C Language Cultivation

Chapter 6 - Infinite loop(6)

After learning about Lin Xun’s meaning, the architecture laughed and said: “You should feel guilty.”

Lin Xun: “Guilt can’t make me understand, you know me very well, so can you understand?”

Zhao Jianji sat next to Lin Xun, took the book, turned a few pages, and after a while, changed his posture and sat in danger.

Only listen to him: “Algorithm, even if you can compose Luoshen, even if you are called’Xun God’-but what about that? You, it is impossible to understand, and I am possible. You have a sentence in Chinese It’s called’The ruler is shorter, the inch is longer’, it means…”

Speaking of which, he quickly changed his voice: “No, it can’t be said like this, this is cursing myself, I’m not an inch.”

Lin Xun: “Now I start to doubt your Chinese level.”

Zhao Jianji looked into his eyes: “Your radical method is very successful.”

He closed the book and said to Lin Xun: “Give me four hours.”

After all, he took the book away and turned on his computer.

Wang Safe reached out and took the “Thousand Days of Foundation”, turned a few pages, and looked at Zhao Jizhu suspiciously: “Can you do it?”

“Learning a language is like deciphering a password, security, this is your field.” Zhao Jiandao said.

Wang Safety: “I’m sorry, I won’t.”

Zhao Jianshu shrugged and began to operate the computer.

Lin Xun and Wang Jianjing walked together from left to right, observing his actions.

——Zhao Jie has a very amazing talent for language. He has a keen sense of the structure of the language. This can be seen from his proficient Chinese.

I saw that Zhao Jie turned on the search engine and searched for the ancient classics. From these, he selected several articles with a heavy traditional Chinese flavor, and looked at the book cover of “Thousand-day Foundation” to bring up a book called Daode Jing.

He began to browse these ancient texts one by one against the vernacular.

After watching it for five minutes, Lin Xun and Wang Jianping were defeated, and each did their own thing.

Zhao Jiong hummed at them and glanced at them: “I must first be familiar with their grammatical structure.”

Wang Safety: “We will go bankrupt in the future, you can still be a linguist.”

Zhao Jianji: “I’m afraid it won’t work. I don’t have any art cells at all. I’m watching them by cracking passwords.”

Two hours later, Zhao Jie turned off the browser, picked up the blue book again, and began to read it.

The speed of his reading is not slow, it seems to be reading his mother tongue.

When he turned about five pages, he looked at Lin Xun.

“My dear algorithm,” he said: “Although I don’t know why you are interested in it, it’s all talking nonsense.”

“Although I also think this is a lie,” Lin Xun answered him: “But the content inside is likely to be helpful to me-I will give you processing funds.”

Zhao Jianji: “Okay, then I will try to summarize this book as you can understand it.”

Another hour passed, and when it was time for lunch, Zhao Jianli closed the blue book: “I’m fine.”

Then he blackmailed Lin Xun for a hearty takeaway and began to explain to Lin Xun.

“This is a textbook for cultivating immortals. The purpose is to guide a person to reach a state called’Jiji’. It is simply nonsense. Do you know what it says?” The air is drawn into the body-the original text is called “qi”, maybe something else.”

“When you have Qi in your body, it will enter your stomach-it is called “Tandian” in the book, but it is actually the stomach. Your stomach is connected to your body’s blood vessels and nerves-it is called “Meridian” ‘And then what are you going to do? – You want to control these qi, swim in your meridians, and form a cycle, let this cycle flow in your body day and night.”

Cycling, Lin Xun captured this term keenly. He asked, “What next?”

“The following content has no scientific basis at all, it is simply nonsense.” Zhao Jieji said quickly, “The book says that the reason why people are sick is because of the diseased “stagnation” in your meridians. When you control the circulation of “qi” in the body, these “qi” will gradually rush away all the obstacles, so that your whole body and meridians become smooth. When all the lesions disappear At the time, your body has reached a state of’complete health’. This process takes roughly three years, so it is “Thousand Days Foundation”.”

Wang Safety: “Completely healthy? Will he not be ill, fat, or bald?”

“You won’t get sick, you won’t be bald, but it’s not necessarily fat,” Zhao Jianliang said coolly: “When your body reaches full health, it’s regarded as “building success”, you can use your Completely healthy body, do some other cultivation. The whole content of this book is like this.”

Lin Xun: “Is this the whole book?”

“The first one-third is talking about this.” Zhao Jiankai opened the second half of the book and pointed to a human body structure diagram and said to him: “The second two-thirds are to teach you how to implement it, such as how to do this cycle Go, which meridian you go from that meridian or something. Or teach you what kind of posture to meditate-meditate, algorithm, I think this is not a normal book, the person writing it has a mental problem.”

Lin Xun took the book from the architecture and thought about it.

Zhao Jianji and Wang Jianjing looked at his eyes with great concern, like two old fathers who worried that their son would step into the vortex of evil i religion.

Lin Xun said: “I’ll go back to the room for a while, I’m going to verify something.”

