C Language Cultivation

Chapter 144 - Extra Hello World

The curtains were drawn, the dark room, and a ray of light came on, prompting the news.

Dong Jun picked up his phone from Lin Xun’s pillow, the phone lock automatically opened, and a message popped up.

Qi Yun: Are you there?

Lo: Yes.

Qi Yun: Not dead?

Lo: Alive.

Qi Yun: Come out and play?

Lo: What to play?

Qi Yun: Dad’s movie is coming, I’ll show you

Lo: Fake sleep?

Qi Yun: dei

Lo: He hasn’t awakened yet, I will ask if he wakes up.

Qi Yun:? ? ?

Qi Yun: Hey! Oh it’s you

Qi Yun: Congratulations on remarriage

Lo: ^^

After sending this expression, he no longer communicates with Qi Yun, and puts his phone back upside down.

The man in his arms moved.

Dongjun’s gaze withdrew from the pillow and looked at the man in his arms.

Lin Xun frowned slightly in his dream, and the whole person moved in his arms, leaning closer to him.

In the dim light of the bedroom, Lin Xun’s silhouette was as gentle as twilight. The slender eyelashes have a slightly curved curvature, and he trembles slightly as he breathes. When he closes his eyes, the whole person is very quiet. He follows the beautiful curve of the jaw line downwards, exposing the neck and collarbone from the white quilt, Weak because of thinness.

——His fingers gently rested on Lin Xun’s neck.

The warm carotid artery is beating, once, again, and there is a delay of 0.3 seconds from the heart beat.

Lin Xun.

Lin Xun alive.

It was two years ago that I had him like this last time.

At that time, Lin Xun was so thin, he didn’t like to talk, as if he had something to worry about, but he didn’t tell him. Only in the middle of the night, sleep grabbed all his sober consciousness, he would roll over and lean unconsciously in his arms, fingers holding his arm or clothes corner. At that time his breath, his heartbeat, his fingers, and even the shadow left by the light passing through his eyelashes were telling himself that this person was about to leave you.

He also remembered the situation when he was twenty.

At that time, the skin of the neck was fair and smooth. When it was bitten, it smelled of milk and lemon. The curvature of the collarbone was round and delicate. Every morning, he will wake up from his arms-he always seems to be energetic, and sometimes wakes up earlier than him. When he opens his eyes, he will see Lin Xunzheng blinking. He bent his eyes and kissed his cheek.

He still remembers the situation 20 years ago.

There are dense creepers climbing outside the window, and the morning light shines through them, and the sound of bargaining between the neighbor and the early proprietress will be heard outside the window. He and Lin Xun held hands while sleeping, and continued to hold when they woke up. If he wakes up first, he will maintain his original posture and wait for Lin Xun to open his eyes-Lin Xun will rub his eyes before opening it, then his eyes are full of his reflection, he will first Look at it for a while, then laugh and say, “Early.”

A fine strand of hair fell gently from above, and Dongjun reached out and flicked him away, just like he did two years ago, seven years ago, or even twenty years ago.

——But even the same person and exactly the same movement, in these two, seven or even twenty years, they have changed too much.

This dragonfly-like action seemed to make Lin Xun feel something in his dream. He reached out and rubbed his eyes, then put it down, his fingers unconsciously resting on his arm, and then opened his eyes. Dongjun saw his reflection in his eyes.

He saw Lin Xun looking at him like that for half a minute, then bent his eyes and smiled at him: “Early.”

The curtains were not pulled properly, and a ray of sunlight shone in, shining brightly under Lin Xun’s eyes, as if two decades had turned into a flash of flying dust between them.

Dongjun was stunned.

There are actually few feelings in the world that last for two decades, and few people have the opportunity to recover. In the past two years, and in the most recent month, he has already prepared everything. He knows that the sun will not rise every day, just as no one will wake up in his arms.

Lin Xun stretched out his hand and stroked his side, his fingertips stopped at the corner of his eyes.

Lin Xun said: “Don’t cry.”

The man’s eyes were red, but he was still telling another person not to cry.

Dongjun smiled, pulled down his finger, and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

Lin Xun looked at him for a while and said, “I seem to be dreaming.”

Without waiting for Dongjun to speak, he said again: “When I dream, I don’t want to wake up. I’m afraid that after waking up, I’ll be alone in the room. But I want to wake up again, thinking…if that’s not the case.”

People are not too conscious when they first wake up, so they will say something that they wouldn’t say when they were conscious, confession, or confession.

Sure enough, after Lin Xun said this, as if he had done something bad, he buried himself in the quilt and his ears turned red.

Dongjun hugged him and said in his ear again and again, “No.”

