C Language Cultivation

Chapter 2 - Endless loop (2)

Between 200,000 and 30 million, the gap between them is more than one hundred times.

Lin Xun suddenly fell from a height of 10,000 meters, and the blank brain appeared dull for a moment.

In the dullness, only the voice of the male **** sounded again: “What does Mr. Lin think?”

Lin Xun said: “Can I know… why do you do this?”

“Why should I buy the equity of “Luo Shen”?”

Facing this huge gap, Lin Xun had to wake up and face reality: “Where did you know us?”

They are just a three-person company on the verge of bankruptcy. They can’t afford the accountant, and the business plan is written in architecture. The “Luoshen” algorithm has been invested in many companies and was rejected without exception. Of course, I voted for the Milky Way a year ago, like a rock sinking into the sea.

The male **** put his fingers together and put it on the desktop, saying: “If you have to say something, I saw part of your code on github.”

After all, he looked at Lin Xun’s eyes: “I am personally interested. I don’t know if you can explain the core algorithm to me in detail.”

Lin Xun’s heart jumped hard in his chest: “Yes.”

He once tried to explain the algorithm to many people, but they all thought it was meaningless and superfluous. Not even Wang Jingjian and Zhao Jianbo really understood the mathematics inside.

This is the first time someone has taken the initiative to listen to his algorithm.

And still Dongjun, his male **** for many years.

Facing the male god, he was inevitably nervous: “There are a lot of formulas. I may need a whiteboard.”

“Okay.” Dong Jun didn’t seem to be displeased by his request: “The discussion area is next door. Use white paper instead.”

With that said, he took the pen and paper in the drawer and pulled a seat aside.

Lin Xun was thinking about the meaning of the male god, and asked himself to sit beside him.

Controlled by flattered emotions, he sat down next to Dongjun and picked up the carbon pen.

Closer, he smelled the slightly cold breath of Dongjun’s body, like an ice spring deep in the snowy mountains.

The desk is very large, he took the pen, put the white paper between himself and Dongjun, and wrote a formula on the paper, saying: “Most mainstream intelligent systems are based on neural networks, or deep learning. But My algorithm… the more important thing is the use of chaotic mathematics.”

He paused slightly, and he heard Dongjun say: “Do you not like neural networks?”

Neural networks are now the mainstream of artificial intelligence technology. For a while, it changed its face and was called “deep learning”, but then gradually returned to essence. It abstracts the neural network structure of the human brain into a mathematical model, which is then simulated on a computer, which can highly restore the information processing process of the human brain. The degree of intelligence is very high-after the computing power of the machine is enhanced, it is even more powerful. Lions, who got 30 million male gods, was favored by virtue of the achievements in this field.

This thing is good, but—

Lin Xun pursed his lips and said, “I don’t think it’s free.”

Dongjun: “Huh?”

Lin Xun drew a box on the paper and explained: “First of all, it is still the nature of the black box, and many parts of the neural network cannot be explained. For example, image recognition, Google’s algorithm used to wrongly identify black people as chimpanzees, but we Know why it made this kind of mistake, because it is difficult to explain the whole process of its decision.”

“A lot of research is trying to solve this problem.” Dong Jundao.

“In fact, this is not the main reason.” Lin Xun said.

He saw the male **** raise his eyebrows slightly.

“On the basis of big data, using the method of simulating biological neural networks to make results… Its sources of thinking, processes, and results all come from the original data flow.” Lin Xun cited an example: “For example, in society In the case of discrimination against women, the data generated by this society also tends to this point, and the decisions made by artificial intelligence based on the data will also discriminate against women.”

After finishing this sentence, seeing Dongjun’s seriously listening look, he relaxed a little: “The essence of artificial intelligence is not intelligence, it is still statistics. The decisions made by the neural network cannot be separated from the original database… , So it is not free. The black box problem can be solved, but this problem cannot be solved.”

Dongjun Road: “But it has been able to meet social needs.”

“Yes, but…” Lin Xun looked directly at Dongjun’s eyes and said seriously: “But I can do better.”

Based on past experience, when it comes to this, the person on the opposite side will shake his head without saying a word, believing that he is a bluff. After all, people in this era love the omnipotent neural network as if they believed the truth.

But unexpectedly, Dongjun did not.

He said: “Tell your thoughts.”

“Thank you.” He lowered his eyelashes slightly, writing a series of words on the white paper: “First assume that the individual’s person seeks advantages and avoids harm, and then he can initially build a model.”

His algorithm is not well explained, and it sounds not much different from the role of neural networks.

