C Language Cultivation

Chapter 4 - Infinite loop(4)

Lin Xun speaks many languages, but the level is not very top. Later, the male **** developed glax and became his beloved language, and the use of other languages ​​was all reduced. But this does not mean that he knows nothing about C. On the contrary, after typing more code, no matter what language is introduced, it is not difficult.

If “helloworld” can be said to have reached the gas refining period, then obviously other operations can also advance the mission process.

He began to try simple operations.

Assignment, the progress is 5%.

Simply judge and compare the three numbers.

The progress reached ten percent.

Simple loop, continuous addition and factorial.

The progress reached 15%.

Array, twenty.

Function, jump directly to forty.

Pointer, sixty.

In the end, the progress bar stopped at 80% and stopped.

Does the basic operation no longer meet its requirements?

Lin Xun took a deep breath and quickly compiled a simple mine-sweeping game.

After editing, the progress has not risen.

So he stopped thinking about making a reptile-it seems that from gas refining to foundation building, basic operation is needed.

Lin Xun began to think.

If he encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he is unwilling to sleep until the problem is solved.

He turned the basic instructions of the C language out of the horns of memory, tried a few more, and the progress finally reached 85 percent.

Lin Xun frowned and continued to think.

At this moment, mechanical sounds sounded from all directions: “Mental power is about to run out, the system is shut down, goodbye.”

As soon as it was dark, Lin Xun opened his eyes and found himself still lying in bed. Everything that happened just like a dream.

When he closed his eyes again, the space was gone.

Sleepiness flooded up to remind him that he was a man who had been up all night last night.

His consciousness was a little blurred.

Is this considered “mental exhaustion”?

Lin Xun was still thinking hard, and fell into a lethargy the next moment.

At eight in the morning, the alarm clock rang.

Lin Xun got up, and after washing, the first thing was to find a book in the living room.

Wang Safe played a game on the sofa and asked, “What are you looking for?”

Lin Xun took the book and sat down opposite him: “I found it.”

“Okay, Xun God,” Wang Jianjian glanced at the cover: “Is it back to the original?”

Lin Xun took a blue book with the title “cprimerplus”.

——C language classic textbook has been revised to the tenth edition so far.

He was browsing the catalog and suddenly heard the sound of pulling the suitcase.

The door to the opposite room opened, and a haggard young man wore a black hat with a low brim. The man came out and pulled the suitcase to the door.

“I’m moving away.” Humane.

Lin Xun did not know what his real name was, only that the landlord called him Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen is their roommate and seems to be a family.

When Lin Xun and Wang Jingan and Zhao Jianji graduated, they started to engage in “Luo Shen” – since they want to start their own companies, they have to rent houses. This city has a lot of money, and it is finally determined to be on the third floor of the old residential building.

Four rooms and two halls-it is a shared rent, Lin Xun owns a bedroom, one for security and one structure, and the other one lives in Xiaochen.

The three of them are programmers, and Xiao Chen, who is engaged in elegant art, cannot get it together. Xiao Chen didn’t speak again, so he lived together for a year and a half, and he became familiar. Now that Chen is leaving, he has nothing to say.

However, if you do not speak, the atmosphere is awkward.

Just listen to Wang Jingjing and ask, “Why are you moving?”

Xiao Chen: “Change the environment.”

After all, Lin Xun saw that he seemed to glance at the whiteboards standing on the left side of the living room.

——These whiteboards are the common property of Lin Xun’s three people. They are used to improvise algorithms and draw block diagrams. Every day…it is filled with strange formulas.

Lin Xun: “… all the way down.”

Xiao Chen yelled, pulled the box and left.

Wang Safe touched Lin Xun with his elbow: “Does he think our environment is not suitable for his creation?”

Lin Xun looked at the formula and code on the whiteboard: “It may also kill his inspiration.”

Wang Jingjian also looked at the whiteboard and made a contemplative statement: “That is true, he has to live with other writers. Then they also have a whiteboard, what is written on the whiteboard?”

Lin Xun: “Let’s write a poem, a group of egrets go to the blue sky.”

Just listen to Wang Jingdao: “Can you have a little culture? At least it’s “when is the spring flower and the autumn moon”.”

Zhao Gongji walked out of the room while stirring milk, looking at them, his blue eyes were full of confusion: “Why are your Chinese levels not as high as mine?”

He didn’t wait for Wang to defend himself, so he looked at Lin Xun: “Are you better?”

Lin Xun: “It’s good.”

He narrowed his eyes and looked at Zhao Jianjie.

After entering that strange space yesterday, the program interface disappeared from everyone and his world returned to normal. However, when he focused on a person, the interface emerged from the person again.

——Is this the effect of “invigorating the body into the body”?

Zhao Jianzhi sat down with Wang Jianjing and shoved him: “Safe, you are fat again, without the consequences of java.”

