Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 53 - A Lack of Confidence

Chapter 53 A Lack of Confidence

Fu Zhengzheng looks up but finds that it is not Han Siqi.

It is Chen Qiaolan, who is holding an insulation barrel. She is breathing slightly. Her cotton-padded clothes are still unzipped and her soles are wet.

“Why are you here, Aunt Chen?” Fu Zhengzheng asks softly.

“Has your fever gone, Xingxing? Are you still uncomfortable?” Chen Qiaolan doesn’t answer her; instead, she hands the insulation barrel to Fu Zhengzheng and walks directly to Fu Xing.

Fu Xing answers with a sweet smile, “Grandma Chen, I am feeling well. I’m all right now.”

Fu Zhengzheng also says, “His fever was gone last night and he is all right. Aunt Chen, aren’t you walking from home? It’s such a long way!”

“The road is icy and there isn’t a bus on the road. It is not very far, and I just take it as exercise. But the hospital is so big. I asked a lot of people before I found here.” Chen Qiaolan smiles and touches Fu Xing’s head. “It is so good that the fever has gone. I worried about you the whole night. Xingxing, Grandma has cooked beef porridge for you. How about having a bowl of porridge? Eating more beef will make your body stronger and stronger.”

Thinking of the porridge his daddy is going to buy, he looks embarrassedly at Fu Zhengzheng. Seeing his mommy shaking head slightly, he answers at once, “Okay, I like eating porridge cooked by Granny Chen best.”

“Aunt Chen, you sit and rest for a while. I’ll take care of it.” After Chen Qiaolan sits down, Fu Zhengzheng comes to fill the bowl with porridge. Looking at the hot porridge, she is deeply touched.

“Grandma Chen, let me pound your legs.” Fu Xing crawls out of quilt and pounds her legs with his two fists.

“Ah, you are not fully recovered. You can’t catch a cold any more.” Looking at Fu Xing who is only wearing a sweater, Chen Qiaolan immediately takes him back to quilt and puts a coat on him.

Just then, Han Siqi comes in with a bag.

“Daddy!” Fu Xing immediately cries out with joy.

“Master Siqi.” Chen Qiaolan is not too surprised.

Han Siqi also sees Chen Qiaolan, and he smiles at her. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng coming to Fu Xing with a bowl of porridge, he hands her the bag and takes the bowl in her hand.

“You haven’t eaten yet, have you? Let me feed Xingxing and you eat breakfast.” Chen Qiaolan grabs the bowl in Han Siqi’s hand.

Han Siqi does not refuse and turns to look at Fu Zhengzheng.

When Fu Zhengzheng takes out the food in the bag, she feels warm.

Beef porridge, steamed buns, which are Fu Xing’s favorite; preserved egg soup, beef vermicelli, her favorite.

Smelling the most familiar smell, she realizes that she is already hungry. She takes the beef vermicelli and takes a bite of it. Seeing Han Siqi looking at her with a faint smile, she says embarrassedly, “I am hungry. You have breakfast too.”

After breakfast, the doctor comes to the ward and examines Fu Xing again. He says that they can go back home after having another drip in the afternoon.

Fu Xing suddenly stops the doctor who is going to leave, “Doctor, can I stay here for another two days?”

“Ah?” The doctor looks at Fu Xing with a strange look.

Fu Xing looks at Han Siqi and says with grievance, “If I go back home, Daddy won’t stay with me.”

“Thank you, doctor. He is all right.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles at the doctor. When the doctor leaves, she secretly pulls Fu Xing’s clothes.

“I’m telling the truth. I really like to play with Daddy.” Fu Xing looks at Fu Zhengzheng sadly and says, “Maybe when I go back to see Daddy again, Mommy will not allow me to call Daddy Daddy. I don’t want to call Daddy Mr. Han. Daddy is Daddy.”

Han Siqi has already put Fu Xing in his arms. “Daddy is busy. If I am not busy, I must go home to play with you, okay?”

“Okay!” Fu Xing becomes happy.

Han Siqi glances at Fu Zhengzheng coldly and says, “If anyone asks you to call me Mr. Han, I will spank her ass.”

Fu Xing slightly raises his head at Fu Zhengzheng with a proud look.

Fu Zhengzheng is cleaning the table and doesn’t want to respond Han Siqi.

Han Siqi doesn’t leave for half a day. He takes Fu Xing back home after he has a drip.

From morning to afternoon, Fu Xing is in a state of extreme excitement, and he never leaves Han Siqi a meter away.

When they come out of the hospital, they find that the sky has already cleared up, and the bright sun is hanging high in the sky, blooming with warmth.

B city is located in the south of the country. The snow in winter is always so delicate that it can’t bear the enthusiasm of sunshine and melts quickly.

Fu Xing stands in the wet courtyard, staring at the snow that has been “thinner”.

Chen Qiaolan, who opens the door first, calling him, “Xingxing, come in quickly. It is the coldest when the snow melts, and you will catch a cold.”

“Daddy, when it snows again, will you make two more snowmen?”

“OK.” Han Siqi picks up Fu Xing and walks inside.

Fu Zhengzheng takes over Fu Xing at the door and whispers to Han Siqi, “You’ve been accompanying Fu Xing for half a day. Go and busy yourself. I’ll take care of Fu Xing.”

Han Siqi nods and doesn’t enter the room. Indeed, his mobile phone does not stop ringing from noon to afternoon.

Looking at Han Siqi’s car slowly disappearing in sight, Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing back to the house.


It is said that it is sunny after snowing. It is right.

Since that day when it stopped snowing, it has been sunny for two consecutive days. The snow has almost melted, and the temperature of the day has also risen.

After staying at home for two days, Fu Xing becomes impatient and even loses interest in his favorite hide-and-seek. He proposes to go to kindergarten.

