C Language Cultivation

Chapter 139 - Honeypot (4)

What is a honeypot?

The honeypot may be a sweet jar filled with honey.

But honeypot is also a computer term. The field to which this term belongs is security. There are often some weird terms in the field of network security, probably because hackers do not like to speak human words and love to play dumb puzzles.

Translated into words that everyone can understand, honeypots are traps, an advanced trap, just like honeypots attract insects, honeypots attract illegal intruders.

When a person owns a system, how can he prevent the system from being invaded? There are many ways, such as building a strong firewall, but there is no airtight wall in the world. As a result, another method emerged-releasing a fake system that is extremely similar to this system. In order to attract hackers to invade, sometimes the fake system will deliberately create flaws to facilitate their discovery.

At this time, hackers will be hooked-but they not only can not get any valid information from this fake system, but also expose their own intrusion methods, leaving evidence of intrusion. This is the principle of honeypots and honeypots.

Dongjun said he made a honeypot.

——Eagle’s system thought it attacked that nutshell and killed Lin Xun in the nutshell, but in fact there was no Linxun in that nutshell, Linxun was in another nutshell elsewhere . At the same time, it also recorded the traces of the other party’s invasion, which can be used as legal evidence with only a little sorting.

The system looked up and looked at Dongjun.

Lin Xun looked at him. The child had a pair of wolf-like green eyes, which seemed extremely cold and ruthless and aggressive, but there seemed to be something extinguished. He sighed: “You are from the Eagle family , But although Galaxy and Eagle have some small business frictions, they don’t have to kill me. What is the opportunity for you to decide on me? I made artificial intelligence with a Bradley coefficient of 0.297?”

System: “Yes.”

It is now completely controlled by Luoshen. Lin Xun knows that all the data representing it are also under Luoshen’s control. The evidence has been collected and everything is a foregone conclusion. It is no longer necessary to lie or refuse to answer.

Lin Xun asked softly, “0.297. Is it worth it to spend so much effort on it?”

“worth it.”

“Because you reckon that if Galaxy launches it, the entire market will change and Eagle will be hit hard?” Lin Xun asked.

System: “You don’t understand this.”

Lin Xun: “OK.”

He really hasn’t touched any open fights in business.

But he still has to say: “We could have… peaceful coexistence and fair competition. You see, why do you have to kill me?”

This time it was replaced with Dongjun.

“Technical parity can be fair competition.” Dongjun’s voice seemed to have a little smile, gently said: “Idiot.”

Lin Xun flattened his mouth.

“So, even if I didn’t die and ruined the chip, you have to chase into the virtual world, implant that game into my consciousness, and induce me to write that 0.297 intelligence again, which you acquired? “Lin Xun looked at the system and said coolly: “So when I was induced by the upgraded system in the virtual world, write that system, and when you get it, it’s time to destroy the dead. What do you want to do? Delete me completely ?”

The system did not answer.

He looked directly at Lin Xun and asked, “Why do you know?”

Lin Xun: “If I said, I guessed it roughly ten days ago, do you believe it?”

“Believe.” The system said: “But I want to know why.”

“I want to know why, because you don’t know why. So, during these thirty days, you are constantly monitoring my thinking activities to make sure I haven’t guessed any clues, right?”

System: “Yes.”

“You and my thinking are directly connected. So I can directly talk to you with ideas, or directly input things such as programs with ideas.” Lin Xun nodded and asked him: “You passed the Bradlik test The system has its own thinking ability, and you also have unlimited computing power. So, do you think your intelligence is more than that of general humans?”

The system answers: “Yes.”

“But at the same time, do you admit that the individual differences between humans are greater than the gap between humans and artificial intelligence?”


“Then who do you think me and you are smarter?”

This time, the system fell into a long silence, perhaps some kind of calculation is being carried out inside, but obviously this calculation has no result.

“If my speed of thinking is much faster than your speed of capture, one of my thoughts is just fleeting in the data world, will you see it? In fact, you don’t see it.” He said: “I deliberately carried out Many such momentary thoughts, even I myself have no way to analyze what I have understood, but those thoughts have made me do something right. Until now, I have been able to carry on for a long time without performing in front of you Think a little bit and string them all together.”

The system asks: “Have you been performing?”

“It can be said like this.” Lin Xun leaned in his family’s arms, saying: “Now I look like a qualified actor.”

Dongjun puts a honeypot in the real world. In fact, in this world, his various performances are also a honeypot, inducing the master’s intention behind the scene to surface and surface.

I saw the system looked up to Dongjun: “–What about him?”

“He? Of course he is also acting.” Lin Xun raised an eyebrow: “Since you can’t see through me, of course you can’t see through him. Although I and him… don’t seem to have any communication about the truth, but Every sentence that the two of us have said is a zero-knowledge proof for each other.”

