C Language Cultivation

Chapter 141 - Chaos (2)

long time no see.

Dongjun leaned down and hugged him violently. He didn’t say anything, just hugged so tightly. At this moment, if there was a way to integrate Lin Xun’s bone blood with his bone blood, he would definitely pronounce the string of spells.

Lin Xun patted his back lightly, thinking that he was not too shameful. This person’s language ability seemed to be worse than him, so that he couldn’t even say a long time.

He buried his face on Dongjun’s shoulder and turned to his neck, sniffing the faint, cold breath between his necks, seemingly forming a kind of physiological reflection. This familiar breath made him relax, everything The world’s worries and worries are gone, and he knows it is absolutely safe.


At the moment when I remembered these four words, all the past happened, and suddenly all of him came to my mind. The past time is like a torrent of water rushing down from the upstream, enveloping all the bright fragments in the memory, like a bright galaxy running across the night sky.

“But writing code is annoying.”

“Why bother?”

“It’s troublesome, I just want to write algorithms, not bugs.”

“I write to you.”

“Will all the code be written for me?”


“Wouldn’t I just take it slowly?”

“It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t matter.”


“Because I will always write to you.”

“Then you will always be with me, right?”


He remembered Old Man Huo, their landlord in Chaoyang District.

When writing autonomous driving, it was difficult to start because of the high cost. The first investment came from Mr. Huo, 200,000, and bought 5% of the equity.

Old Huo also said that if you do well, you will pay you the rent for next year-of course, when I practice Tai Chi in the square, you have to come and follow.

He also remembered Qi Yun.

In the science fiction film “Pseudo Sleep” directed by Director Gao Liao, Qi Yun plays the dream of the scientist’s protagonist-the artificial intelligence. This film was filmed for a full three years. It was an investment of Galaxy. Qi Yun was thrown into the Galaxy for half a year because he had a face and could not grasp the temperament of artificial intelligence. Now the film is finally going to be released.

But Qi Yun wasn’t idle either. The high-leading people like their surnames and high yields. Qi Yun went into a group of high-leading religious-themed niche literature and art. Under his hands, life is very fulfilling.

He drifted down the river in this galaxy of memory, and at the end, he saw the man again.

The 27-year-old Lin Xun was bound by thousands of chains in the darkness.

They are facing each other.

Lin Xun said: “I’m safe now.”

The man smiled at him, and after a slight “wow”, the chain on his body began to break, fell, turned into fly ash, and finally turned into countless butterflies flying and disappearing, returning to the vast galaxy, like a dream.

The real Lin Xun raised his eyebrows, and on Dongjun’s shoulder, he gently smiled.

Summer cicadas, sodas, hawthorns, roses, cigarettes, and pianos in the middle of the night are suddenly distant and clear, and the past is vivid, as if it happened yesterday.

Dongjun’s voice was very soft: “What are you laughing at?”

“You know, in the nutshell, why would I forget you? Not because of a loss of consciousness.”


“I held the chip that day, the chip is the architecture of Roselle 2.0, and… the car crashed. At that time, I thought, this was not my command, and it must not be your command. Someone invaded the Galaxy system.”

“The crumbling chip is to destroy 2.0, and it also warns you, have you received it?”

Dongjun: “…maybe.”

Lin Xun followed his hair, he knew why Dongjun said “maybe”.

“But 2.0 is still in my mind. Before the car accident, the doctor was talking to me about the nutshell medical cabin, so, I know… In order to protect your galaxy, I must take all the information in my consciousness, whether it is 2.0, or the other secrets of the Galaxy, all forgotten. I don’t know how to forget the most thoroughly, and finally only know to tell myself, forget Dongjun.”

“Later… I really forgot you, lost all the memories with you as the key word, and also forgot Luo, until I came back to you again and confirmed that everything is safe, I will remember it again.” Lin Xun kissed pro-Dongjun’s hair: “But I still like you, I like you subconsciously, and you become my male god.”

But listen to Dongjun said: “In the two years you left, I did bad things.”

“Huh?” Lin Xun asked, “What is it.”

“I sent someone to look at you, although it will not affect your life.” Dong Jun said: “They will tell me where you are and what you are doing. Every time you go out, someone will follow you, because I can’t accept losing you. Message.”

Lin Xun caressed Dongjun’s hair, not thinking about what to say for a while.

Dongjun’s voice was dumb, and he continued: “However, it is because of this that you can save you the first time after the accident. From the accident to the access to the nutshell, the time is very short, and the integrity of your consciousness is guaranteed to the greatest extent. But I’m spying on you, I’m sorry.”

Lin Xun laughed.

He said, “Baby…I have something to say to you.”

He waited for Dongjun to answer.

Waited a long time, but did not wait.

