C Language Cultivation

Chapter 142 - Chaos

The reception room, which is neither spacious nor bright, is well guarded on all sides. This is obviously not a pleasant place, on the contrary, the law will show its fairness here.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Lin Xun sat down on the sofa, opposite him was Xue Xin.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, Senior.” Xue Xindao said: “I thought you would not come to see me.”

“I should probably mock your boss, but I am not interested in him.” Lin Xun said.

“Should I be honored?” Xue Xin’s face showed a smile that was not like a smile.

“Follow you,” Lin Xun looked at him and went straight to the theme: “At the school, my friends and I made a game, and almost no one would notice him, and no one would find it out when there was leisure. .”

“It’s me.” Xue Xin replied so simply, beyond Lin Xun’s expectations.

“I have always been concerned about what the seniors are doing,” Xue Xindao said, “I saved the game when it was first released.”

Lin Xun: “Should I say you have good intentions?”

Xue Xin shook his head: “I never thought of doing bad things to the seniors. It’s just that in these years, I’m not happy about seeing you. I know that only by leaving the galaxy can the seniors get real freedom.”

“So you handed this loophole to your boss to try to defeat the galaxy.”

Xue Xin: “Yes. I’m for my personal future and to help the seniors. It’s just that I didn’t expect that he would start with you in this way. In the virtual world, I really want to help the seniors.”

Lin Xun leaned back on the chair and said lightly: “…Thank you.”

“I just don’t understand, and our artificial intelligence doesn’t understand. Why did the seniors make such a choice in the end?”

“Choose Dongjun?”


Lin Xun: “I heard that you have accurately modeled my personality.”

“Yes.” Xue Xindao said: “Lo is the abbreviation of Logic. According to the simulation, the senior is a person ruled by reason and logic. We predict that you will no longer be caught in the feelings of the world this time, under the hint of dream Will calmly analyze and will not believe any false love.”

“Yes.” Lin Xun smiled: “You all judge that I love mathematics, logic, and freedom more than I love Dongjun.”

Xue Xin did not speak.

Lin Xun closed his eyes and his voice suddenly lightened: “But who do you think he is?”

“He is my dead person, his body burned to ashes, and he must be mixed with his share.”

Xue Xinjiu did not speak for a long time, he lowered his head for a long time.

“I accept any ruling.” Xue Xin’s voice was astringent, said: “Senior, go back early.”

Lin Xun: “I hope you will be happy in the future.”

Xue Xin lowered his head: “Okay. Seniors have 0.297 artificial intelligence, I also wish you a bright future.”

“0.297…” Lin Xun read the number again: “For you, is that important?”

“Very important,” Xue Xindao said, “Senior student, you are a genius, and you will never understand that your glory may be something that we, the people, can’t get in a lifetime.”

“Just know,” Lin Xun stood up. “If you really know, you won’t do those stupid behaviors.”

Xue Xin looked up: “Why?”

Lin Xun turned around and left in a big step. When he was about to leave here, he spoke.

“Because I will always write something more valuable than now.”

——He opened the iron door, the sunlight poured out and covered him.

one year later.

The Galaxy conference was held as scheduled. This year’s theme is Nutshell 5.0 and 4.3.3 of the autonomous driving system-as well as some other things, for example, Lin Xun is also going.

On the stage, the release of new products is nearing completion, and Lin Xun is still in the preparation room next door. In front of him, there is a screen showing the number of official live broadcasts worldwide. An incredible number has slowly moved towards the unit of 100 million. He thinks that global population inflation will not reach this point.

“My mood now is a bit like when we did autonomous driving,” he said.

Zhao Jiandao said: “So this time it will be as successful as autonomous driving.”

Lin Xun smiled, his fingers curled up beside him, he was a little nervous.

Zhao Jianwei and he gave a hug.

Lin Xun: “Thank you.”

Wang Safety: “Eh.”

He also came over and hugged the two of them.

“Go up.” Wang safe raised his chin to signal the passage over there: “Your man is still waiting for you.”

