She hasn’t moved out yet?” Han Sixian obviously doesn’t want to get angry here. He tries to speak in a low voice but that can’t hide his disappointment.

“This is my business.”

“Third brother!” Seeing Qiao Keren coming out, Han Sixian changes his tone, “That’s good if there is no big problem.”

Qiao Yunhan also comes out. He points downstairs and says to Han Sixian, “Sixian, let’s go downstairs and leave the space for them.”

“OK.” Han Sixian and Qiao Yunhan go downstairs together.

“Sixian, if you did not come to see me today, I will visit you. The Southern City Metro Station has been finalized, so you can start to advertise Handa City with it.”

“Oh? Great. We can arrange for the opening of Handa City.” Han Sixian is obviously very excited.

“Siqi, let’s sit in the room.” Qiao Keren has come to hold Han Siqi’s arm.

Han Siqi follows her in expressionless, and listens to her nagging very dully.

After sitting for a while, Han Siqi comes downstairs on the grounds that it is late and Qiao Keren needs to rest.

He hears his brother saying, “I will not let Siqi do these. His main task now is to accompany Keren.”

Then the two men burst out laughing again.

“Keren told me a few days ago that the scenery of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort in winter was also great.”

“The day after tomorrow is my mother’s birthday, and we will celebrate it at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. I will let Siqi take Keren there.”

“OK.” Qiao Yunhan looks up and sees his daughter coming downstairs with Han Siqi. He immediately says with a smile, “Did you hear that? The day after tomorrow is Mrs. Han’s birthday. Prepare a gift by yourself. She is your future mother-in-law. See if you know how to please your mother-in-law.”

Qiao Keren exclaims, “Oh, Mrs. Han’s birthday? Daddy, you can rest assured. Don’t underestimate your daughter.”

“Mayor Qiao, we will excuse ourselves.” Han Sixian gets up.

“Okay. If there is any news about the subway station, I’ll let you know in time.” Qiao Yunhan also gets up. “Keren, see Siqi and your elder brother off.”

Han Siqi nods slightly to Qiao Yunhan and his wife and turns to leave with his eldest brother.

On the way, Han Sixian tells Han Siqi something about Handa City, but Han Siqi doesn’t respond. Han Sixian suddenly says, “Tomorrow I will find a good place for Fu Zhengzheng and her son, and arrange someone to take care of them, so you can stop bothering about them.”

After a pause, he says, “I do this for their good. You know Keren’s temper and you should know why she is obedient to you now.”

Seeing that Han Siqi still keeps silent, he says in a more serious tone, “You are old enough to distinguish what can be done from what can not be done.”

The car has stopped at the entrance of the Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. Han Sixian has no choice but to remind him, “The day after tomorrow is mother’s birthday, and you bring Keren here. The second brother has prepared gifts for mother early, but you are indifferent to it. You don’t know how mother…”

Before he finishes, Han Siqi’s car has driven far away. Han Siqi shakes his head and doesn’t go inside until he can’t see the car.”


Finally, the drip finishes. Fu Zhengzheng helps press the needle hole for Fu Xing and turns her head to say to Zhu Linglong, “It’s late, you go to bed too.”

Seeing that there is nothing to do, Zhu Linglong nods and lies down on the bed. When she sees Min Zhongxu is also going to lie down, she kicks him, saying, “Go and sleep on the sofa.”

“Why are you so cruel? It is uncomfortable to sleep on the sofa. Let me sleep beside your feet.” Min Zhongxu says with grievance.

“No!” Zhu Linglong does not hesitate to refuse.

Min Zhongxu angrily walks back to the sofa.

Fu Zhengzheng has been accustomed to their boisterous fight during the night. She smiles, puts Fu Xing’s hand into the bed, gets up and walks to the bathroom beside the door.

When she nears the door, the door suddenly opens. Han Siqi pops up at the door, startling Fu Zhengzheng.

“How is Xingxing?” He asks before stepping into the door.