He has basically recovered, and Li Xiaomeng has called several times to care about Fu Xing. Fu Zhengzheng thinks for a while and takes him to kindergarten.

Coming out of kindergarten, Fu Zhengzheng decides to go around Lvyin Road, because Yang Tao has mentioned to her that Zhou Bing lives near Lvyin Road.

Standing on the Bank of Yinshui River, Fu Zhengzheng looks up at the long Lvyin Road, feeling a little sad.

Six years ago, she was just a student who had just entered the university. For the first time, she left her parents like a bird out of cage. She played in B city on a weekend, which is a city away from her school. But she accidentally witnessed the dog-eat-dog case involving Li Ming and others. She fled into Nian Xi’s yard and was rescued by him into a chamber, where she spent three days with him.

That night, she and Nian Xi drank too much. When she found the red stain on the quilt the next morning, she was shy and anxious. She ran out of Nian Xi’s home but was discovered by Li Ming’s subordinates on Lvyin Road.

When she was caught, she was very upset and regretted not listening to Nian Xi. Fortunately, Ji Muxian appeared with his subordinates. They saved her in time and took her back to the police station.

When she came back from the police station and looked for Nian Xi’s home, she found that all the houses around his home had been demolished. Although Nian Xi’s home had not been demolished at that time, there were piles of rubble all around, and she could not walk.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles bitterly when she looks at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort,. Visually measuring the distance of Lvyin Road, she thinks Nian Xi’s home should be in the middle of the resort.

If Weihan Group had not built this resort, or if she had asked Ji Muxian to help her look for Nian Xi despite her shyness, she would not have missed Nian Xi.

She shouldn’t have blamed Ji Muxian that year. Anyway, he was a policeman, and it was necessary for him to protect the witness’s safety. What’s more, he was confronted with drug gangs like Li Ming.

Li Ming… Li Xiaomeng… Zhou Bing…

Yang Tao said he didn’t find any sign of misconduct about Li Xiaomeng. She was enthusiastic, lively and kind. He even did not find any connection between Li Xiaomeng and Zhou Bing. So he suspected that she should have nothing to do with the gathering of drug traffickers in B city.

Fu Zhengzheng adjusts her mind, gets up, goes through several rows of shops and walks to a residential area.

It is a common residential area. People living there are relocated from the original site of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

In fact, Fu Zhengzheng once came door to door to inquire about Nian Xi, but unfortunately no one knew about the house where Nian Xi used to live, let alone such a person.

Fu Zhengzheng comes to the South Grocery Store in front of Zhou Bing’s residence provided by Yang Tao. She buys a package of tissue and inquires about Zhou Bing to the shopkeeper.

As luck would have it, the shopkeeper tells her that Zhou Bing is at home today because he bought cigarettes in the shop in the morning.

Fu Zhengzheng is a little excited, and she then asks a few more questions. As she is about to ask something more, she sees Zhou Bing coming out of the corridor. She turns around quickly and pretends to look at the shelf. When Zhou Bing passes by the door of the shop, she takes out her sunglasses, puts them on, and follows up.

After Zhou Bing leaves the community, he goes south to Lvyin Road and then goes eastward.

Fu Zhengzheng follows him carefully, but feels a little strange, because the east of Lvyin Road is Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, which is a place for the rich to relax. What will Zhou Bing do here? Didn’t the shopkeeper just say that Zhou Bing usually doesn’t go out much during the day?

Zhou Bing goes to the gate of the resort and says a few words to the security guard. Then he goes in.

When Fu Zhengzheng sees him go in, she is also going to rush in. Sure enough, she is stopped by the security guard, “Miss, please show me your credentials.”

“Miss, please show me your credentials.” The security guard says gently and keeps polite all the time.

She knows that the security work here has been done very well, and they will not easily allow people in. She quickly shows her credentials to the security guard, but deliberately urges, “Have you finished? Everyone in the company is waiting for me.”

End of the year is approaching, and she heard that many companies would come here to hold annual meetings, so she wants to try her luck.

“I am sorry, Miss Fu.” Seeing that she is well-dressed and has a good temperament, the security guard hurriedly returns the credentials to her.

Fu Zhengzheng is secretly happy, and she walks in quickly.

Running to the direction where Zhou Bing disappears, she only looks at the people in front of her. But when she passes by a house, she bumps against the person coming from the house.

“Sorry, I’m sorry.” Touching her painful head, she apologizes immediately.

“It is you?” The familiar voice sounds.

When Fu Zhengzheng looks up, she finds it is Ji Muxian!

“Officer, Officer Ji, what a coincidence!” Fu Zhengzheng greets him with a lack of confidence.

Sure enough, Ji Muxian asks, “What are you running so fast after?”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately shakes her hands, “No, I just think the scenery over there is good, so I want to run over and have a look.”

She can’t let him know that she is following Zhou Bing, or he will insist on getting to the bottom of the matter. In front of such a senior policeman who has such rich experience in handling cases, the more she talks, the more mistakes she may make.

“Good scenery?” Ji Muxian glances at the distance. Over there is a garden being repaired in the resort, and there are planks on it. How good can the scenery be?

Fu Zhengzheng also finds that she has said something wrong, so she immediately points in another direction and smiles to conceal, “I mean over there. Officer Ji, I’ll go over first. Let’s talk next time.”

After saying that, Fu Zhengzheng turns and is ready to leave, but she doesn’t notice the steps under her feet, so she misses her steps.


Ji Muxian swiftly stretches out his hand to pull Fu Zhengzheng and then she falls in his arms.

Fu Zhengzheng blushes. When she stands firm, she immediately pushes him away. As she is about to thank him, she is preempted by a female voice, “Son, who is this girl?”

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