Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 72 - You Big Jerk!

Chapter 72 You Big Jerk!

It is Ji Muxian!

Fu Zhengzheng grabs Ji Muxian’s hand like grabbing a life-saving straw, and then yells in a hurry, “Officer Ji, help me!”

“What’s wrong?”

“Officer Ji, please take me to the hospital. I’m not feeling well.” Fu Zhengzheng grits her teeth and begs Ji Muxian.

She is embarrassed and has no time to explain the details to Ji Muxian.

Ji Muxian stares at her for a long time and seems to have understood something. He picks up Fu Zhengzheng and walks out. When they pass a building, he sees a man on the road looking around with strange eyes. Ji Muxian immediately turns around and hides behind a tree with Fu Zhengzheng in his arms.

Ji Muxian knows that man. He is a tabloid journalist who likes to report scandals of celebrities in B City.

If he sees such a thing happen to an employee of Weihan at the annual meeting, it may become the news that employees of Weihan commit adultery at the annual meeting after his publicity.

“Hurry up, I can’t stand it…” Fu Zhengzheng is sweating faintly. Her teeth are deeply embedded in her lips, and her hands that grab Ji Muxian are shaking slightly.

Ji Muxian hurriedly covers Fu Zhengzheng’s mouth with his hand. Then he sees the journalist walks here excitedly.

Ji Muxian is shocked, knowing that he cannot take Fu Zhengzheng outside again. He pauses and then takes her quickly into the building behind him, and goes directly into his room.

Ji Muxian puts Fu Zhengzheng on the bed, and takes out his mobile phone, thinking about calling a doctor. Suddenly, Fu Zhengzheng gets up and holds him tightly, muttering, “Siqi, Siqi…”

Ji Muxian is stunned. As Fu Zhengzheng moves her lips to him, he immediately leans back and pushes Fu Zhengzheng down on the bed. He finds that Fu Zhengzheng is unconscious, and her speech is incoherent.

Looking at Fu Zhengzheng who is lying on the bed with a red face while murmuring softly, Ji Muxian knows that it will be of no use taking her to the hospital now. Hearing the name she murmurs, he ponders for a moment and then calls his third brother.

The phone has been ringing for a long time, but nobody answers it. He swears unconsciously and then dials another phone number.

“Ask everybody to go to the banquet hall to look for my third brother, and ask him to call me.”

Putting down his cell phone, he looks at Fu Zhengzheng at a distance from the bed.

He knows clearly why she has such symptoms. He is just wondering who has trapped her.

He deliberately left the window open in order to attract her in. He wanted to know what attraction the old house had for her, but he didn’t expect to see that scene.

“Siqi, I feel terrible. Am I going to die? Save me, save me. I don’t want to die. I have to bring up Fu Xing…” Fu Zhengzheng tears her clothes, which are almost ripped off, but she doesn’t stop. Ji Muxian wants to reach out his hands to stop her, but he stops his hands in the air and then turns his face sideways.

Just then, his cell phone rings.

“Officer Ji, Mr. Han is awarding prizes, and we dare not interrupt.”

“I see. You come to my room now.”

Two minutes later, there are hasty knocks on the door. Ji Muxian walks quickly to the door, opens it and gets out, and then closes the door.

“Officer Ji.” The man standing outside is Wan Zhenghua, the security captain at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort who is still gasping.

“You stand here. Don’t move no matter what will go on inside. No one can go in except for my third brother.”

Wan Zhenghua wipes his sweat and nods hurriedly, “You can rest assured. I see.”

Ji Muxian looks back at the door and strides to the banquet hall.

As soon as he enters the banquet hall, he hears a round of warm applause. Ji Muxian looks up and sees that Han Siqi is giving a red envelope to an employee.

Ji Muxian goes to the stage and gives him a sign with his eyes. Han Siqi turns his head and nods to Min Zhongxu before he steps down.

“What is the matter, second brother?”

“Go to my room.”

Ji Muxian says while secretly putting a key in Han Siqi’s hand.

Han Siqi holds the key in puzzlement, but doesn’t ask much, and then walks out quickly. He knows that his second brother would never ask for him unless there is something particularly important.

“Where are you going, Siqi?” Qiao Keren, who has been sitting in the front seat, immediately follows him.

“Miss Qiao? Long time no see. May we drink a toast?” Ji Muxian stands in front of Qiao Keren with a glass of wine in his hand.

“Second brother.” Qiao Keren greets him sweetly, and turns to pick up a glass of wine, saying, “Cheers.”

When she finishes drinking the wine and looks around, she can’t find Han Siqi anymore. She comes directly to Han Siqi’s room, but finds that there is no one in it. Thus, she feels depressed.

Han Siqi walks quickly to his second brother’s room and sees Wan Zhenghua guarding the door from a distance.

“Good evening, Mr. Han,” Wan Zhenghua hurriedly steps aside, saying, “Officer Ji said only you were allowed to enter.”

“Well, get down to your own business.” After Wan Zhenghua leaves, Han Siqi takes out the key to open the door.

Han Siqi is curious to see that there is nothing strange in the room. But soon he hears the movement in the room. He walks in quickly and sees Fu Zhengzheng lying on the bed.

Han Siqi is shocked and rushes over to hold her shoulders, asking, “Zhengzheng, what’s wrong with you?”