Wang Safe: “Am I bald?”

Zhao Jianzhu looked at him for a while: “No.”

Wang safely leaned back on the sofa: “That’s fine, life is short, I use python.”

When the people are all together, let’s say something serious.

Wang Safety and Zhao Jianjie finished their conversation and looked at Lin Xun: “So, you want to promise Dongjun’s 200,000 and give him 5% equity.”

Lin Xun: “He said, he believes that we can bring unpredictable benefits, you should know that if this sentence is Dongjun saying…”

Wang Safety: “The sorrow of the brain powder!”

Lin Xun smiled for a while, then said with his arms straight: “The reality is that we really need money. After getting 200,000, we can immediately hire another programmer to knock on the code and improve the framework. One month later, it will be the Science and Technology Expo As long as we can make Luoshen thoroughly and show it well at the expo, it is possible to get additional financing and then get on track.”

“You are also right…” Wang Jingjian looked very sad: “But, you see, we have worked hard for three years, and finally Dongjun offered a price of 200,000? With your style, you don’t feel very unwilling. ?”

“Our work is indeed far more than 200,000,” Lin Xun said: “When we have achieved results, Dongjun will find that the 200,000 has brought him huge benefits, he will know that he did What a correct decision.”

Wang Jianjian looked at Zhao Jianzhu: “You come, I can’t communicate with the brain powder.”

Zhao Jianji: “I also like Dongjun. Safety, you think, the shareholders of other families are some messy people, at most have a name of “Yinhe Group”. And our shareholders are Dongjun, Dongjun individual, Dongshen ! This is very face-saving, not to mention that we are really short of money.”

Wang Safe raised his hand and surrendered.

The minority obeyed the majority and the resolution was passed. Lin Xun picked up his mobile phone, and Dong Jun left him a number, saying he could contact him at any time.

Just about to dial, knocking on the door came.

The three of them looked at each other. Apart from the landlord, few people visited them.

Wang Safety: “He has come to collect the rent!”

Zhao Jianli took care of his clothes, walked to the door, smiled brightly, and conveyed sincerity in hard and clear Chinese: “Grandpa Huo…”

The voice stopped.

The person who came was not the old man Huo Huo, a man in a suit and leather shoes with shiny shoes. Seeing his meticulous dress, he seemed to be attending a high-end meeting.

“Hello.” The man looked a bit hesitant when he saw the living room, but he remained polite: “Is this… Luoshen company?”

Zhao Jianshe: “Yes.”

Lin Xun: “Are you…?”

The man in the suit had a polite smile on his face and sprayed salon perfume on his body, which was out of place with this living room full of formulas and block diagrams, like a door-to-door salesman.

He said: “Introduce yourself, my surname is Li, eagle planning manager in Asia Pacific region.”

Having said that, he smiled a lot deeper, his eyes swept over the three people in turn, as if waiting for their reaction.

——He is obviously proud of the identity of eagle.

eagle, eagle. In the world market, the eagle and the Galaxy stand on their feet, and they are giants that no one can shake. These two are in control of the most cutting-edge technology and the most abundant capital. On the surface, there is peace, but in fact they are fighting openly and secretly, and I don’t know how many rounds have been contested.

However, he was greeted briefly by silence.

After the silence, only Lin Xun said: “Manager Li, hello.”

Manager Li said: “I’m sorry for the hasty visit. I called the “Luo Shen” contact number in advance, but no one answered.”

Lin Xun thought for a while: “Sorry, I should have fallen asleep at that time.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Manager Li smiled.

Lin Xun asked Manager Li to sit down.

Manager Li politely introduced his intentions.

The central idea is that eagle intends to purchase Luoshen for 10 million yuan. Since then, Luoshen’s technology is still developed by the three of them, and the operation and publicity are all eabsp; 10 million.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes.

“A month later, in the Asia-Pacific Science and Technology Expo, I have seen our registration information for “Luo Shen”. By that time, eagle will also do its best to provide Luo Shen with all kinds of help and support. What does Mr. Lin think?” Manager Li ended with this sentence.

When he finished, he smiled and waited for an answer.

Lin Xun and Wang Jingan glanced at each other, and Wang Safety dodged.

Then, Lin Xun and Zhao Jie looked at each other again, and Zhao Jie was expressionless.

Finally, Lin Xun turned to Manager Li and cleared his throat slightly awkwardly: “Sorry, we have our own development direction and development goals, and we have no plans for this for the time being.”

Manager Li’s expression froze for a moment: “Mr. Lin?”

Lin Xun nodded: “Confirm, sorry. Excuse me for this trip.”

After confirming it a few times, Manager Li didn’t get entangled anymore and said goodbye to them-except that the smile was much more false when compared to it, and his face was not pretty.

