Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 95 - Have you fooled me enough?

Chapter 95 Have you fooled me enough?

“Neither of them works.” Han Siqi says and goes to the kitchen, opens a small pot, pours a bag of powder into the tremella soup and stirs it with a spoon. Seeing that Fu Zhengzheng is looking at him with wide eyes, he pretends to pick up a bowl, saying, “Medicine soup, would you like some?”

“No, thanks.” Fu Zhengzheng shakes her hands and goes out, and then can’t help looking back. She vaguely feels that Han Siqi’s behavior is somewhat strange.

Returning from the kitchen to the living room, she remembers that she is coming to take the thermometer. As she looks around and is ready to look for it, she hears a voice behind her, “Miss Fu?”

She turns her head and finds it is Han Sixian. Fu Zhengzheng pauses and then nods and smiles politely.

Han Sixian nods slightly, saying, “Let’s talk.”

Talk again! Fu Zhengzheng feels a little annoyed.

Han Sixian looks back and says, “Miss Fu, how can you leave B City? I don’t like to beat around the bush.”

Having guessed that he would say so, Fu Zhengzheng says with a smile, “Take Fu Xing with me.”

“Except for that?”

“Nothing else.” Fu Xing is her only concern.

“Is there no room for discussion?” Han Sixian says seriously, “The marriage between Siqi and Qiao Keren will be impossible to change.”

“No…” Before Fu Zhengzheng finishes, she suddenly thinks of what Han Sixian said to her in the hospital, and she immediately stops.

Hearing the room for manoeuvre, Han Sixian says at once, “You can make any request except taking Fu Xing away.”

“When I parted from Siqi, I left a necklace with him. That necklace is a relic left by my grandmother. If Mr. Han can help me find that necklace…”

“What?” Han Sixian stares at her.

“I am willing to give up the custody of Fu Xing.” Fu Zhengzheng grits her teeth when she says that.

She wants to sound out if the necklace is in Han Sixian’s hands. If so, she will get it first.

Anyway, she is a woman. People who keep their promises are mostly men .

“That’s all?” Han Sixian can’t believe it.

Fu Zhengzheng pretends to smile bitterly, saying, “It is not easy for a single mother to bring up Fu Xing, and he is suffering with me. Besides, I know that his grandparents don’t want him to leave.”

“OK.” Han Sixian says without hesitation, “But the necklace is not with me now. I’ll give it to you in three days.”

Sure enough, the necklace is in Han Sixian’s hands!


Fu Zhengzheng suppresses her excitement and says with a smile, “I’ll wait for Chairman Han to contact me.”

With a calm look, she picks up the thermometer and goes upstairs.

Thinking that the golden necklace will appear, Fu Zhengzheng feels that her steps are so light that she is almost going to fly. She can’t stop her steps even when she gets back to her room.

If she can get the necklace to render meritorious service for Yang Tao, will the police station revoke the punishment for him?

She just hopes that Han Sixian can hand over the necklace to her soon, so as to avoid more trouble.


Fu Zhengzheng, whose thoughts are interrupted, turns around and sees that Fu Xing has got up. She immediately runs to him, saying, “Why do you wake up? Are you still having a fever?”

She touches his head while taking out the thermometer.

“Mommy, I don’t have a headache. You walked around, waking me up.”

Only then does Fu Zhengzheng finds herself turning around at least 1,000 times. She grimaces at her son, saying, “Mommy is worried about you.”

After taking Fu Xing’s temperature, she finds that his fever has been brought down a lot, and she is very happy. Just then, Chen Qiaolan brings their meal upstairs.

After having dinner together, Fu Zhengzheng tells stories to Fu Xing and is ready to feed medicine to Fu Xing.

Fu Xing looks at the door and says with disappointment, “Mommy, Daddy didn’t come to see me today.”

“You said you didn’t want him to be your daddy, didn’t you? You also said you hate him, so he dared not come.” Fu Zhengzheng says.

Fu Xing curls his lips, saying, “I said that because I saw that Mommy was hurt. Daddy is so petty!”

“All right, isn’t it enough to have Mommy with you?” Fu Zhengzheng strokes her son’s little nose.

Fu Xing takes the medicine very unhappily.

Fu Zhengzheng picks up the cup to wash it and goes to the toilet. When she goes out, she finds that Fu Xing is not in the room!

She is frightened and calls Fu Xing’s name while going downstairs to look for him.

“Open the door quickly! I want to pee!” As soon as she comes downstairs, she hears Fu Xing’s loud cry.

Fu Zhengzheng looks for him according to the sound. When she sees Fu Xing slapping the door of the toilet downstairs, she says immediately, “Do you want to pee? Mommy takes you upstairs.”

“No! I’m going to pee here! Open the door quickly!”

Then there is another bang on the door.

Just as Fu Zhengzheng wants to ask who is in it, she hears the angry voice from inside, “Don’t rush me. I will come out soon!”

Qiao Keren?

When she looks up, she finds that Han Siqi is sitting idly in the living room drinking tea.

Fu Zhengzheng is doubtful.

Just then, Qiao Keren comes out with a pale face while covering her stomach.

She is not surprised to see Fu Zhengzheng standing in front of her, and she just glances at Fu Zhengzheng disdainfully.

Fu Zhengzheng understands that she wants to ask, “Did you have a good time in the psychiatric hospital?”

Fu Zhengzheng looks at her aggressively, indicating that she is good.

“I want to pee!” Fu Xing pushes Qiao Keren away and goes into the toilet. Fu Zhengzheng immediately wants to follow in, but the door is shut.

What a boy!

Feeling Qiao Keren’s mocking eyes, Fu Zhengzheng is a little embarrassed, but she ignores Qiao Keren.