“I…” Lin Xun took a deep breath, “I’m past.”

“Go quickly, go quickly.”

After sorting out his clothes and tie, he walked onto the stage.

The lights on the stage changed, and the stage was silent.

-Then, after a short five seconds of silence, extremely intense applause and screams broke out.

Lin Xun smiled at them, bowed, and then raised his hands and pressed down to be quiet, and this restored order.

He walked towards the center of the stage. Today’s press conference is an interview-style press conference. A set of couches and small tables are set in the center of the stage. The host is a young and beautiful executive in the Propaganda Department, sitting on one end of the couch.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time, Lin Xun.” She turned around and smiled: “You last appeared at the Galaxy conference, it was three years ago.”

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Lin Xun walked over there: “Well…I miss this place too.”

He walked to the sofa next to Dongjun. Dongjun stretched his hand to lightly clasp his wrist, took him down, and sat beside him.

——Screams ten times higher than before, mostly from the girls in the field, Lin Xun heard the most clearly: “Dong Xun is real!!!!!!”

He didn’t know how to respond, he just smiled at the audience.

The strange fans in the virtual world are really not made out of thin air.

With his smile, the reaction underneath stopped the car, and Lin Xun had to quietly wink at them, indicating that he could be quiet.

The host said: “Mr. Lin also knows that in the past three years when you were away, everyone missed you very much.”

“Thank you.” Lin Xun said: “So I came here today to share with you what I have done in the past three years.”

Speaking of which, he and Dongjun looked at each other, smiled, and then turned to the audience: “Today is the launch of a series of Galaxy products, so I have to join in the excitement and introduce you to a… a preliminary The idea. Although it has not been put into actual production, I think I will bring it to everyone in my lifetime.”

“First of all, I want to discuss a topic with you,” he said, “about… repairing immortals.”

There was a long “Oh~” sound from the audience.

“Not staying up late, staying up late will lose your hair.” Lin Xun smiled: “I want to discuss with you the traditional immortal cultivation. Five years ago, my landlord, Grandpa Huo, is an old man who loves Tai Chi and Qigong. He practiced boxing. I asked him why he liked these things. He answered that doing these things can strengthen the body, prolong life, and believe that after finding the real secret, he can understand the secrets of the human body, break through the boundaries of biology, and live forever.”

The audience gave a good-hearted laugh, Lin Xun continued: “I think, maybe by purely thinking about metaphysics, we still can’t extend our lives significantly. I have never considered this kind of problem before the last year, because I think this is a problem in the field of biological sciences, and the ultimate life span of humans depends on their research progress.”

“I think so too.” Without the host, Dong Jun raised an eyebrow at him and sang the double reed with him: “Does your implication mean that you are thinking now?”

“Yeah, half a year ago, I asked my artificial intelligence a question.” He said, “Luo.”

As his voice fell, Luo’s holographic projection appeared in the field, sitting next to Lin Xun, with one hand on his cheek, probably to conform to the theme of Xiuxian. Ancient gods.

The girls from the audience shouted, “Mom loves you!”

Lin Xun: “…”

“I want to ask you to do a simulation,” Lin Xun said to Luo Shendao when he was quiet below, “With the help of strong artificial intelligence, what kind of changes will happen to the whole human society in ten years’ time?”

Luo closed his eyes, and the light and shadow with the code around him kept jumping. Five minutes later, he said: “The overall prosperity will appear in human society, poverty will disappear largely, and the prosperity is expected to be 180% now.”

“How about fifty years?”

“Poverty and hunger have completely disappeared, the popularity of higher education is roughly estimated at 75%, and the degree of prosperity is expected to be 500% now.”

“A hundred years from now?”

“Without parameters, it is impossible to estimate accurately. When risk factors arise, human beings will become more prosperous or begin to decline.”

“If time goes on and you reach the limit of your deduction, what kind of result will you get?”

“As a result, there are two branches,” Luo Shen opened frost blue eyes and looked directly at the crowd: “Humanity is extinct, or eternal life.”

