C Language Cultivation

Chapter 21 - ddos (3)

Lin Xun desperately confirmed that he could not break free.

Mrs. Butterfly pinched his cheek again: “How can the little baby not make an expression? Sister arranges for you a facial paralysis rabbit!”

Lin Xun: “…”

Madam Butterfly finally let go of his face and rubbed his hair: “Let’s go with my sister.”

“No…no,” Lin Xun: “I’m good at repairing computers.”

Mrs. Butterfly laughed: “It’s still hard.”

At this time, Peacock Talent finally offered a helping hand: “Sister, people are afraid of you.”

Mrs. Butterfly said: “Good, don’t be afraid, your sister won’t eat you.”

Lin Xun was afraid.

Fortunately, Mrs. Butterfly Yu Guang glanced at the Lantern Festival behind Xiaoyaozi: “Oops!”

The next second, Lantern Festival shrank behind Xiaoyaozi, but it didn’t help.

“How come there is a little baby!” Madam Butterfly gave a cheerful laugh.

Lin Xun thought, younger brother, I have already gone through this robbery, you ask for more blessings.

——However, he soon discovered that he was far away.

——Nanzhao Riyue Mountain, Nanhai Dandingzong, Nanhai Dandingzong, Hangzhou Qiushuimen.

In short, he smelled no less than twenty perfumes this morning and was taken care of by female seniors who came and went.

On the opposite side of the Lantern Festival, the situation was no better than him. After a few hours, he and Yuanxiao faced each other and found that they were licking each other like over-haired animals.

Relatively speechless, he suddenly saw Yuanxiao’s eyes brighten.

“Master,” I saw Yuanxiao pulling Xiaoyaozi’s clothes, and said pitifully: “Can I go back and endorse? The next time I will die again, I’m so nervous.”

Xiaoyaozi thought a little: “Yes, you have almost seen the elders of Xianmen, so go to Hashengsheng to review. In the afternoon and evening, it is a matter of sect. The swordsmanship test tomorrow will give you young disciples the chance to show their skills. “

Lantern Festival said: “Thank you Master!”

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Lin Xun: “Master, I want to go with Brother Lin, so that I can also ask Brother Mathematics.”

Xiaoyaozi looked at Old Huo with questioning eyes: “Brother Qingshan, look at this…”

Old man Huo boldly said: “Naturally, it is important to study on the Lantern Festival! Tuer, you have to go home and teach your younger teacher homework.”

Lin Xun responded with a “Yes”, and was pulled by the Lantern Festival, and escaped as if to escape.

Outside, the breeze winds, the mountains and rivers are vast, how wonderful.

Lin Xun breathed free air several times and finally regained happiness.

He: “Let’s do math problems?”

The Lantern Festival frowned: “Actually, I mean playing…”

Lin Xun laughed.

He: “Then…”

The Lantern Festival seems to be tangled: “But it seems that it is really time to learn.”

Lin Xun: “Let’s go then.”

Lantern Festival first made a set of math papers, without asking Lin Xun, after learning, he was ready to start writing essays.

This belongs to Lin Xun’s knowledge blind spot.

He looked out into the green mountains hidden outside the window, remembering his time-bound task of “the secret of the supernatant” and asked the Lantern Festival: “Is there any special place in Houshan?”

“It’s the mountain,” Lantern Festival said: “There are quite a few scenic spots. There are several homestays. Do you want to play?”

Lin Xun: “Are all mortals?”

Lantern Festival: “Well, Houshan Reiki is not very good, neither Master nor Uncle love to go.”

Lin Xun thoughtfully.

He said to the Lantern Festival: “I go out and do not necessarily come back soon.”

Lantern Festival obediently said: “Okay.”

Lin Xun went out with the keyboard.

He carried out light body surgery, took a few ups and downs in the Shangqing Palace, left the boundary, and continued to move forward to the scope of Houshan in Qingcheng.

The Lantern Festival is a disciple who has just started. Naturally, he will not know the secrets of Qingcheng, but it is not realistic to ask others in Qingcheng in his own capacity.

However, this task itself has a clue that the system prompts-

“Jian Xiuyi…pulse, has long coveted a secret that has not been passed on to Qingcheng Mountain.”

In other words, Jian Xiu may be exploring news about this secret.

When they came to Qingcheng Mountain to provoke, there must be a place to stay in the mountain.

——This place is definitely not the Shangqing Palace, it may be the farmhouse or bed and breakfast in Houshan.

If you start from this point, it is likely to get clues.

Lin Xun made up his mind, opened the mobile map, and began to navigate.

——Qingcheng Mountain is a big mountain, and its range is wide, but with the blessing of light body technique, it is not too hard.

About an hour later, he arrived in the dense area of ​​the homestay.

