Caelus Online

16. A Dandy Man



Class: Mage - Lv: 10 – 2.5%     [+6]

Race: ???

Gender: Female

Age: 20


HP: 150/150

MP: 420/420

Fatigue: 4%

Hunger: 20%


Skill Points: 262/277 - 0%     [+261]  

Attribute Points: 31     [+31]



VIT: 15

STA: 10

DEF: 10 (+1)

STR: 10 (+4)

AGI: 20 (+4)

DEX: 10

INT: 25 (+17)

WIS: 45 (+30)     



Enchanted Mastercraft Steel Staff [Rare+]

(34 ATK) (WIS+10, INT+10)

Enchanted Mastercraft Steel Short Sword [Rare+]

(52 ATK) (WIS +15) (Sharpness+)

Common Shirt


Steel Bracers [Rare]

(WIS+5, STR+4)

Common Trousers


Steel Plated Leather Boots [Rare]

(INT+5, AGI+4)

Black Robe [Uncommon]

(INT +2) (DEF +1)



(+ To Expand)


Charisma: 10

Luck: 550


Karma: 100,000



Staff Lv 1

Short-sword Lv 1

Magic Arrow Lv 1

Fireball Lv 1

Lightning Lv 1

Earth spike Lv 1    


[Fame and Contribution]

Personal Fame: 16

The Temple: 330

Adventurers Guild: 380

Alennos Kingdom: 11



-The First Immortal Warrior-

[Common Titles]

(+ To Expand)




After seeing the changes in her status page, Astaria was quite pleased that her mana had increased by over 400 points while her WIS, boosted by equipment had reached 75. The gains from her equipment further improved her damage output and sustainability.

Astaria also noticed that she had 31 free Status Points to apply to her attributes, as well as 250 Skill Points. While this may have seemed like a lot, Skill Points became harder to gain the higher your total amount increased, and to completely upgrade a skills level to the max could take hundreds of points.

Deciding to sort through her Status Page later when they were travelling to Woodspike Forest, Astaria returned her attention to Vordrun who was waiting for her to finish her business.

“That’s a major improvement, thank you for getting me the equipment. Your discerning eye is as perceptive as ever.”

With a smug nod, Vordrun crossed his arms.

“Ye welcome lass. Come, let's return to the front. Ye still 'ave things to prepare for ol’ big green.”

With a reply in affirmation, they returned to the front of the shop where Ben was inspecting a longsword.

“You all sorted?”

Ben asked as he looked to the back to see Vordrun and Astaria entering the room. Raising her arm for Ben to see her bracers, she replied with a grin.

“Yes, got all the equipment I need, as well as your bracers.”

Vordrun walked over to Ben and handed him the new gear.

“Ye got yerself an intrerin friend 'ere lad.”

With a cheeky smile, Ben replied with a pause remembering not to refer to Astaria as ‘him’ so he did not accidentally confuse Vordrun.

“Well… she has always had a few quirks, but she is true to her friends.”

Shaking her head in exasperation, Astaria looked at Ben.

“Hey Ben, not cool, next time you’re hitting on someone I will tell them you have a small quirk in the form of a 1-inch wonder.”

Nodding his head with a face of faked enlightenment, Ben shared his newfound revelation.

“I see, so that’s what’s going on here, and I thought you liked them tall and classy?”

With a slight laugh, Astaria brought her hand to her forehead at the sound of Ben's chuckling.

“Guess I should have seen that one coming.”

Vordrun, now seeing the two’s comedy skit is over, spoke up.

“Ye two seem close, nice ter see. Anyway, it's 5 gold, 8 silver fer everything.”

After handing over the money from her inventory, Astaria rested her hand on the pummel of her new short sword hanging from her waist.

“Well, we shall not keep you from your forging, I will be back as soon as time permits to show you where I am with my technique.”

Leaning on the shop's counter, Vordrun replied with a look of anticipation.

“I'll be waitin'. Take care lass, and stay safe.”

With a wave of her hand, Astaria and Ben exited the shop, making their way onto the main crafting street.

As they were walking, Ben asked Astaria about their next stop.

“I guess it's clothes next?”

With a smile, Astaria responded.

“Yes, I need to get myself a new shirt, trousers, and a hooded cloak to replace this one.”

 Astaria tugged at the collar of her black robe while turning down the 3rd street on the right towards the tailor’s shop.

