C Language Cultivation

Chapter 20 - ddos (2)

Lin Xun’s movement stopped and looked at the two words. After two seconds, he realized that he forgot to breathe.

He felt his knuckles stiff and stayed at the top of the screen for another three seconds before pressing the answer button.

“You… hello.”

Dongjun’s voice is still the same, there are some low, like wine, the texture is cold again, is the spirits mixed with ice: “Not working?”

Lin Xun felt a suffocation.

Chagang from capitalists?

He answered truthfully: “At the press conference, your speech was very exciting. The concept film is also… shocking.”

Speaking of this, he said: “I thought you wouldn’t reply, I didn’t expect you to call, if it bothers you…”

“Not disturbed.” The phone said: “After the nutshell is released, I will take a break. Then I will consider…nutshell 2.0 or something.”

Lin Xun said: “To be honest, I’m curious about the R&D cost of the nutshell.”

Dongjun’s voice seemed to bring a smile: “At least it won’t make me bankrupt.”

Lin Xun also laughed, he said: “But buying it may make me bankrupt.”

Dongjun: “Do you like playing games?”

“I played very little, but my roommate liked it.” Lin Xun said: “I’m also curious about its experience.”

Dongjun Road: “It should not disappoint you.”

Lin Xunxin said this, but I can’t afford it.

But on the surface, he still has to be docile and polite: “Well, I believe in the Galaxy.”

Dongjun: “How is the progress of Luoshen’s work?”

Lin Xun: “We have found a suitable programmer, and it is going well. I am personally doing an optimization algorithm, and the progress is relatively normal.”

Only Dongjun said lightly: “If you have difficulty, you can call me.”

Lin Xun: “Okay, thank you.”

He thinks he is competent for the difficulty of the current job. If an epic problem really occurs, he may really need Dongjun to help.

“I wish you all the best.” Dongjun’s wording is very official, but the next sentence, suddenly the words lightly changed: “Saturday Galaxy Building will show a science fiction movie, I was thinking…Can I invite you to watch .”

“Eh?” Lin Xun didn’t respond to the meaning of this sentence: “I…”

Dongjun: “Huh?”

Lin Xun: “I’m a little surprised.”

Dong Jundao: “The subject of artificial intelligence. The nature of’Luo Shen’ is currently special in this field, so I think if you can be with you, you may hear some unique insights.”

“I can’t guarantee.” Lin Xun’s voice was a little lower: “However, I can do it on Saturday.”

According to the scheduled itinerary, he left Qingcheng Mountain on Saturday and returned to the modern city.

Dongjun Road: “Well, I’m glad you can come.”

Lin Xun: “Thank you for your invitation.”

Dongjun Road: “You’re welcome.”

At this time, the voice of Assistant Ruan Zhi seemed to come from the phone.

Lin Xun thought for a moment that the press conference was not over yet, and said: “Go ahead, I will contact you again if I have something.”

Dongjun’s voice seemed to be lighter, and said: “Well, goodbye.”

Then, Lin Xun did not hang up the phone. He waited for Dongjun to hang up before he put down his phone.

At this moment, it was the moment when the host of the press conference announced the price.

Lin Xun looked at the numbers on the screen without blinking.



Well, an expected price is strictly equal to the price of a Luoshen company.

This thing is a cutting-edge technology that has just been released, and it belongs to the category of luxury goods. Galaxy also made it clear that a low-cost simple version for medical support will be launched in the future. Two to four years later, as the technology matures, the cost will be reduced. The price of the version will also be greatly reduced.

A normal business strategy.

However, for Lin Xun, although the price of the holographic game cabin caused him a blow, his frustration was completely diluted by this phone call.

…He did not believe that if the boss of Lions sent Dongjun a text message “Congratulations”, Dongjun would also return a call to take care of their work situation and then ask him to watch a movie-if so, Dongjun would be early He is too busy, and he will not be the cold and high chief executive in the evaluation of everyone.

He even opened the barrage peacefully, thinking that your husband will watch a movie with me on Saturday.

This made Lin Xun feel a great encouragement, and his confidence in Luoshen increased a little.

As soon as the conference was over, he opened the glax compiler, called up his ugly optimization code, and started debubsp; in a very conspicuous place, he used seven ugly elseifs together, making the function body look bloated and trivial.