The real world is non-linear. Fuzzy mathematics can be used to evaluate irregular information in the real world. Fractal and chaos can further deal with more complex problems.

At least, he believes that, to a certain extent, “Luo Shen” is clear, independent and free.

I don’t know how long it was. Lin Xun finally clarified the core algorithm, and the whole person was a little collapsed.

Seemingly just right, the male **** pushed a glass of ice water in front of him.

When does the male **** pour water? Has Assistant Ruan been here?

Lin Xun discovered that he might have talked too much about concentration and did not notice anything.

He took a sip of the water in the glass, and there was chill in the water, like the breath of Dongjun.

Dongjun was looking through the seven draft papers full of paper.

Lin Xun was a little apologetic: “Sorry, the writing is a little messy.”

And using a lot of cutting-edge mathematics, Wang Safety and Zhao Jianbo stopped here.

“It’s okay,” Dong Jun turned the next page and said lightly: “I understand.”

The afternoon sun was not dazzling and fell gently in the room, so Dongjun’s eyelashes were soaked in golden shimmer. His eyes fell on the paper, obviously, the look of reading seriously.

In the past three years, Lin Xun felt that Luoshen had hope for the first time.

At least, someone who can understand it is looking at it seriously.

-And this man is still a male god.

Watching the male **** turn another page, his heart beat faster, like a gradually fierce drumbeat.

To calm himself down, he looked away.

At first glance, he was attracted to something.

On the wall opposite the floor-to-ceiling window is a transparent cabinet with a silver keyboard in one of the lattices. The shape is undoubtedly extremely simple and elegant, and the meaning behind it is even more significant.

This is a legendary keyboard, I did not expect him to see it with his own eyes today.

It is called apollo and has the same name as the sun **** in ancient Greek mythology-the only one in the world, from the axis to the keys, is a prestigious German keyboard manufacturer specially customized for Dongjun alone, as he is 26 Gift for birthday.

However, in the second year that Dongjun got this keyboard-

Lin Xun was thinking, and suddenly heard Dongjun said: “Like it?”

——The action was too direct and was discovered.

“Neither,” Lin Xun pondered the wording: “Can I take the liberty to ask… Why are you not writing a program?”

In August of the second year that Dongjun got the keyboard, one day, he no longer wrote any programs. github is no longer updated, no longer involved in any research and development work, and naturally no new code flows out.

A writer is no longer writing, it is a pen. Dongjun should call it “keyboard” in this case.

There are many opinions on the Internet, many people express regret, and some people think that he has completely turned into a profit-seeking businessman.

Dongjun answered him.

The voice is low, because it is close, it seems to be ringing in Lin Xun’s ear: “For some personal reasons, maybe one day will start writing again.”

Lin Xun breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good…”

The male **** no longer writes code, which is not a heavy blow to the brain remnants, if he will start writing again in the future-that would be great.

Dong Jun’s tone was faint, as if chatting with him: “The algorithm I like has not appeared in the last two years.”

Lin Xun blurted out without thinking, “Our team lacks programming.”

The words have been exported, only to find out that he is demented.

Luoshen is right for lack of programming. The code is made by the three of them. You and I worked hard together. They are not beautiful at all. Shame the male god!

He quickly shut up to hide his embarrassment.

Dongjun smiled softly.

He had been expressionless before, refusing to be thousands of miles away, and laughed, as if the snowy mountains were melting, so beautiful.

He said: “Can be considered.”

Lin Xun laughed: “We’re afraid we can’t afford your salary.”

“Your code is really not easy to write.” Dong Jun seems to be thinking about something.

Lin Xun thought, Dong Jun approved his algorithm, and now he must want to increase the price, maybe change 200,000 to 30 million.

Just listen to Dongjun Road: “According to your algorithm, I want to buy is correct.”

—Well, it’s still 200,000.

Dongjun: “You seem a little lost.”

“No, you solved our urgent need.” Lin Xun denied.

Dongjun smiled: “If you confirm that you want to agree, you can contact me at any time.”

Lin Xun: “I want to tell my companions.”

Dongjun: “Well.”

Next, their conversation was a polite one, and they talked about a few popular techniques in a vague way. When the appointment was about to end, Dong Jun said a word.

“I bought Lions Studio for 30 million yesterday.”

Lin Xun looked to Dongjun, like a lemon.

“Because it is only worth 30 million,” the male **** looked into his eyes: “I tried to buy the equity of Luoshen because I believe that I can get unpredictable benefits.”

His tone was as calm and calm as his expression, so he seemed undoubted and credible.