Suddenly, Fu Zhengzheng embraces Han Siqi and says painfully, “Don’t leave me, Siqi. I feel terrible. I feel hot…”

Han Siqi looks at her closely and sees that Fu Zhengzheng is closing her eyes and clenching her teeth, and her scarlet face is covered with sweat. He is shocked.

“Siqi…” Fu Zhengzheng actively moves her lips to him.

“Zhengzheng? Zhengzheng?” Han Siqi calls her several times, but she turns a deaf ear to him. Then he finds that she is totally unconscious, and she is calling his name unconsciously because she doesn’t know what she is doing.

One hand of Fu Zhengzheng has pulled off his clothes and began to grope his body. Han Siqi mutters and grabs her hand, but she grabs his hand and calls his name again.


“Well, I’m here.”

Han Siqi embraces her affectionately.

Looking at Fu Zhengzheng who finally falls asleep in his arms, Han Siqi smiles lovingly. He holds her in his arms while keeping thinking.

There are no outsiders at today’s party. Who hurts her by such means?

Is it…

His eyes suddenly dim.

The person dared to use such means to harm his woman. He will take revenge sooner or later!


As his second brother’s hasty look flashes through his mind, he is puzzled again.

Doesn’t his second brother like her? Why did his brother ask him to come in this situation?

Isn’t it what he wants?


The woman in his arms moves and mutters.

“Zhengzheng, I am here.” His hoarse voice, which is as soft as glutinous rice, brings more reassurance to her. As he watches her fall asleep again, his eyes are filled with tenderness.

Maybe her unconscious calls are the reason why his second brother asked him to come.

I am in her heart.

Han Siqi looks down at Fu Zhengzheng who is satisfied, gently pulls aside her hair on her cheek, and holds her once again in front of his chest.

He can’t help laughing when he remembers that she racked her brains to see if there was a mole between his thighs, but was fooled by him again and again. He can’t help being jealous when he remembers the tenderness in her eyes every time she mentioned Nian Xi. He can’t help gritting his teeth when he remembers that she has avoided him because of Qiao Keren.

Although he cannot give her any promises now, he will never allow her heart to stay away from him, nor will he allow her to love other people, even if it is his second brother!

Looking at the dense marks on her body left by him, he smiles. Yes, Fu Zhengzheng is labeled by him. Henceforth, she only belongs to him! Xingxing can only call him Daddy.


Wisps of golden sunlight pass through the gap of curtains that are not drawn completely, and fall on the floor, forming irregular shapes.

Fu Zhengzheng stretches with her eyes closed.

It is strange. She didn’t do any heavy work yesterday, but why does she feel so terrible like being run over by a train?

“Wake up, wake up, Fu Xing. It is time to get up.” Fu Zhengzheng pushes the person beside her without opening her eyes.

Well, why does Fu Xing become so tough?

Fu Zhengzheng suddenly sits up, and her eyes instantly open as wide as a copper bell.

Han Siqi? How can he be in her bed?

After pulling back the quilt, she feels her head is booming. What does it mean that she lies on the same bed with a man?

What happened last night? Where was she last night?

Fu Zhengzheng tries to recall, but she can only remember until she met Ji Muxian at the door of the old house.

“Baby, do you wake up?” Han Siqi lies on his side with his head in one hand, looking smilingly at her.

“Han—Siqi! You big jerk! What did you do to me?” Fu Zhengzheng clutches the quilt tightly to cover her body while kicking over.

Hans Siqi, who has been prepared for it, grabs her leg in bed and pushes it away. Then he says with a smile, “What did I do to you? I don’t remember, either.”

Failing to withdraw her leg, Fu Zhengzheng puts her hand under the quilt and pinches him on the arm, shouting, “Han Siqi! You rascal! Get out of here! Get out!”

“Get out? Where should I get to? Get to you?”

Seeing that Han Siqi is going to come up to her, she instantly shots countless poisonous arrows with her eyes, and quickly grabs a pillow and throws it to Han Siqi with all her strength to stop him coming over.

Fu Zhengzheng intends to settle the scores with Han Siqi after putting on her clothes, but when she looks around, she finds it is a strange room.

Where is it?

She remembers that she was drowsy after drinking the wine given by Qiao Keren last night. Then she met Ji Muxian and asked him to help her.

Where is Ji Muxian? Why is Han Siqi here? How did he come here? What happened last night?

God! God!

Fu Zhengzheng feels a sense of shame sweeping through her whole body. She slightly turns her head to glance at Han Siqi, finding that he is picking up clothes on the ground.

But he is not dressed!

Her face suddenly turns red. She immediately takes back her eyes and curses Qiao Keren inwardly. Then she blames herself for being trapped so easily.

As Han Siqi has got dressed, Fu Zhengzheng looks around and feels like crying again—her clothes seem to be torn. How can she wear such clothes?

She bites her lips and asks, “Where is it?”

“Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.”

Oh, she remembers that the company has booked Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort for them to have fun for one night. She and Xu Yan were arranged to rest in one room.

The poisoned wine was given by Qiao Keren, who was anxious to see her be harmed. If Qiao Keren knows that things didn’t go as she had wished; instead, Fu Zhengzheng was staying with Han Siqi, and they have slept together, will she swallow Fu Zhengzheng up?

Qiao Keren is so vicious! She is going to be implacably opposed to Qiao Keren!

Just then, there is suddenly a slight knock on the door.

Han Siqi comes over to open the door, but Fu Zhengzheng shouts, “Don’t open the door!”

However, Han Siqi ignores her and opens the door.

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