Caelus Online

17. Shopping Trip

“Indeed, I am looking for a new pair of trousers, shirt, and hooded robe suitable for a mage. I would prefer it if the items leaned towards boosting my wisdom if possible.”

With a thoughtful expression, Daval took a moment to think over Astaria’s request before asking.

“I see, would you mind if I took your measurements?”

With no hesitation, Astaria agreed, familiar with the process.

“Not at all, please go ahead.”

Moving from behind the reception with a tape measure in hand, he deftly took Astaria’s measurements, making notes on a piece of paper.

With a nod of approval, Daval started to shuffle through some of the clothes racks on the right side of the shop while speaking to himself.

“I see, I see… do you have a preference in colours?”

Without thinking much, Astaria replied.

“White shirt black trousers and hooded robe.”

After shuffling through the clothes for a bit, Daval pulled out a white, long sleeve blouse with loosely layered ruffles on the front and a small pair of black trousers made from leather.

“Here, I think these will suit your perfect figure quite well.”

Hearing Daval’s words spoken with the sincerity of a tailor admiring proportions, Astaria could only shake her head thinking of how his words could be seen as flirting if taken out of context.

Accepting the clothes, Daval guided Astaria to the back of the shop where a dressing room was located before returning to search for a suitable hooded robe.

Carefully removing her bracers and boots, Astaria stripped off her remaining clothes, placing them into her inventory. She took the leather trousers and started to put them on with a bit of effort. They were skin-tight so were not the easiest to slip over her legs.

Astaria had worn skinny jeans a few times in the past, so the tight feeling of the leather on her legs was not that unusual, however, she did feel a little more liberated than back then since she didn’t have her manhood tightly pancaked against her leg.

Feeling quite comfortable from the sensation, she moved to put on the blouse. It is slightly loose around her torso, the ruffles conservatively reducing how large her breasts looked but still hinting at her bountiful size. Looking into the crude mirror next to her, she noded in approval, deciding to tuck the bottom blouse into her trousers. Putting her knee-high boots back on and strapping the bracers onto her forearms, Astaria flicked her long golden hair back over her shoulders as it gleamed down her back in the light.

Returning to the shop, Astaria saw Daval giving her an appraising look with a nod while Ben sighed and commented.

“I know you’re not a fan of me saying so, but the gods really did bless you with good looks. Your previous clothes didn’t do you justice.”

Shaking her head, Astaria replied in exasperation.

“Yes, the gods sure did. I will admit, it was quite satisfying to see the improvement from the clothes, but it still feels quite weird dressing like this. It’s just a shame I will attract even more attention, I’m still far from being comfortable with all the strange stares.”

Walking over Daval commented on Astaria’s words, handing over the hooded robe he had selected.

“You should have more pride in your looks, Lady Astaria, most women would crawl over Beatle Hill for just a fraction of your beauty.”

Inwardly laughing at the locally used metaphor, Astaria replied to his sincerity.

“Thank you for the kind words, maybe in time I will be more comfortable with myself, however right now I’m still quite reserved about it.”

With a smile and a nod, Daval moved behind the reception again.

“Take your time, after all, I’m sure your future will be bright.”

Quickly calculating the cost on his sheet of paper, Daval spoke up again.

“That will be 3 gold and 2 silver please.”

Handing over the money, Astaria put on her new hooded robe. The black robe reached down to her ankles, with a decretive embroidered white trim featured along all its edges. she pulled her hood down, covering her head while giving Daval some parting words.

“Thank you for your help, I shall see you soon. Until then, take care.”

With a light bow, Daval returned the farewell.

“And you My Lady, I wish you the best of fortune with your feats to come.”

Walking back onto the street, Astaria and Ben began to make their way back toward the market square.

“So, is there anything else you need?”

Moving to the side to let a wagon stacked with wood pass, Astaria answered.

“Just potions. I still have 2 gold and 2 silver, plus some change. I should be able to get a decent stock of basic potions with what I have left over after keeping 1 gold for a horse.”

Letting out a hum in agreement, the duo weaved their way through the streets which were starting to become busier as noon approached, along with its promise of lunchtime.

Arriving at the market square, Astaria decided to buy them both some food before the crowds increased. They chatted casually while they checked out the stalls selling food, Ben eventually deciding to get some sandwiches for later and a baked potato with cheese to eat for lunch, while Astaria, also purchasing some sandwiches, finally decided on lentil soup served in a tall wooden cup.

After finishing their meals, they walked to the south side of the market square where one of the city's main apothecaries was located.

Their time in the shop was quite brief, where Astaria decided to buy 6 mana potions costing 2 silver each, 5 fatigue reduction potions costing 80 coppers each, and 2 health potions costing 2 silvers and 20 copper leaving her with 1 gold and 73 copper.

With this last purchase, all of Astaria’s current business inside of the city had been completed and she only needed to buy a horse while on route to catching up with the combat group, who by now should be in the Woodspike Forest and starting to level up.

Walking towards the city gates Astaria posed a question to Ben.

“By the way, do you still remember how to ride a horse? I know it’s been some years since you joined me in playing polo?”

With a thumbs up Ben answered with confidence.

“Yeah, it was a while back, but I still got it. I had me a cheeky bit of practice this morning before we were due to meet up.”

With a smile, Astaria let out a quiet laugh.

“I still remember when you almost got kicked in the face walking behind that white horse.”

Shaking his head, Ben sighs in exasperation.

“Honestly man, nobody told me horses get all angsty with someone behind them! Besides, that horse had it in for me, screw being white, it should have been black with glowing red eyes, that thing was a demon!”

With a laugh, Astaria nonchalantly waved her hand.

“You’re not wrong, that thing certainly had some issues with you. If I recall correctly, it got put down after charging straight into a buffet table and nearly injuring a few spectators, the last of many similar incidents. It’s a shame, the horse should not have been given the chance in the first when looking at its personality, instead being just let to roam in a field.”

Ben shook his head in dismay.

“Damn, it may have been evil, but that’s still sad.”

As they approached the gates, Astaria made sure to look around for the guard from last night, Gerald, unfortunately not spotting him anywhere. Determined to find out where he was, she walked up to one of the guards currently on duty and asked him for information.

“Excuse me, I don’t suppose Gerald is around?”

Becoming cautious, the guard answered while resting his hand on his sword.

“A hooded figure asking for a guard, that seems quite… Suspicious.”

With sudden realisation of her situation and the concern that being an airhead was contagious, Astaria pulled her hood up enough for the guard to see her face.

“You see, Gerald helped me last night when I was quite incapacitated and led me to an inn, I wanted to express my thanks to him.”

With a gasp after seeing her face, he mutters to himself.

“So, Harvey was not lying about her looks, damn. *Ahem* My apologies for the suspicion Miss, Gerald is on the night shift so is currently hugging his pillow like a sleeping baby in the guardhouse, we won’t be seeing him for a while.”

Letting out a charming laugh at the guard’s comment and causing him to blush, Astaria replied in a good mood.

“Thank you for the information, I shan’t disturb him from his evening's companion and catch him at a better time.”

Leaving the guard with a massive grin on his face as the beautiful lady embraced his joke, Astaria and Ben made it outside the city gates to be met with the sight of a busy main road as an increased number of players finally arrived in Halligrad from the various starting villages across the kingdom.

Taking a sharp left and making their way along the road that ran between fields of corn and the city wall, they eventually make it to large open grass fields surrounded by a shoulder-height fence, all filled with various breeds of horses.

Astaria stopped to look at the horses roaming and grazing in the fields as she commented to Ben.

“This sight always manages to impress me, there are only a few places of this size and scale on earth…”



Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void



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