“I won’t leave you for another day.”

Lin Xun reached out and hugged him, Dongjun hugged him back, and his fingers gently stroked his shoulder. Not seen in two years, Lin Xun glued a lot to himself, like the big rabbit in the dream who called him a “male god”. Perhaps he has always been like this, but just didn’t make it.

Still thinking, he heard Lin Xun sulking and shouting, “Male God.”

Dongjun returned to him: “You can stop calling the male **** now.”

Lin Xun: “What do you call?”

Dongjun: “Maybe you can call her husband.”

Lin Xun was silent for a while.

“Can’t shout out,” he whispered, “I’m still calling baby, baby.”

Dongjun did not stop him, nor did he ask him to shout anything. In fact, at some point, Lin Xun shouted anything.

He just smiled and pulled Lin Xun out of the bed, helped him to change his pajamas, ready to get up.

When changing clothes, he chose a soft gray sweater with long sleeves for Lin Xun. Because Lin Xun had a pale red mark on his wrist, it was made last night and should not be exposed.

After hearing the news that Qi Yun had asked him to go out to play, Lin Xun agreed without hesitation, and was even very happy.

However, when they met, not only Qi Yun, but also the stillness. Chang Ji graduated with a Ph.D. this year and got a faculty position to stay in school. He still does research on Buddhism. He was a friend of Lin Xun’s university and a friend in the school next door.

Dong Jun didn’t know the ins and outs of the inexplicable friendship between Lin Xun and Qi Yun, so he didn’t know how Chang Ji and Qi Yun met again, only knowing that because Qi Yun was going to shoot a religious-related movie, he lacked Religion-related temperament was thrown into Chang Ji’s hands to do miscellaneous things.

As for the movie to watch-this movie Dong Jun and Lin Xun have seen it in the virtual world, the only difference may be that some plots have changed in Lin Xun’s conscious world, and the face representing artificial intelligence Replaced by Qi Yun.

Qi Yun wore a silver-white uniform in this movie. The whole person was fragile and alienated. The proportion of slender figure and perfect figure seemed to have been rigorously calculated. Long silver hair and pupils-especially light pupils, Revealing some kind of inhuman indifference and compassion, perhaps this is artificial intelligence, a virtual creation.

Qi Yun’s performance is the same as his image. This may depend on the strict requirements of Gao Dao, and perhaps also thanks to the artificial intelligence department that Gao Dao threw him into the Galaxy. It took half a year for Lin Xun and him to know this way.

Qi Yun did not know what Lin Xun encountered during this month. The news was very tightly blocked. He only knew that Lin Xun had a minor accident and stayed in the hospital for a month.

I saw Qi Yun pounded Lin Xun’s elbow: “Do you know how I acted?”

Lin Xun asked: “How did it happen?”

Qi Yun: “When I was studying in your galaxy, I was thinking about’what is this’ and what is this fucking’ every day, but each of you seems to understand very well, there is a very Pretend temperament.”

“You are very wrong.” Lin Xun said: “We really understand.”

Qi Yun looked suspicious: “Really?”

Lin Xun: “Really, don’t use your intelligence to speculate on our intelligence.”

Qi Yun: “Do you think I don’t understand you are scolding me?”

Lin Xun smiled: “So how did you act?”

Qi Yun: “I think I’m out of tune with you, so I pretend that I will, and keep up with you. Every day I look away and make a very understanding look.”

Lin Xun: “…”

Lin Xun: “Then you will act?”

Qi Yun: “No, Gao Dao said that I am qualified, but still not. At that time, your husband was still playing with my nephew’s avatar.”

Lin Xun: “Are you talking about Luoshen?”

Qi Yun: “Yes, but it hasn’t done a good job yet, it still doesn’t make expressions. I just mix in that office every day. Whatever expression does it do, I also make expressions, just like that, with empty eyes. I play artificial intelligence, I will learn real artificial intelligence, and I will get it.”

Lin Xun smiled and patted his shoulder: “You are really a talented actor. But what about the emotional part?”

Qi Yun: “Don’t talk, I have suffered a lot, you concentrate on watching movies.”

Lin Xun concentrated on watching the movie.

The atmosphere of the film is an eternal and silent voyage in the universe, and it is not the case from the plot, the picture to the soundtrack. This is a sci-fi literary film. Some people may feel bored or even drowsy, but more people will feel thrilling beauty.

Lin Xun touched Dongjun’s hand.

Dongjun took his hand back and interlocked his fingers.

At the moment, the atmosphere in the field is also as quiet as a movie. People in the universe can often return to their own insignificance, and often because the insignificance realizes the value of their lives, especially for them who are almost separated from life and death.