——If Dongjun came to write, two elseif is the limit.

And this code has a total of thirteen errors.

He began to modify one by one.

——In a programmer’s coding career, perhaps only one-fifth of the time is typing code, and the remaining four-fifths are used in the never-ending debubsp; Lin Xun feels that these 13 errors are very serious It’s tricky. On the one hand, I feel that there are at least bugs that I can change. I’m much happier than my peers who obviously don’t have an error message but still can’t run smoothly.

It took him two and a half hours to reduce the seven bugs to zero, and then he cleared it up and prepared to sleep.

Open the WeChat group before going to bed, the main factions in the “dating one in love” family are reporting the itinerary and estimated time of arrival, and the three programmers are still frantically howling to buy the game cabin.

Lin Algorithm: Don’t howl, think of Luoshen after you make it, you will become a person who won’t blink in the blink of an eye when you buy ten game cabins.

Wang Safety:? What is the difference between you and Dongjun who only talks about dreams and not about money? Dongjun gave us at least 200,000.

Lin Xun looked at Wang Jingjing’s sentence, and looked at the word “Dongjun” for five seconds, smiling unconsciously.

He started typing.

Lin Algorithm: Go to sleep.

Lin algorithm: everything in the dream.

After finishing sending, he no longer ignored Wang Jingan’s insults, and lay down with his pillow happily.

On the mountain, Wan Lai was silent, and he slept quickly.

But he has been sleeping irregularly and getting up regularly, and he did not wake up at eight according to the biological clock.

——Because, at five o’clock, there was a little Taoist who read the Southern Hua Jing in unison.

At six o’clock, the Lantern Festival came to him and went out to date.

Lin Xun: “?”

Do all your cultivators start their day at five?

The date was on a large rock on the top of the hill outside the Shangqing Palace.

Lantern Festival said to take him to watch the sunrise in Qingcheng.

Okay, just watch it.

The mountains are beautiful and the clouds are beautiful.

The Lantern Festival was radiant.

Lin Xun was drowsy.

“Sun rises and sunsets, everything repeats!” Lantern Festival said: “Brother, the law of heaven and earth is running, how mysterious!”

The Lantern Festival continued: “There is a cloud in the Southern Chinese Classics: The Taoist, before the Tai Chi, is not high, and under the Tai Chi is not deep, born inborn rather than long, longer than the ancients, not old, until this time, I understand it.”

Lin Xun looked at the Lantern Festival seriously: “Brother.”

Lantern Festival: “Huh?”

Lin Xun: “I will teach you an idiom.”

“Huh?” Lantern Festival: “Brother please enlighten me.”

Lin Xun: “Play the piano against the cow.”

Yuanxiao blinked and looked innocent: “?”

Lin Xun expressionless: “Sister, object-oriented programming is different from process-oriented programming. It is a structured design method. Objects are used as basic units to compose programs, using encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism…

Lantern’s eyes were puzzled first, and then there was no god, and then gray: “Brother…”

Seeing that the flowers of the motherland are going to become the dead branches and leaves of the motherland, Lin Xun halted and said mildly: “Sister, do you understand…?”

Yuanxiao nodded: “Understood. Brother, this sun is really red, so beautiful.”

This is the case with spiritual children.

Lin Xun was satisfied with watching the sunrise with him.

When the red morning sun rose completely from the mist of the mountains, the mountain gate bell rang in the distance.

Lantern Festival said: “Guest is here!”

They left here and came to the main hall, looking for each master to greet the guests.

First came the Beihai Wanfo Sect.

An elderly monk with kind eyes and white eyes and white eyebrows and wearing a red shawl brought four middle-aged monks and six little shami to meet with Xiaoyaozi: “The donor of Xiaoyao.”

Xiaoyaozi also saluted him: “Master Wanzen.”

Then, Master Kuchan said: “It should have arrived last night, but the plane was delayed, and the donor is free, forgive me.”

Xiaoyaozi: “Aircraft delays are a common occurrence. The Taoists in Geling are still waiting at the airport.”

Master Wan Chan smiled and said: “Thanks to the fact that when Beihai Airport was built two years ago, I was invited to light up the airport. It has a little thin face, otherwise I am afraid that I can only sit in the airport.”