Astaria entered the shop followed by Ben, their arrival announced by the chime of a bell, as they made their way to the shop's counter behind various rows of clothing racks.

The counter was attended to by a tall man with slicked-back hair. His attire was as one would expect of a dandy man, a deep red jacket covering a good quality white shirt featuring a few ruffles, and a monocle covering his left eye.

Rubbing his chin in thought, the shopkeeper appraised Astaria as she stood before him resting a hand on the counter.

“Hmm, young lady, I don’t suppose you would be a noble?”

Upon hearing the man's comment, Astaria’s eyes momentarily widened in surprise before she raised an inquisitive eyebrow while responding.

“Why do you think that?”

Resting his elbows on the counter and leaning forward slightly, he carefully pointed out his observations.

“Well, firstly your movements are quite refined, exuding a certain elegance that I have only seen from the daughters of extremely wealthy merchants or nobles. The way you rested your hand on the counter was quite graceful.”

After gesturing with a nod towards where Astaria’s hand was placed, he continued.

“Next would be your demeanour, it is filled with confidence and self-assurance. When paired with your movements, it only further supports my speculation.”

Clasping his hands together while looking at Astaria’s face which is still tinged with intrigue, he gave his final observation.

“Lastly, you are incredibly beautiful, and it is rare for a noble lady to not possess beauty.”

With a slight sigh in exasperation, Astaria conceded.

“Well, you are correct. I am an Immortal Warrior, and in the world where we come from, I am the… daughter of the Ducal Branford family. I will be officially inheriting the title in the next few days.”

Feeling slightly strange at now having to call herself the ‘daughter of the Branford family’ instead of ‘son’ Astaria gave the shopkeeper a smile while waiting for his response.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened in apparent shock as he took a step back and gave a gracious bow.

“Your Grace, I humbly welcome you to my shop. I apologise for not giving Your Grace a more fitting welcome.”

With a wave of her hand, Astaria casually replied to the shopkeeper's almost reverent greeting who was still bowing, while ignoring Ben who had turned around pretending to look at the clothes while holding back his laughter.

“Please rise, no need for the formality, in this world, I am just an adventurer looking for some equipment. My title of Duchess does not mean much here.”

Raising back up, the now slightly confused shopkeeper asked a question while stroking his chin.

“I thank you for your generosity. May I ask as to why you think your title does not carry much weight here? Surely you at least have quite some sway over the other Immortal Warriors?”

With a smile, Astaria began to explain.

“Well in short, where I am from is a country called the United Kingdom. Due to the decisions of a foolish king of the past, there was a civil war in which the power of the monarchy shifted to the nobles and eventually elected commoners who in the modern day take the role of governance. The system is quite complicated, but the nobility lost most of their political power, being reduced to a group who reviews legislation before it is signed into law.”

Taking a slight breath, Astaria continued her explanation.

“Due to the loss of power, the nobility faded into the background while still holding titles, assets, and some cultural importance. In our world, someone who has gained a large amount of fame will have more sway than myself at the moment.”

With a nod of understanding and a raised eyebrow, the shopkeeper asked another question.

“You said ‘at the moment’, I can’t help but ask if that will change in the near future?”

With a slight smirk, Astaria leaned her left elbow onto the counter as she spoke.

“You are correct. You see, the Immortal Warriors will start to create guilds of like-minded individuals, which in time will start to gain much influence. Due to our particular… constitution, we have the ability to fight without worry and will quickly grow to become powerful. The most powerful of us will gain a lot of fame amongst the other Immortal warriors. And let’s just say that I have a lot more knowledge of this world than any other Immortal Warriors.”

At Astaria's words, the shopkeeper fell into thought, pondering the implications of his newfound knowledge. With another short bow, he spoke.

“I see, so that’s how it is. Well, if you need any assistance in the future, please feel free to make use of my services.”

With a sudden realisation, the shopkeeper bowed again.

“Oh! I forgot to introduce myself, my name is Daval, a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

Inwardly sighing at how Daval insisted on the formalities, Astaria gave him a short nod of her head.

“A pleasure, my name is Astaria.”

After Astaria’s greeting, Daval finally moved to the point of their visit.

“So, Lady Astaria, how may I be of assistance to you today? I assume from your earlier comments that you are looking for decent clothes suitable for combat?”





Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void



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