When Qiao Keren goes to Han Siqi, Fu Zhengzheng finds that her feet are weak. Has she run to the toilet many times?

Fu Zhengzheng immediately thinks of the paper bag!

Is it…

She sees that Han Siqi gets up and holds Qiao Keren while asking something. He even reaches out to smooth the messy hair on her forehead.

Fu Zhengzheng is furious to see their intimate behavior.

She has thought too much. They are so close, so how can he possibly put laxatives in her food? Maybe she just has eaten something bad.

She can’t help casting a strange look at Qiao Keren, and Qiao Keren is also looking at her.

“Oh, Siqi, I feel terrible.” Qiao Keren says while moving her whole body to Han Siqi.

Han Siqi immediately holds her and moves her to the sofa, saying in an extremely soft tone, “Sit down and have a rest. The doctor will be here soon.”

Bitch! Fu Zhengzheng is startled by the sound in her heart.

“Mommy, I’m all right. Let’s go upstairs.” Fu Xing comes out and pulls Fu Zhengzheng upstairs.

When Fu Zhengzheng turns around, her eyes can’t help stopping on them.

“Mommy, let’s go!” Fu Xing drags Fu Zhengzheng upstairs.

But when they get upstairs, Fu Xing doesn’t move. He creeps down two steps and lies on the floor to see the movements downstairs.

Is he peeking at the intimacies downstairs that are unsuitable for children?

Fu Zhengzheng pulls her son to let him go, but Fu Xing makes a gesture to signal her not to speak, “Shh—”

Just then, Fu Zhengzheng hears the rapid footsteps downstairs, followed by the sound of closing the toilet door.

Fu Xing suddenly gets up and rushes downstairs.

“Fu Xing!” Fu Zhengzheng fails to grab him, and has to follow her son downstairs.

“Daddy, my head aches!” Fu Xing rushes to Han Siqi and wraps his arms around Han Siqi’s neck, saying piteously, “Will you take my temperature? Mommy can’t read the thermometer.”

When can’t I read the thermometer? Just as Fu Zhengzheng is going to explain, Han Siqi goes upstairs with Fu Xing in his arms. Fu Xing lies on his shoulder and blinks at Fu Zhengzheng.

Fu Zhengzheng is confused. When she follows them, she looks at the toilet and feels weird.

Back in the room, while Han Siqi is going to the table to get the thermometer, Fu Xing pulls Fu Zhengzheng and whispers to her, “Mommy, go downstairs. If you see the doctor coming, ask him to go. I have thrown all the toilet tissues in the closestool.”

What? Fu Zhengzheng is shocked.

Seeing Han Siqi coming, Fu Xing immediately says, “Mommy, I want milk. Get me a bottle of milk quickly!”

“The milk is in the kitchen. Warm it up before taking it upstairs.” Han Siqi picks Fu Xing up to the sofa and takes off his clothes to take his temperature.

Understanding her son’s intention, Fu Zhengzheng hurries downstairs.

As soon as she gets to the door of the toilet, she hears Qiao Keren asks softly, “Siqi, is that you?”

Fu Zhengzheng deliberately says in surprise, “Miss Qiao, your Siqi has just gone out, and he will probably be back soon. Is there anything wrong with you?”

There is no sound inside.

Fu Zhengzheng deliberately steps out heavily and then comes in quietly, turning around at the door of the toilet.

Qiao Keren’s voice comes out again, “Siqi, is it you?”

“Sorry, Miss Qiao. It is me again. Your Siqi hasn’t come back yet.”

There is no sound inside once again.

Calculating the frequency of Qiao Keren going to the toilet, Fu Zhengzheng estimates that Qiao Keren is suffering more serious diarrhea than she suffered last time.

Fu Zhengzheng is delighted to think that Qiao Keren must be grinding her teeth in the toilet.

You deserve it! It serves you right!

After fooling Qiao Keren several times, she finally hears Qiao Keren shouts angrily, “Fu Zhengzheng! Have you fooled me enough?”

Then there is a slight exclamation, “Ouch!”

“Fool? What are you talking about, Miss Qiao?” Fu Zhengzheng pretends not to understand, and after a while she says as if she suddenly realized something, “Miss Qiao, you don’t have toilet tissues, do you? Oh, my poor memory. I forgot that the toilet tissues were run out. Shall I buy you some?”

She takes a few steps and turns back on purpose, saying, “Oh, Fu Xing is still feverish, and I need to take care of him. Sorry, Miss Qiao, you had better wait for your Siqi to come and buy them for you.”

Just then, a man with a medicine box is standing at the gate. Fu Zhengzheng rushes over and blocks him, saying, “They have gone to the hospital.”

“OK.” The man turns and leaves.

Fu Zhengzheng goes to the toilet and deliberately says, “Doctor, nobody in my home has diarrhea. You must have mistaken it!”

Then she hears Qiao Keren shouting in the toilet, “There is no mistake! I have diarrhea!”

Fu Zhengzheng says with “surprise”, “Ah! Miss Qiao! I have asked the doctor to leave! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Fu Zhengzheng!”

“Well, since you have diarrhea, you have to go to the hospital quickly. What are you doing in the toilet?”

“Fu Zhengzheng! Bitch! You are so cruel!” Qiao Keren says fiercely, but her voice is getting lower and lower, probably because she has no strength.

“Miss Qiao, you flattered me. I am not as cruel as you. A healthy person was sent to a psychiatric hospital!”

“Humph, I regret not putting you in the intensive care unit!”

“Then I would like to thank you for your mercy!”

Fu Zhengzheng hears that Qiao Keren is physically tired. Although she is retorting Qiao Keren, she is hesitating whether she should end the trick.

Just then, she hears a “bang” in the toilet. It seems that Qiao Keren has fallen down. Fu Zhengzheng is shocked: did she faint?

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