Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 57 - I’m Sorry, I’m Just a Waiter

Chapter 57 I’m Sorry, I’m Just a Waiter

According to the instructions of the shop owner, Fu Zhengzheng comes to Yangming Road and gets off in front of Qixing Teahouse.

Looking at the basket of flowers and firecracker debris all over the ground, Fu Zhengzheng can imagine the bustle and excitement when the shop opened in the daytime.

She goes over and sees a young man with closely cropped hair smoking at the door. She comes up and asks, “Hello, may I ask where Bald Liu is?”

“I am Bald Liu.”

“Oh, hello, Grandma Liu.”

“The old aunt is really good at troubling me.” Bald Liu interrupts her impatiently and points at a small door, saying, “Go there and ask for Ms Li. Tell her that I ask to come here and she will arrange for you.”

Fu Zhengzheng is puzzled. As she is about to ask something, Bald Liu has left at someone’s request. Looking at the noisy hall, she thinks for a moment and then goes to the small door.

After entering, she finds it is the backyard where people come out with refreshments and tea.

When the woman called Ms Li hears that it is Bald Liu who asks Fu Zhengzheng to come here, she points at a small room, saying, “Go there and look for a suit of suitable size and put it on. Then wait at Room No.8.”

“Oh.” Fu Zhengzheng enters the small room. Looking at a row of red cheongsams hanging there, she guesses that they shall be the waiters’ uniforms. She closes the door and goes to pick her suit. But there is no tag on the suit indicating its size, so she doesn’t find a suitable one after trying on several suits.

As she tries on suits, Han Siqi goes into the teahouse and looks for her everywhere.

After Fu Zhengzheng left the Grilled Fish Restaurant, Han Siqi took Qiao Keren home on the grounds that her clothes got dirty. As he drove the car home, he saw Fu Zhengzheng boarding a taxi on the main road, so he followed the taxi all the way to Qixing Teahouse.

But when he stopped the car, Fu Zhengzheng has disappeared. Entering the teahouse and seeing the mess, he frowns. He wonders why Fu Zhengzheng comes to such a place in the evening.

Having not found Fu Zhengzheng in the hall, he looks for her room by room. When he opens the door of Room No. 5, he is surrounded by Bald Liu and several other people.

Bald Liu says politely, “Buddy, if you come to have fun, please go there.”

Looking that Fu Zhengzheng is not in the Room No.5, he doesn’t take notice of Bald Liu and turns to the next room to look for Fu Zhengzheng.

Bald Liu stands in the way, “Buddy, today is the first day of the opening of Qixing Teahouse, and I don’t want to have bad luck.”

“Get out of the way. I am looking for someone.”

Han Siqi’s aura frightens several gangsters, and they pull Bald Liu’s clothes worriedly.

Bald Liu hasn’t seen Han Siqi. He boasts that he knows quite a few people in the gang and has people to back him up, so how can he fear Han Siqi?

He glares at Han Siqi, shouting, “You look the fuck for someone like this? I tell you, if you want to make trouble, you shall first know who you are!”

Han Siqi pushes him aside and goes straight to the sixth room.

Nearly falling down, Bald Liu gets angry. After standing firm, he raises his fist to punch Han Siqi’s head. As Han Siqi dodges sideways, the fist falls on Bald Liu’s face.

Has Bald Liu suffered this before?

He spits out some blood and is about to give orders, but is stopped by a voice coming behind him, “Stop!”

Hearing Zhou Bing’s voice, Bald Liu immediately becomes discouraged. He points at Han Siqi, saying with grievance, “Boss, he is making trouble here!”

“Pow! Pow!”

Zhou Bing slaps Bald Liu, making him dizzy.

“Are you blind? You should not know Mr. Han of Weihan Group. Won’t you apologize to Mr. Han?”

Zhou Bing’s shout shocks Bald Liu. He suddenly kneels down and keeps slapping himself while apologizing, “I am sorry, Mr. Han. I am sorry, Mr. Han. I am blind and didn’t recognize you!”

Han Siqi has recognized Zhou Bing, but he ignores Zhou Bing and turns around to look for Fu Zhengzheng. Zhou Bing has followed up with a grin.

“Mr. Han, you can just tell me who you are looking for. How can you come to such a place in person?”

Han Siqi still doesn’t find her in the sixth room. He stops and looks at Zhou Bing, gesticulating while saying coldly, “I’m looking for a woman with such height in a black coat.”

“What are you doing there? Go and look for her!” At Zhou Bing’s command, the others disperse.

Then he slightly bends down and leads Han Siqi. “Mr. Han, please rest in my office, and I will let them find her for you.”

“No. I will find her myself.”

“OK.” Zhou Bing immediately signs to his subordinates to open the doors one by one to let Han Siqi check.

But Han Siqi doesn’t find Fu Zhengzheng after searching all the rooms.

Zhou Bing asks carefully, “Mr. Han, are you sure your friend has entered Qixing Teahouse? Would it be possible that you have mistaken someone for her?”

