C Language Cultivation

Chapter 56 - Copy (7)

“The way the system works is to simulate the driving logic of humans,” he wrote a simple reminder, saying: “Then, by optimizing the priority criteria and improving the humility mode, the group of people who need the most rapid driving can be in When you reach your destination in the shortest time, the effects of the rest will be pushed back. It is equivalent to assuming that each car has, well… noble morals, and improve the efficiency of the entire system in the layer by level of humility.”

“But this may not be the optimal solution. I mean, it can reach the highest efficiency under human normal logic, but it is not the ceiling.” He paused: “It is just an idea, we will road rules, traffic lights flashing time, And road speed limit… These things are all included in the automatic driving system, and they are added to the system scheduling as variables. For example, the speed limit is opened in advance during peak hours, or the traffic light time is dynamically allocated according to the number of waiting vehicles. I don’t know much about traffic theory. So the idea is very limited. But the central idea is that when a car starts this autonomous driving trip, all traffic rules will make way for it to a certain extent.”

After a brief silence, Jiang Yun said: “This question was initially considered, but it is not mathematically feasible.”

He said: “When the local rules are changed, this change will cause disturbances to other parts of the system…you should be able to understand. In this case, if you want to perform the overall operation, the magnitude of the calculation is far more than The level we can reach now.”

Another person beside him wrote a line of formula on the white paper, with a slight blame in his voice: “Ripple theory, when there are multiple ripples on the water surface, they will all cancel each other out, or in a mess. In this case, The operation is in chaos, and the final efficiency is even lower than artificial logic.”

Lin Xun glanced at them and didn’t speak. The pen end tapped the whiteboard twice, refreshed the blank page, and wrote a formula on it.

Then, he turned to the conference table-but this time he did not look at Jiang Yun and a few of them, but at Dongjun.

Dongjun looked at him with the pointer.

According to Lin Xun’s analysis, Dong Jun did not show obvious displeasure, and his state was relaxed.

Lin Xun smiled.

He continued: “I know the ripple theory. But in fact, this is what I want to say.”

“The transmission of disturbances and the chain reaction will eventually form a chaos-like model, or some… a phenomenon that conforms to the principle of uncertainty. But the theory of nonlinear systems in the past two years has been producing breakthroughs. To a certain extent, it is not impossible The problem being solved.”

“I have been listening to your opinions for the past two hours, and then I got a little inspiration. I improved the Duale model, which theoretically can be adapted to the entire system.”

I looked at the people in the conference room-they were sitting in danger, and their attitudes were clearly corrected a lot, but Lin Xun determined from their reactions that these people were hearing this model for the first time. This is normal. This field is too deep. At present, it still belongs to self-entertainment in a purely mathematical sense and has not yet been connected with computer science.

He said: “…First of all, I will introduce the Duale model.”

He began to explain the concept of this model from scratch.

In the abstract sense, all disciplines are mathematics. In fact, the bottleneck restricting the development of these disciplines is often that the academic community has not yet produced a suitable mathematical theory.

However, this is not a problem.

Among those who work on computers, he is an algorithmist, and among those who work on algorithms, he is a mathematician.

——This lecture is a long time. After finishing the basic model, it is followed by a substantial improvement.

Nor can it be said that he completed the improvement in just two hours. In fact, the paper he saved that day and planned to chat with Dongjun was the field related to the Duale model, so the inspiration came a day ago.

But he will not tell these people, he has to make these people sour themselves, and then they will realize that Dongjun did not bring a vase holding a cat-Lin Xun’s level is Dongjun’s face.

During the course of the explanation, according to the feedback of expressions and actions, most people fell down, probably without a corresponding mathematical foundation-just like you can’t expect a person who does not know the matrix to understand abstract algebra. Only four or five people including Dongjun and Jiang Yun persisted to the end.

When finally finished, Lin Xun gently relieved. His eyes on Shang Dongjun saw a slight smile in his eyes.

Lin Xun: “That’s it.”

Jiang Yun seemed to hesitate for a while and then began to applaud seriously.

The rest of the people who were defeated in the course of the class followed the crowd and began to clap blindly.

“I still need to digest it, but it is theoretically feasible.” Jiang Yundao: “Are you a new member of our team?”

“No,” Lin Xun said: “If Mr. Jiang has problems in the follow-up…”

“He has his own project.” Dong Jun said lightly: “I will do it later.”

Jiang Yun: “…oh.”

Lin Xun laughed.

After another discussion, this small seminar finally ended, and the cat returned to Lin Xun’s arms. He followed Dongjun with his pointer and went out. Before he left, he looked back at the meeting room and saw that those people were still in their original positions. they.

Lin Xun: “…”

This toss has already passed the lunch time. Dongjun took him to make up for the meal.

During the meal, the pointer kept meowing. He finished calling Dongjun, and then called Lin Xun.


But cat food and snacks are in the car.

Lin Xun: “Do you have any other arrangements this afternoon?”

Speaking of words, he found that he used “you” again.

“No,” Dongjun said: “Send you back? Then I will take the pointer home.”

Lin Xun thought about it and returned to him: “Trouble you.”

Along the way, Lin Xun continued to discuss that model with Dong Jun.

——And during the conversation, he was still replying to Qi Yun’s news.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Do you **** want a pigeon?

A happy pointer: I am contributing to human science.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Then you **** wasted my precious time contributing to human art

A happy pointer: At five o’clock, we go to squat that child out of school.

Ji Yanzong-Feihong: Well, I believe you again, I continue to record videos

A happy pointer:? Have you done anything else?

Qi Yun was silenced.

The journey is short and short. Perhaps because of the theory of relativity, Lin Xun hasn’t felt the passage of time yet, and the Chaoyang community has arrived.

He actually wanted to continue talking to Dongjun.

Dongjun: “Actually, I would like to invite you to be my guest.”

After a slight pause, he said: “But you seem to have something else.”

“Actually I…” Lin Xun lowered his eyes slightly: “But see you tomorrow.”

Dongjun Road: “See you tomorrow.”

Lin Xun got out of the car, took the door, and the window was fully opened. He saw Dongjun looking at himself and said, “You are great today.”

Lin Xun smiled, then looked at Dongjun and said, “Mr. Dong, bye.”

Dongjun smiled.

The windows rose and the black Bentley drove away smoothly.

After Lin Xun watched Dongjun leave, he immediately went to his little Jetta, whose destination was the old lady’s house.

Zhao Jiong pokes his head out of the window: “Where do you want to fool?”

The voice disappeared as Lin Xun moved away from him.

When he arrived at his destination, Qi Yun hadn’t come yet. Lin Xun sat down on the bench in the viewing gallery downstairs, waiting for Qi Yun while waiting for Ming Ming, who was tortured by nightmare, to come back from school.

At this time he found that there was still someone on the promenade chair, wearing a low-key cap, dressed up mysteriously.

He was vigilant in his heart, but when he took a closer look, he saw a bit of familiarity. Isn’t this Officer Cao of the Chaoyang District Armed Police Brigade?

He stepped forward: “Officer Cao?”

Officer Cao: “Comrade Lin?”

“It’s me,” he said, “how are you here?”

Officer Cao: “investigate a big case.”

Officer Cao continued: “Comrade Lin is here to be an enthusiastic citizen again?”

Lin Xun: “Yes… yes.”

He listened to the system promptly, and the favorability of the Third Armed Police Brigade of Chaoyang District increased by 10 points.

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