Buy a Daddy to Baby My Mommy

Chapter 96 - Why Don’t You Wear More Clothes

Chapter 96 Why Don’t You Wear More Clothes

Has she carried the joke too far?

Fu Zhengzheng is a little nervous. As she wants to knock on the door, she sees Han Siqi coming downstairs.

“Well…” Fu Zhengzheng points at the toilet with some guilt.

Han Siqi knocks on the door without looking at Fu Zhengzheng, saying, “Keren?”

“Siqi! Is that you?” Qiao Keren seems to come to life suddenly, answering hurriedly, but her voice is full of grievances.

Fuck, Fu Zhengzheng thought Qiao Keren fainted, and she is so nervous for that!

Fu Zhengzheng sighs secretly.

“What’s wrong with you, Keren?” Han Siqi asks with great concern while glancing coldly at Fu Zhengzheng.

What are you looking at? It was not me who made her have diarrhea!

As Fu Zhengzheng wants to roll her eyes at Han Siqi, she remembers that she has missed the time for Qiao Keren to see the doctor, so she rushes upstairs.

As soon as she enters the room, Fu Xing runs to her, “Mommy, have you asked the doctor to go?”

“Yes! I didn’t let him in.”

“Miss Qiao hasn’t come out of the toilet, has she?”

“No. Without toilet tissues, she is anxious in the toilet.”

“Great! She must be angry!” Fu Xing claps his hands happily.

Fu Zhengzheng deliberately keeps a long face, saying, “Fu Xing! Didn’t Mommy teach you to be a good obedient child?”

She doesn’t want to lead her son astray because of a disgusting woman.

“I hate her sticking to Daddy!”

“Don’t be so naughty next time, you know?”

Fu Xing grimaces at her, turns around and goes to bed, saying, “Mommy, I’m asleep and I can’t hear anything.”

The naughty boy!

Fu Zhengzheng dares not let her son see that she is happy, so she goes to the bathroom, closes the door and turns the tap to the maximum before she bursts out laughing wildly.

Fu Zhengzheng’s mood is surprisingly good this evening. She hums songs for half a night, and her excitement is transmitted to Fu Xing, who asked her to tell fairy tales. She is not tired and tells ten stories in one sitting. They fall asleep with their own happiness until midnight.


The sun shines in the high sky.

But Fu Zhengzheng and Fu Xing are still in their sweet dreams.

Then there is a gentle knock on the door accompanied by a child’s crisp voice, “Xingxing, have you got up?”

“Mommy, Xiaoxiao is coming!” Fu Xing opens his eyes and gets up to open the door.

“Put on your clothes!” While Fu Zhengzheng is yelling, Fu Xing has run barefoot to open the door.

“Xingxing, do you feel well? Mommy said you were sick and we couldn’t play together.”

“The fever has gone! I am all right!” Fu Xing holds clenches his fists to show his strength to Han Xiaoxiao.

“Great, great! Then we can play together again.” Han Xiaoxiao claps her hands happily.

When Fu Zhengzheng puts cotton-padded clothes on Fu Xing, she finds that Han Xiaoxiao has come with Han Siqi.

She looks at Han Siqi secretly and is surprised to find that the lines on his face are gentle.

But she doesn’t want to talk to him. After getting dressed and washing up with Fu Xing, she gets downstairs to have breakfast.

Han Siqi’s parents are very happy to see Fu Xing in good spirit, and they are busy feeding breakfast to Fu Xing.

“Xingxing, we haven’t taken Casio to the garden for days.” Han Xiaoxiao bends over the table and watches Fu Xing eat breakfast.

“Let’s go after I finish breakfast.” Fu Xing says and then wolfs down the food.

Just then, Han Siqi comes with a snow-white husky.

Fu Zhengzheng is frightened and stands up in front of Fu Xing like fending off an enemy.

The “dog-man war” has cast a shadow on her, so that she is frightened to see dogs.

However, Fu Xing goes around her to embrace the dog, saying, “Casio, do you miss me?”

Casio rubs affectionately on the face of Fu Xing.

Han Tengyue glances at Fu Zhengzheng and says tonelessly, “Casio is very smart and he knows his family.”

Realizing that she has done something inappropriate, Fu Zhengzheng immediately takes back her hands. After she catches sight of Han Siqi’s teasing eyes, she picks up the bowls and chopsticks embarrassedly.

When she comes out of the kitchen, she finds that Han Siqi has taken two children out.

As she is about to follow them, Han Tengyue stops her, “Miss Fu, how do you think about what I discussed with you?”

Here comes the question again!

Fu Zhengzheng stops and says, “I’m still thinking about it. I’ll give you an answer in three days.”

She wants to solve the problem after getting the necklace from Han Sixian.

“Miss Fu, I hope you can make a decision as soon as possible, so as to save embarrassment then.”

“I see.” Fu Zhengzheng answers and goes out.

She knows that they want to drive her away after Fu Xing becomes energetic.

Burning the bridge after crossing it!

She walks angrily to the small garden.

Fu Xing and Han Xiaoxiao take a ball and are playing happily with Casio, while Han Siqi is sitting on a bench and watches the two children play. Fu Zhengzheng takes a bag of fish food and feeds fish absent-mindedly.

When the ball rolls to Fu Zhengzheng, Casio rushes over immediately. Fu Zhengzheng is so frightened that she takes a few steps back.

“Mommy, Casio won’t bite!” Fu Xing rushes over to explain.

