C Language Cultivation

Chapter 55 - Copy (6)

If it was someone else, Lin Xun must ask what he got on the bus.

But Dong Jun’s words were short and powerful, almost like a command. He subconsciously opened the car door obediently, got on the co-pilot, and then quietly held the pointer like a chicken.

Dongjun turned the steering wheel to the left, and the car turned around and drove towards the entrance of the community.

Pointer: “Meow.”

He protruded his head from Lin Xun’s arms and reached out to reach Dongjun, who rubbed his head with one hand.

The pointer rubbed Dongjun’s hand, looked at him, and then turned to look at Lin Xun. Finally, half of the body that had stretched out returned to Lin Xun’s arms.

Dongjun: “It likes you very much.”

Lin Xun: “I guess it knows you are driving.”

Dong Jun let out a faint hum, and at the same time, he steered the body to turn, the movements were flowing, and the interior was smooth, and he could hardly feel any acceleration or deceleration, just like the most perfect automatic driving.

Lin Xun: “What are we going to do?”

Dongjun: “Galaxy, go to a meeting.”

Lin Xun: “…oh.”

He didn’t know Dong Jun’s intention, but he was already on the bus anyway.

Dong Jun didn’t speak anymore, Lin Xun was afraid to disturb his driving, and did not take the initiative to speak.

The body is as smooth as driving in place, he is a little sleepy-he slept at two in the morning last night, and he started at eight in the morning. In fact, it is not too much sleep, but it seems that most of the energy is consumed by dreaming. A little tired.

Dongjun seemed to notice this.

Dongjun: “Did you sleep well?”

“One thing.” Lin Xun said: “But okay.”

He said: “Your car is too stable.”

“Is that true?” Dong Jun turned his head and glanced at him: “Go to bed early.”

Lin Xun was a little bit empty.

Dongjun just seemed to just glance at him indifferently, but it seemed to know something.

He told himself that Dongjun must not know, after all, he pretended to be asleep, and did not return to Dongjun at 12 o’clock, and did not return until 8 o’clock.

He said: “I will go to bed early.”

Dongjun didn’t speak. The car window slided down automatically. It’s not summer yet. It’s cloudy today. The cool wind outside blew in, making Lin Xun more comfortable.

The next moment, Bentley’s speed suddenly accelerated!

On the roads of the city, the traffic flow is orderly, but the level of authority of Dongjun seems to be exceptionally high, and it must be exceptionally high.

The action of driving the system alarm together did not sound the warning sound. On the contrary, other vehicles on the road avoided fish like fish, leaving enough space for their vehicles. After they passed, they returned to normal order.

This speed is indeed a bit faster, and there is a slight sense of runaway. Lin Xun has not experienced it for a long time.

He’s very cool.”

Then he said, “So…you are free to race?”

“You can say this.” Dongjun said: “Do you like it?”

“I liked it when I was in college. At that time, I often hung out with my roommates.” Lin Xun said: “Later, the Galaxy system was promoted, and the opportunities were much less.”

“You haven’t touched the car in a long time.” Only Dongjun said lightly: “I can take you if I like it.”

Lin Xun: “You seem to be very skilled.”

Dongjun’s lips and lips seemed to have a little smile: “I tried many things when I was young.”

Lin Xun scratched his chin, and said with a smile: “You are far from thirty.”

Dongjun: “But your respect makes me feel…time passes quickly.”

Dongjun’s voice is very nice.

The timbre is slightly lower, but in fact it tends to be cold and neutralized by a slight magnetism, like iced wine.

But even with this voice, Lin Xun felt the question from Dongjun.

Dongjun once again said “you” and “you”.

He clasped his hands tightly and just laughed to escape.

But looking at Dongjun, he remembered other thoughts.

There is no program interface on Dongjun, but everyone else has.

Dongjun’s cats sometimes don’t, but all cats do.

His cat can walk in and out of the legendary ten-death fiends in the realm of the devil, and he can bring himself trapped inside smoothly.

He has been thinking about this for a long time. All clues point to the fact that Dongjun is a special person, unlike everyone else.

In this way, he could not have made a conjecture.

Perhaps Dongjun is the emperor who the Cultivation Realm has been looking for.

At the same time, he did not want to accept it.

He has always had a feeling that the world of immortal cultivation is separated from the world of the world.

What Galaxy does is the most cutting-edge applied technology. Dongjun can be said to be a man standing on top of materialism-in this way, if he is an emperor, he wants to remove the devil, how to think and how to violate. And inviting Dongjun to go to the fourth floor to draw the sword of Chixiao Dragonfinch is too funny and unrealistic. Dongjun may suspect his mental problems.

But now, Chixiao Dragonfinch Sword is not on the fourth floor of the community, but is disguising game props in an amusement park, which makes the operation space for things much larger.

He thought, he had to deceive Dongjun.

How to cheat?

Maybe Dong Jun’s gentle and indulgent attitude gave him inexplicable courage, or maybe the topic about drag racing just happened to have a little room for expansion. Lin Xun said: “I also like roller coasters, but I haven’t had a chance for a long time…I Of friends do not like it.”

——This is true. Wang Jingan, who vowed not to die on the roller coaster, said the most, “Go, I watch.”

Zhao Jizhu insisted that this is a child’s game, he will not do such a shameful thing-in fact, this person’s symptoms are much safer than Wang’s, and he doesn’t have to get on the car.

