Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 71 - There Is Something Wrong!

Chapter 71 There Is Something Wrong!

Realizing that she has spilt the beans, Fu Zhengzheng immediately corrects herself, “No, I mean you take Fu Xing to kindergarten every day, so other kids are jealous of Fu Xing.”

Seeing that she doesn’t tell the truth, Han Siqi probably understands what she means, and he doesn’t ask anymore. He just smiles and turns to leave.

Looking at the warm smile and thinking about what happened tonight, Fu Zhengzheng feels sweet unconsciously. She doesn’t realize it herself, but she feels happy when she lies down on the bed.

Sitting in the car, Han Siqi looks at the quiet and peaceful community in a trance.

If he can’t protect the woman he loves, will he still be a man?

It seems that something needs to be speeded up.

With deep eyes, he starts the car and leaves Jiaye Garden.


The sun is warm. There is no wind and the trees keep still.

In a banquet hall of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, many people are busy fixing up the hall. The task of Fu Zhengzheng and Xu Yan is to arrange the fruit platters for each table.

In order to get out early to visit the old house, Fu Zhengzheng is quickly preparing the fruit platters.

“Zhengzheng, is it the first time you have been to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort?” Xu Yan rearranges the fruits that are not put in good order by Fu Zhengzheng.

“Yes, the scenery here seems very beautiful.” Fu Zhengzheng is a little embarrassed and slows down.

Xu Yan grabs the dish in her hand and jokes, “You seem to be a country monkey who has never seen the world. Go ahead, and I will do the things here.”

“Then…” Fu Zhengzheng rubs her hands and smiles.

“If you say you will stay and do these things with me, I will not object.”

“It is very kind of you, Xu Yan.” Fu Zhengzheng immediately puts down the fruit in her hands and is ready to hug Xu Yan.

Xu Yan dodges her quickly and says smilingly, “Don’t go far and get lost.”

Fu Zhengzheng stands at the entrance of the banquet hall and looks around. She walks westwards by intuition and sees the old house not far away. She can’t help rushing over happily.

The same courtyard and the same window—the more Fu Zhengzheng looks at it, the more she feels that the house in front of her coincides with the one in her memory.

When she pushes the door of the courtyard and finds it unlocked, she is delighted. She looks around and finds that there are many people coming and going, but no one seems to notice her, so she pushes the door and gets in.

The doors and windows of the old house are closed, which seems that no one has lived in it for a long time. But the lawn in the yard is trimmed neatly and there is no weed. Obviously, there is someone doing daily maintenance.

It is not demolished, and no one lives in it, but it is often cleaned. There must be something complicated behind the old house.

Fu Zhengzheng keeps going forward to the front door of the house.

The front door is closed. Looking around, she finds other doors and windows also seem to be closed. She is thinking about from which place she should go in at night.

“You seem to be interested in this house.” A low male voice sounds from behind.

Fu Zhengzheng is taken aback. She turns around quickly and can’t help gasping with fear—it is Ji Muxian.

She is too absorbed in the house to notice that there is a man behind her!

She is secretly annoyed that she hasn’t worn her uniform for so long that she has forgotten all her basic skills.

Fu Zhengzheng takes back her eyes and glances around, and then covers up with laughter, saying, “Yes, don’t you think the house is special in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort?”


“All buildings in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort are new with ornate decoration. Only this building is old and simple with no one lives in it. I doubt it is a place for sundries.”

“So what?”

“Nothing. In order to test my guess, I come over and take a look at it.” Fu Zhengzheng throws up her hands to show that she has finished looking at it and is going to leave.

“Is the reason so simple?” Ji Muxian doesn’t believe it.

“Do think it is complicated?” Fu Zhengzheng grins.

To be honest, Fu Zhengzheng really wants to enquire the old house of Ji Muxian. She always feels that he should know something, but she is afraid that he would know her secret after asking him.

Seeing Ji Muxian staring thoughtfully at the old house, Fu Zhengzheng quickly changes the topic, “Officer Ji, it seems that I often see you in Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. By the way, isn’t today Wednesday? You’re off work before four o’clock?”

“I’m lazy.”

Fu Zhengzheng thinks for a moment and asks tentatively, “I think laziness is just an excuse. Officer Ji, are you working part-time here?”

Doesn’t she know how much money can a policeman earn? He bought his mother such expensive clothes, so he certainly earns more than that.

Ji Muxian is stunned and says nothing.

With a mysterious smile, Fu Zhengzheng approaches him and whispers, “Officer Ji, you can rest assured that I will keep your secret. You helped me so much before, didn’t you?”

“Zhengzheng—Zhengzheng—” Xu Yan’s voice rings in the distance. Fu Zhengzheng immediately waves at Ji Muxian, saying, “Officer Ji, my colleague is calling me over. I should go.”

Then she runs out of the courtyard, leaving Ji Muxian standing there alone for quite a while.

“Why do you call me?” Fu Zhengzheng runs to Xu Yan, gasping for air.

Xu Yan doesn’t reply Fu Zhengzheng, but stands on tiptoe to look at the distance.

Fu Zhengzheng looks curiously down her eyes and sees Ji Muxian slowly coming out of the old house.