Qingcheng Mountain Scenic Spot stopped selling tickets three days ago, and all sold tickets were returned, and the homestay business was also very depressed.

Lin Xun came to a relatively large family and asked the boss if there were some young people who were dressed strangely and had a temperament like a social hooligan in a group, or if something strange happened.

The boss gave him a hesitant look and shook his head: “No.”

Even if I asked several of them, this is the answer.

However, if it happens to meet the boss lady, Lin Xun will also get a bottle of drink.

It took more than an hour to pass and found nothing. It seems that Jianxiu did not choose to live in the realm of mortals.

This road does not work.

Lin Xun left this area and chose a secluded place, sitting on a mountain rock, fingers touching the keycap, thinking about other countermeasures.

He was contemplating, and suddenly heard the rustling sound of the woods above, as if there were living creatures walking.

He was vigilant suddenly, picked up the keyboard and looked in that direction.

Suddenly heard an extremely sharp and miserable sound: “Ah!!!”

Then, the rustling sound suddenly increased, accompanied by the sound of heavy objects rolling down.

Someone has fallen!

Lin Xun visually inspected the distance and the falling speed of the man. He floated up, jumped on the steep rock, and grabbed the man’s backpack in a position with a good height!

With his dragging strength, the man finally stabilized his body, stopped accelerating and stopped the car hard.

A young man, very thin and light-weight, Lin Xun dragged him to a flat rock.

The man trembles in his legs, his chest undulates violently, and looks at the sky. After a full three minutes, he is calm down and looks at Lin Xun.

“Thank you…Thank you brother, I…” His voice still softened: “I…I’m almost scared to death, shit, brother, I’m going to fall.”

At this time, Lin Xunyao heard a cry from above: “The second child? The second child? Are you alive?”

The second child took a deep breath: “I’m alive!”

The man said: “Where are you?”

Second child: “I’m here!”

Lin Xun: “…”

Fortunately, the second child’s brain did not shut down completely. After a while, he added: “Below!”

The man said, “Okay!”

Lin Xun: “Don’t, in case he falls down.”

The second son quickly changed his mouth: “Don’t come down! I climbed up!”

He propped his body up hard and said to Lin Xun: “My boss is above, I have to find him.”

Lin Xun thought about it, or kept up.

——In the unlikely event that there is a moth out of this person, the news will appear the next day: “Unknown corpses appear under the Qingcheng Mountain, and they are tourists who have lost their feet”

Following this, the police will come to investigate.

And this investigation, the Qing Palace must have been affected. At that time, a group of Xianxian carrying controlled knives, poisonous snakes, and scorpions were captured, and the Qingchengshan police will make a great contribution to the fight against evil.

He followed the second son because he had a light body technique and was as light as a yan, and from time to time he could pull a sweaty one.

The boss and the second son finally round in the middle.

Second child: “Don’t you stop you?”

Boss: “Then what if you die?”

The second child introduced Lin Xun to the boss: “Brother, this brother saved me.”

The boss just kneeled on the spot: “Benefactor!”

Lin Xun: “…”

He asked, “What are you doing here?”

The boss is stronger than the second, but relatively speaking, the two brothers have thin faces.

The boss scratched his head: “This…this…”

Lin Xun shook his phone, his face expressionless: “Poaching? Cutting trees? I called the police.”

“Don’t!” Old Avenue: “Actually… we are here to seek immortality.”

Lin Xun: “?”

Just listen to the old avenue: “We both yearn for life on the mountain! After eating for half a year, I originally thought of Zhongnan Mountain to go to seclusion… I didn’t expect the demolition and reconstruction over Zhongnan Mountain, so I wouldn’t build a house. With a postgraduate degree, we two… just thought about setting up a hut on Mount Qingcheng.”

Lin Xun: “Then you fell down?”

“That’s not…” The boss said: “Isn’t this looking for a good place…”

Lin Xun: “…”

He was thinking of the “I am here” written by the gods, thinking about the IQ of these two people, and he couldn’t cultivate immortality.

There are many steep places in Qingcheng Mountain. If you don’t take a serious mountain road, there is a high probability of falling. If you fall sturdyly, your life will be gone.

He remembered that when he went to college before, he was bored late at night, chatting with Wang Jingzhao and Zhao Jing in the dormitory.

Wang Safe raised a profound and philosophical question.

He said that with Darwin’s theory of evolution-natural selection, survival of the fittest, in a cruel natural environment, animals with excellent genes can survive and continue the genes. The gene pool of the entire population is also gradually optimized from generation to generation. ——Then our human society is stable enough for everyone to survive safely, hasn’t the gene bank ceased to evolve? Isn’t the process of human evolution over?

They did not discuss the result that night.

Now, Lin Xun knows the answer to this question.

