C Language Cultivation

Chapter 54 - Copy (5)

The two looked at each other.

The pointer said nothing.

Lin Xun was ashamed.

Lin Xun was surprised when he was chased by a cat without returning to the night.

He can’t remember this is the first time he suspected the IQ of a little liar.

He walked over to the TV cabinet and reached up to hug his pointer: “Why don’t you sleep?”

The pointer ignored him, but curled into his arms following Lin Xun’s movements.

Lin Xun scratched its ears: “Are you waiting for me?”

The pointer perverted him twice.

This cat must be angry.

Lin Xun: “The next time I go out to take you.”

As soon as he spoke, he remembered Dongjun’s itinerary.

He raised his pointer: “Can’t take it anymore, you have to go.”

Pointer: “Meow.”

Lin Xun finished washing, changed his pajamas, and held the pointer in front of him.

The pointer is small, small, warm and soft, and the white belly falls with the breath.

Although it only took less than ten days, Lin Xun already liked it.

It’s a pity that it’s not its own cat, or it can’t keep it all the time.

Thinking, the pointer licked his finger.

Lin Xun laughed.

The pointer looked up at him and smiled.

Lin Xun went to cover the pointer’s eyes: “Why are you so human?”

The pointer scratched him.

Speaking of scratching, in fact, the nails did not show up at all, but just pushed with a meat pad.

Lin Xun played with it like this for a while before going to sleep-I don’t know if there is any chance in the future.

He dreamed again.

Thinking about the day and dreaming at night, this time I dreamed about pointers.

…Maybe a pointer.

There is also a pointer to his master Dongjun.

Perhaps it was a summer vacation when I was in college. He and Dongjun walked on the lush road of the old city. In the early morning of summer, cicadas had just begun, and dewdrops were hanging on the tip of the grass on the roadside.

That year was a year in which blockchain technology was hot. They are talking about a topic about whether it is a bubble with Bitcoin-there is a little difference, but finally reached a consensus, and then began to discuss an encryption algorithm, and then from quantum cryptography to the uncertainty principle .

“The most accurate measurement of the position of a particle is also the most inaccurate measurement of velocity, because it is disturbed,” he turned around and walked back, facing Dong Jun, looking at his eyes, with a voice in his voice Smile: “The longer I know you, the more ambiguous the definition of our relationship.”

The opposite Dongjun didn’t wear glasses. His eyebrows were delicate and cold, like a luxury item, but the look in his eyes was very gentle.

“Because it is in a superposition state,” Dong Jundao said: “You can not observe.”

“You admit that you are a dead and alive cat,” Lin Xun grabbed his handle, and the more he smiled, the more proud he was: “It’s equivalent to you admitting to like me and not like me, you’re annoying.”

While chattering, he suddenly stepped on a stone under his foot and shook his figure suddenly.

At about the same time, Dongjun grabbed his arm and took him to his side to help him stabilize.

They were very close, breathing together.

The white shirt, clear and cold breath, the radiance of the sunrise from the lush foliage, he narrowed his eyes.

Then I heard Dongjun’s voice ringing in my ears: “I’m not Schrodinger’s cat.”

Lin Xun: “But I heard a cat meow.”

Dongjun: “I heard it too.”

Lin Xun turned to the green belt on the side and dragged Dongjun past.

There was a white shadow in the depths of the bush, and they spent a lot of effort to get it out.

A snow-white milk cat, as big as a slap, with some debris from the leaves, the blue film of the eyes has not receded, looking at them both in confusion, crying milk and milk gas, but very weak.

Lin Xun: “It must be raised by me.”

The voice fell, the alarm sounded, and he woke up.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the sunlight emerged from the cracks of the hawthorn outside the window, almost exactly like the scene in the dream.

He sat up, buried his face in the quilt, his heart beating slightly, and a slight suffocation.

Why did you dream of Dongjun again?

And…an ambiguous dream.

In his dream, he was like a complacent duck, chattering eloquently and showing off his knowledge, at least he couldn’t say it when he changed it to the present.

The pointer was already awake and was sitting across from him slowly licking his paws. When he saw him waking up, he cried with gas and milk, exactly like the kitten in the dream.

He grabbed the pointer and rubbed it fiercely for a few more times, then took a deep breath for a while. The state returned to normal, and returned to Dongjun for a “safe journey” and then got up. The time in the morning always passed quickly. After communicating the progress of the project with the other three people, he began to ask Qi Yun.

A happy pointer: Are you free today, come out to remove the demon.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong:?

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Are you okay?

A happy pointer: Yes, Brother Qi Yun is not here, I am very scared.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Do you want to go?