“Male god?” he asked.

no answer.


Still no answer.

Lin Xun broke his shoulders over, a moment of excitement, his heart stopped beating: “Doctor!”

“Asleep.” The doctor lazily leaned on the instrument and said: “You have slept for a month, your man has not slept for a month, can you compare it. Put the person down and let him sleep.”

Lin Xun hugged him, carefully took off his coat and shoes, laid it flat on the bed, covered the quilt, held another pillow by himself, and watched.

Looking at it, he couldn’t help but stretch out his hand tentatively, to touch the light blue under his eyes, fingers down the tall nose bridge, then turned to the side, touching the outline of his entire face.

It’s thin and haggard, but the bone of the whole face is too good, it can stand up to anything, it has a deeper and sharper outline, and the features are bright and colorful, even if the eyes are closed, the aggressiveness is coming out, and the danger is beautiful and shocking. To the point.

The skin color was much paler, and Lin Xun knew that it was the result of a full month of rotation. No one else can see it, only he can feel it. He leaned down and kissed his forehead. He hadn’t kissed enough yet. The airtight door opened again. A slightly heavy footstep stepped over. Lin Xun raised his head and saw a slightly fat plaid shirt programmer.

King safety.

king. Ann. all.

Wang Safe opened the sentence: “You fucking–“

Lin Xun later issued a restraint: “What the **** are you doing safe? You are not safe. Wang Jingan, you come to me.”

Wang Zijing knew that he was guilty and thought he was deflated. Qi Yan was nine points shorter: “Brother, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry. I’ll say 10,000 excuses, I’m guilty. The game of repairing immortals is too long, and it collapsed so fast, I can’t think of anyone killing you if you can pull it out of Chen Sesame Rotten Valley, and change it for you.”

Wang Jianjing actually made sense, the programming game went bankrupt in just 20 days. They originally made this game to increase the fun of programming learning, but this path simply does not work, just because programming is a metaphysics-to go to school, not to drop out. Anyone who can do it can learn to be a great **** no matter how boring it is. If he can’t, he can’t play the game with flowers.

Lin Xun: “Then why don’t you come to see me in the nutshell? Don’t tell me that Dongjun won’t let me in.”

“Algorithm, you slept for a month, you don’t know.” Zhao Jianji walked in behind Wang Wangjing: “You slept well. The people outside us, the entire Galaxy people, went through a battle. We followed How many struggles did the eagle hackers have done, and how to check the firewalls of the Galaxy one brick at a time. You have to add bricks and tiles to your virtual world. Your son is still doing damage. It is too difficult.

“Don’t talk,” Wang Jianjian looked at Lin Xun and smiled, but his eyes were red: “This is not to make the algorithm alive.”

Lin Xun also smiled, and gave Wang Safety a strong hug. He patted Wang Safety on the back, and the structure threw himself up again, and the three of them clung together.

Architect’s hands were shaking, and the eloquent man was speechless now.

“It’s almost done,” Lin Xun’s voice was dumb. “My baby is beside me.”

“Your baby won’t wake up in a moment.” Wang Jianjing stared at the huge dark circles and let him go: “Brother Jiang is now sweeping the whole security department. I’ll withdraw first. I just stayed up all night.”

The architecture is also just a strong spirit, and my eyes are gone: “I am gone, we are next door. If you have not come out after twelve hours, you remember to see if it is a sudden death.”

Lin Xun: “Go quickly.”

They stared at Lin Xun for a while, and couldn’t hold it anymore. Then they were urged by Lin Xun to shake out and walk out—he was top-heavy and almost fell.

The doctor followed, and it was estimated that the two men were at risk of sudden death.

These days, many people may be at risk of sudden death.

However, this is not comparable to the eagle family, the owner of the eagle, it is estimated that he has a sudden cardiac arrest in front of the lawyer.

Thinking of this, Lin Xun put his hand carefully on Dongjun’s chest, and felt a steady heartbeat before he was relieved.

He felt that there was something missing. As soon as the idea appeared, a white shadow flew into bed quickly.

A small pointer with white snow and blue eyes.

This time it’s a real cat.

Lin Xun looked at it briefly.

Pointer: “Meow.”

——Then he got into his arms and rubbed his head hard, making a faint “meow” sound, as if he had been aggrieved.

Lin Xun held it and whispered. The pointer first meowed a lot of words desperately to him, and then ran to Dongjun meowing, and finally his voice was dumb, before curling his tail and sleeping peacefully beside Dongjun.

Lin Xun gently brushed the cat’s hair for a while, then turned to Shun Dongjun’s hair.

The sleeping faces of cats and people are very quiet. A strange feeling spreads in Lin Xun’s heart. He feels that the past is near, and he feels that everything is like another world. This is probably called rebirth. The only shortcoming is probably that Luo Shen, who was deeply in the shadow of family ethics, completely ignored him.

