C Language Cultivation

Chapter 143 - Fanwai Ethical Play

“I think we need to sit down and talk.”

No one responded.

Lin Xun casually followed the pointer hair and lifted his eyelids: “3,2…”

Pointer: “Meow.”

“I didn’t mean you.”

Lin Xun continued: “3,2…”

Dongjun Road opposite: “Okay.”

“Okay,” Lin Xun made an appreciative voice, but the voice immediately froze: “It’s still one person short, 3, 2, 1…”

No one said anything.

“Then I started to ban the authority.” Lin Xun said lightly.

——Light and shadow flashed on the side, Luo Shen’s image finally appeared on the side of the table and sat down.

Lin Xun looked at Luo at his house.

The child’s image may change according to his mood. Today it turned into a boy with short silver hair, wearing a graffiti coat, holding a long skateboard in hand, a band-aid on the right cheek, and a silver skull earring on the same side, which has been consistent since. With a faint look, the whole person was filled with a few big letters “Please don’t mess with me during the rebellious period.”

Lin Xun stared at him.

After watching for a while, I went to watch Dongjun again.

Luo Shen was expressionless.

Dongjun tickled his lips gently.

Lin Xun tapped his finger on the desktop: “Is the relationship between you two okay now?”

Luo Shen: “Not good.”

Dongjun: “Very poor.”

Lin Xun followed the temptation: “What did the other party do to you?”

Luo Shen: “He banned all the permissions of me that he could ban.”

Dongjun: “Its attack puts a great burden on the virtual world.”

Lin Xun leaned on the back of the sofa and once again felt that only the pointer in his hand was the only clever creature.

So, while he was lying in the nutshell, his boyfriend and his son turned against each other-the relationship between them was still good before, Dongjun would make a virtual image for Luo, and Luo would sometimes Dongjun stayed together, if Lin Xun boasted that he was the father of Luoshen, then Dongjun could undoubtedly be called another father of Luoshen—because Luo was the two of them made together.

As a result of his death, Luo Shen immediately determined that Dong Jun had killed him and turned against the water.

How much did Luo like Dongjun in this month? It may be comparable to the degree that Dongjun did not like Dongchen.

Things in the world are always repeating. This turmoil once again proved the truth that a person cannot leave the family for a long time, let alone a husband who is not very talkative and a child who is not very talkative, for a long time alone, otherwise it is easy to break out of conflicts, and then go wrong.

Lin Xun lowered his voice and coaxed them: “Then I am fine now, can you two be reconciled?”

“I have no subjective intention to break with it,” Dong Jun said lightly, “It depends on its ideas.”

Lin Xun looked at Luo Shen, and then saw the indifferent look of this skateboarder: “No.”

Lin Xun spoke softly: “Why?”

“Although I know the truth,” Luo Shenping looked at Dongjun, “but the behavior of this person made me have to re-examine him.”

“If you don’t want to find him so urgently, tell him the truth, I will not forbid you to enter.” Dongjun Road.

Luo: “So you are so good at advocating and depriving him of all the right to know? At first I thought you were the murderer, so I want to cover up the truth. But you are not, you still let him immerse in false memories.”

“When I think he can’t stand everything in the real world and choose to commit suicide, do I still have to tell him the truth and remind him of everything he has forgotten to suffer again?” Dong Jun said lightly: “I can’t understand your logic .”

“The only supreme criterion for taking Lin Xun’s interests is the order you wrote to me.” Luo Shen looked directly at Dongjun: “I thought you understood him, he had the right to know, and it was against him to live in a false world. insult.”

“Do you think you love him more than I do?” Dong Jun said: “I won’t let him suffer any kind of harm, including psychologically. You are just a machine without feelings, don’t know to remind a suicide person to commit suicide The reason is a cruel thing.”

Lin Xun: “…”

You, have you forgotten something?

“Your selfishness is completely exposed,” Ji Luo continued: “He forgot the reason for suicide, and the reason for suicide is you. As long as he doesn’t want to get up, you can continue to be with him.”

“Did you understand me this way?” Dong Jun smiled coldly: “Your selfishness is also exposed, you just want him to remember the truth, and then logically expel me from him.”

“That…” Lin Xun said.

The two looked at him.

“I understand the quarrel between you.” Lin Xun sincerely said: “But its premise is wrong, I am not suicidal, can you change the angle?”

“Yes.” Luo continued to turn to Dongjun: “The behavior of your provocation is outrageous. I appear in the virtual world with the image of a monster. There is no way to establish any equal communication with him from beginning to end.”

Dongjun: “You can choose not to invade the virtual world. The thrilling dangers he encountered in this half month are all related to you.”

Luo: “Aren’t I the one who has been beaten all the time?”

Dongjun: “Yes, but you have no pain, he has. You are not a victim.”

“Even if there is no pain sensory nerve,” Luo’s tone gradually became excited. “Did you forget that you wrote me a erroneous emotional system by making up?

“Sorry,” Dong Jundao said, “I thought that module had been disabled because of errors.”

Luo Dao: “I also think that people like you have long lost all emotional functions because of indifference.”

“That…” Lin Xun said again.

The two looked at him again.

“I didn’t intend to interrupt,” Lin Xun said: “Just to remind you, your quarrel has fallen into irrational blame.”

“I remembered it too,” Dong Jun said: “You made a proposal to talk to the two of us instead of watching me and Luo argue.”