Xiaoyaozi smiled and said: “Youdao is’it is not convenient for people in this life, it is always empty to read the Mita”, Master Wan Chan is compassionate and naturally has endless rewards.”

Master Wan Chan: “Don’t give me a favor, you are wrong.”

The second school that came was Tianyanzong.

The lord of Tianyanzong is a real man of divine power. I saw him with clear eyes, thin figure, gray robe fluttering, and a little bit of fairy style bones.

But, the real person opened his mouth: “The turbidity on the green leather train makes me feel uncomfortable!”

Xiaoyao Zi said: “Real people, if you get more guava money, you won’t have to squeeze the green leather train.”

Shenji said: “You said the same thing. I will count on the future and only say good things, not bad things.”

Then, the real man of the magical machine recounted the old man Huo Huo, saying things about monsters and ominous hexagrams.

Lin Xun quietly looked at everyone in the main hall.

Everyone talks and laughs and is very complacent, as if they are used to it.

He is also very good.

Yes, it’s good.

It was just a bit schizophrenic to hear the “donor” and “Daoyou” on one ear, and the “aircraft delay” and “green leather train” on the other ear.

The third sect hadn’t entered the gate yet, but a few colorful butterflies flew in.

Then, a burst of fragrant fragrance came, the silver bell rang, and the two women walked in.

They are all in their early thirties in appearance, but one of them is dignified, wearing a blue dress, and the other is wearing a purple dress, wearing silver jewelry, with silver rings around their wrists and ankles. . Behind them were three red-dressed girls dressed in Miao nationality.

It’s just that the look of Madam Butterfly…… Why Lin Xun is a little familiar?

Xiaoyaozi first saluted the blue man: “Mrs. Peacock.”

He said to Ziyi again: “Mrs. Butterfly.”

Old Huo whispered to Lin Xun that they were from Riyue Mountain in Miaojiang, and they would be the most innocent. Mrs. Peacock is the owner, and Mrs. Butterfly is the sister of Mrs. Peacock.

With that said, Mr. Huo said: “Well, this butterfly is not a good person. Her layman status is an actor, specializing in Primary Three and Mrs. Aunt! You are still young and cannot be hooked by her.”

Lin Xun: “…”

He remembered.

A queen of the film industry has a butterfly in her name. She just won the movie award last year. Her aunt Ling Ren’s image is often made into an emoticon and circulated on the Internet.

As I was talking here, I saw Mrs. Butterfly walking towards her side with all manners and raised her eyebrows: “Yo, true gentleman Qingshan, what are you talking about? Wouldn’t it be a little girl’s bad words?”

The aroma struck, Zhenshan Qingshan raised his eyebrows a few times, his voice stiff: “Good morning, Madam.”

But the lady did not continue to talk to him.

“Let me see my baby!” Just listening to the silver bell, Mrs. Butterfly quickly walked to Lin Xun with her skirt, holding Lin Xun’s face with her scented hands. A little rabbit, like a kitten, my sister’s heart is going to be changed.”

… Except for his sister, Lin Xun had never had such close contact with the opposite sex, and he was stiff for a while.

Not so, Mrs. Butterfly turned around: “Sister, come and see our little baby!”

The dignified and elegant Lady Phoenix came over.

The girl behind her also followed him.

“Brother, let’s go with your sister.” Madam Butterfly said: “Sister takes you to let you airborne the crew, what do you want to do.”

Lin Xun’s limbs could not be autonomous, saying: “I will not act.”

“Hi,” said Mrs. Butterfly: “As long as you can stare, how is it?”

Old Huo coughed heavily and said, “Butterfly, you have no idea to beat my disciples of Promise Sect!”

“Why?” Madam Butterfly lengthened her voice: “Old bones, you want to go, I won’t let you go yet.”

The situation is not good. Looking at the mode of their relationship, Master has no way to rescue himself from Mrs. Butterfly.

Lin Xun’s eyes turned away from Master for help, over Mrs. Butterfly’s scented shoulder, and looking at Mrs. Peacock behind her.

Mrs. Peacock is elegant and solemn, and she must not be able to ignore the actions of her teacher and sister.

He gazed at Madam Peacock.

Mrs. Peacock nodded to him with a smile.

The icy mechanical sound starts: “Achievement ‘Mrs. Peacock’s approval’, Spiritual Power 5.”

Lin Xun: “…”

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