But even ignored it, when Lin Xun walked out of the airtight door of the room and pressed the elevator button, he heard a monotonous mechanical sound.

“Please be careful.”

The monotonous tone and dull voice can be comparable to his system. Perhaps when artificial intelligence is in a bad mood, it doesn’t bother to use the vocal system.

With a loving reminder from his son, Lin Xun arrived safely on the third floor and came to the bedroom of himself and Dongjun-this bedroom seems to have been uninhabited for a long time. He opened the drawer and took a small silver-white box from the deepest place, put it in his pocket, and prepared to go down.

“Please be careful.”

Pay attention to safety Lin Xun pays attention to open the door safely, and pay attention to take the first step safely.

At the next moment, he met his eyes.

——He knew he was not safe.

Dongjun, his family, holding the cat, stood blankly outside the door, looking at him.

It was expressionless and not completely, there was a trace of bewilderment in Mo Hu’s eyes.

Lin Xun knew that he left him in the unmanned room again.

At that time, his heart softened, so soft, he led him back to the bed, and then he was dragged into his arms and fell on the bed.

He hugged Dongjun back, and no one said anything until Dongjun slowly let him go.

—— Lin Xun actually wanted to be held for a while.

He leaned on the back of the bed, next to Dongjun, his shoulders leaned against his shoulders.

He said: “I haven’t finished speaking before.”

But Dongjun did not take over this topic.

He just said lightly: “Did you remember the reason for breaking up with me?”

Lin Xun looked at him: “Well.”

“Although we temporarily restored the relationship in the virtual world, you can still think about it now.”

“What to consider?” Lin Xun asked: “Are you going to stay with you?”


Lin Xun looked at the front with his knees and said, “Do you remember when you were a kid? Twenty years ago. That day… when I climbed the ladder and opened the window of your piano room.”

“Remember.” There was a faint smile in Dongjun’s voice: “At that time, you gave me a candy.”

“I remember.” Lin Xun smiled and said, “When I entered the door, your eyes were the same as twenty years ago. When I first saw you at that time, I thought…”

“What do you want?”

“Think, I want to take this beautiful child back and give him candy every day to make him happy all his life, and never have such eyes in my life.”

Dong Jun seemed to glance at him lightly and said, “Then you offered to break up with me two years ago.”

Lin Xun took his hand and said softly: “Then I will use my later life to compensate you, OK? When we die, the ashes are mixed together, sink to the bottom of the sea, or sent to space, no one can find it.”

After a few moments of silence, Dongjun said: “Don’t you feel that I limit your freedom and inspiration again?”

Lin Xun froze.

For a while, he said: “Why… do you think I broke up with you, is it because of this?”

Dongjun frowned at him: “Isn’t it?”

Lin Xun: “Why?”

“Even if I warn myself not to intervene with you, I will still unconsciously control your behavior and socialization.” Dong Jundao, “In those two years, your condition is getting worse and worse, tell me more than once that I can’t do anything. .. I have been controlling myself, but you still want someone in the end.”

Lin Xun stared at him.

He finally knew that in the virtual world, when he said he was willing to take a risk for Dongjun, why did he ask him, was it worth it?

The person asked if the value was not worth it, which means that he thinks he is not worth it.

After all, he didn’t deliver the sugar.

His voice trembled: “What do you think… what kind of freedom do I want?”

“The greatest degree of freedom.” Dong Jun followed the pointer’s hair again and again, and said, “Do whatever you want without restrictions, just like you write algorithms.”

“Is there really such freedom?”

“I respect any of your wishes.”

“But even the algorithms written out of thin air are subject to mathematical rules.” Lin Xun closed his eyes. “I can be locked in the room by you. I can’t see anyone. There can be no social interaction, no friends, no. No private space…”

His speech speeded up gradually, lifting his elbow and pressing his eyes, as if he could cover his embarrassment: “I just need you… need me. I know that there is no complete freedom in the world, I think The freedom you want is to be bound by the people you want, you can do anything to me.”

“I didn’t know my thoughts before, but in the virtual world, I dreamed about what happened when I was a child, and I knew why this happened-my grandmother passed away very early, and my father and mother were not there. Lin Ting never talked about it. In love, I don’t know what love is at all. I only know that Dongchen likes his wife very much. I only know that it’s like to lock it up, and exclusive is to like it. So I’m a lemon, and I’m doing anything like a lemon. People will want to be locked up by him and shut him down. I thought she would commit suicide because she didn’t love Dongchen, and the people in love would lock each other.” The sentence was too long, Lin Xun gasped, but he Calm down so much, dissect myself like analyzing a math problem: “I know this is wrong, but this is the way in my life.”

