Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 70 - Pretend to Be Innocent after Taking Advantage of Me

Chapter 70 Pretend to Be Innocent after Taking Advantage of Me

Finding that Han Siqi is staring at her smilingly, Fu Zhengzheng quickly moves her eyes away.

“Come on, wash your hands and have dinner right away.” Chen Qiaolan says with a smile.

Hearing that, Fu Xing hurries to pull Han Siqi into the bathroom and keeps urging him, “Daddy, be quick. The braised beef brisket should be eaten while it is hot.”

Looking at Han Siqi’s back, Fu Zhengzheng is somewhat worried. Qiao Keren will certainly not tell Han Siqi what happened at the elevator entrance today. But if she saw Han Siqi come to dinner with Min Zhongxu and Zhu Linglong, the result could be imagined.

Fu Zhengzheng guesses right. Now, Qiao Keren is furious in Room 808 of Oriental Haojing Hotel.

Li Xiaomeng shakes her head while looking at the pillow and quilt on the floor. After picking them up one by one, she comforts Qiao Keren unhurriedly, “Being angry is punishing yourself by other people’s mistakes. What if you get sick because of anger? Those who will be concerned about you are nobody else but us who care about you!”

“I just can’t swallow it! I will break her legs and disfigure her face!”

Li Xiaomeng is shocked and immediately says, “It is against the law, and you will go to jail! You can’t do it!”

“Then I will tell Daddy and ask him to drive her out of B City!”

“Don’t do that. Your Daddy already thinks you are wronged by taking the initiative to pursue Han Siqi. If he knew he had an affair, would he still support your marriage? Besides, Fu Zhengzheng is the apple of Mr. Han’s eye. If he knew you drove her out of B City, wouldn’t he hate you? Originally, Mr. Han’s attitude towards you …”Li Xiaomeng pauses and then says, “Anyway, you understand what I mean.”

“I can neither do this nor do that. What should I do?” Qiao Keren stamps irritably.

“If only she can leave B City by herself.”

“How is that possible?”

“I don’t think it is possible, either.” Li Xiaomeng smiles helplessly. “If I were her, I wouldn’t leave here anyway, unless I had no face to stay.”

“Ah, Xiaomeng,” Qiao Keren turns her eyes, saying, “Do you think she will stay here if she is utterly discredited?”

“Being utterly discredited?” Li Xiaomeng looks at her in puzzlement.

“Yes, let her be completely discredited!” Qiao Keren whispers to Li Xiaomeng.

Li Xiaomeng is shocked at what she said. “Ah! Keren, will that be too much?”

“It isn’t too much. I am just going to show Siqi how bad the woman he sees as a treasure is, and let Fu Zhengzheng know that she won’t have a good life as long as she offends me.” Qiao Keren touches her face with Fu Zhengzheng’s five fingerprints, and grits her teeth.

Li Xiaomeng looks anxiously at her with a slight twinkle in her eyes. “Keren, your face will be OK after icing it down. Besides, didn’t you also slap her? You were even, weren’t you?”

“We are not even! Unless she leaves Siqi!” Qiao Keren is furious but her eyes are firm.


At Fu Zhengzheng’s new home in Jiaye Garden.

Zhu Linglong and Min Zhongxu have left. After helping Chen Qiaolan clean up the kitchen, Fu Zhengzheng wipes her hands and yells at Han Siqi’s room, “Xingxing, wash your face and go to bed.”

“Mommy, it is still early, and I want to play with Daddy a little longer.”

Han Siqi seems to have no intention of leaving tonight. Didn’t Qiao Keren ask him out?

Thinking of the five fingerprints on Qiao Keren’s face, Fu Zhengzheng’s heart sinks again.

Qiao Keren always cares much about her image, so she won’t come to see Han Siqi with such appearance. It is even more impossible for her to complain to Han Siqi. At most she will complain to her parents.

Fu Zhengzheng lies in bed fretfully, regretting for her reckless behavior during the day.

It is necessary to slap Qiao Keren back, but it seems that she slapped too heavily.

Qiao Keren’s slap made her face turn red, but it didn’t hurt much. However, her slap on Qiao Keren’s face was different.

But who told Qiao Keren to threaten her with Fu Xing? It is okay to curse her and threaten her, but Fu Xing can’t be involved!

It is necessary to give Qiao Keren a lesson and let Qiao Keren know that it is not easy to bully her.

Fu Zhengzheng feels better now. It seems that she should be more careful, and should better protect Fu Xing.

She has told Yang Tao about it, and he should arrange for someone to protect Fu Xing.

“Mommy, shh—” Fu Xing comes in her room noiselessly, interrupting her thoughts.

Fu Xing quickly spreads out her quilt and covers it on Fu Zhengzheng, and puts a pillow in her left side.

Her son is so caring, for he fears that she will catch a cold. Fu Zhengzheng looks happily at her son with a smile.

But soon she finds that she is wrong. After hiding his shoes, Fu Xing gets into bed on her right side, yelling, “Daddy, I am ready!”

Hide-and-seek again?

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng understands what is going on, Han Siqi has entered the room.