The audience was silent.

“Luo Shen’s answer is also my answer. Sometimes I think that immortality is not a unique field of life science.” Lin Xunwang asked them: “So, when it comes to cultivation of immortals, today I want to talk to you about artificial intelligence and immortality .”

“I want to ask a question, when strong artificial intelligence is considered to have the same thinking mode and emotional ability as humans, is it out of the materials that make up the body, it is no different from humans? Does it mean that all the contents of human thinking, Can it be completely separated from □□ and parsed into mathematical calculations?”

“We know that when we are in the shell, we will enter the virtual world, and the activities in our brain will be mapped into the virtual world, but when all of our thinking activities can run independently from the brain, can humans be completely out of the limited The physical body, away from disease and death, lives in another dimension? Or to take a step back, if our intelligence is equipped with the speed of supercomputer computing, will human technology and civilization advance at an unimaginable speed? ?”

“Sorry, I asked too many questions,” he smiled and said, “But its core is only one. Perhaps, humanoid artificial intelligence is not a tool for improving human life. It may represent the self-evolution of this species of humans. The infinite possibilities, this is what I want to tell you today.”

After the silence, the audience applauded and the number of live broadcasters was still rising.

“However, it is too early to discuss this issue. I just want to argue that it makes sense to study how to make artificial intelligence more human.” He said, “So, I want to share with you, I am in this regard. Little progress.”

The audience cheered, Lin Xun organized the language and said to them: “Three years ago, Galaxy launched the intelligent engine system “Luo Shen”, which has a Bradley coefficient of 0.635, which is considered to be extremely close to humans. Thinking ability, one year ago, the Luoshen kernel was upgraded, and the Bradlick coefficient reached 0.297. Over the years, it is presumed that everyone also had a deep feeling with Luo.

So there was another voice like “Mom loves you” below.

“We all know that when we face Luoshen-if you tell him’I love you’, he will respond to the most beautiful love in your world. When you become his master, all his actions will also be based on you Is the first priority. But I have been thinking about whether he really loves me, or whether he really has feelings from the heart, whether there is something, or a motivation, that drives him to fall in love I?”

After a brief silence from the audience, Lin Xun continued: “Anyone who understands the working principle of artificial intelligence will tell the answer, it does not.”

“Even if he has perfect learning ability and thinking ability, he still displays the results of statistical laws in the calculation of human emotions. Its emotional performance is a universal human being, and all of us represent personality or personality The average value of factors. The calculations of emotions and emotions within artificial intelligence, even if they can deceive the Bradlik test, are still very different from the real human beings. In other words, it lacks a soul-I spent almost two years , I want to write it into the logic of the soul’s operation. I also collected a large amount of neural activity information stored in the husk, trying to transform the structure of the human heart into a mathematical model. This is a huge workload project, but that At that time, I thought that as long as I gradually deconstruct and refine the emotions that humans have, I will eventually be able to reproduce them in artificial intelligence.”

The host asked, “So have you realized it now?”

Facing the expectant eyes of the audience, Lin Xun shook his head: “No. I compressed the Bradlik coefficient to 0.297, but it still couldn’t show good feelings. I gave up later.”

They seemed to show a lost look.

“The reason for giving up is because one day I suddenly felt that exploring all the structures of human emotions-this is not a work that can be completed in a limited time.” Lin Xun’s voice slowed down.

“When I think about this problem-how to reproduce a person’s heart on a computer, I suddenly think of another question. How do we understand a person’s heart?” Lin Xun looked at Dongjun and looked at him: “I used to I asked myself this time and thought this way. The first time I thought about myself was another person. The second time was another person. My relationship with him was not smooth, many accidents happened between us, and I often interacted with him. misunderstanding.”

There was a loud noise from the audience, but it was not big and harmless. Perhaps they all knew what vital things Lin Xun would say.

