Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 58 - Open Your Mouth and Take Medicine

Chapter 58 Open Your Mouth and Take Medicine

Fu Zhengzheng looks up and meets Ji Muxian’s eyes.

Knowing that those behind her are wolves, she has no time to think about it. She pulls Ji Muxian’s clothes and says, “Officer Ji, help me!”

“Miss Fu?” Zhou Bing, standing beside Ji Muxian, is somewhat surprised.

The men have run over. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng hiding behind Ji Muxian, they all stop and look at each other.

“What is the matter?” Ji Muxian slightly raises his head and says unconcernedly while his expression remains unchanged.

Before Fu Zhengzheng answers, Zhou Bing has winked at those men and said, “Officer Ji, there must be some misunderstanding among them. I will ask them about it later.”

At this time, the fat man who has been rude to Fu Zhengzheng also comes out. When he sees Ji Muxian, he immediately says politely, “Hello, Officer Ji. Long time no see!”

Ji Muxian glances at him, saying, “Do you want to see me?”

“No, no, ha-ha.” The fat man laughs. Seeing Fu Zhengzheng standing behind Ji Muxian, his face immediately turns into Maitreya Buddha. “Officer Ji, we were kidding with the girl. Did you take it seriously? Oh, you really can’t take a joke.”

Zhou Bing immediately says, “I said it was a misunderstanding. Ha-ha, Miss Fu is all right.”

Then he speaks to the fat man, “Fatty, all we hire are young girls who are timid. You uncouth fellow shall be gentle to them.”

“Yes, I will. Officer Ji, if there is nothing else, I will go in and play cards.” The fat man hunches his shoulders and smiles. Seeing that Ji Muxian does not say anything, he waves his hand and takes those men into the room together.

Fu Zhengzheng now relieved and thinks quickly about how to deal with Ji Muxian’s questions.

However, before Ji Muxian asks, Zhou Bing asks first, “Miss Fu, aren’t you working in Weihan? Why do you come here?”

Hearing Weihan, Ji Muxian’s eyes light up. “Weihan?”

“I was fired.” Fu Zhengzheng puts on a pitiful look and says, “I can not find a suitable job for the time being, so I come here after being introduced.”

Zhou Bing looks at Ji Muxian. Seeing that Ji Muxian keeps silence, he dares not say anything.

Having felt that Ji Muxian has been looking her up and down, Fu Zhengzheng complains secretly: he doesn’t find anything, does he?

The reason why she didn’t beat those men was that she didn’t want to make any big trouble. After all, she needs to inquire about news from Bald Liu. But she never thought she would meet Ji Muxian!

Ji Muxian winks at Zhou Bing, and then Zhou Bing leaves. Ji Muxian drags Fu Zhengzheng out of Qixing Teahouse through the side door.

“Hey, where are you taking me?” Fu Zhengzheng wants to break away from him, but he pulls her tightly until they arrive at an avenue outside.

“Why did you come to Qixing Teahouse?”

“For work!”

“Just for work?”

“Sure. What do you think?”

“Show me your ID card.”

“ID card?” Fu Zhengzheng shows it to him despite her reluctance.

Just check my ID card? There is absolutely no problem. She laughs in her heart.

As Ji Muxian is about to ask something more, Fu Zhengzheng feels a gush in her stomach and yells that there is something wrong.

Ji Muxian feels strange, asking, “What’s wrong?”

“Diarrhea.” Having no time to say anything more, Fu Zhengzheng gives a gasp and rushes to the bathroom in the backyard of Qixing Teahouse like a drowned rat.

Having loose bowels for nearly an hour, Fu Zhengzheng finds that everything turns dark before her eyes.

She can’t figure out why she has loose bowels since she is so physically fit, and she didn’t eat anything unhygienic at night.

When she gets better, she manages to find Zhou Bing and tells him that she will come to work tomorrow evening, but hopes that he will not tell others about the fact that she is a friend of Officer Ji.

Zhou Bing does not know her condition, but hurriedly nods his head, and also asks someone to take her to a small clinic.

When Fu Zhengzheng has had a drip, it is more than one o’clock in the morning

Fu Zhengzheng comes home with weak legs and feet. As she manages to climb up the rooftop through the wall, she accidentally steps on the skateboard which Fu Xing forgot to put away during the day, so she almost falls over. While complaining about her bad luck, she opens the door and turns on the light, and then she immediately lies down on the bed.

After lying down for a while, she smells herself and finds that her whole body is smelly. She picks up her pajamas and hurries to take a bath.

After stripping off her clothes, she feels refreshed. When she changes clean clothes and is about to sleep, she finds a figure in front of the glass door!

She is frightened. Looking around, she picks up a glass and suddenly opens the door, but finds that it is Han Siqi who is standing at the door!

Fu Zhengzheng stammers with surprise, “Why, why are you here?”

She immediately puts the cup back to the basin.

Han Siqi steps closer and says expressionlessly, “Where shall I be?”

She steps back and answers nervously, “This is my room.”

The neatly dressed man should appear in her room at two o’clock in the morning. Is he waiting for her to come back?

So he knows that she secretly went out in the evening?

She inwardly cries that things have gone bad, and feels dark clouds overhead.

Han Siqi stares at her pale face, holds her chin with two fingers and says coldly, “Have you had fun?”

Fu Zhengzheng tries to calm herself down and suddenly takes his hand off, saying, “Don’t touch me with your hand which has touched other woman.”

“Do you mind?”


Han Siqi reaches out and takes her into his arms.