Fu Zhengzheng wants to satirize him, but she sees that he is so nervous, and his pants and legs are stained with mud and water, and his hair is somewhat messy. Her heart softens and involuntarily turns the question to “What’s wrong with you?”

Han Siqi bows his head and pats his clothes, mentioning lightly, “I slipped on the steps carelessly.”

Of course, he won’t say that he rushed here as soon as he got out of the car. He didn’t pay attention to the road, thus stepping on a piece of ice and falling.

“Was there any injury?” She asks anxiously.

“My skin is thick.” After saying that, Han Siqi strides towards Fu Xing. “What’s the matter with Xingxing?”

Min Zhongxu has come to him, “Siqi, you are here at last! My task has been accomplished. Thank goodness, Xingxing is all right.”

Fu Zhengzheng also says, “The doctor said he was all right. We can go home after having a drip tomorrow.”

Han Siqi sits on Fu Xing’s bed and touches his head gently. Seeing that his face is fairly red, Han Siqi feels relieved.

When Han Siqi sees Zhu Linglong sitting in another bed and looking at himself, he motions Min Zhongxu, “Zhongxu, take Linglong back first. Drive carefully on the road.”

Being relieved, Min Zhongxu beckons Zhu Linglong.

Zhu Linglong gets up, looks at Han Siqi and Fu Zhengzheng, but says nothing. Then she leaves with Min Zhongxu.

The ward is quiet again.

When Fu Zhengzheng comes out from the bathroom after washing her face, she sees Han Siqi looking at Fu Xing all the time. She keeps silent and lies down on one side of the bed.

She blamed him previously, but now she sees that his concern for Fu Xing is not fake. Thinking of what Zhu Linglong said before, how can she not understand Han Siqi’s dilemma?

But so what? Han Siqi is someone else’s fiancé, and he is not hers after all.

Although the sigh is very slight, it is heard by Han Siqi. He asks in a deep voice, “Are you still blaming me?”

Fu Zhengzheng, who is sitting back to Han Siqi, is stunned. She tries to calm down and says tonelessly, “No. Mr. Han has helped a lot. It is the first time that we have seen such a luxurious ward.”

“I am really occupied with something else.”

Is he explaining?

But Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to hear it.

Doesn’t the “something else” refer to staying with Qiao Keren? She doesn’t want to hear that.

After quite a while, Han Siqi suddenly asks, “Does the wound still hurt?”


The cold voice makes Han Siqi feel uncomfortable so he doesn’t speak anymore. After tucking Fu Xing up, he lies down beside Fu Xing.

Fu Zhengzheng has been tired for half a night. Since Han Siqi helps her take care of Fu Xing, she inexplicably feels relieved a lot. She sleeps sound until Fu Xing’s crisp singing wakes her up at daybreak.

She sees Fu Xing sits alone in bed, folding a paper while singing.

She quickly gets up and asks, “Are you awake, Xingxing? Do you still feel uncomfortable?”

While she asks, she looks around but doesn’t see Han Siqi.

Where has he gone in the morning? As she is wondering, Fu Xing shakes the paper boat that he has folded, saying, “Mommy, I’m not feeling bad. I’m fine. Do you think the paper boat is lifelike? Daddy taught me!”

“Are you hungry? Mommy is going to buy you breakfast.” Fu Zhengzheng combs her hair with her hands and then is ready to go out.

“Mommy, Daddy has gone to buy it.” Fu Xing stops her, “Daddy said he would buy me my favorite meat porridge.”

Oh? He goes to buy breakfast?

Han Siqi’s changing attitude makes Fu Zhengzheng really unable to adapt to.

“Mommy, brush your teeth. When Daddy comes back, we can have breakfast.” Fu Xing sings again, appearing very happy. Yesterday he was so weak, and today he is totally different.

Seeing her son’s state, Fu Zhengzheng is relieved. After washing briefly, she sits down and listens to her son’s singing.

Then the door of the ward suddenly opens.

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