C Language Cultivation

Chapter 3 - Infinite loop (3

Lin Xun told Wang Jianjing and Zhao Jizhu this situation.

Zhao Jianzhi was confused: “A turboc interface appeared on the top of our head? How many years old was this antique?”

Wang Safety is even more confused: “The problem is not that it is old antiques, why are you having this illusion?”

After he finished, he looked up at his head: “Nothing.”

Lin Xun stared at the interface: “It is indeed turboc, very high definition.”

He said: “Luo, which subject should I hang?”

Luo Shendao: “The psychiatry has been registered for you.”

Wang Safety laughed out loud: “Day trip to psychiatry, Lin algorithm.”

Zhao Jianzheng has a sound board, like the announcer of the science and education channel: “Xun God, a person who is even sick is different.”

Jetta drove towards the nearest hospital.

A middle-aged doctor in a white coat sat in the consultation room, and asked kindly, “What’s wrong?”

Lin Xun: “I have hallucinations.”

Halfway through his words, he saw the doctor frown and looked at him: “How old is it? Twenty?”

Lin Xun: “Twenty-four.”

“It’s still very young, you are young too,” the doctor said while typing on the keyboard to record information: “What are you doing? Still studying?”

“No books, programmer.”

“Programmer…” The doctor’s attitude became cautious: “Programmers are prone to problems. Is there any specific content of hallucinations?”

Lin Xun looked at the blank program interface above the doctor’s head: “I saw a … appearing above everyone’s head… similar to the projection, the program input interface.”

The doctor’s action of typing information paused, his expression very serious: “Is it clear?”


“Is there hallucinations?”


“Are there any other hallucinations?”

“never before.”

“Any history of mental illness?”


“How long?”

“Start this morning.”

“Your thoughts are quite clear,” the doctor said, and turned to Wang Jingjing, who was accompanied by the doctor: “Does he usually behave strangely?”

Wang Safety: “No, it is to program the computer all day.”

“How is your mental state?”

“Quite spiritual.”

“How about personality, is it easy to go to extremes?”

Lin Xun thought I was that kind of person.

But he listened to Wang Safely: “A bit.”

Lin Xun: “?”

The doctor also said, “Huh?”

Wang Jingan scratched his head: “He’s a bit… kind of, he’s more competitive. For example, if a program can’t be written, keep writing until it’s written. If someone writes before him, then he’s angry. “

The doctor said: “This is understandable.”

He turned to Lin Xun and asked again: “Have you been stimulated when you experience hallucinations?”

Lin Xun: “Seeing me today… idol, I might be a little bit excited.”

“Huh.” The doctor passed him a scale: “Be an assessment first.”

Lin Xun filled more than 200 assessment questions.

The doctor got the result and swept: “The character is still very positive. But it is indeed a bit paranoid, and it looks like a little lemon.”

Lin Xun: “…”

Didn’t he get lions today?

“There is no mental problem.” The doctor said: “It is not a psychological reason, it is recommended to go to the neurology department to see and be a nuclear magnetic.”

Lin Xun was thrown to the neurology clinic.

Then, as if he were a ball, he was thrown by the neurology department to the ophthalmology department.

The final conclusion is that there is no problem anywhere, go back and get a good night’s sleep.

After a tossing down, it was already dark.

As soon as Wang Jingjian and Zhao Jianbo went back, they fell on the sofa and laughed, saying that your Lin algorithm also has a day when programming has gone viral.

Lin Xun didn’t want to take care of them. He took a glass… ice water and poured a few sips.

Wang Jianjing grabbed his glass in the past: “Don’t forget to drink if you get caught!”

Then threw him a mug with goji berries.

Lin Xun was watched by the two men after drinking the wolfberry water, and then said to them: “I really don’t like hot and sweet.”

Wang Safety: “Go away, you can’t get 30 million today and you don’t have permission to speak.”

Lin Xun: “…”

He was driven to bed.

The doctor said that there was no substantive problem, and he was not too worried. He thought that he might really get caught in the fire and sleep just fine.

The overall framework of “Luo Shen” is already well established. He pondered for a while to optimize the algorithm, painted a few draft papers, and was about to sleep.

Before going to bed thinking of today’s experience in the Galaxy, I was still a little excited.

So, he turned on his phone, clicked on Weibo, and then clicked on Dongjun’s homepage in special attention.

The id of Dongjun is very simple, just called: Galaxy-Dongjun.

The avatar is gray on a white background, extremely cold, two strings of irregular numbers, like some kind of password.

Dongjun does not seem to use social networks. This account was only sent ten years ago, when Galaxy had not yet created a Weibo-at that time, Dongjun was only seventeen or eighty years old, the content of the Weibo is:

“Lo asked me why I looked at the stars.

I think the Galaxy and the code are the same thing, which is also an answer. “

There are more than a hundred thousand comments under Weibo, which can’t be turned to the end. Part of it is a sightseeing group: “See the Eastern God, glax is the best language in the world.”

One part is howling: “Ah ah ah ah Dongjun!”

There is also a part of the more perverted: “The teenage Dongjun hehe hehe hehe hee hee.”

The remaining small part is lemon essence: “Who is lo? I’m dead.”

