Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 76 - The Suite Is Reserved for You

Chapter 76 The Suite Is Reserved for You

Han Siqi combs his hair with his hands and adjusts his clothes. Then he climbs towards Fu Zhengzheng while propping himself up on one hand.

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked, thinking that he is going to retaliate against her. So she jumps out of the bed from the other side and looks at him vigilantly.

Han Siqi glances at her angrily. Then he picks up the sock beside her pillow, takes out a small gyro from his pocket and puts it in.

“I have something to do these days. In case I can’t come back the day after tomorrow, you can give the gift to Xingxing.”

It turns out that he comes to give a gift! Fu Zhengzheng smilingly says, “OK.”

After putting the gift in the sock, Han Siqi stands up and stares at Fu Zhengzheng while saying seriously, “When I am away, you stay at home with Xingxing and don’t go out at night. Do you hear that?”

Why do you command me?

Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes inwardly, but she smiles brilliantly, saying, “Where can I go at night? I can only stay at home with Xingxing.”

She doesn’t tell him about the activities she is going to take part in tomorrow night, so she won’t be stopped. She wants to wait until he knows it.

Fu Zhengzheng’s ready answer makes Han Siqi frown. He looks at her and says, “Have an early rest.”

Then he turns and leaves.

Fu Zhengzheng smiles secretly. If she is so obedient, she won’t be called Fu Zhengzheng.


It is a day with warm sun and warm wind.

At the antechamber of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort.

Fu Zhengzheng raises the room card at Xu Yan, saying, “Let’s put things in first.”

“Miss Fu, please follow me.” The waiter bows slightly with a smile and leads the way ahead.

Xu Yan hurriedly follows them with a suitcase.

As soon as they stepped onto the corridor, they meet Wan Zhenghua, the security captain, who is patrolling with a walkie-talkie.

Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t know him, so she just smiles politely and then goes on talking and laughing with Xu Yan.

When they pass by, Wan Zhenghua takes out a picture from his pocket and looks at it carefully, and then he looks at Fu Zhengzheng. After that, he quickly walks to the antechamber.

The waiter leads Fu Zhengzheng and Xu Yan to stop in front of a room, saying, “Miss Fu, this is a suite, and the other two are standard rooms.”

“Thank you.”

“You are welcome.” The waiter smiles sweetly and hands some cards to Fu Zhengzheng. “It is the dinner voucher that Miss Zhu prepared for you. Call me if you need.”

Linglong is so careful. Fu Zhengzheng praises Zhu Linglong in her mind while thanking the waiter. As she opens the door with the room card, they are shocked.

“Wow, this room is so luxurious!” Xu Yan puts down the suitcase and lies on the bed, can’t help exclaiming.

“Haven’t you seen the world?” Fu Zhengzheng rolls her eyes at Xu Yan.

“Humph, it sounds that you often live in such luxurious places!” Xu Yan rolls her eyes back at Fu Zhengzheng, continuing, “I don’t know who went to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort the other day like a countrywoman who went to the city for the first time!”

“Nonsense! Come to decorate the room. Don’t blame me if you fail to express your love to him because the atmosphere is not good enough!”

“You are annoying. Who said I was going to confess my love!” Xu Yan spits at Fu Zhengzheng, but her face is a little red. Then she gets up to open the suitcase.

Fu Zhengzheng turns and says with a smile when she walks around to the window, “Your two friends live in Room 206, and I will live in Room 208 with Xingxing. The suite is reserved for you and Xiao Yicheng. You can spend a crazy night in it.”

“Bah!” Xu Yan spits and then says, “Hurry to help me, won’t you? Do you come for a stroll?”

Fu Zhengzheng suppresses her laughter and helps Xu Yan decorate the room.

After a long time, they finally sigh with relief when they look at the well-decorated room. They look at each other and smile.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at the time and picks up her bag, saying, “I will pick up Fu Xing.”

“OK, you go first. I’ll have to get the cake in a minute. In the evening, we will have dinner here first. Yicheng will get off work at seven o’clock.”

Fu Zhengzheng leaves Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort and goes straight to Little Sun Kindergarten.

She thought she came early, but doesn’t expect that there are few kids left in kindergarten.

“Xingxing, your Mommy comes.” Standing at the door of the classroom, Li Xiaomeng sees Fu Zhengzheng and waves to Fu Xing immediately.

“Mommy, why do you come so late? Almost all the children have left.” Fu Xing pouts discontentedly.

“Xingxing, Mommy’s work is laborious. You should learn to understand her.” Li Xiaomeng fondles Fu Xing’s head and teaches him patiently. Then she smiles at Fu Zhengzheng, saying, “When children hear about the holiday, they are not in the mood for class, so they all told their parents in the morning to pick them up early. Look, it is not time for school to let out.”

“Thank you, Miss Li. Fu Xing has bothered you a lot this semester.” Fu Zhengzheng takes Fu Xing and smiles.

“I am a teacher. It is my job.” Li Xiaomeng squats down and says to Fu Xing, “Xingxing, you are the best child in my eyes. You should listen to your Mommy, do you know?”

“Yes.” Fu Xing answers crisply. He thinks for a while and adds, “Miss Li, tomorrow is Christmas. I wish you a happy Christmas.”

“Thank you, Xingxing. I wish you a happy Christmas, too.” Li Xiaomeng kisses Fu Xing happily.

