C Language Cultivation

Chapter 7 - Reptile (1)

His body has changed, some positive changes.

All he did was write an infinite loop program in a mysterious space.

And this endless loop program, if using Huo Huo’s theoretical explanation of the cultivation of immortals, is to start “building a foundation”.

This was already the case just after the foundation was built. What will happen to his body after the foundation is completed after ten days?

Lin Xun looked at the treetops of the hawthorn gently swaying in the breeze, pursing his lips.

He walked out of his room.

Wang Jingjian and Zhao Jijian have finished their lunch and started to take a lunch break-playing games.

Seeing him come out, the two men greeted him.

Lin Xun was sitting on the sofa, sucking a sip of Coke, and biting the straw completely.

Then he said: “I have something to tell you.”

Perhaps his tone was very solemn, and both Wang Jingan and Zhao Jijie began to hang up, and looked up to listen to him.

Lin Xun said the matter one by one.

The two were silent for a long while. Finally, Wang Jingdao said: “Really not your illusion? I suggest you continue to go to psychiatry.”

Zhao Jianji said: “But anyone with a little brain will not believe you, I will dial 120.”

Wang Jianjing: “I didn’t expect you to be a fantasy.”

Lin Xun: “…”

Lin Xun: “Okay.”

But he will not accept the ridicule of these two people, so he said: “I predict that ten days later, our company will have an unexpected income into the account, in units of 50.”

Zhao Jijian restarted the game and said, “Algorithm, this world is materialistic, you have to remember this.”

Wang Safety: “Your mental pressure is really too great. We have to hire a programmer as soon as possible to relieve your work pressure.”


According to the progress, after ten days, he completed the foundation construction, and the system will issue the reward “Sectarian Fund 50”. At that time, he is going to hit these two faces.

He pretended he didn’t care about this matter: “Don’t talk about this.”

Wang Safety: “Let’s discuss what kind of programmer to hire, and how much salary to give him.”

Lin Xun: “Our code is hard to write.”

Luoshen is still a prototype, an engine that can run normally, but the functions that can be shown to users have not been implemented yet. To achieve this, a lot of code is required.

——Before this, the code of “Luo Shen” was written by the three of them. They have their own strengths in the professional field, but the specific programming skills are not perfect. Therefore, the core code of Luoshen is ugly and very long, and Lin Xun is working hard to design an optimization algorithm.

Now, the amount of work required for programming is so great that the three of them can’t hold back, and a fourth person is needed-this person must have superb skills, and must be proficient in python and bsp; this means that his salary must be Very high.

Wang Safety puts forward the hypothesis: “If we hire a programmer with a monthly salary of 10,000 yuan.”

Lin Xun: “You will get a programmer for Baidu and csdn programming.”

“When his monthly salary rises to 20,000–“

Zhao Jianshe: “He will be proficient in programming for Google and github.”

Wang Safety: “Then we will give fifty thousand.”

Lin Xun: “He is a qualified programmer, but he still can’t adapt to the programming difficulty of Luoshen.”

Wang Safe sighed: “Why a luxury farmer?”

“Think about our value and safety.” Zhao Jianshu shrugged: “eas pays us 60 or 70 in the first year. It’s already too low. They also added additional stocks, so you and I can only move.”

Wang Jianjing: “How much did eagle drive you?”

Lin Xun saw that they would be caught in the endless debate about python and java because of the comparison, and quickly stopped: “I think his monthly salary range should be between 70,000 and 100,000…”

“Then our funds were cut in half, and we have to rent another server.” Wang Jingjian arms: “So, algorithm, do you know what your task is tonight?”

Lin Xun: “…Know.”

-Ask Dongjun for money.

God knows that he is just a person who has to hesitate to make phone calls to Dongjun.

However, the night always comes so quickly.

He stood in front of the mirror: “Are you sure I want to wear this?”

Zhao Jianshe: “I suggest you believe me.”

Lin Xun looked at himself in the mirror.

White turtleneck sweater, coat is not very formal, a beige trench coat.