A happy pointer: No, he wants Jin Dan.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Grass

A happy pointer: When are you Jindan?

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Dad has his own plans

A happy pointer: Then you cheer.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: I recorded a video in the morning and I was free in the afternoon

A happy pointer: OK.

After the appointment, it was already breakfast time. Wang Jianjian and Zhao Jizhu each had a glass of happy water and were happily eating junk food. After a while, Jiang Lian also joined them. Lin Xun will go to the fourth floor to have a healthy breakfast with the elders.

At the dinner table, the elders and brothers all looked serious, talking about the speed of the monster. According to their estimates, if the enchantment fissures continue to expand at the current rate, within ten days, the great demon of the Yuanying level will come to earth.

The undeniable fact is that the Cultivation Realm has exhausted all its human resources to eliminate evil spirits, search for cracks, and bridge cracks.

“With my strength, this battle will be difficult, and for today’s plan, it is necessary to find an emperor.” Xiaoyaozi concluded.

Yufeng really said: “There are so many people in the imperial capital. We can’t find the emperor alone with the current method. We still take the Chixiao Dragon Bird Sword from the amusement park and find another way.”

Lin Xun: “Amusement Park?”

Then, he heard Old Man Huo “cough”: “This is a long story. In order to draw a sword, we will send the red sky dragonfinch to a large amusement park as a prop “sword in stone”, and become a playground. In a game session, tourists all have to pull their swords, while Brother Yufeng disguise the staff, observe the situation, and protect the artifact.”

Okay, this is also a method.

Xiaoyao Zidao said: “There is no better way at present, this matter will be discussed again.”

He said it again: “Thinking poorly, maybe our current method is wrong. Since the emperor has extraordinary luck, he must be different from ordinary people. If this is the case, we are looking for the general public, is it not wrong? The wrong way?”

“According to you, we should go to the dragons and phoenixes of those in the capital of the emperor,” said Old Huo: “How can I find this? How can I take them to draw the sword? Brother Xiaoyao, I need to know that you and I are in the eyes of outsiders. Ordinary bad old man.”

Xiaoyaozi sighed: “Madame Butterfly has a wide network of contacts, which may be helpful. Others… It is impossible to be poor.”

After some discussion, it was almost ten o’clock, but still no result, Lin Xun was finally put back to do his own thing.

He and Zhao Jianji sat across from each other, while talking with the man in a car, while typing the keyboard with both hands, and on the other side, he had to glance at the time from time to time.

Dongjun’s flight should have landed in the Imperial Capital around 8:30, but he did not receive Dongjun’s news, which made him uneasy.

The pointer has been packed up and placed at the door. Perhaps, the task of raising his pointer is about to be completed, and Dongjun no longer has to take care of himself.

Zhao Jianji: “Algorithm, you are absent today, and your argument is not as powerful as before.”

Lin Xun: “Because I am no longer willing to talk to someone like you out of nothing.”

Zhao Jianji: “I bet you are waiting for Dongjun to come back.”

Lin Xun: “I just don’t want to leave the pointer.”

Zhao Jianji: “I have never seen a man with a deeper intention than Dongjun. He only used a white cat to tie you in a short time.”

Lin Xun: “You are being persecuted delusions again, I will give you a psychologist immediately.”

Zhao Jianshe: “You are angry and angry.”

Lin Xun: “In this way, Dongjun also tied you, and I saw you sucking the pointer belly that day.”

Zhao Jianshe: “I just have fun in time, but you want the pointer to be your cat. But the premise for the pointer to be your cat is that Dongjun becomes your person.”

Lin Xun was organizing the wording to counterattack, and suddenly saw his phone light up.


Dongjun: Go downstairs.

Lin Xun: “Goodbye.”

Zhao Jianshe: “You are not saved.”

Lin Xun packed the pointer, brought the things well, and checked his meter again. Today he wore that newly-purchased white sweater by Lin Ting, with black graffiti on both sides. Lin Ting said she liked this one the best.

Everything was ready, he took the cat bag downstairs-the familiar Bentley stopped at the door of the unit.

Dongjun looked at him as the window slipped, and he seemed to raise his eyebrows slightly: “I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

The Dongjun in reality is different from the dream. There is no such kind of pretty youthfulness. It is more handsome and profound, and also has a high profile.

“I haven’t seen you for a long time.” Lin Xun pursed his lips. “I put the pointer out? Will you open the trunk… I’ll put something else in.”

Dongjun didn’t speak and looked at him.

Lin Xun blinked.

Just listen to Dongjun said lightly: “Get in the car.”

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