Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 77 - You Can’t Kiss Me!

Chapter 77 You Can’t Kiss Me!

Probably because she is running too fast, Fu Zhengzheng sprains her foot and she almost falls. Ji Muxian hurries to help her.

Fu Zhengzheng pushes him aside, shouting, “Your mother has taken my son away, go to take him back!”

Ji Muxian is shocked, and then he runs toward Ji Yashu. Fu Zhengzheng also struggles to catch up.

They come to a building on the northernmost side of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. As soon as Fu Zhengzheng enters, she sees Fu Xing surrounded by several people.

“Fu Xing!”

She suddenly has a feeling that her baby was coveted. Then she rushes over and pulls Fu Xing out.

A man of about fifty years old is looking at Fu Xing with a smile. As Fu Zhengzheng pulls Fu Xing, the man’s face darkens.

“This is Xingxing’s Mommy, Fu Zhengzheng, Miss Fu.” Ji Yashu immediately explains.

The man looks Fu Zhengzheng up and down. Then his face relaxes and he says smilingly, “Miss Fu, you have been wronged.”

Fu Zhengzheng looks confusedly at the man who is somewhat familiar to her, but she can’t remember where she has met him.

“Tengyue, speak kindly, or you will frighten them.” Ji Yashu gently pulls the man’s clothes.

Is he Ji Muxian’s father? No wonder he is familiar to her! As Fu Zhengzheng thinks, she hears Tengyue scolds in a low voice, “Son! Come here! Explain clearly to me!”

“You have misunderstood!” Ji Muxian is a little impatient.

“We have misunderstood? Look at Xingxing’s eyebrows and eyes. Can you say confidently that we have misunderstood?” Tengyue is furious.

The old couple is crazy about having a grandson, aren’t they? Having no time to think about that, Fu Zhengzheng runs out with Fu Xing in her arms and runs to the suite in one breath. Then she knocks at the door and looks at the corridor vigilantly from time to time for fear that they might catch up again.

Xu Yan, who is setting the cake, is frightened by the noise outside and hurries to open the door.

Fu Zhengzheng rushes in the room and slams the door shut. Then she puts Fu Xing on the bed, gasping for air.

“What’s wrong with you?” Xu Yan is frightened and asks in a hurry.

Fu Xing asks with the same puzzled eyes, “Mommy, the people at the policeman’s home are interesting. Why don’t you let me play a little longer?”

“Don’t play there anymore!” Fu Zhengzheng’s face is ferocious.

Fu Xing looks at Xu Yan with some grievance. Xu Yan quickly holds him in her arms and says, “Why do you get so furious? Xingxing, don’t be angry, I will take you to dinner.”

“I want to eat the cake.” Obviously, the big cake on the table attracts him more.

“Wait a minute. The cake has to be eaten in the evening.” Xu Yan blocks in front of the cake.

Fu Xing immediately understands, saying, “Today is Mr. Xiao’s birthday. We will wait for Mr. Xiao to eat with us.”

“Good boy!” Xu Yan leads Fu Xing out, “We are going to eat delicious food without your Mommy.”

“Xu Yan!” Fu Zhengzheng shouts while getting up. Then she follows them.

“Mommy is a glutton.” After Fu Xing says that, he laughs with Xu Yan.

After dinner, they return to their room for a rest. Two friends of Xu Yan, Lingling and Xiaoye, also come. Then Xiao Yicheng calls Xu Yan.

“Come on, get ready. Somebody’s Prince Charming is coming soon.” Fu Zhengzheng beckons Fu Xing to the door.

Fu Xing asks curiously, “Mommy, what is Prince Charming?”

“Well, it is the man that a girl likes very much.”

“Oh, I see.” Fu Xing screams excitedly, “Mommy’s Prince Charming is Daddy!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!” Fu Zhengzheng knocks on her son’s forehead.

“It is the truth!” Fu Xing mutters.

“Shh—” Xu Yan signals, and then the room immediately becomes quiet.

Suddenly, the light is turned off.

Fu Xing stands beside Fu Zhengzheng and holds his breath.

As soon as the door is knocked, Xu Yan opens the door. The one stands outside the door is Xiao Yicheng, dressed in a formal suit, with a large bunch of roses in his hand.

“Hello.” Looking at the roses in front of her, Xu Yan becomes a little awkward.

“Here you are!”

As Xu Yan is about to take over the roses, Xiao Yicheng turns his hand and holds her in his arms, whispering, “Xu Yan, I have something to say to you.”

“Let’s talk later…” Xu Yan is going to get rid of him, but Xiao Yicheng thinks she is about to refuse him. He doesn’t give her the opportunity and kisses her lips directly.


“Yeah, Mr. Xiao kissed Miss Xu. Mr. Xiao is Miss Xu’s!” Fu Xing begins to applaud and cheer in the darkness.

Xiao Yicheng is frightened and hurries to release Xu Yan. When the light is on, he finds that there are so many people in the room.

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng loosens her hand that covers Fu Xing’s eyes. Then she jokes, “It is so sudden that I don’t have time to cover Fu Xing’s eyes.”

Xu Yan looks angrily at Xiao Yicheng while her face has already turned into a big apple.

Xiao Yicheng smiles awkwardly, saying, “I thought you were alone in the room.”

Xiaoye says smilingly, “You can treat us as the air. We really want to hear what you will say to Xu Yan.”

“Don’t tell them!” Xu Yan’s eyes widen.

“Right, how can lovers’ honeyed words be heard by others?” After Fu Zhengzheng says that, everyone laughs together.

Seeing that Xu Yan has become the object of ridicule, Xiao Yicheng immediately shifts the topic, “Ah, whose birthday? There is such a big cake. Xingxing, is it your birthday?”