Zhao Jianji: “You don’t really want to practice?”

“In any case,” Lin Xun narrowed his eyes: “At least I am still a materialist.”

Zhao Jianshe: “Then please stick to it.”

Lin Xun: “Okay.”

He lay down on his bed, holding the book “Building a Thousand Days”, and thought Zhao Zhao’s words again, then closed his eyes and focused on the mysterious space last night.

Sure enough, the next moment, he was there again, facing the huge, blue C language input interface.

The main purpose of “Thousand Days Foundation” is to let “qi” form a cycle in the body.

The loop structure is one of the basic structures of the programming language. Its function is to repeatedly execute a certain algorithm.

Lin Xun put his hand on the keyboard and wrote a simple loop program.

This is a one-fold cycle, very simple, the purpose is from one to seven.

First set a loop variable i, the initial value is 1. Each time the loop is executed, the machine will judge whether i is less than 8, and complete it with the statement while (i<8).

If the statement in parentheses is true, that is, when i is less than 8, multiplication is performed and the result is stored. Subsequently, the value of i is increased by one and continues to be judged. This loop will not stop until i equals 8.

Soon, the results came out, 5040.

The progress bar has not risen.

Lin Xun’s expressionless face modified the cycle.

He hits the keyboard very fast-and the size of the keyboard in his hand is also very in line with his habit, he can play completely blind.

He changed the first cycle into a double cycle and wrote a multiplication table.

A double loop is to nest another larger loop on top of the original single loop. The simple multiplication of natural numbers can be done with ordinary single-layer loops, but if there are other requirements, the number of loops may increase.

After the program runs, the running interface is a perfect multiplication table. He saw the progress bar next to him slowly moving forward, the value changed from 85 percent to 88 percent.

Then he created a new file and wrote a triple loop.

The progress bar moved again, from 88% to 90%.

Sure enough, the key is circulation!

What next?

Continue to increase the weight of the cycle?

Lin Xun thinks that it is not right. Loops with more than three levels are rarely used in programming. It requires a lot of calculations and is very ugly. In short, it makes no sense.

The key to “Building a Thousand Days”-“Qi” flows in the meridians, night and day, endlessly-

Night and day, endless…

Lin Xun’s finger on the keyboard trembles slightly, and his heart beats rapidly, as if he suddenly caught the idea of ​​understanding the question!

He presses…to hold the delete key and deletes the first judgment statement of the triple loop!

He entered a simple command in the original position:

while (1)

The meaning of the while statement is that when the expression value in parentheses is true, the loop is executed.

-The value of 1 is always true in the C language.

Therefore, the meaning of this statement is that this loop will be executed forever and forever.

In a sense, this is a wrong program, because there is no condition for the end of the cycle-the computer will execute instructions indefinitely until it is interrupted by external interference.

But sometimes, mistakes also make sense.

Lin Xun presses the run key to call up the run result.

The pure black interface pops up, but there is no output of the result-this cycle will never stop, so the result will never be output.

This is an endless loop.

Lin Xun gave a light breath and closed his eyes.

He felt that this practice might not be as simple as he thought-after all, it was easy to write a correct program for Lin Xun, but it was a little difficult to write a wrong program.

As he expected, at the next moment, a mechanical sound rang throughout the space: “The cycle starts, and foundation building begins. Estimated time: ten days.”

Lin Xun opened his eyes and saw that the task progressed slowly and slowly towards the end.

In other words, after ten days, the progress bar will reach the end, and his foundation will be completed. Then, you will receive the reward, 50 funds and 30 spiritual power.

The high probability of martial arts means that the company’s property, but just do not know how to convert it with the actual unit.

And what is the so-called “spiritual power”? have no idea for now.

Lin Xun once again focused his attention, returned to the real world, and opened his eyes in bed.

The midday sun passed through the window and spilled on him.

This room has good daylight, and the grandfather on the first floor planted two hawthorn trees on the open space in front of the building more than ten years ago. Now, the tree has grown to three floors high, just blocking Lin Xun’s windows and controlling the sunlight. Just the right category.

Lin Xun looked at the window.

He suddenly froze.

He has been dealing with computers since he recognized words, and has been facing the screen for a long time-although his life habits were good and his eyesight was maintained, he still fell a little short-sighted.

This point is harmless, does not need to wear glasses, and does not affect real life at all, but when looking at distant objects, it will eventually be a little vague.

However, at this moment, he clearly saw the very end of the hawthorn treetops, two green leaves that had just sprouted!

He has never seen it so clearly!

Lin Xun rubbed his eyes and looked again, and found it still so clear.

He came down from the bed and came to the window. He carefully surveyed the hawthorn from beginning to end, and then set his sights on various buildings in the distance.

The field of vision is as clear as it has been washed in water.

The breeze blew the leaves, rustling, and the sound of every two leaves colliding, gently tapped on his eardrum.

Thinking of what happened just now, Lin Xun’s mind slowly emerged.

Sorry, architecture.

My materialist worldview may not stand still.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.