After closing the door, Lin Xun looked at the two on the sofa: “Why don’t you want to agree?”

“I’m Norwegian, but I have one-eighth of Jewish origin.” Zhao Jianji said: “Actually they wanted to hire me for a long time, but I will never go to work for the German.”

Lin Xun looked at Wang Jingan.

The old **** of safety Wang Wang is holding his wolfberry in the ground: “You don’t know not know, when I was in junior year, I hacked their database, I am afraid they will recognize it.”

Lin Xun: “Come on.”

Wang Jianjing asked: “What about you? Why don’t you agree?”

“First of all, eagle and galaxy are dead rivals, I can’t be sorry for Dongjun.” Lin Xun returned to his original position and reopened his “cprimerplus”, said: “Second, I am a lemon. I sold 30 million in lions. Next, Luoshen cannot sell ten million.”

Wang Safety shrugged: “Anyway, I think that the eagle is not interested in our technology. His family must have learned the news of Dongjun’s appointment with you, and came to dig people. Spend 10 million to buy three of us, eagle is not willing to , They may not even know what we are doing. But if they spend 10 million yuan to trouble Dongjun, they are very willing.”

“You are right.” Lin Xun thought this was reasonable, and then continued: “Then we have settled like this, promised Dongjun to buy shares, and then fully prepared for the pre-selection of the science and technology expo. At that time, eas, will participate, we want to… “

Zhao Jianshe: “Kill them!”

Lin Xun snapped his fingers: “Especially Lions.”

Wang Zijing leaned on the back of the sofa and stroked his…belly and said, “You are really on lemons-I agree now. You can talk to Dongjun.”

Lin Xun is ready to call Dongjun again.

At this time, the doorbell rang again.

Zhao Jianjie put a false smile on his face and opened the door: “Manager Li, you…”

The door is not Manager Li.

Zhao Jie’s smile instantly became sincere and flattering: “Grandpa Huo is good!”

“Xiao Zhao.” Old Huo, their landlord, pacing into the living room with his hands on his back, glanced at them in the living room with calm eyes: “It’s all there. Xiao Chen moved away, and I came to see the house.”

Old Huo has a short stature, his hair is already white, and his back is slightly rickety, but because he has fifty suites in this city, the card is tough, so his body is particularly calm. He seemed to be a lion patrolling the territory, as if he were the head of a feudal family, his serious eyes swept across the room furnishings, and he looked at the whiteboards filled with formulas: “Every day is still a ghost symbol!”

——The old man is ninety-eight this year, and he cannot understand what the three of them are doing. At first I saw three of them with two laptops in each of them, and finally installed a desktop. I knocked on the keyboard all day and almost thought they sold computers.

Then, the old man’s oppressive eyes looked at them: “Is your rent now?”

Lin Xun said: “I will transfer the money to you today.”

Old Huo nodded with satisfaction, and looked at the room of Xiao Chen: “A room is empty…”

Then he waved his hand: “I won’t rent it out, it’s troublesome, let me play for you, and pile up some computer parts.”

—Well, now I think they sell computers.

However, old Huo, who has always been preoccupied, suddenly showed his kindness and gave them a room for free, which is also a strange thing.

Lin Xun was wondering if the landlord’s grandfather had taken the wrong medicine. At the next moment, the familiar mechanical sound suddenly sounded in his mind: “The expansion of the martial territory has been completed, the current territory level: 1, the highest level: 9.”

Lin Xun: “!!!”

Lao Huo gave them a room, and then the martial arts territory expanded.

Room = Martial Territory.

So, martial art = Luoshen company?

What does the faction fund mean the company’s property?

He looked at the c-language textbook on the table and fell into thought for a while.

Old Man Huo accepted the flattering thankfulness of the handsome foreign man Zhao Jiu. His face showed a kind and kind look. He was turned around by the architecture and turned to Xiao Chen’s room, ready to go in and check the situation.

At the moment when he was about to turn around, he suddenly stopped suddenly.

Lin Xun Yuguang noticed this and looked in that direction.

——An eighty-nine-year-old man should always pay attention to his physical condition.

——I saw old Huo staring at himself.

Suspicious, he looked back.

At this time, the special function he got yesterday came into play. With the attention, Old Huo slowly emerged the program interface.

Unlike the blank interface of Wang Safety, Zhao Architecture, and many other blank interfaces, the interface of Old Huo actually has dense programs!

Lin Xun looked closely and found that this was a c-reptile!

Crawlers are a common program whose function is to automatically grab the information or data that programmers want on a specific website or the entire Internet.

Lin Xun was a little surprised.

At the same time, the eyes of Old Huo also met him.

I saw Old Huo trembling and took a step toward him, saying in his mouth: “The roots are excellent, and the body has gas-Wizards, Wizards!”

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