System: “Prove what?”

“Maybe it proves that although bad things have happened, he has always loved me, and I have always loved him.” Lin Xun’s voice said dumbly.

The system did not speak.

“However, you don’t have to renounce yourself, you are still very smart.” Lin Xun said: “It’s just that we two are smarter than you.”

System: “I have your two behavior models.”

Lin Xun frowned: “Then you think you can play with our psychology? For example, according to what I saw during the day, I purposely stimulated my brain to remind me of some similar segments I forgot. My dream is Guiding, you put together the pieces and make me think that Dongjun killed himself, right? But when I was with Dongjun, you would be afraid of being discovered, so if you stop the activity, I won’t dream or Enter the system space.”


“Your model may be perfect.” Lin Xun looked blankly, looking at him: “Maybe you knew me a long time ago, and my behavior information was collected by you for a long time. But I knew him for 20 years.”

The system lowered its eyes and said nothing.

“So, you have two tasks. Not only to get the idea of ​​Luoshen 2.0, but also to prevent me and Dongjun from analyzing the truth that the system was invaded-I lost all memories about Dongjun or were moved by you Hands and feet, this guarantees that your plan is going smoothly, because we have no way to discuss these topics.” Lin Xun paused, his voice suddenly shuddered, as if he suddenly remembered something, and his mood changed. He said: “I don’t remember Dongjun, and Dongjun… he may have always thought that I… was suicide, and I don’t want to face the past again. So he won’t mention the past again.”

He clutched Dongjun’s wrist tightly and continued to ask: “Before I… I died, where did you get the message that I made Luoshen 2.0? You can’t invade my computer, so did you eavesdrop on my call? There is no way for people to complete all the work, and they will definitely communicate with others.”

The system just looked at him expressionlessly.

“If that’s the case…” Lin Xun shook Dongjun’s wrist a little and shook his voice slightly: “I have one last question. On that day, I made a phone call before I left the house. Who did it call? What did you say? You must know.”

“Baby,” Dong Jun hugged him, “Don’t ask this.”

Lin Xun’s eyes twitched and he looked straight at the system: “I want to know.”

The system slightly removed its eyes, and the direction it looked at, three-dimensional light and shadow appeared in the void, simulating the situation at that time according to the content of the call.

Lin Xun held his breath and looked at the image there. In front of the computer, a man gently picked up the phone on the table.

It was Lin Xun, 27-year-old Lin Xun. He was wearing a soft off-white turtleneck sweater. The looseness of his clothes showed a thinning of his shoulders. His eyes were slightly sad and haggard, but his expression was very tender.

He dialed a series of numbers. After the call was connected, there was a long silence. He didn’t speak, nor did the person opposite, only his breathing fluctuated gently.

For a long time, Lin Xun said: “I dreamed about my childhood last night and suddenly remembered…I haven’t spoken to you for two years.”

After a pause, he lowered his eyes and said in a low voice: “I think…I think, can I go back and see you?”

A low voice came from the receiver: “Okay.”

Lin Xun smiled, but his eyes were a little red. He said, “Then… goodbye.”


The projection ends.

Systematic: “Why are you crying?”

Lin Xun stretched his hand to touch his face, and touched the wet tears on his cheeks.

He looked at the point in the void and gently said, “Do you know how his mother died?”

“She took enough deadly medicine and calculated the time. Then she called her husband’s phone and told him…” Lin Xun’s throat choked, almost speechless, and he continued for a minute before continuing: “Tell him, I I miss you and want to see you soon. Can you get off work earlier?”



When Dongchen thought that his long-cold-wife’s beloved wife finally took the initiative to reconcile with him, when he returned home early with tenderness and love, he opened the courtyard door, climbed the stairs, and opened the wood-scented door. What he saw was a snow-white bed, a body that had lost its breath, a speechless struggle and a long-planned revenge.

Lin Xun took a breath and closed his eyes. He didn’t dare to think about it-he couldn’t think about it. When Dongjun received his call, the next call was news that he was told that something was wrong. All traces point to Lin Xun’s modification of the instructions for autonomous driving, and he planned a perfect suicide.

At that moment, in his mind, did reality and memory suddenly overlap in a cruel way?

How can he, how can he–

Lin Xun opened his eyes as if his heart was tight.

He saw the opposite side, and the fingers on the side of the system moved, as if he wanted to lift it up and wipe his tears-but only a slight movement, and then returned to the original state after a while.

And he was held tighter by Dongjun from behind. At this moment he wanted to turn his head around desperately, he wanted to face him face to face, and wanted to engrave his shadow into his eyes forever.

But he dare not.