Han Siqi also comes over and says to Fu Xing softly, “Your mommy has been bitten by a dog before, so she is afraid of dogs. You take Casio and Xiaoxiao to play there.”

“OK.” Fu Xing looks at Mommy strangely and takes Casio away.

“Are you still under the shadow?”

Fu Zhengzheng knows that Han Siqi is asking her, but she pretends not to hear that. She turns around and continues to throw fish food.

Han Siqi frowns as he looks at Fu Zhengzheng, who doesn’t want to talk to him.

Just when he is about to say something, he hears a sweet voice calling him, “Siqi!”

Fu Zhengzheng turns her head and is surprised to find that the one who is coming over with a box is Qiao Keren.

She suffered from serious diarrhea last night, didn’t she? How can she be so energetic so soon?

Fu Zhengzheng secretly looks Qiao Keren up and down, seeing that Qiao Keren is wearing exquisite make-up, which covers her wan face well. She is wearing a short fur and a tight skirt, which perfectly show her excellent figure.

But Fu Zhengzheng feels cold to look at her.

You know, it is cold winter, and she hasn’t taken off her down jacket since she put it on.

Han Siqi, who was standing beside Fu Zhengzheng, has come to Qiao Keren, saying, “Keren, do you feel better? I thought you wouldn’t get up so early, so I planned to see you later.”

“Much better!” Qiao Keren is apparently pleased to hear what Han Siqi said, saying, “I miss you. You don’t come to see me, so I come to see you.”

“You haven’t recovered yet. Why don’t you wear more clothes?” Han Siqi gently adjusts her coat.

“It is so kind of you, Siqi!” Qiao Keren’s happiness index flies to the clouds, and her smile is so bright. Then she “notices” Fu Zhengzheng and greets her with a smile, “Ah, Miss Fu is here too. Sorry, I just didn’t notice you.”

Fu Zhengzheng smiles and says, “Never mind. Miss Qiao, pay attention to your health when it is cold. It is easy to catch a cold and have diarrhea.”

Qiao Keren leans against Han Siqi, saying, “I won’t get sick with Siqi’s care.”

Han Siqi pats her hand cooperatively, expressing his approval for what she said.

Fu Zhengzheng’s expression changes and turns her head.

“Miss Qiao, did you buy the cake for me?” Seeing the cake in Qiao Keren’s hand, Han Xiaoxiao immediately runs over.

“Yes! This is your favorite.” Qiao Keren loosens Han Siqi and raises the cake in her hand, asking, “Would you like to eat it?”

“Yes!” Han Xiaoxiao answers.

As Han Xiaoxiao takes the cake and is ready to open it, Fu Xing stops her, “My teacher said that we couldn’t eat food from strangers! It is toxic!”

Qiao Keren looks a little unhappy. Just as she is about to say something, she hears Han Xiaoxiao say, “She is not a stranger. Grandma said she would be my aunt soon.”

Hearing that, Qiao Keren immediately smiles happily and helps open the cake, saying, “You are so smart, Xiaoxiao! My cake is very sweet. Try it.”

Han Xiaoxiao spoons up a piece of cake. As she is going to open her mouth, she finds that Fu Xing doesn’t speak, so she holds Fu Xing’s hand and asks softly, “Can I eat it, Xingxing?”

“Bow-wow!” Casio, which is held by Fu Xing, keeps staring at the cake with its tongue out.

“Casio is hungry! It wants to eat the cake!” Fu Xing says.

“Well, let Casio eat first.” Han Xiaoxiao innocently sends the spoon to Casio’s mouth.

Casio licks the spoon.

The two children are happy. Fu Xing takes the cake in Qiao Keren’s hands and feeds Casio with Han Xiaoxiao.

Seeing that her cake is fed to the dog, she looks a little unnatural.

“Children are innocent.” Han Siqi says smilingly. He takes the spoon in Han Xiaoxiao’s hand, spoons up the cake, steps back and shakes the cake at Casio, saying, “Casio, come here.”

Casio rushes forward immediately and swallows the cake on the spoon.

Xiaoxiao laughs heartily.

Seeing that, Qiao Keren goes up to Han Siqi, saying with a smile, “Siqi, let me feed it.”

Han Siqi smiles and hands the spoon to her.

Then he turns around to take the cake in Fu Xing’s hand.

Seeing that Fu Xing is shaking while holding the cake, Fu Zhengzheng is afraid that his clothes may get dirty, so she hurries to come to warn him. Han Siqi turns around to take the cake in Fu Xing’s hand, but accidentally bumps against Fu Zhengzheng.

“Don’t you watch out when you walk?” Han Siqi glances at Fu Zhengzheng angrily.

Hey, it was obviously you who hit me, okay? Fu Zhengzheng wants to argue, but Han Siqi has come to Qiao Keren without looking at her.

Han Siqi hands the cake to Qiao Keren and then grabs Casio’s forelegs and twists them, making Qiao Keren laugh.

Fu Xing and Han Xiaoxiao also run over and laugh with her.

Fu Zhengzheng looks at the familiar scene and then looks at the things in her hands. Then she slowly walks over and stands between the two children and Han Siqi. She stretches out to touch Casio, but it suddenly loses control, struggles fiercely, and barks wildly.

“Ah!” Qiao Keren steps back in shock while the cake in her hands has been thrown away. Stumbling over the edge of the pond, she loses her balance and falls back.

Fu Zhengzheng quickly holds the two children for fear that they will be frightened.

Han Siqi loosens Casio and exclaims, “Watch out, Keren!”

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