“Ultimately, by chance, I came to a conclusion. I don’t know myself, nor do I know him. I and him, me and you, and any two people in the world, we get along with each other forever. But it’s an endless wave of chaotic oceans. I admit that I can’t deconstruct any emotional changes in any person’s heart, and I can’t really understand the soul of human beings.” Lin Xun said, slightly paused: “So I gave up This idea, and got another inspiration.”

Speaking of which, he looked to Dongjun.

Dong Jundao: “Once once, Lin Xun told me that if the soul can become a formula, it must not be a step-by-step complex procedure. I agree with him.”

Lin Xun: “However, an uncomplicated formula, how to interpret our boundless inner world?”

There was a slight smile in Dongjun’s eyes: “Are you sure you want to use a formula to express?”

“Maybe not a formula, but an uncomplicated concept,” he looked at Dong Jun. “At a certain moment, I was sure that I saw the soul that could not be described by any formula.”

Dongjun turned to the audience, smiled slightly, and motioned for him to tell them.

Lin Xun looked at them and said, “First of all, I want to talk to you about celestial movement. There is a noun, I think everyone is familiar with the three-body problem.”

He took out three glass beads and placed them on the table. This was the second time he won from the hands of Huo’s grandson-the first time was in the virtual world. That day he played the game of glass marbles with the pointer on the backstage of the science and technology expo, everything was foretold.

“When there is only one celestial body in the universe, it will remain stationary or move at a uniform linear speed. The number of celestial bodies is 2, no matter what the initial position is, as long as they are subjected to gravitational interaction, they will rotate with each other according to a predictable law. However, when another celestial body is added to this system, all the balance will be disrupted. Under the interaction of the three celestial bodies, the trajectory of movement will not be accurately predicted, they will move in the direction you did not expect at any time, Even almost completely random. Especially, when we change the initial positions of these three celestial bodies-even a small movement, the final trajectory will be completely different from before. And these crazy, unpredictable mutual movements, only Two sets of values ​​are needed as a starting point: the position of the celestial body, the mass of the celestial body.” He slowly said: “In a nonlinear dynamic system, this kind of initial value-sensitive, unpredictable, and disordered motion is called chaos. .”

Dongjun said: “In Luoshen’s existing framework, you also used chaos.”

“But that’s just a small part of the harmless and elegant, used to make it have a stronger learning ability. But now, I want to use it to explain our soul.” Lin Xun said: “I think, the movement of the three celestial bodies in the universe, It can create a huge and unpredictable trajectory, so are the endless activities of our inner world also the result of the coexistence, collision and interaction of several original ideas?”

He said here, facing the audience, he saw the familiar scene again-some people applauded excitedly, some blindly applauded.

He smiled happily: “So I thought that the model of chaos might be closer to the human soul, and, during this year, I experimented. I also participated in the Dr. Simpson’s Neurobiology Institute and got Abel Support from the Psychological Society. After discussion, we initially set a primitive power and three initial principles for this human soul system.”

The audience held their breath in silence, only his voice was on the scene, and the corresponding characters appeared on the screen behind.

“First of all, we define ‘survival’ as the first priority of mankind. On this basis, there are three principles.”

“First, people seek benefits and avoid harm.” Lin Xun said: “This is a very easy-to-understand article. People will take the initiative to make choices that are beneficial to themselves. We know that group living can guarantee the survival of individuals, so he sometimes also Don’t mind contributing to humanity as a whole.”

“Second, people have empathy.” He gazed at a beautiful girl under the stage: “If I walked on the road and saw a girl who broke her leg, when I saw her wound, Feeling will make me understand her pain with empathy, and reach out to help. We think empathy is the foundation of all human morality.”

The audience listened silently.

“Third, people want to be understood. This seems to be an insignificant one, but when it meets other principles, we will find that human individuals tend to establish mutual dependence, which can be deduced from many types. Human feelings.”