Hearing “birthday”, Fu Xing immediately sings, “Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you…”

Everyone sings along, but Xiao Yicheng looks at Xu Yan in surprise.

“Happy birthday!” Xu Yan shyly hands a beautifully packaged box to Xiao Yicheng

“My birthday?” Xiao Yicheng is shocked and then he smiles, “It seems that I haven’t celebrated my birthday since I went to college.”

“Someone will celebrate your birthday every year in the future.” Xiaoye laughs outspokenly.

Xiao Yicheng understands why Xu Yan insisted that he change shifts to celebrate Christmas Eve with her. Looking at Xu Yan who is lighting candles, Xiao Yicheng says gently, “Yan, thank you.”

Xu Yan, with a bright red face, smiles, and points at the candles, saying, “Make a wish and blow the candles.”

Standing on a stool, Fu Xing help Xiao Yicheng blow the candle and then claps his hands, saying, “After blowing the candle, kiss!”

Fu Zhengzheng pats his head and glares at him. “What are you talking about, little kid?”

“That is what they do on TV! I know you will say that it is not suitable for children, but I am a man!” Fu Xing pouts and then he asks Xiao Yicheng curiously, “Mr. Xiao, what did you wish for? Speak it out, and it will be fulfilled.”

“Wishes can’t be spoken out, okay? You have so many questions. Let me see if the cake can stop your words.” Fu Zhengzheng takes the cake handed by Xiao Yicheng and puts it in front of Fu Xing.

After dividing the cake for everyone, Xiao Yicheng winks at Fu Xing, saying, “Xingxing is right. My wish will come true only when I speak it out.”

He pauses and then takes out a key from his pocket and presents it to Xu Yan, saying, “Yan, in fact, what I wanted to say to you is that please be the mistress of my family.”



“Say yes!”

They cheer at the same time.

Xu Yan’s face, which has just recovered, is red again.

Fu Xing doesn’t understand Xiao Yicheng’s words, but seeing that everyone is happy, he stands on the stool again and joins others.

Xu Yan shyly takes the key and then everyone applauds.

Fu Xing turns around and covers his eyes, saying, “Is Mr. Xiao going to kiss Miss Xu? I can’t see it.”

“You can’t kiss me!” Xu Yan hurriedly pushes Xiao Yicheng away, but when she finds that Xiao Yicheng doesn’t come forward, she blushes, making everyone laugh again.

After eating the cake, Xu Yan looks at the time and gets up, saying, “It is nine o’clock. The dancing party is about to begin.”

Xiao Yicheng holds Fu Xing in his arms and is ready to go there with others.

Fu Zhengzheng says, “I don’t know much about dancing. You can take Fu Xing there first and I will tidy things up here. I will go back to you later.”

“Zhengzheng, I will…”

Fu Zhengzheng interrupts Xu Yan, “Verbose, go quickly. I heard that there are gifts. If you arrive late, you won’t get them.”

Hearing that there are gifts, Fu Xing becomes excited. “Let’s go, I want gifts!”

“Then come to join us later.” Then Xu Yan leaves with others.

Fu Zhengzheng tidies up the room and sits for a while. Guessing that the dancing party has begun, Fu Zhengzheng picks up her bag, closes the door and goes outside.

The moonlight is dim and the shadows of trees move slightly, but the bright lights everywhere add some warmth to the cold night.

Fu Zhengzheng can vaguely hear the noise coming from the banquet hall. She smiles and looks around. Seeing that there is no one around, she comes straight to the old house and pushes the door into the yard.

Walking around the old house, she finds another window that is not closed tightly!

She is no longer surprised, but is doubtful—why does it open only at night?

Hiding in the dark, she looks around vigilantly, but doesn’t see anyone.

Is she thinking too much? Is it a coincidence?

She can’t care so much. She gently pushes open the window, climbs in carefully, and closes the window.

With the dim street light, Fu Zhengzheng looks carefully at the furnishing in the room and her heart becomes more and more excited.

It is exactly the same as Nian Xi’s house in her memory!

Holding back her excitement, she walks quickly to the room on one side. She turns on a small flashlight and soon finds the button hidden in the bookshelf.

There is really a chamber!

Fu Zhengzheng feels that her heart is beating fast. After taking a few deep breaths, she becomes a little calmer. She reaches out her trembling hand to press the button. Then the bookshelf moves to one side and an entrance appears in front of her.

She hurries to the chamber, gropes for the light and turns it on.

Her eyes can’t get accustomed to the sudden lit light. She closes her eyes and then opens them. The scene in front of her makes her can’t help exclaiming.

If the dust was removed, it would be exactly the same as the chamber that Nian Xi lived in.

Nian Xi! Nian Xi!

Fu Zhengzheng rushes downstairs and touches everything here. Her eyes are filled with tears involuntarily.

But after turning around, she is disappointed, because she can’t find any clue to Nian Xi except the books on the shelf.

Looking up at the vent and touching the thick dust on the table, she concludes that no one has come in for a long time.

Did Nian Xi move after she left?

Where did he go? Was the house bought by the Han family? Why it wasn’t demolished?

Besides, she touched the chairs and tables outside, but found that they were clean. However, the chamber is full of dust. Does the person who cleans the house not know the chamber, or does the Han family not know it, either?

Seeing that the clue to Nian Xi is interrupted again, Fu Zhengzheng, who is sitting on the bed, becomes frustrated again.

No, I can’t give up so easily! She grits her teeth and says to herself.

Now that the house is under the name of Weihan, it must have something to do with the Han family.

To investigate the Han family from Han Siqi? Fu Zhengzheng shakes her head. Qiao Keren sticks to him so tightly!

Is there any way to get into the Han family to enquire about the old house?

Fu Zhengzheng has a headache.


There is a slight noise outside, and Fu Zhengzheng suddenly rises.

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