After Lin Xun responded to the meaning of the words, his heart stopped for a beat, and his heart was ecstatic-what could be more joyful than getting affirmation from the male god?

At this moment, even the one-hundred-and-a-hundredth of one hundred and thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thirty-thousand-thousand-thirty-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousandths, have become eye-catching and gleaming.

——Although he subconsciously felt that the male **** was coaxing him.

To leave the office, Dongjun took him to the door and opened the door of the office: “It’s a pleasure talking with you, Mr. Lin.”

Lin Xun: “Me too.”

Walking out of the door, he saw Ruan Zhi standing outside the door.

——Atop the strange, unrealistic blue square.

Lin Xun: “!”

Dongjun was normal all the time, and there was no blue thing on his head. He thought his illusions were all right.

He looked back at Dongjun.

Dongjun had nothing on top of his head, and even smiled slightly because of his turning back.

Dongjun is a beauty, very cold, and with a smile in his eyes, the whole person is even more beautiful.

But Mei Se couldn’t stop Lin Xun from getting hairy. He looked back at Ruan Zhi’s head in surprise, and then said goodbye to Dong Jun. He was led into the elevator and went downstairs.

He opened his eyes in shock when the elevator door opened.

The people coming and going in the hall on the first floor were all covered with the translucent blue thing. He once felt that he had entered another dimension.

Ruan Zhi held the ghost cube and sent him outside the Galaxy Building.

The area is prosperous, the pedestrians on the road endlessly, and there is a blue thing floating above each person’s head strangely, almost converging into a blue river.

A car approaching this side is Luoshen’s only fixed asset-a second-hand Jetta.

When he got into the car, a piece of that thing floated on Wang’s head.

Wang shook his shoulder safely: “Brother? How is it?”

… Lin Xun: “I saw Dongjun.”

“Aha!” Zhao Jianji, co-pilot, cheered: “30 million!”

Then said: “Go home! Let’s celebrate!”

The automatic driving system started spontaneously, and the second-hand Jetta turned around and went back.

“No, not 30 million,” Lin Xun said: “He plans to use 200,000 to buy our 5% equity.”

After a while, Wang Safely froze and said, “One two three four five…less zero?”

He slapped Lin Xun’s shoulder fiercely: “This is wrong!”

Lin Xun: “It’s a bit, I’m jealous of lions now.”

“If, I mean, if you are Dongjun, you are the boss of the Galaxy. You are very rich, no matter what rankings are in the top three, and you have a lot of investment, any industry has. Your time is Isn’t it precious?” Wang Safe asked.

Lin Xun: “Precious.”

“Then you spent a precious afternoon talking to a programmer with an unknown name and a surname of 200,000, but in the end it was not completely negotiated, and he asked him to consider it?” Wang Jingjian stared at him: “Just 200,000! For Dongjun, does this count as money? Even if it’s 30 million, it doesn’t count as money for him.”

“First of all, I am not a programmer with no name or surname. My level is not low.” Lin Xun said with a blank expression: “Second, you completely regarded Dongjun as a businessman, in fact he is not. He is like us, also Write code and understand math. He just saw the code he was interested in and wanted to talk to me about the algorithm.”

“No, you are bewitched by him, and all of your brains are like this–“

Lin Xun ignored him and said, “Don’t talk.”

He grabbed Wang Jianjing’s shoulder and watched the blue thing up close in a narrow space.

It was blurry at first, and gradually became clearer as he watched. Translucent, blue, fingers can be passed directly, like a two-dimensional projection, this interface is actually a little familiar.

No, it’s not all blue. There’s a gray menu bar with words on it.

file, edit…debubsp; Lin Xun froze.

“I…” He almost blurted out uncivilized language.

God knows, this is the program compilation interface!

C language! Still the most simple turboc!

What magical scene is this?

Why is there a C language input interface above everyone’s head?

Lin Xun was in a trance.

Wang Jingjian was also in a trance: “So you intend to promise 200,000? Twenty?”

He rushed up, looking to question Lin Xun.

“Don’t make trouble.” Lin Xun was very bad for the whole person and said, “Change the route.”

The autopilot program “dropped” and stopped slowly.

Wang Safety: “Where?”

Lin Xun: “The nearest hospital.”

Wang Safety: “…Ah?”

The second-hand Jetta drove in the opposite direction to the original route. At the same time, Lin Xun shouted the name of his personal intelligent program: “Luo, connect to the hospital system.”

Wang Safe immediately became nervous: “What’s wrong with you? Uncomfortable? Serious?”

Lin Xun pressed his eyebrows hard and said to himself: “Should I go to the ophthalmology department or the psychiatry department?”

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