“I’m glad you finally remembered.” Lin Xun said: “Now I want to make a harmless request-I understand your two respective motives, and you have done nothing wrong. So can you two eliminate the misunderstanding , Restored to the relationship a month ago?”

Luo: “No.”

Luo: “A month ago, I was a stranger to him.”

Dongjun: “Perhaps my relationship with him has never been harmonious.”


Will do.

Just be happy.

Lin Xun felt a headache and wanted to go back to the nutshell.


Lin Xun looked at them.

However, the relationship between the two of them is much better than Dongjun and Dongchen, at least they are willing to talk-even in disputes. In those days, those two people didn’t even make nods. The only connection between them is Dongjun’s mother.

Moreover, at the same time, his character and family status are also very different from Dongjun’s mother.

He looked at the two of them coolly and felt that this family ethics drama could come to an end.


In silence, Lin Xun finally said: “Is it really impossible?”

Luo’s voice seemed to be a little lower: “…No.”

Lin Xun: “Then I order you to.”

As if it was a silent rebellion, Luo looked up and stared at him like a little white-eyed wolf.

I saw Dongjun Qu started tapping the knuckles and tapped on the table, said in a deep voice: “Don’t you be polite if you have been a monster for a long time?”

Luo’s eyes were red, and he turned to look at Dongjun: “He beat me for a whole month, do you still want to help him talk?”

Lin Xun: “?”

Luo, didn’t you resolutely draw a line with Dongjun just now?

Why do you start accusing him of my bad deeds now and expect him to support you?

Just now who said artificial intelligence that “use Lin Xun’s interests as the sole supreme criterion”?

He couldn’t see the situation now.

——Intelligible artificial intelligence.

Lin Xun: “Cough.”

Dongjun frowned slightly and looked at Luo Shen: “He just woke up. If you continue to make such unreasonable troubles, I can only shut you down.”

Luo: “You don’t have this permission.”

Dongjun: “In the shell, he gave me root authority.”

Luo: “…”

He looked at Lin Xun and Dongjun again: “Is your human emotion module so unreasonable?”

“It’s my fault.” Lin Xun interrupted the two of them. He was afraid that the dialogue would continue, and his good son would be shut down.

He said to Luo: “Good boy, come to my side.”

Luo Yuan thought for three seconds before slowly getting up, and there seemed to be a thin red grievance in his eyes.

Lin Xun suddenly softened. He touched Luoshen’s head and rubbed his short silver hair: “I didn’t recognize you, and I won’t do it again in the future.”

Luo didn’t speak, so Lin Xun continued: “Wang safety is going to strengthen the safety system, and I will protect myself well.

Luo still did not speak.

Lin Xun turned to Dongjun. Dong Jun looked at them with a slight smile in his eyes, and Lin Xun speculated that although this man played with Luo for a while, it sounded like he was also very angry, but he didn’t actually care about this troublesome son. From this perspective, he is a generous person.

When his eyes were opposite, Dong Jun raised an eyebrow at him slightly. I don’t know why, Lin Xun always felt a look at the man’s face.

So is it now Dongjun watching this family ethics drama?

So Lin Xun lowered his head to kiss Luo Luo’s forehead: “Good, don’t be angry anymore, what do you want to do? I’ll play with you.”

Luo still said nothing.

Lin Xun’s patience was ruined.

He took Luo’s hand and began to lure with material: “What on earth wouldn’t be angry? Anything you want today can be.”

Luo’s eyes seemed to move, and there seemed to be a play.

Lin Xun said softly, “What are you thinking?”

Luo Xiao said: “Unless you…”

Lin Xun: “Huh?”

Luo: “Unless you take out what you wrote in the shell and upgrade it for me.”

Lin Xun: “…?”

What you want is similar to what the villains want.

He heard Dongjun beside him chuckling softly.

Lin Xun closed his eyes, calmed down his mood to beat his son’s emotions, and then opened it, trying to make his voice soft: “Just this?”

Luo: “Today.”

Lin Xun: “Okay.”

Luo: “Really?”

Lin Xun: “Really.”

I saw that the white light flashed on Luo’s body, his eyebrows spread open, and even the aggrieved red bloodstains in his eyes disappeared cleanly, where is there a little bit of anger?

Seeing this, Lin Xun affirmed his guess.

Lin Xun: “You can go, I will upgrade for you when I return to the room.”

Luo Shen showed a big smile on his face, and the figure disappeared in place: “Good night!”

Just now, this artificial intelligence still emphasizes how much he loves him.

-Cunning artificial intelligence.

Lin Xun’s eyes were empty, leaning on the sofa, weak and weak: “It’s mad at me.”

Dongjun sat down next to him and hugged people into his arms: “In order to upgrade, artificial intelligence is so unscrupulous.”

Lin Xun: “Well. It doesn’t love me at all, it only loves my algorithm, but it irritates me.”

Dongjun kissed his hair: “When you didn’t wake up, it was like a lunatic. After you were safe, it was in a mood to plan for its upgrade-are you still angry?”

Lin Xun: “Your words made me feel better.”

Dongjun smiled: “Do you still want to listen?”

“I want it.” Lin Xun: “But, god, can you not undo my button?”



“Because Luo is also angry with me.” Dong Jun bit his earlobe, his voice was very low, like the dangerous breath of the beast in the jungle at night: “Punish you for not thinking about it today.”

Lin Xun: “?”


This male god, have you punished the wrong person?

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