Fu Zhengzheng wants to get up, but she is tightly held in the quilt by Fu Xing. She has to lie down again and then picks up a magazine, saying, “Are you looking for Fu Xing? He is not in the quilt.”

As soon as she finishes saying that, she feels a pain in her waist. Obviously, Fu Xing is punishing her for making a confession without duress!

Han Siqi comes to the bedside with a smile and reaches his hands into the quilt. But soon he finds that what he touches is a pillow.

“Hey, hey. Where are you touching? Stop!” Fu Zhengzheng turns and leaves her back to Han Siqi.

Fortunately, she is quick to respond. Otherwise, some private place on her body would be touched by him!

Han Siqi also realizes that he has been tricked by Fu Xing, so he takes back his hands. Then he puts one hand on the bed and stretches out his other hand to pat on the quilt on the other side of Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Xing pulls back the quilt after being hit, and bursts into laughter, “Daddy, I’m here!”

“Little goblin!” Han Siqi smiles dotingly.

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at the fake father and son, and then turns and lies down. As she is about to say something, Han Siqi suddenly falls down on her.

“Daddy has kissed Mommy. Daddy has kissed Mommy!” Fu Xing claps his hands and cheers.

It turns out that when Fu Zhengzheng turns around, she touches Han Siqi’s hand that is supporting his body, and Fu Xing grabs Han Siqi and pushes him, causing Han Siqi to fall on Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng immediately struggles to push Han Siqi away, and Han Siqi is about to get up. However, Fu Xing lies on Han Siqi’s back.

Not taking notice, Han Siqi is affected by gravity, thus his face gets closer to Fu Zhengzheng.

“Fu Xing—” Fu Zhengzheng shouts, angry with Fu Xing who has betrayed her.

But Fu Xing is not affected at all, trying his best to press Han Siqi’s head.


This time, Fu Zhengzheng’s lips are not saved by the efforts of her son, and she has to open her eyes as wide as bronze bells.

Fu Xing gets up, bounces and claps his hands on the bed. “Daddy has kissed Mommy. Then Daddy will be Mommy’s!”

Seeing the murderous look of Fu Zhengzheng, who has pushed Han Siqi aside, Fu Xing quickly gets out of the bed without even wearing his shoes, and rushes out, crying, “Grandma help me. Mommy is going to beat me!”

“Why will she beat you?” Chen Qiaolan rushes to pick up Fu Xing.

As Fu Zhengzheng gets out of bed, Chen Qiaolan comes into the room with Fu Xing in her arms. “Oh, you don’t wear your shoes when you run out. You’ll catch a cold.”

Fu Xing points at the position where the shoes are hidden, grimaces at Fu Zhengzheng and even blinks at Han Siqi in front of Fu Zhengzheng. He is obviously proud of their tacit cooperation!

Fu Zhengzheng points at Fu Xing, and he immediately hugs Chen Qiaolan, saying, “Grandma, Mommy hasn’t recovered from cold yet. I don’t want to be infected, so I want to sleep with you! I will behave well at night.”

“OK, sleep with Grandma.” After putting on Fu Xing’s shoes for him, Chen Qiaolan turns and says, “Zhengzheng, I will take Xingxing to sleep with me.”

Then she quickly walks out with Fu Xing in her arms, regardless of whether Fu Zhengzheng agrees or disagrees with it. She comes to her room and slams the door shut.

Fu Zhengzheng clearly sees Aunt Chen and Fu Xing look at each other and smile. Aunt Chen has understood all these. Even she is on Fu Xing’s side!

There is only Han Siqi standing aside in the room. Fu Zhengzheng suddenly glares at him.

“It is none of my business.”

Is there anything wrong? Han Siqi should seem to be wronged!

The one who has been taken advantage of is her!

Fu Zhengzheng points at Han Siqi’s nose while cursing, “Han Siqi, my son is only five years old. You should not indoctrinate him with such dirty thoughts, which will affect his healthy growth!”

“What dirty thoughts?”

“That is…” Seeing Han Siqi’s smiling eyes, Fu Zhengzheng swallows what she is going to say, and glares at him, saying, “I am going to rest!”

“I was kissed by you. Xingxing said I would be yours, so you should be responsible for me.” Han Siqi should act shamelessly by lying on her bed.

Fu Zhengzheng is angry. She drags him up and says, “Don’t pretend to be innocent after taking advantage of me. Believe it or not, I kick you?”

Han Siqi takes Han Siqi to bed and turns over to press her under his body. He circles her face with his thumb and his smile becomes wicked. “How did I take advantage of you? Why don’t I know?”

Fu Zhengzheng is very embarrassed. She opens her mouth to bite his fingers. When he dodges, she bites his arm. Han Siqi has to let her go and gets up.

“OK, I am leaving. You have a good rest.” Han Siqi seems to have had enough intimacy with her. He pulls his clothes and says, “Go to work with Xu Yan tomorrow, and I will pick up Xingxing.”

“I will take him to kindergarten myself. Otherwise, someone will be jealous and wants to find an opportunity to kill Xingxing.”

“Who dares to do that to Xingxing?” Han Siqi’s face changes, saying, “I will kill him!”

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