This type of lemon speech is understandable. After all, the male **** has only one Weibo, and on this significant and only Weibo, another person’s name is mentioned. Therefore, some people guess that this is Dongjun’s best friend, and some people guess that this is his first love, all in all different opinions.

Lin Xun has no intention to explore the personal life of the male god, he just likes to come to praise the male **** after reading a piece of code of the male god.

What do you want to blow this time? It’s time to blow.

Suddenly, his mind flashed, and he commented: “The male **** is so beautiful!”

The comments were drowned in the ocean of other people’s comments, but Lin Xun was satisfied.

He turned off his phone and closed his eyes.

The next moment, he suddenly opened his eyes!

He seemed to be frightened by something, took a few breaths, and slowly closed his eyes again.

The consciousness seemed to sink into another world. After closing his eyes, what appeared to him was a huge blue screen, the input interface of language c.

He sat in a swivel chair, trying to reach out and touch the blue screen.

Just when the finger touched the light curtain, mechanical sounds suddenly came from all directions.

“The system loads.”

“Cards are loaded.”

“Turboc platform is activated.”

“The dendrogram is activated.”

“Task activation.”

“The beginner guides the task to start.”

“Mission goal: to breathe into the body.”

“Mission Reward: The martial arts territory expands, and spiritual power increases by 10.”

“Task progress: 0.”

Lin Xun: “?”

He is full of question marks.

At this moment, he felt the light on his right hand. Looking over there, he saw a golden suspended scroll, which wrote the mission goals, rewards, and progress that the mechanical sound just read.

Breathing into the body? Martial territory? He can understand these nouns, but how is it related to the C language?

He carefully observed the scroll and began to look around.

This is a black space, but silver stars are floating in the air. They rise from the ground and float upward, illuminating here. He carefully observed the light spots and found that some of them had Arabic numerals 1 and some had 0s. …

In front is the C language interface, on the right is the task, there is nothing on the left, behind-there is a tree.

He walked to the tree-this is a flat image of the tree, the roots are bright silver, and then upward, the light gradually dim, there is a letter “c” at the transition between the roots and trunk, and then upward, The whole tree has only a dull outline.

An ordinary letter c can’t explain anything, but once connected with the interface of the c language, it is very meaningful.

C language is a language, a special programming language.

Programming languages ​​are divided into high-level languages ​​and low-level languages. Low-level languages ​​are the languages ​​of computers—such as machine language composed entirely of binary sequences and assembly language composed of mnemonics, which act directly on the machine.

High-level languages ​​are human languages. People write codes in high-level languages, and the codes are converted into machine language by the compiler of this language, and then act on the machine.

However, the C language is different.

It is itself a high-level language with its own grammar. However, at the same time, it has certain operating capabilities for the machine, such as controlling memory. Therefore, it is sometimes dubbed as “intermediate language” between low-level and high-level languages.

“The root of the tree is machine language, or represents the machine. The trunk and branches may represent the user, so the C language is between the root and the trunk.” Lin Xun said: “There is now a C language compilation interface in this space, and The tree is also lit up to this part of’c’-if I continue to light up, I may get the control ability of many languages ​​such as c#, c, python, and maybe there will be bsp; however, this is used to do What?

He involuntarily looked again at the task scroll where the painting style was obviously inconsistent, and then looked at the program input interface.

Now that he has a compiler, he…program it. For a programmer, it is as simple as drinking cold water.

C language, he still can.

But how do I enter it?

Lin Xun raised his hands and emptied in the air.

Silver light circulates, and the next moment, he actually appeared a snow-white keyboard!

With the keyboard, Lin Xun immediately felt relieved. The programmer had a keyboard. It felt like a mathematician had a warehouse draft paper. It was very comfortable and safe.

He knocked out the code smoothly.

This string of code is the first demonstration program commonly used by all well-known programming language textbooks. Later programmers also developed this habit. When they are faced with a strange programming environment and want to debug, they will enter this program subconsciously.

First issue preprocessing instructions to avoid the compiler not recognizing the following statement: #include<stdio.h>

Then call the main function intmain ()

It is followed by a brace {, the function body is written under the bracket.

The purpose of this program is to output a sentence, so use the statement: printf;

Finally write: return0; indicates that the main function ends normally, enclosed in braces }.

One program is finished.

Run, the screen switches, the pure black running interface appears, and two words appear on it.


-The first sentence the computer said to humans.

Guanghua flashed on the right hand side.

Lin Xun turned his head to look and saw that the task progress reached 100% instantly.

The mechanical sound sounded again: “The novice guides the task to complete, enters the gas refining period, the martial territory is expanding, and the spiritual power is 10.”

Is this done?

Lin Xun was still thinking, and heard mechanical sounds again.

“The main task is activated.”

“Mission goal: open the air and complete the foundation.”

“Mission Reward: Faction funds 50, Spirit 30.”

“Task progress: 0.”

Facing the compilation interface, Lin Xun went through the basic operation of C language in his head, and jumped…

——If he plays like this, he won’t be sleepy.

Not to mention the foundation, even if it is a robbery, what is the difficulty?

He wants to see what the so-called martial arts territory, martial arts funds are.

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