Have mistaken someone for her? Or have lost trace of her? Han Siqi doubts inwardly. His eyes run down the hall again and then he nods at Zhou Bing to express his gratitude. After that, Han Siqi leaves Qixing Teahouse.

Only then does Zhou Bing feel relieved. After all, he can’t afford to offend Han Siqi.

Looking askance at Bald Liu who has been covering his face and bowing his head, Zhou Bing shouts angrily, “Sharpen your eyes in the future. Don’t mistake a mine for a ball; otherwise you won’t know how you die when it explodes! Do you hear that?”

“OK, OK, OK.” Bald Liu responds in a low voice. When Zhou Bing leaves, Bald Liu shouts at others, “Have you seen enough of it? Get down to your own business!”

Then he touches the corner of his mouth and goes back to smoke in the backyard.

Fu Zhengzheng manages to change a suitable suit and comes out. Seeing Bald Liu sitting in a corner smoking and part of his face is bruised, Fu Zhengzheng guesses that he has been wronged, so she brings him a cup of hot tea. “Mr. Liu, are you tired? Have a cup of tea.”

Bald Liu sees Fu Zhengzheng and says coldly, “Why are you still here?”

“I just changed my clothes.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles and compliments, “Mr. Liu, you are so capable. You have arranged a job for me with just one command. No wonder Grandma Liu said you were excellent.”

“Excellent at what!” Thinking of the wrongs he has just suffered, Bald Liu feels furious. How unlucky he was!

“It is not easy to make a living outside, because we have to adjust our behavior to other people’s expression. I quitted my previous job because I can’t bear to behave according to my boss’s likes and dislikes. I thought at that time that when I became strong one day, I would start my own business, so that I would not have to bear anyone’s temper!”

Fu Zhengzheng’s soft words make Bald Liu feel better. After drinking tea, he sighs again, “Who doesn’t want to make himself stronger? But it is not easy.”

Fu Zhengzheng realizes that the opportunity comes, so she says intentionally, “There will always be a way, since so many of you support each other.”

“Well, even if there is a good way, I have no chance to get it. What am I? I just run errands for them.” Bald Liu is a little angry.

Fu Zhengzheng intentionally pities him, “Don’t be sad, Mr. Liu. I don’t think they have any good way to go either.”

“Well, they do have a good way, but they refuse to take me with them.”

“What way?” Fu Zhengzheng’s eyes light up.

“Well, they still treat me as a fool, thinking that I don’t know they open this Qixing Teahouse in order to get in touch with the former subordinates of Boss Li to find the small vault.”

“What is a small vault?” Fu Zhengzheng pretends to be confused.

Fu Zhengzheng seems to know nothing, which satisfies Bald Liu, so he says proudly, “It is Boss Li’s painstaking efforts for many years. In fact, it is a huge fortune. It is said that whoever gets it will have a fortune which can’t be used up for several lifetimes. Unluckily, the key to this small vault was lost before the death of Boss Li. They come to look for the key.”

Sure enough, they are looking for the key. Fu Zhengzheng becomes excited, but she asks calmly, “Where is the key?”

“They key…” Seeing Ms Li coming in, Bald Liu stops at once.

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is still pouring tea for Bald Liu, Ms Li rolls her eyes, saying, “Why are you still here? Didn’t I ask you to go Room No. 8? You don’t want your salary, do you?”

Fu Zhengzheng hurriedly picks up a plate and smiles at Bald Liu, and then bows her head and goes out.

It seems that she does not need to approach Zhou Bing, because she can find a breakthrough here from the Bald Liu. She is very happy and wants to report it to Yang Tao later, but after a second thought, she wants to tell him when she gets more clues.

In order to get more clues from Bald Liu, she must go to the teahouse to do a good job these nights, and then choose an appropriate opportunity to talk to him.

However, in such a complicated environment, she shall be careful. Otherwise, she will offend gangsters accidentally. She secretly tells herself to be careful and persevere for several days.

After thinking of that, she takes the tea and goes into Room No.8 designated by Ms Li.

As soon as she enters the room, the smoky scene almost makes her unable to open her eyes. When she calms down, she sees that it is a room with two tables. One the one table, people are playing mah-jong; on the other table, people are playing cards.

These players are all fat-headed and big-eared, and beside them stand a few men in black with thick gold necklaces. Fu Zhengzheng is somewhat nervous. She carefully fills their cups with tea, replaces clean ashtrays, and then bows her head to leave.

However, before she turns around, her arm is grabbed by a man. “This girl is pretty! How about stay with me tonight?”

Fu Zhengzheng is startled. When she is about to kick him, she stops immediately, and just begs in a low voice, “I’m sorry, I’m just a waiter.”

The crow laughs. A man says, “How much money can a waiter earn? Sleeping with us is equal to serving tea for half a year.”

Then the man touches Fu Zhengzheng’s breast with his hand. Fu Zhengzheng is panicked. She pushes him away and runs outside.

“Damn, how does Zhou Bing train these girls? Why don’t you bring her back to me soon? Look how I tame her tonight!”

Fu Zhengzheng has felt that she is being chased. She runs into a person in a hurry, who immediately pulls her to his side!

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