Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 78 - That Is Not What You Think

Chapter 78 That Is Not What You Think

She rushes to the door of the chamber and looks out vigilantly by the light of the chamber. Hearing the cry of a cat, she is relieved.

She switches off the light of the chamber, gets out, and closes the door. Then she climbs out the window carefully and goes to the banquet hall where people shake their bodies under flashing lights.

Fu Zhengzheng finds Xu Yan and her other friends who are having fun in a corner, but Fu Xing is lying prone on the couch, so she takes Fu Xing back to her room first.

Lying on the bed, Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t sleep well for half a night because she keeps thinking about the chamber. She doesn’t fall asleep until the latter half of the night when she can’t stay up anymore.

She doesn’t wake up until the sun rises. Looking at her watch, she finds that it is more than eight o’clock. She jumps up in shock, saying, “Fu Xing, get up quickly. You will be late for school.”

However, she finds that he is not in bed. She yells a few times, but no one answers. Then she immediately calls Xu Yan, but Xu Yan says she has gone to work and she didn’t see Xingxing in the morning. Fu Zhengzheng gets panicked. She puts on her coat and rushes out.

Before she reaches the front desk, she asks, “Miss, have you seen a boy of five or six years old?”

“Do you mean the little boy in a blue coat? He went out about half an hour ago.”

He went out half an hour ago?

Fu Zhengzheng asks people all the way until she comes to a house on the north of Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort. She calls Fu Xing’s name, and sure enough, she hears Fu Xing’s response!

As Fu Xing runs out, Fu Zhengzheng rushes over and grabs him, shouting, “Why do you run around? Why are you so disobedient?!”

Fu Xing immediately explains, “I saw that you were sleeping soundly, and I didn’t want to wake you up, so I came out to play on my own.”

“You can’t run around even if you are bored! If you don’t keep that in mind, I will beat you!”

“Mommy, I’m sorry…”

Looking at Fu Xing in tears, Fu Zhengzheng wants to say something more. At that time, Ji Yashu runs out with a little girl in her arms. She puts down the girl and comes up to hold Fu Xing, saying, “Oh, you can’t threaten him with violence!”

Why is it she again?

Fu Zhengzheng frowns and quickly pulls Fu Xing behind her, but she doesn’t ignore Ji Yashu. She manages a faint smile, greeting her, “Good Morning, Madam Ji.”

“Don’t call me Madam! Xingxing has called me Grandma!” Ji Yashu smiles gently while waving to Fu Xing, beckoning Fu Xing over.

Fu Xing looks up at Fu Zhengzheng and doesn’t speak or move.

Hearing that, Fu Zhengzheng glares at Fu Xing. Before Fu Zhengzheng speaks, Ji Yashu continues, “Zhengzheng, it is reasonable for you to be mad at my second son. The Han family is really sorry to let you lead a wandering life in poverty. But now we have known it and we will support you.”

The Han family? Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. How many Han families are there in B City? The one lives at Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort!

But isn’t Ji Muxian’s surnamed Ji? Why is he a member of the Han family?

Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng doesn’t speak, Ji Yashu thinks she has moved Fu Zhengzheng. Ji Yashu says smilingly while holding Fu Xing’s hand, “We will make up for the suffering you have suffered these years. Xingxing, come here. Grandma will take you and Xiaoxiao to have fun.”

The second son, the third son, Ji Yashu, Ji Muxian…

Is Ji Muxian the second brother of Han Siqi?

Ah! Is the world so small?

“Mommy…” Fu Xing gently pulls Fu Zhengzheng’s clothes, dares not go with Ji Yashu.

Well, now that she can’t get into the Han family from Han Siqi, she can start with Ji Muxian. She should find the answer she wants first.

Thinking of that, Fu Zhengzheng nods, saying, “Go and play with Xiaoxiao, but you can’t bully her.”

“Yeah!” Fu Xing cheers as if he had been granted an amnesty. He holds Xiaoxiao’s hand and runs towards the house.

“Slow down!” Ji Yashu immediately follows them, and then she turns her head and says, “Muxian, take Zhengzheng to lunch at noon.”

Then she turns and enters the house.

Fu Zhengzheng sees Ji Muxian standing not far away, who is looking at her with an inquiring eye.

She points at Ji Yashu’s back while her eyes are dodgy. Finally, she asks, “Why don’t you explain to them clearly?”

“Explain what? Isn’t that good? Go change your clothes and have lunch together at noon. I’m waiting for you here.” Ji Muxian says unhurriedly, making Fu Zhengzheng puzzled on her way back.

She doesn’t know why Ji Muxian didn’t explain to his parents or why he didn’t ask her the reason she didn’t explain.

When she comes back after changing clothes, she sees Ji Muxian waiting for her from afar.

She thinks that maybe Ji Muxian is forced to marry by his parents, so he leaves the mistake uncorrected just for temporary peace.

“My second elder brother is not suitable for you!” Han Siqi’s words suddenly flash through her mind, making her tremble all over.

Has he misunderstood her and his second brother?

If he knew what happened today, would he beat her up?

No matter what, she should get down to business first.

Fu Zhengzheng grits her teeth and goes to Ji Muxian. Ji Muxian smiles at her and then they go shoulder to shoulder to the house that Fu Xing has entered before.