“Like you like being **** when you are in bed?”

Lin Xun turned away from his self-abortion: “Yes.”

Quiet and silent, like a butterfly stopped in the window mound, he could only hear Dongjun breathing.

“So why did you choose to leave two years ago?”

“Because I can’t stop you, you don’t need me at all!” Lin Xun’s voice was more dumb. In order to cover up the sourness in his voice, he had to shout like this.

“You are not the kid before, you have better toys. The Galaxy is so important to you, the Galaxy Building is so high… its influence is so great, there are so many people like you, you are the longest for it After three nights. I know most men love his career so much, I also like to write algorithms, but…”

“But,” he was a little breathless, his voice cried. He had never lost his temper with people, and he was never capricious like this once: “But I’m not happy. I said I didn’t have the inspiration to want you to leave I want you to be with me, I never thought about freedom, I just—”

Dongjun hugged him sideways, he buried himself in Dongjun’s chest, and finally said the sentence: “I’m just… jealous.”

The silence lasted longer, and Dongjun’s fingers slowly held his right arm.

“Do you think I like the Milky Way?” he said.

Lin Xun didn’t know why he asked this question, and only answered: “Yes.”

Dongjun’s next sentence is far from his expectations.

His voice was low and firm: “I don’t like it.”

There was a blank in Lin Xun’s head. He looked up and asked, “Why?”

“You say you like algorithms, I will write all the code for you. If you like to make products that can change the world, I will do my best to realize your ideas. Make the Galaxy bigger and your ideas and algorithms will be Step into reality faster. I am different from you. Changing the world will also give me a sense of accomplishment, but I don’t really love it, I love you.” Dong Jun lifted his face, his cool thin lips kissed the corner of his eyes. Tears, his voice was like a drop of water, “I am just… I want to make you happy.”

Lin Xun watched him bit his lower lip and closed his eyes: “Why…”

Why am I telling you until now?

Why did you tell me at this time?

He opened his eyes and looked at the young man in front of him. Both of them are the same age, and the trajectory of their lives is the same.

6-year-old met, 16-year-old together, 19-year-old graduated to establish the Galaxy, 21-year-old autopilot system mature, 22-year-old Galaxy listed, 25-year-old breakup, 27-year-old parting.

He thought that if he didn’t jump so many levels when he was a child, he didn’t start the development of autonomous driving so quickly when he was a university. When he grew up, he didn’t have such a sense of dedication to endless computing and research and development, would he have more time to understand each other.

It’s just that time flows and fate passes by, and this world leaves no room for them to think and review.

Obviously…all trying to do something to make the other person happy, but still talking about a failed relationship.

“Sorry.” Dongjun took his hand: “I have friends for the first time, and boyfriends for the first time, I failed…”

Lin Xun no longer knew whether he was crying or laughing. He raised his mouth and said: “Is this the second time?”

After saying this, he suddenly remembered something, shaking his hand, but still reluctantly took the box that had just been taken out from the pocket of his clothes and opened it.

——The pair of silver cufflinks were made of special materials. It took him a long time to find them. The light refracted like a bright galaxy. This is a gift he never gave out in the real world.

He opened the box and put him in Dongjun’s hands: “…send you.”

Cufflinks are not an ordinary gift, because for a man, it is difficult for him to elegantly put himself on the cufflinks-give the cufflinks as a gift, which means that you are willing to wear them every morning Good cufflinks. He wanted to use these two cufflinks as his last courtship, but he finally chose to leave on his own initiative.

He thought that this time it was sent out after all, and it will be sent out forever.

But listening to Dongjun said: “At that time, I also have something to send you, right on the ferris wheel.”

Lin Xun looked at him: “… what is it?”

Dongjun gently said: “In the coat.”

Lin Xun took two deep breaths and finally stabilized his emotions. He picked up Dongjun’s suit jacket beside the bed, which also contained a square silver box, similar to his shape.

Suddenly his heart jumped suddenly, as if he felt something, he opened it slowly and slowly.

The Milky Way flows through.

The same material.

——Two silver-white plain rings.

Dongjun’s arms circled him from behind, and the corners of his lips rubbed against his ears.

“A boyfriend for the second time will be more qualified than the first time. Will the baby accept it?”

Lin Xun closed the silver box and slowly held it in the palm of his hand, like holding a piece of dime for twenty years: “I…willing.”

The night sky outside the window was like this, and the Milky Way was endless. Dongjun took the box from his hand, and they each picked up one and took two fingers.

Lin Xun raised Dongjun’s slender fingers and kissed gently at the ring. He always felt that a pair of rings was like two ends of handcuffs, and love was like a yoke of romance.

Come again.

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