“Hey! Let me go! Don’t disgust me!” Fu Zhengzheng struggles.

“Do you mind?”


Han Siqi seems to be satisfied with the answer, but his hand does not loosen, “Where did you go at night?”

Fu Zhengzheng guesses that Han Siqi just didn’t find her in the room when he returned, so she answers, “I was bored, so I went to take a walk.”

“Where were you walking?”

“Do you think you are a policeman hearing a case? Where did you go in the evening? You didn’t tell me either.” Fu Zhengzheng throws the question to him.

Han Siqi pauses and then asks coldly, “Did you go to Qixing Teahouse?”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, and then she pretends to be confused. “I never like tea.”

Han Siqi continues to say, “Left your son behind and went to date a man until midnight. You…”

When his eyes fall on the back of her hand with a needle hole, he stops.

At this time, Fu Zhengzheng’s stomach aches again. Unable to bear it, she pushes Han Siqi aside and rushes to the bathroom. After quite a while, she sits on the commode weakly.

“What’s wrong with you, Zhengzheng? Open the door!” Han Siqi yells anxiously.

He must be caring about me. Fu Zhengzheng stands inside the door and looks out, thinking in a trance.

When Han Siqi’s knocks on the door turn into thumps, Fu Zhengzheng immediately opens the door. Han Siqi comes in to hold her at once, and then asks nervously, “What’s the matter? Why did you get a drip?”

Fu Zhengzheng has seen the worry in his eyes, so she says weakly, “I have loose bowels.”

Han Siqi quickly takes her to bed and is about to pick up his phone.

Fu Zhengzheng stops him and points at her handbag, saying, “The doctor prescribed medicine for me, and I haven’t taken it.”

Han Siqi grabs the handbag, but what he fishes out are her wallet and make-up bag. He simply shakes the bag upside down, and then a pile of miscellaneous things falls on the bed.

When Han Siqi finds the small cellphone, Fu Zhengzheng’s face suddenly turns pale.

Luckily, Han Siqi takes the medicine and hands it to her, and then goes to prepare water for her. She puts the cellphone in the handbag while pretending to pack things up.

“Leave the handbag behind. Take the medicine first.”

“OK.” After moving the handbag aside, Fu Zhengzheng takes the medicine with ease.

When she finishes taking the medicine, Han Siqi helps her lie down, and then asks softly, “Why do you have loose bowels?”

Fu Zhengzheng answers as she ponders, “I don’t know. When I took Fu Xing back, I felt a little uncomfortable. I thought I had a cold, so I asked Fu Xing to sleep with Aunt Chen. I thought it would be better if I went out for a walk and sweated, but then I had a stomachache and had diarrhea.”

“Then why did you come in by climbing over the wall?”

“I was afraid Aunt Chen would wake up when I opened the door. She never sleeps well.” Fu Zhengzheng thinks the reason is not good enough, so she adds, “When I was in school, I was used to climbing over walls. So I wanted to see if I still had that skill.”

Fu Zhengzheng swears that she will not climb over the wall anymore if she sneaks out next time in the evening, because the reason is too far-fetched.

Sure enough, Han Siqi frowns, but says, “Don’t climb over the wall anymore, you know? I hire you to take care of my son. If you break your leg, I have to ask someone to take care of you.”

Although he is blaming her, Fu Zhengzheng feels the bitter medicine in her mouth suddenly becomes sweet.

“Do you think I’m as delicate as someone who fell ill after watching other people fall off a dam?” She takes the opportunity to satirize.

“I thought you only have a bad smell, but I didn’t expect that you also have a sour smell.”

“Humph, I feel sweet now.” Fu Zhengzheng pouts without replying. Thinking of Qiao Keren, she thinks of Han Siqi’s obedience to Qiao Keren. She indeed feels jealous, but she refuses to admit it in front of Xu Yan.

Seeing Han Siqi massaging her belly across the quilt, she becomes more jealous, saying, “Mr. Han is really good at taking care of women.”

Han Siqi raises his head and stares at her. Suddenly he grabs her hand and strokes it, smiling wickedly. “I only cherish beautiful and fragrant women, but I have to touch and smell her first. Well, you stink.”

“Humph! You cursed me! I didn’t ask you to take care of me!” Fu Zhengzheng takes back her hand and spits. “The one who needs your care is not here!”

Han Siqi laughs, saying, “Your jealousy is going to penetrate into Xingxing’s room.”

“Humph!” Fu Zhengzheng is angry.

Han Siqi pats her face, saying, “It is late. You will be all right after a good sleep. Don’t go to work tomorrow.”

Not realizing how intimate his movement is, Fu Zhengzheng laughs inwardly. She looks forward not to working tomorrow. After all, it is over two o’clock, and she will certainly not be able to get up tomorrow morning. But she answers, “Why? It is not good for me to ask for leave when I have only been on half a day’s work!”

“Well, I have the final say whether it is good or not.” Han Siqi stares at her.

It is rare to feel comfortable to hear such hegemonic words. Fu Zhengzheng wants to chuckle.

It feels good to just think about the present without considering tasks, Qiao Keren and Nian Xi.

Han Siqi tucks her up and puts her cellphone on the bedside table, saying, “If you feel uncomfortable, call me, and I’ll come over.”

“OK.” Fu Zhengzheng really wants to ask him to stay, but she doesn’t speak out.

Han Siqi gets up to leave. He takes two steps, and suddenly turns back, saying, “Fu Xing can’t call anyone Daddy except me!”

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