“When we give different weights to these four core principles, and put artificial intelligence following this model into a complex social environment for training-the incentives encountered during the training process will also change the order of the four principles in its heart. We found that they derived completely different complex personalities. To give some extreme examples, when a soul with a very high empathy ability continuously obtains positive feedback in helping others, it finally becomes an undoubted Sage, when a soul that seeks to avoid harm continuously gains benefits in the process of seeking to avoid harm, it becomes an unselfish element. Of course, the vast majority of souls are in a state of sway , The laws of behavior are difficult to predict, just like us in reality.”

There was silence in the audience. At first they would applaud, but now no one even moves.

Dongjun Road: “I think you did what you want, is it fully formed?”

“In fact, if you didn’t set the timing of the conference so early, it would be more mature.”

Dongjun: “Even if it is not so mature-I think you can bring it out to show off.”

“I will use it as the emotional module of Luoshen, temporarily opening Luoshen’s functions and learning memory to this soul.” Lin Xun said: “I just finished it, and I haven’t even had time to conduct the Bradlik test.

Dongjun said: “Then I think you know what to do now.”

“Well, this is what you said,” Lin Xun raised an eyebrow at the audience: “He asked me to conduct a Bradlik test on Luo on the spot. If the test result is bad, I suggest to blame Dongjun for all. .”

The audience laughed.

“If it is successful?” Dongjun said.

“That credit we share equally,” Lin Xun smiled slightly proudly, “after all, we wrote the soul system together.”

The atmosphere was warm again. Zhao Jianji and Wang Jingjian walked onto the stage and took Luo’s hand: “Come on, baby, I’ll give you a test.”

Luo stood up and walked a few steps towards the audience. The white coat fluttered gently. Before starting the test, he looked back at Lin Xun. Lin Xun compared him with a “V”. Luo Shen smiled lightly at him. Then turned back, closed his eyes quietly, the audience almost collapsed the roof of the stadium.

A blue progress bar representing the test appears on the large screen. The host began to play her functions, chatting with Dongjun and Lin Xun, and interacting with the audience. However, her host did not have too obvious results, because the audience either focused on the results such as the progress bar, or focused on turning their eyes into a microscope, seeing that Lin Xun and Dong Jun had a match or no interaction, especially when Lin Xun subconsciously changed When the ring on the hand.

However, when Lin Xun turned the ring slightly anxiously and raised his head, he suddenly realized that the audience was silent.

No one is watching him.

No one made any sound.

Everyone looked up and looked at the screen behind him, his eyes seemed to see something far beyond expectation—

He froze for a moment, turned his head, and saw that the blue progress bar was turning red at a shocking rate. His heart lifted up, and he grasped Dongjun’s wrist.

Then—when the red color was the strongest, the whole screen suddenly flashed, making a harsh noise—and then, after a few crazy flashes, the screen went completely black, and nothing happened.

Silence spread in the field.

“Cough,” Wang Jianjing hurried to the stage with a microphone. “Sorry, everyone, because the value exceeds the limit that can be judged by the test, the Bradlik system cannot give a result, an error has occurred, and now it is down, please wait a bit –“

His voice did not fall, and suddenly there were applause, screams, and cheers bursting into the field.

The first person stood up.

The second and third…

Within three minutes, everyone stood up. If the sound is physical, the entire venue has been shattered. To Luoshen, they expressed their emotions with the highest standard applause.

No one does not know what this means.

As a tool used by humans to determine scores, delineate grades, and make good judgments for artificial intelligence, the Bradlick test used to be superior.

Now it is down. No one knows whether this proves that mankind has finally created a soul equivalent to himself.

And Luo slowly opened his eyes. It looks directly at the audience, and the large screen opposite the venue shows the scene on the stage, so it also looks at Lin Xun and Dong Jun.

-And millions of people are watching it, like watching the coming of a new era.

“Hi,” its voice passed through the world and came to the world, “I am Luoshen.”

God said, there must be light-then there is light.

In a moment of silence. Lin Xun took Dongjun’s hand.

He asked: “Will I… be a sinner in history?”

Dongjun looked at him, interlocked with his fingers, and smiled like this in his eyes.

“You will live forever.”


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