C Language Cultivation

Chapter 140 - Chaos (1)

A kiss ended.

“But I…” Lin Xun bowed his head.

Dongjun: “Huh?”

“I still want to wake up in reality.” Lin Xun said.

“Just here.” Dong Jun kissed his forehead: “I will give you everything here in reality, whoever you want can come in.”

“I don’t want it.” Lin Xun raised his head and touched Dongjun’s face with his fingers: “I want to see… what you are in reality. I can’t… I can’t leave you alone anymore. There.”

Dongjun: “I won’t let you take risks.”

“It’s not an adventure,” Lin Xun said. “If I forget something, or don’t remember you, you will come to me again. You don’t have to pursue me, I will fall in love with you for the third time.”

Dongjun stared at him, and after a period of silence, he said: “What if you become unwise?”

“If your intelligence is damaged, there is no way to write meaningful algorithms, you will no longer have any achievements, and you can no longer use your own creation to change the world.” Dong Jun whispered: “Isn’t this a risk ?”

Lin Xun froze for a moment, opened his eyes wide, he opened his mouth, but could not say anything.

Dongjun embraced him in his arms: “Good boy, right here.”

In a silence, Lin Xun suddenly said: “No.”

He glanced over Dongjun’s shoulders and saw millions of people in the audience watching with joy. They applauded him because he created value. He likes to be watched like this, likes glory and achievement, likes to create algorithms that have never been done before, and likes to leave his mark on this world.

“I do,” he whispered, “willing to take this risk for you… OK?”

“does it worth?”

–“worth it.”

The man holding him trembles.

“……it is good.”

-Once again, Lin Xun and Dong Jun stared at each other.

“The wake-up procedure will be activated in three minutes,” Dongjun said, “follow it.”

Lin Xun nodded: “Yes.”

He looked at Dongjun and smiled at him: “Goodbye.”

Dongjun seemed worried and unhappy, but he finally smiled back at him: “Goodbye.”

Then, Lin Xun watched his figure disappear here.

He knew that there were some processes where no one could go for him, some decisions that no one could make for him, and some bets that only he could uncover.

But if there is someone waiting at the end of the road, it is not alone.

Whatever the reason, he had left him.

This time, he will walk towards him again.

He closed his eyes.

In the 180th second, an unspeakable electric current covered his whole body. Different from the previous pain, it was like a mighty spring breeze, and he was lifted by the wind like a feather, losing all tangible bonds, flying higher and higher in the wind.

-Then, at the highest point, he was caught in the vortex of the sky.

When he opened his eyes again, he was in a dream again.

A dark room with cigarette ashes on the bedside. The slender is the kind that Dongjun is used to.

After the previous thrilling, he can actually touch the shadows of some memories, but the memories are very empty and cannot be seen clearly like the shadow under the water. He doesn’t remember when Dongjun started smoking. It should be when the Milky Way was just established and it was the busiest and the most chaotic. There is no special reason for using this thing, it is more refreshing than coffee. In the absence of rest, people will gradually lose their intelligence. Coffee and tea can keep their IQ at 80%, but smoke can keep it at 95%. It is far from being addictive, just as a tool.

But Lin Xun is always not happy.

He felt that for the sake of the Galaxy, he would not force himself to do so.

But he will not say that he thinks this is a career that Dongjun likes, is a voluntary effort he made, and is something that he has no right to set his beak on-although he is Dongjun’s boyfriend.

It’s just a little bit uncomfortable, a little bit sour.

Dongjun is often very late because of the company’s affairs. In the first two years, he will be accompanied by the Galaxy. Later, he will stay late and sleep on the desk. He will be thrown home by Dongjun and will not be allowed in the future. Coming again-and then slowly, I am used to waiting for someone to get off work, but it is not necessarily off work, it may be a “not coming back tonight” text message.

Lin Xun can’t do anything, just continue reading his thesis. In fact, his work is not too busy. The person who writes the algorithm has a much simpler workload than the person who writes the code, but the idea is more difficult to find. So he is either reading the paper every day, or on the way to reading the paper. It is an interesting thing to always acquire the most cutting-edge knowledge. Only occasionally I miss the room with hawthorn outside the window, and the people who accompanied him to write papers late at night.

But he occasionally had his own activities. For example, there was a math meeting held in the Imperial City today. He came back a little late. When he returned home, Dong Jun was already waiting for him in his room. His expression seemed a little dangerous.

That day he also received an invitation letter from the IMU, an international mathematics forum, and several other friends from the same year, but it was a long time, 25 days. Going or not, Lin Xun doesn’t really matter. But he still told Dongjun.

Dongjun Road: “No.”

Lin Xun turned his head and took a few breaths. The man was kissing his neck heavily.

The last time his dream was done, but this time, the scene continues.

He smiled and said softly, “But I want to go.”

Dongjun looked down at him in the dim light, and after a while, he gently pecked at his cheek: “Go ahead.”

Lin Xun: “…oh.”

Dongjun: “Are you upset recently?”

“It’s okay,” Lin Xun said these two words habitually, and paused, but then said: “A little.”

Dongjun: “Then go out and relax.”

Lin Xun: “…um.”

He buried his head in Dongjun’s chest.

Clearly Dongjun followed everything, and he was not happy.

He closed his eyes, but suddenly remembered that when the classmate knocked on the door and called him to go out to play ten years ago, he pulled his wrist and stared at him with red eyes. He didn’t want him to play with anyone. But people can change.