She pokes Xu Yan’s head, saying, “You have already had Xiao Yicheng. Are you still thinking about other men? Are you worthy of Xiao Yicheng’s sincere love?”

Xu Yan doesn’t withdraw her head and asks seriously as if she didn’t hear what Fu Zhengzheng said, “Well, Zhengzheng, Officer Ji is really tall and handsome, imposing and commanding. How much do you like him?”

“Nonsense. He is just an acquaintance of me. You have thought too much.” Xu Yan takes Xu Yan to the banquet hall.

Xu Yan pulls her and refuses to go, asking, “Is it because of Mr. Han that you don’t like Officer Ji? I told you that Mr. Han…”

“OK, that is enough!” Fu Zhengzheng interrupts her, “Don’t forget we are here for the annual meeting, not for dating.”

“Well, Zhengzheng, I really think Officer Ji is good…Well, Zhengzheng, wait for me. Listen to me…”

Fu Zhengzheng ignores her and hurries to the banquet hall. Xu Yan has to trot all the way to catch up.

“OK, OK, I stop, okay? Every time I ask you to find a boyfriend, you are unhappy. I am afraid of you.” Xu Yan follows Fu Zhengzheng into the hall and smiles at Fu Zhengzheng, who is glaring at her. Then Xu Yan points at a red box and says, “It is the box for tonight’s lottery. Now we fold the cards with employees’ names on them and put them in the box. Hurry up. The cards haven’t been cut yet.”

Without saying a word, Fu Zhengzheng picks up the scissors and gets down to the work.

She just wants to finish these things quickly and hopes it gets dark quickly, so she can do what she longs to do.

At six o’clock in the evening, people come in succession. Fu Zhengzheng and Xu Yan are busy leading them to their places to sit down.

The first part of the annual meeting is the speech by Han Sixian, chairman of the board of Weihan. Listening to Han Sixian’s very influential speech on stage, Fu Zhengzheng admires him secretly. He deserves to be chairman.

But when she looks around to find Han Siqi, she doesn’t see him at all. Then she is disappointed, guessing why he doesn’t come on such an important occasion.

However, she has no time to think about that. When people’s attention is attracted by Han Sixian, she quietly moves to the door.

When she comes to the door, a woman with a glass of wine in her hand blocks Fu Zhengzheng’s way.

“Hello, Miss Fu.” It is a beautiful lady, Qiao Keren.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her but can’t figure out what she is going to do. Fu Zhengzheng just smiles and waits for her next step.

“Miss Fu, I thought for a long time after I went back, and I feel that I really did something wrong.” Qiao Keren’s attitude should be very sincere. “I am really unhappy because Siqi is so kind to you and your son. You are right. Even if I drive you away, there will be other women sticking to Siqi.”

Fu Zhengzheng still remains silent and looks at her speculatively.

Qiao Keren turns and hands a cup of wine to Fu Zhengzheng, saying, “Siqi is in the middle of us, so we can compete for him fairly. I think it is reasonable for me to play some small tricks, but the only one I feel guilty about is Xingxing. He is so young and so lovely, but I almost killed him. You woke me up today. When I came back, the more I thought about it, the more I regretted it. I am sorry.”

Fu Zhengzheng takes the wine but doesn’t drink it. Instead, she is trying to figure out what Qiao Keren means by saying these.

Qiao Keren finishes her glass of wine. Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t drink, she says disapprovingly, “Are you afraid to drink the wine I give you, or do you refuse to forgive me? If it is the latter, I can apologize again. If it is the former, oh, Miss Fu, you’re very careful. I can drink it to show you.”

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t want to tangle with Qiao Keren. Thinking that Qiao Keren randomly picked up a glass of wine to her in front of her eyes, Fu Zhengzheng raises the glass and drinks it.

“OK, thank you.” Qiao Keren looks happy, “You can rest assured that I will love Xingxing like Siqi does in the future, but I still hope you can give up the competition between you and me.”

“I am not interested in Han Siqi.” Fu Zhengzheng smiles, turns around and leaves. Feeling that Qiao Keren does not follow, she quickens her pace.

When she comes to the old house again, Fu Zhengzheng finds that there is no one nearby, so she can’t help being happy.

Walking around the house, she is surprised to find that one of the windows is not tightly closed. It is supposed to be used for ventilation. She gently pushes the window open and wants to climb up. Just then, the dizziness forces her to stop.

She quickly squats down against the wall, caresses her head and closes her eyes.

But when she squats down, she feels more and more hot and dry, and she can’t focus her attention.

How can she be drunk after drinking a glass of wine?

Qiao Keren’s smiling face immediately flashes through her mind.

But she thinks it is impossible, because she saw Qiao Keren randomly picked up the wine with her own eyes. What has gone wrong?

She has no time to think about this. She feels an inexplicable impulse in her body. It is the feeling…that she seems to have seen in the novel.

There is something wrong!

Realizing the problem, she gets panicked. Her first reaction is to call Xu Yan. She sits on the ground and takes out her mobile phone to make a phone call, but it rings for a long time and no one answers it.

Sweat stains all over her body. She is anxious, because if she can’t get through to Xu Yan before she loses consciousness, the consequences will be terrible.

“What’s wrong with you?” A man’s voice is ringing in her ear.

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