All are very light colors, and that soft turtleneck makes him look very…

Lin Xun: “This is the style my sister would like.”

“Yes,” Zhao Jianji walked around him a few times: “You are now so cute as a bunny who just left the nest.”

“Architecture.” Lin Xun: “You have improved your metaphor level.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Zhao Jianjie gave him a whole collar and continued: “But, it will not be too weak, because your temperament is very calm. So, it is rising, young, and rising, very bright .”

Lin Xun: “You started to use words inappropriately.”

“I’m sorry.” Architect said: “Then I change the description, you are like a brother now.”

Lin Xun: “?”

Wang Safe laughed out loud.

“The best choice for sister and brother love, a beautiful little milk wolf. In that way, women will say aloud when they see you-brother, I can.” Zhao Jianji added.

Lin Xun no longer understands the nonsense of the structure. He has not only become a younger brother, but also an animal without weaning.

However, in any case, like his language level, the aesthetic level of architecture is also the highest of the three of them.

Moreover, he also believed in his wardrobe.

His sister, Lin Ting, is four years older than him. He is currently studying art abroad and undoubtedly has a very good aesthetic.

Lin Xun’s wardrobe is properly matched one by one by Ms. Lin Ting, and placed in different occasions. There has never been a mistake.

“In short,” Wang Safety concluded: “Tonight, you will use your young beauty and young brain to impress Dongjun and let him add follow-up investment.”

Lin Xun: “Will you pick me up?”

“No, you grew up, algorithm. You have to take the bus yourself, and then use this thing to evoke Dongjun’s sympathy-a genius, but because he is not appreciated, he can only take the bus.”

Lin Xun no longer intended to ignore him and turned to go out.

The moment he left, he also heard Zhao Jianbo chatter: “Safe, look at the algorithm tonight, he looks only 19 years old, he can evoke the motherhood of all female animals.”

Lin Xun couldn’t hold back and said back, “But I’m going to see Dongjun.”

Zhao Jizhuo: “You have to believe that human nature is interlinked.”

Zhao Jianshe, he is a sophistry.

Lin Xun came to the appointed place.

This place is a low-key western restaurant around the Milky Way Building, but the interior design is very delicate, with soothing music flowing in the air and the smell of rose petals.

There were a lot of red lights on the road. He arrived about five minutes earlier than the agreed time.

Dongjun is already here.

He wore a very simple black shirt, the cuffs were rolled up to reveal a wrist, and there was no decoration other than the silver watch, and the neckline loosened a button.

The frame was changed to dark gray, the same color mirror chain, and there was no expression on the face. The whole person seemed very serious and not so serious. Lin Xun’s language level was not enough to describe it accurately.

“You are here.” Dongjun said.

“You have been waiting for a long time.” Lin Xun sat down.

“Not long.” Dongjun pushed him a glass of sherry.

There is a thin layer of white mist on the outer wall of the stemware, which is iced.

Lin Xun remembered yesterday that in the office of the male god… he gave himself the glass of ice water.

He thought that maybe the goddess’s habits in this respect are similar to his own, and he doesn’t like hot things.

“Is Mr. Lin’s residence far from here?”

“Six kilometers, not far.” Lin Xun pursed his lips: “You don’t need to call me’Mr. Lin’, just call the name. My name is… Lin Xun.”

“Lin Xun…” Dong Jun repeated the name and asked, “Does your friend call you that too?”

“Sometimes,” Lin Xun said: “They often call me’algorithm’.”

There seemed to be a smile in Dongjun’s eyes.

Lin Xun explained: “Because the two of them are called “security” and the other is called “architecture.”

Dongjun Road: “Then your team still lacks a’code’.”

“Yes, we are looking for it.” Lin Xun said: “But it’s not easy to find.”

“The Roselle algorithm is a completely new structure.”

“Yes, for this reason, and budgetary factors… We can’t pay the top programmers for the salaries we can pay.” Lin Xun said this in a half-joking tone-although he was a little bit **** Dazzled, but did not forget Wang Yin’s yin command.