He remembered the documents he had turned over the Galaxy, and found that apart from a part of the Galaxy’s income will continue to hit his card, he had no power to intervene in this huge group.

Perhaps the things that are important to a person are constantly changing.

……When did Dongjun start to dislike himself?

Maybe this is the time.

——He was twenty-three years old that year. Two years later, he left Dongjun. Two years later, he left the world to a certain extent.

Fortunately, to a certain extent.

He sank.

His spirit was like a feather, sinking in the water, the sparkling water surface gradually went away, the bubbles floated upwards, and eventually disappeared. Everything around him became darker and deeper. At the moment when there was no light, he fell gently on the soft riverbed.

He seems to be getting heavier, breathing together, and even each beat of the heart has to overcome the pressure of the water-he is no longer as light and unrestrained as the feathers flying in the wind, there is something imprisoning him .

What is it?

——It is the body of this world.

Lin Xun opened his eyes violently.

In the black world, nothing could be seen, only the faint light of the stars poured into his eyes in an instant.

As if separated by a thick shell, the sound of the instrument outside became a piece. He seemed to be a person who had lived in a vacuum for too long. Any color and sound were infinitely amplified in his senses to an unbearable point. The hurried footsteps sounded, and a “beep” sounded, the smooth push of metal sounded, the white light outside was at first a dazzling line, and then gradually amplified.

Lin Xun’s thoughts were very slow. After two seconds, he thought slowly that this was a nutshell, and he lay in it.

The lighting is very soft-although it still caused some stimulation to his retina.

He curled his fingers slowly. Although his fingertips were too lazy to move, he felt the existence of his limbs.

A face appeared above.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes. Everything in front of him was very vague. With the outline of the five senses, he barely recognized this as a doctor.

The doctor is laughing.

“Woke up!”

“I said there would be no problem. I have never died under my hands. Can you set this precedent for me.”

Lin Xun: “…”

“Come,” the doctor stretched out his hand. “It’s possible to come out. The recovery inside is not very good.”

Lin Xun grabbed his wrist and was brought out. Next to the nutshell compartment was a bed. He sat on the bed and looked around. This is a windowless room. Looking at the white decoration, he vaguely felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t say where he was familiar. Many of his memories were still unclear.

“Are you familiar with this?” The doctor said while connecting some equipment to his hand: “Your underground facility, security level S, look, the few machines behind the glass wall, I brought all my life. . It’s more than enough to treat you.”

Lin Xun actually thought he was a bit noisy.

But he didn’t have the strength to speak, and he could only chatter with the doctor.

“I have the same equipment in my hospital. Everyone thinks you are there. But not at all. Your consciousness is generated in this nutshell and then mapped into which nutshell to enter the virtual world from that nutshell. If someone traces the source of your consciousness through the virtual world network, you can only find the nutshell, but any operation of the nutshell can’t hurt you—I didn’t expect anyone to want to use the nutshell. Die you. He said he just habitually wants to guarantee you absolute safety, but I was still amazed by this kind of operation. You said who is your husband? Can I dissect his brain if there is a chance?”

Lin Xun took a few breaths and finally said: “Where is Dongjun…?”

“On my side, he has to be there often, eagle can confirm that they really found the correct shell number.” The doctor said: “But after he got it right, he came here, you woke up fast, originally I don’t expect you to wake up until he arrives. I didn’t expect me to be the first person you wake up to. I can brag to the next generation…”

Lin Xun: “You talk a lot.”

“Be considerate, I’m going to die if you don’t wake up. You don’t know, you live so happy in the virtual world. Those of us outside have just experienced a war. Really, I don’t know these thirty How the sky is going.”

Lin Xun looked at the door on the side of the room and slowly said: “Thank you, I…”

“Come on, don’t talk.” The doctor turned to the other side. “I will give you a few values.”

Lin Xun just looked there, all the sounds around him seemed to be far away, and the whole world fell into silence. He was like a newcomer to the world, wondering where he was and what he was looking at.


The airtight door moved.

Lin Xun’s body trembled.

Immediately afterwards, Yan Si’s airtight door slid smoothly and a person walked in.

——But he just stepped in, and he was still there, never stepping forward.

Time was pressed to stand still at this moment, Lin Xun stared at Dong Jun.

What was he thinking about? ——Even he didn’t know himself. When he saw the familiar figure, he looked at him and the world was blank.

After a minute-maybe five minutes, or ten minutes, he lost these concepts.

His voice trembled: “You… come here.”

Footsteps sounded, and Dongjun walked towards him.

The eyes, nose and lips that he will never forget, the long hair, neck, throat knots and shoulders that he will never forget-the man he will never forget, so he came closer and closer step by step.

Time ebbs and flows, fate rises one after another, only a few meters away, like thousands of kilometers, like decades, like life and death.

He came to Lin Xun’s eyes, and when he held Lin Xun in his right hand, he seemed to tremble a little. He touched Lin Xun’s cheek with his left hand, pulled away the broken hair on his forehead, and slowly traced the outline of his eyes and lips down.

Lin Xun raised his head and stared at him like that, a thousand words fluctuated in his chest, but he couldn’t say anything. He hated that he didn’t learn Chinese well when he was a child, and he didn’t have the talent to play with language like architecture. He should have said the most emotional words in the world to the person in front of him, but he could only use the most plain language. He opened his mouth, but in the end he only shivered: “… long time no see.”

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