After entering the house, they find that Fu Xing and Xiaoxiao are not there, and there is only Ji Yashu who is sitting alone drinking tea.

“Zhengzheng, come and sit here.” Ji Yashu slowly puts down her cup and slightly nods to motion for her to sit down.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at Ji Muxian beside her while thinking about how to send him away with an excuse so that she can inquire Ji Yashu of the old house.

Ji Yashu thinks she has understood Fu Zhengzheng’s look, so she gestures to Ji Muxian, saying, “Go upstairs to look after Xingxing and Xiaoxiao in case they will quarrel.”

Ji Muxian looks at Fu Zhengzheng without saying anything and then goes upstairs.

As soon as Fu Zhengzheng sits down, Ji Yashu asks, “Zhengzheng, tell me how did you know my second son and how did you give birth to Xingxing.”

Ah! Is Ji Yashu sure that Fu Xing is Ji Muxian’s son?

She just wants to take advantage of Ji Yashu’s affection for Fu Xing to inquire about the old house. But if the misunderstanding be heard by Han Siqi, she will have to suffer, won’t she?

Fu Zhengzheng is so frightened that she immediately explains, “You have misunderstood. Xingxing is not…”

“Xingxing and my second son look so alike. Can’t we tell that they are father and son?” Ji Yashu interrupts her with a smile.

Fu Zhengzheng says in a hurry, “How do they look alike? You have really misunderstood!”

However, Ji Yashu doesn’t listen to her explanation. Instead, Ji Yashu holds her hand and smiles more kindly. “Move to Ten-Mile Sunshine Resort to live with us. Which house at the resort do you like? Just take your pick.”

Fu Zhengzheng is about to explain, but when she hears that, she answers involuntarily, “There is an old empty house which seems quiet. Can I live there?”

Ji Yashu immediately shakes her hand, saying, “No. You can live anywhere except there.”

“Why?” Fu Zhengzheng asks.

“That old house is my third son’s, and it has a special meaning for him, so I can’t decide.”



“Grandma, come upstairs quickly. Xingxing is going to do a poo.”

Hearing Xiaoxiao’s call, Ji Yashu says, “I will tell you later.” Then she runs upstairs.

Fu Zhengzheng is annoyed to look at Ji Yashu, who is rushing upstairs.

As soon as Ji Yashu goes upstairs, Ji Muxian comes downstairs. Fu Zhengzheng looks around and finds that there are only them in the big living room. Thinking of Ji Yashu’s misunderstanding, she embarrassedly says with a smile, “Didn’t Fu Xing quarrel with Xiaoxiao?”



There is silence again.

After a while, the sound of footsteps breaks the silence.

As Fu Zhengzheng looks up, her face suddenly turns pale!

Why does he come back?

“Siqi, are you back?” Ji Muxian puts one of his hands on Fu Zhengzheng’s shoulder while saying with a smile, “Let me introduce to you, this is Zhengzheng.”

Fu Zhengzheng is shocked. She has seen that the self-evident movement makes Han Siqi’s eyes burst with sparks. Her first reaction is to push Ji Muxian away, rush upstairs to pick up Fu Xing and run away with him. However, Ji Muxian, who seems to be too involved in the play, holds her with greater strength, making her unable to move away from him.


Han Siqi calls her name ruminatively, and Fu Zhengzheng knows that he is asking her. Not understanding Ji Muxian’s intention, Fu Zhengzheng groans inwardly.

“Why are you here? Did you turn a deaf ear to my warning again?”

Before Fu Zhengzheng speaks, Han Siqi’s rude questioning makes her annoyed. Therefore, she answers in a fit of pique, “This is a resort. I can come whenever I want.”

At this time, Han Tengyue comes in from outside. Seeing Han Siqi standing in the living room, he says happily, “Siqi, we will have a family reunion dinner at noon today. You can meet your second sister-in-law and nephew, Xingxing.”

“Second sister-in-law? Nephew?” Han Siqi sneers while glaring at Fu Zhengzheng

“Yes, your second sister-in-law and nephew.” Ji Muxian says tonelessly.

“Well, that, that is not what you think.” Fu Zhengzheng stammers.

To tell the truth, she really does not know how to deal with the present problem. She has explained to Ji Yashu that Fu Xing is not Ji Muxian’s son, but they still take Fu Xing to be their grandson, don’t they?

Does her explanation work?

Fu Zhengzheng’s vague words annoy Han Siqi. “Then tell me the truth!”

“Siqi! That is your second sister-in-law. Be polite!” Han Tengyue shouts.

“Second sister-in-law?”Han Siqi pulls Fu Zhengzheng over and drops the words one by one, “Why don’t you tell them that Fu Xing is my son?!”

Han Siqi’s words shock everyone present, including Han Sixian and his wife Nie Wan, who have just come in. At the same time, Fu Zhengzheng obviously feels Ji Muxian’s hands shake.

Ji Muxian suddenly chips in smilingly, “He is kidding. Let’s go to dinner.”

“I am not kidding, Fu Xing is my son!” Han Siqi looks serious.

“Daddy!” At this time, Fu Xing runs from upstairs towards Han Siqi.

Han Siqi bends down and picks up Fu Xing, which surprises all people present again.

Fu Zhengzheng stares at Han Siqi in shock. Has he…

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