However, some people do not know the value of life.

Chang Jing’s eyes turned from the screen to his side.

Lin Xun’s eyes gradually turned from the screen to his side.

Finally, Dongjun’s eyes turned.

The eyes of the three of them focused on Qi Yun.

Qi Yun fell on Chang Ji and knew nothing.

He fell asleep.

Watching the movie he made, he fell asleep.

I still slept deeply.

Lin Xun said in a small voice: “From this perspective, I think this movie is a failure.”

Chang Ji whispered: “Although he is a qualified actor, he still doesn’t seem to have the appropriate appreciation skills.”

Lin Xun: “He is so cute.”

Dongjun’s hand rested on Lin Xun’s shoulder.

Lin Xun quickly changed his voice: “Ha ha ha ha ha ha.”

Qi Yun didn’t wake up until the end of the movie. He slept like an animal. This was a failed party. A failed party had a failed end. Chang Yun packed Qi Yun who slept almost unconscious Threw it into the car and took it away. Lin Xun’s stomach hurt with a smile, and he was taken away from Dongjun.

On the way back, Lin Xun was very interested and discussed with Dong Jun the plot of the movie, the meaning of human eternal life, and the problems that humans would encounter after uploading consciousness. He had light in his eyes when he said this, just like many years ago.

“The two propositions that a computer acquires a person’s thinking ability and a person acquires a computer’s calculation ability are equivalent. When this day comes, there is no need to consider ethical issues at all, because we have become similar to some extent. Lin Xun said: “From the perspective of sensibility, when the computer first said “HelloWorld” to humans, it was already the beginning of a new era.”

The words fell, but Lin Xun stopped talking, and instead stared at Dongjun.

Dongjun asked: “What’s wrong?”

Lin Xun: “I suddenly thought of a problem.”

Dongjun: “Huh?”

“I asked you that day to tell you a string of characters that are most significant to you. Then I used it as the root password of the permission system.” Lin Xun said: “After I forget these things, I only have one chance to guess the string. What is the most significant character for you, but I guessed it right. Thank you for being a qualified programmer, otherwise I may not be able to wake up.”

Looking at him, Dong Jun smiled gently: “I am not a qualified programmer.”

“Impossible.” Lin Xun said: “That string of characters is’HelloWorld’.”

In the car, Dongjun turned his head to look at him, but he didn’t see him. His eyes passed through twenty years and came to the bedroom where the creeper climbed out the window of the old house.

Here, Lin Xun pulled him-or he took himself to his house with a lollipop. But in fact, it was not the sugar that took Dongjun away, but Lin Xun’s eyes.

“Starting today, you will make a good friend with me!” Lin Xun smiled at him: “What do you like to eat?”

Dongjun shook his head.

“Is there nothing you like to eat?”

He nodded.

Lin Xun: “What do you like to play?”

Dongjun looked at him cheerfully asking questions, but could only shake his head in silence.

Lin Xun: “What about the people you like? What about the favorite animals? Don’t you like to play games?”

He had nothing to answer the lively boy in front of him. Lin Xun’s eyes flickered, as if he loved everything in the world, and his world was the opposite of him, only a black and white, alive.

In the end, he could only shake his head slowly.

“Then I will show you my favorite thing!” Lin Xun jumped out of bed, took his hand, and led him to the computer in the corner of the room.

“This is a compiler. I can only speak C language now, but I will definitely have a lot in the future.” Lin Xun tapped his finger on the keyboard: “Show you my favorite program. This is so simple, just one output statement Okay, look, printf.”

He typed a semicolon, entered a new line, typed a brace, and ran.

A running interface with gray text on a black background pops up on the computer, and a sentence “HelloWorld” appears on the screen.

“This is the first sentence the computer says to human beings. From that day on, the computer has a real life,” Lin Xun turned his head to look at him: “Look!”

He is not looking at the screen.

Lin Xun seemed dissatisfied and said softly: “Let you see the screen, not me…”

He was still looking at Lin Xun, the stars in his eyes, the cheerful expression in his eyes, the flames representing the love in his eyes, and the things he had never seen before-many years later he would recall Start this scene.

The programmer gave the computer real life with a sentence “HelloWorld”, what about him? When did he give him real life?

In a sense, he is not a living person-he never thought about what he would like, or who he would know what a dark fate and lonely life he should have until he met a person .

But even so, there is no such element in his character, he is not a gentle and kind person. He wanted to torture and torture each other with him, wanted to imprison him, and wanted to pull him to sink into the abyss.

But he won’t.


You love the world.

I love you.

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