Seeing other parents come, Fu Zhengzheng asks Fu Xing to wave his hand. Li Xiaomeng also waves her hand and smiles. Then she turns to greet other parents.

After they leave the kindergarten, Fu Zhengzheng hails a taxi and goes to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort again.

“Mommy, where are we going?” Fu Xing has a strong sense of direction.

“Today is Mr. Xiao’s birthday. Mommy takes you to celebrate his birthday.”

“Ah?” Fu Xing screams.

“What’s wrong?” Fu Zhengzheng is startled and looks nervously at her son.

“Mr. Xiao’s birthday, but I didn’t prepare a gift.”

Fu Zhengzheng is relieved and says, “You are a child. It’s okay not to prepare gifts.”

Looking at her frustrated son, Fu Zhengzheng thinks for a moment and then says, “You can sing the birthday song for him a few more times.”

Hearing that, Fu Xing’s eyes light up. Then he says proudly, “I will sing the Chinese version first and then sing the English version.”

Fu Zhengzheng is happy. She pats his head lovingly.

After they arrive at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort, Fu Zhengzheng calls Xu Yan. She learns that Xu Yan hasn’t arrived and it is still early, so she takes Fu Xing to play in a small amusement park near the old house.

It is almost at dusk, but it has been sunny these days and there is no wind, so it is not cold.

Fu Xing slides down a slide and cheers, “Mommy, it is beautiful and interesting here.”

“Yes.” Fu Zhengzheng is standing on the slide, but her eyes fall on the old house not far away.

The doors and windows of the old house are closed. It is like a lifelessly old man in the twilight under the sunset.

Touching her bag, Fu Zhengzheng smiles faintly. Even if the doors and windows are closed, she is fully prepared today.

Although she failed to enter the old house during the past investigation, at least she is more familiar with the house. There isn’t any anti-theft system, so even if she pries the window open, it should not be discovered.

“Hello, Officer!” Fu Xing’s loud cry shocks Fu Zhengzheng. She quickly takes back her sight and turns her head. Sure enough, it is Ji Muxian standing not far away. Fu Xing has slid down the slide and runs straight to him. Then Fu Xing gives him a nonstandard salute, “Salute!”

“Hello, Xingxing.” Ji Muxian also makes a solemn gesture, “Salute!”

Why does she meet Ji Muxian every time she comes here?

Fu Zhengzheng is annoyed, but she pretends to smile brightly to Ji Muxian.

Fu Xing seems to be very fond of Ji Muxian. After the salute, he holds Ji Muxian’s hand, saying, “Officer, you said you would tell stories about the police!”

Fu Zhengzheng immediately says, “Don’t be rude, Fu Xing. The officer is busy!”

However, Ji Muxian doesn’t refuse. He squats down and says with a soft smile, “I am not busy. Xingxing, what kind of story do you want to listen to?”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. In her impression, she seldom saw Ji Muxian smile, and it is even rare for him to smile so amiably.

Fu Xing claps his hands and laughs. “About policemen and thieves!”

Fu Zhengzheng walks quickly to them and pulls Fu Xing aside. Then she looks embarrassedly at Ji Muxian, saying, “Officer Ji, Fu Xing is not sensible. Please don’t mind it.”

She can’t figure out what Ji Muxian is thinking. She thinks it would be better to stay away from him.

“Mummy, I would like to listen…” Fu Zhengzheng immediately pokes Fu Xing in the back.

Ji Muxian seems doesn’t mind, saying, “It is all right. Anyway, I’m free.”

Then Ji Muxian slightly bends, picks up Fu Xing and walks to a bench nearby. “Let’s sit down. I will tell you stories slowly.”

“Great! Great!” Fu Xing wraps his arms around Ji Muxian’s neck and kisses his cheeks loudly.

“Son, who is this baby?” A woman’s voice sounds behind Fu Zhengzheng.

When Fu Zhengzheng turns her head, she immediately recognized the woman, Ji Yashu, Ji Muxian’s mother, whom she has met once.

Remembering that Ji Yashu almost mistook her for Ji Muxian’s girlfriend last time, she is embarrassed.

“Hello, madam. The baby is my son, Fu Xing.” Fu Zhengzheng answers first.

Since I have already had a son, you won’t misunderstand us anymore.

“If I remember correctly, you are called Zhengzheng, aren’t you?”

“Yes, madam.” Ji Yashu’s enquiring eyes make Fu Zhengzheng feel something wrong. She repeats, “My name is Fu Zhengzheng, and this is my son Fu Xing.”

Ji Muxian puts Fu Xing down, frowns and says to Ji Yashu, “Mom, haven’t you gone back? Why are you here again?”

“Fortunately, I’m here. Otherwise, I don’t know what I would miss!” Ji Yashu looks excited. She walks quickly to Fu Xing and claps her hands, saying amiably, “Fu Xing, Xingxing. Come here, let Grandma embrace you, will you?”

“Hello, Grandma.” Fu Xing isn’t shy of being in front of strangers. He opens his hands and comes to Ji Yashu.

“Oh, dear baby.” Ji Yashu holds Fu Xing in her arms while looking at him and fondling him. She is more and more excited, but suddenly her face darkens and she scolds Ji Muxian, “You unfilial son! You know that I am anxious to have a grandson, but you keep me in the dark. Do you want to annoy me intentionally?”

Huh? What happened?

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