He watched Dongjun take a sip of the wine. The light in this environment was not bright and ambiguous, and the glass was swaying with the erratic luster.

Only listen to Dongjun Road: “When do you plan to start the first round of financing?”


“We, aren’t…” Lin Xun stared at him: “Is the first round of financing in progress?”

“You may have some misunderstandings.” Dong Jun said: “The purchase of equity is a personal statement of mine.”

Lin Xun blinked.

“In this case, when you start the first round of financing, you may give priority to the venture capital of Galaxy, rather than…eagle.”

Lin Xun thought for a while: “But only you chose us.”

Dongjun Road: “I like math.”

Lin Xun: “Then do you mean that during the first round of financing, will Galaxy inject capital for Luoshen?”

“As long as you come up with a preliminary result,” Dong Jundao said: “You have now convinced me with the algorithm, and then you have to use the shaped results to convince the venture capital department.”

Lin Xun looked at Dong Jun’s eyes and felt that after just two contacts, he established trust in him.

Dong Jun’s character at this time is not as indifferent and strong as he showed in front of the media, Lin Xun even now thinks he speaks well.

He was reluctant to attribute this to the merchant’s means, and he had a long-established fondness for Dongjun.

Along this topic, he mentioned the next step, such as the functions he wanted to achieve.

“In theory, Luoshen can do all the functions of the current intelligent system. For the new functions, I have no idea at the moment, but… its processing efficiency, according to the formula, will be much higher than that of the neural network engine. I want to start from this point .”

The neural network engine can make a judgment similar to “intelligence” through the analysis of massive data, but this also creates a problem. The closer it is to real intelligence, the more data is required. The huge amount of data will bring disaster, and the requirements for hardware and software are very high, especially now that data mining technology encounters bottlenecks.

A confusing question-why the 1,200 grams of brain tissue can quickly make judgments and possess the learning ability, still cannot be reproduced on a machine with extremely powerful computing power and far more storage than the human brain.

However, Luo Shen can narrow the gap between them.

This means a possibility, an exciting possibility-maybe one day, it can be achieved.

Lin Xun has always been clear about what he has been doing in the past three years, so even if Wang Jianjian proposed to “disengage” several times, he has not wavered.

Dongjun Road: “Do you have data support?”

“Not yet,” Lin Xun said: “We plan to rent the server tomorrow and start the calculation.”

Dongjun gently tapped the desktop with his fingertips: “The Galaxy Headquarters computer room currently has spare servers that can be opened to Luoshen. Contact Ruan Zhi when you need it.”

Lin Xun said: “Thank you…”

If you don’t consider the cost of renting the server, the budget will save a lot of money. This interview between him and Dongjun is already full.

The next step is to confirm the contract. After everything is done, Dongjun asks about his progress.

Lin Xun suddenly awakened, Luo Shen has returned with full load, but he has not yet.

-This man is Dongjun, a legendary programmer with a pair of hands blessed by Apollo!

And he just happened to have confusion in the code!

He started asking for advice.

——He brought pen and paper today.

It wasn’t until the waiter started serving that his consultation was over-there was still a bit more meaning, and he didn’t want to put away the pen and paper.

Suddenly Dongjun said something he didn’t mean: “I only ordered a dessert.”

Lin Xun expressed his confusion by not answering.

Then I saw a faint smile in Dongjun’s eyes: “But your image today makes me think it should be more.”

Lin Xun: “…”

He remembered the nonsense of Zhao Jizhuo when he was leaving, what is “you are like a rabbit just out of the nest”.

Oh, no, bunny.

He pretended not to hear anything and remembered nothing.

After dinner, Dongjun asked: “How do you go back?”

Lin Xun: “Bus.”

Dongjun: “I send you?”

Lin Xun just sat in the black Bentley of the male god, with a question that he hadn’t fully understood and could continue to consult on the road.

At the moment when he buckled his seat belt, he thought that Zhao Jie was a jerk, but, Wang Safety, he was really a genius.

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