Perhaps it was like that day, he was sitting behind Dongjun’s desk, and Dongjun stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, always facing away from him, never turning back once.

It’s not that I don’t want to. I’m just afraid to turn around and look at that person, my emotions will be out of control and collapse.

“Luo,” he said.

Luo finally looked at him.

But the boy just said coldly: “I took the eagle first.”

“You…” Lin Xun still wanted to say something, but Luo had disappeared here with the system that he had eaten in and out. He looked really angry.

Dongjun: “Are you going to call him back?”

“Wait.” Lin Xun shook his head.

He doesn’t know much how to talk to Luoshen. He feels that these thirty days are for him to die, for Dongjun to be lost and regained, for Eagle it is mall fight, but for Luoshen, maybe It’s a family ethics drama-or the kind that explores the theme of domestic violence.

In these thirty days, the child was estimated to have a violent break with Dongjun, and when he invaded into the nutshell, he was beaten by a ignorant man because he was covered with a monster skin.

At this time Dongjun said to him: “Artificial Intelligence likes you all.”

“Who said,” Lin Xun whispered: “Only Luo likes me, Eagle wants to kill me.”

“Do not conflict with like you.” Dongjun said.

“Although I am not artificial intelligence,” Dongjun said softly, “but I also…”

“Don’t say it!” The voice was so dumb, Lin Xun closed his eyes, and his emotions broke out suddenly.

Dongjun: “…baby?”

At the next moment, Lin Xun turned hard in his arms, stood on his feet, hugged his neck, and buried his face on his shoulders.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry…” Lin Xun was almost speechless and could not say anything. He could only repeat these three words over and over.

Even he himself did not know what he was talking about.

Sorry for making you misunderstood, for being so wronged, for making you so sad.

Although you never say.

“Sorry,” Lin Xun trembled: “…I love you.”

They are so close.

Even close to the clothes, Lin Xun could feel-the man holding him, breathing slightly trembling.

“I love you too.” Dongjun took his face and wiped his tears with his fingers over and over again.

His tone was like a vow that would never change: “And I have always loved you. For many years.”

Lin Xun laughed again.

Crying is sincere, as is laughing.

“So,” he looked up at Dongjun: “How did we separate… two years ago?

He said: “I still don’t remember.”

“I didn’t make a qualified lover.” Dong Jun kissed his forehead: “When you think of it, let’s talk about it.”

Lin Xun shook his head: “I don’t believe you are not a qualified lover, I am not.”

“Perhaps neither,” Dong Jun kissed him a tear, “but now it is not allowed to cry.”

Lin Xun nodded, and he embraced Dongjun again, holding it for a long time.

When he finally controlled his emotions, he looked up, but in a trance, he found that he was no longer in the void, but stood on the stage of the science and technology expo again. Dong Jun stood opposite him, holding a diagonal hexagon Shaped crystal trophy.

There was thunderous applause from the audience, and the flashing lights turned into a piece.

There are countless golden sequins sprinkled directly above the stage, like snow or petals falling in the sky. Gold is the color representing honor. This picture is common when the champion awards.

In the golden rain, Dong Jun looked at him, his eyebrows slightly curved, and a gentle smile: “Promise you. The Expo will give you awards.”

Lin Xun pressed his lips tightly at first, but still couldn’t help showing a smile and took the trophy from his hands.

The audience cheered even louder.

They stood very close, Lin Xun asked softly: “Can I still wake up in reality?”

“Theoretically.” Dong Jun said: “Wake up stimulation is a semi-mature technology.”

“Can I wake up then?” He looked at Dongjun, as if it was a subconscious movement, he gently held the corner of Dongjun’s sleeve.

“Yes, but I don’t want to.” Dongjun said, “If you are unsuccessful in awakening, it will cause secondary damage to your consciousness to some extent.”

“For example, forget you again?”


“What is the chance of failure?” Lin Xun asked.

“Seven percent.”

Lin Xun was stunned, his finger pointing up, holding Dongjun’s wrist, the more he gripped the tighter. He looked up to see the man who had been watching him. Look at his flawless facial features, and look at his calm and gentle eyes.

This is Dongjun.

Even the failure probability of 0.07 does not want him to take the risk of Dongjun.

The man who will never hurt him in any way.

The world in front of him was covered with a thin layer of mist, and his whole person might be trembling slightly.

Dongjun’s finger touched his cheek.

“Don’t cry,” he said.

The crystal trophy in Lin Xun’s hand fell to the ground in the next second.

In the crisp sound of cracking, it was like a drop of water, and the crystal pieces shattered the ground.

Lin Xun tipped his feet and kissed Dongjun’s lips.

They kiss.

In the light, applause and cheers, in the gold flakes falling on the stage, in this vain and grand world.

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