After talking, he looked at Dong Jun’s reaction.

Dongjun raised his eyebrows slightly: “Want to go?”

Lin Xun: “Think.”

Pointer: “Meow.”

Dongjun looked at the pointer: “You can’t go.”

Pointer: “Meow…”

Lin Xun looked at Dongjun.

The pointer cannot go.

Does Dongjun go?

Just listen to Dongjun said lightly: “I don’t have a plan tomorrow, the place is up to you.”

Lin Xun: “You are so nice.”

Having said that, he saw Dong Jun looking at himself lightly.

Lin Xun: “You…you…you are so good.”

Dongjun tickled his lips slightly.

Lin Xun exhaled gently.

It was so easy for Dongjun to agree to go with him, which was actually beyond his expectations.

It is a good thing to be able to test whether Dongjun is an emperor without traces, but at the same time, he also feels that something is gradually going in a dangerous direction.

The Galaxy Building will soon arrive.

Lin Xun, of course, couldn’t leave the pointer alone in the car when he got out of the car, and Dongjun didn’t seem to have the intention of holding a cat-he could only continue to hold the pointer and follow Dongjun into the building.

There are Galaxy employees in the halls and corridors, and they all glanced at him without exception.

Lin Xun felt those gazes, thinking about the rumors on the Internet these days, and said that this time he would be more confident. In the minds of these people, Dongjun came with him twice, and could already draw an equal sign with “Dongjun frequently brings small lovers into and out of the company.”

He also had no choice but to hold the pointer and took him to the elevator. Dongjun pressed the tenth floor, which was the meeting area.

The destination is a small 20-person conference room in the middle of the corridor. When Dongjun pushed the door in, it was almost full of people. At one end of the oval conference table, Ruan Zhi sat on the left.

Lin Xun whispered: “Shall I go in with you?”

Dongjun: “You will be interested in the theme.”

Lin Xun took the cat and followed him in.

He had no other choice about the seat. He sat next to Dongjun and on the right.

The others looked at each other for a few times, and there seemed to be a few people who whispered to each other—while they whispered, they looked at Lin Xun imperceptibly.

Lin Xun is very safe. After all, he can’t control what other people think, not to mention that his clothes today are a little lively, not like a serious person-still holding Dongjun’s cat.

Now that Dongjun is here, the meeting begins.

——In fact, it can’t be regarded as a meeting, more like a discussion.

A man about thirty years old with a backward hairline writes and writes on a smart whiteboard and explains a large algorithm on the whiteboard.

This person Lin Xun recognized, named Jiang Yun, a core member of the autonomous driving system project, he can also understand the algorithm-the system code is open source to a certain extent, he has studied, and even recently read relevant papers.

What Jiang Yun said is an improvement to the automatic driving system.

——The system is really easy to use, but sometimes it is stupid. Many people will lie that they are coming to work late to deceive the system to get a higher priority, so as to reach the destination faster. They intend to make it more flexible and user-friendly, and hope to improve the overall efficiency.

This is not an easy task. Both the scheduling mechanism and the feedback mechanism must be drastically modified, and at the same time, extremely high requirements are placed on the intelligence of the system.

Of course, the level of this team is extremely high, and the proposed improvement plan can basically complete the task. However, it is only a preliminary idea, the feasibility has not been evaluated, and there are still some problems within the algorithm.

Moreover, Lin Xun felt that Dong Jun was not very satisfied-he folded his arms and looked at the whiteboard. Although it seemed to be just an ordinary expressionless face, and his long eyebrows were also stretched, in fact, the eye muscles were slightly tight, which represents He is picking at the content on the whiteboard.

It is not that his ability to observe and observe is superior, but that he is good at observing Dongjun’s expressions-Xiaolang hoops group gathers Dongjun related video resources that can be found on the Internet, and his wife fans have detailed Dongjun’s micro expressions and actions Analysis and explanation, he learned from the summary of his wife fans, is a profiter.

After Jiang Yun finished speaking, he entered the discussion session, and five people went up to speak in turn, making some insightful points.

Lin Xun listened-he listened very carefully, while writing and drawing on the white paper prepared at the conference table. After several rounds of discussions, he had written a lot of words and felt very rewarding.

However, Dongjun’s air pressure has been a bit low, which is consistent with the rumors in the public. He is an extremely perfect person and extremely harsh on his subordinates.

The discussion came to an end, some problems were solved, some were not, and there were core problems.

This is the norm in this industry. The advent of a product will be overthrown and polished countless times.

At this moment, Lin Xun looked at Dong Jun.

Dongjun also looked at him.

Lin Xun looked at the paper in front of him.

Dongjun’s eyes lightly indicated to the white board opposite.

Lin Xun looked at the pointer in his arms again.

Dongjun turned to his side.

Lin Xun smiled, then handed the cat to Dongjun, and then glanced in the direction of the others.

—— Their eyes have gradually been confused.

Lin Xun pursed his lips and picked up the whiteboard marker.

There are smart whiteboards on both sides of the meeting room, and there is a piece behind him.

Lin Xun stood up, he was not really nervous.

He stood up, walked a few steps forward, reached the whiteboard, looked at the members of the meeting room, and met their eyes for inquiring and examination.

“I have an idea.” He unscrewed the cap and gently said, “Not necessarily right.”

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