Even if the world is peaceful and stable, there are always people who are diligently trying different ways of death to provide ample room for Darwinism.

He: “Why do you want to cultivate immortals?”

The boss lowered his eyes: “Now the social material desires are flowing and I am very tired. I think that happiness can only be found in the mountains.”

Lin Xun: “Can’t find a job? Or was he dumped by his girlfriend?”

The boss was visibly silent.

Lin Xun: “Come on, I will send you down the mountain and walk well in the future.”

“No.” The second child cried out, “There is really a fairy!”

Lin Xun: “Huh?”

The second child said: “Yesterday at midnight, on this piece, there was something bright and shiny, which was the same for two consecutive nights. There must be a master casting a spell!”

Lin Xun looked at him carefully, not as if he was lying.

He said: “Where?”

The second child said: “At that time, I and the boss stood tall, read clearly, and punctuated.”

With that said, he unfolded a detailed map of the Qingcheng area from his backpack and drew an ugly circle to the west.

Second child: “Probably right here.”

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes, confirming that this was not the location of the Shangqing Palace, and said: “Take me.”

The boss and the second look at each other, and finally the boss nods.

The three of them went together.

On the way, Lin Xun looked at the trees and forest like the sea, and felt that this was not the way.

He took out the keyboard, imitated the old man Huo, and called up a crawler program.

As for what to crawl with reptiles, he didn’t know, he just set the null value-I didn’t expect it to actually run.

The world in front of Lin Xun flickered, and his senses seemed to extend outward for fifty or sixty meters.

This feeling…it’s like within 60 meters of a circle, you can see where you put your attention, and if there is a sudden change in a place, your eyes will be automatically attracted.

The boss and the second child learned the last lesson, and they no longer go where the corners are. They followed the trestle all the way to the back mountain, and finally they had no way to go before they started climbing.

Walking deeper and deeper, walking farther and farther away, the cold seeps up, and in the empty valley, there are only chirping birds.

…The second child seemed a little trembling: “Boss, is this really here?”

“It’s here.” The boss pointed forward: “Did you see the slanting tree? When the light was on the night before yesterday, I lit this thing a little, and I remembered it.”

The three of them continued on, and turned a circle, suddenly suddenly bright, a flat land suddenly appeared on the steep mountain road.

Lin Xun lowered his voice: “The two of you stand here and don’t move.”

The two brothers were unclear, but stopped.

Lin Xun narrowed his eyes and looked forward.

This flat ground is ordinary at first glance, but there is also a bluestone platform behind the confusing large bushes.

At this moment, several black-dressed disciples of Jianxiu were forming a circle and meditating with their eyes closed.

He observed the code on these people and found that they were linked together to form a computing platform, which is performing some kind of large-scale operation-the purpose of this operation is not clear to him, as part of another set of larger operations.

Lin Xun thought about it and hid behind the mountain stone again.

He whispered: “Luo.”

The phone screen lights up and his intelligent control system wakes up.

“Save location information.” Lin Xun said: “Waiting for voice commands…”

He thought about it for a while: “Voice command: “Xianxian”, operation: location information and help information are sent to Master, Senior Xiaoyao, Mrs. Butterfly, Lantern Festival at the same time.”

A line appears on the screen: executed.

Lin Xun had no worries, put the phone up, took the keyboard, and walked forward.

He currently has only one light body technique for forming. There is no bells and whistles, and when he encounters things, it seems that he can only go directly.

In front of Jianxiu, walking through the bushes seemed to have no face. He transported the light body technique, flew up and down, and fell in front of several Jianxiu disciples.

I saw the man facing him suddenly opened his eyes.

“It’s you?” The humane.

The sound is familiar, it is Qi Yun, and he looks pretty decent, but the dark circles are a little heavy, and appear slightly vain.

All other sword repairers also opened their eyes and looked at him cautiously.

Their attitude is very different from that of yesterday’s arrogance and arrogance. Lin Xun felt that there must be something wrong.

However, Qi Yun’s attitude is still very arrogant.

“How?” Qi Yun said: “Yesterday it was just a mockery of your magic weapon. As far as Da Lao Yuan came here to seek revenge?”

Lin Xun felt wrong.

Qi Yun’s remarks were more like rhetoric, asking him the purpose of coming here.

The hook is too straight, he is too lazy to bite.

He looked at Qi Yun and said flatly: “I don’t remember anything.”

Qi Yun pulled up the sword, and the sword was very new. Like the one just leaving the factory, Han Guanghe said: “Why are you here?”

Lin Xun didn’t answer, glanced at Qi Yun’s procedure-it had returned to normal, and it seemed that Master had sorted out the meridians.

Very good meridian, but unfortunately it will be broken.

He tapped his fingers gently on the keyboard.

——He really has no vengeance.

Because, often reported on the spot.

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