Caelus Online

Forums – 1


[Caelus Online Forum]


[Thread - Welcome to Caelus Online!]


[Adventurer Passing By 523]

Wow, this game is so realistic, its mind boggling!


[Adventurer Passing By 478]

I know, they weren’t kidding in saying the game was revolutionary, its unlike anything else I have played before.


[Adventurer Passing By 908]

I was last playing Arcadia Online, and compared to this game, Arcadia may as well been run on potato mode.


[Adventurer Passing By 478]

Lol, spud mode, didn’t think anyone would say that about the past VR games. What times we are in.


[Adventurer Passing By 145]

So, how is everyone finding the tutorial?


[Adventurer Passing By 478]

This village chief is such a douche, he is acting all pretentious.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Seriously, the one in our village is actually quite nice.


[Adventurer Passing By 145]

Lucky you, the one here just put a sign on his door with guidance before slamming it in a poor players face yelling “fuck off already and stop with your constant pestering”


[Adventurer Passing By 478]

Damn, that’s nuts. I thought the NPC’s were supposed to properly guide us, like you know.


[Adventurer Passing By 523]

Well, the devs did tell us that the NPC’s were like real people. Guess the old guy got tired and decided to play 9D chess with that sign.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

I have just completed everything in the village and i have been directed to go to the Capital City. Im totally hyped!


[Adventurer Passing By 145]

How far away are you? Apparently it takes a day on foot from the village where i spawned.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Seriously? That must suck for you! I’m only an hour away. There are a few of us who will be going to kill some enemies on the way there.


[Adventurer Passing By 145]

What enemies are in the area? Over here we have a small goblin settlement on the edge of the mountains and some slimes.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

I spoke to this one villager who started going on some massive rant about slimes, I ended up just walking away from him after a minute.


[Adventurer Passing By 478]

You should have stayed; it might have been some secret quest like ‘destroyer of slime’ or something XD


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Imagine lol. It was too intense for me, I will let someone else take that on if such a thing even exists.


[Thread - Haligrad City]


[Adventurer Passing By]

Just made it here, my god its awesome!


[Master Sing-Ming]

Yes, this young master was impressed. It is a city full of opportunities and chance encounters that shall boost our growth.



Damn, this B is chattin all 3rd person like.


[Master Sing-Ming]

Are you insulting this powerful young master? Where are you, i shall teach you the consequences of your rudeness



Damn B, chill out, was just a comment.


[Adventurer Passing By]

Well, this chat got heated real fast.


[Master Sing-Ming]

This young master is from the great Ming family, you should be more careful in the future to not to offend one such as me.



B, i have never heard of no Ming family. Yo Chinese family ting means nutin in south London. Over here you gotta earn yo respect.


[Master Sing-Ming]

You have not heard of my great Ming family? That is unbelievable.



Excuse me amigos, but this is about the game, not your real life peacocking.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Exactly, and on that did any of you pass the horror show player by the front gates?



Wait a second b, you betta be lyin.


[Master Sing-Ming]

This young master has not seen anything. Brother 555.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Well, there was this rather pretty girl with a dead look in her eyes, covered head to toe in blood walking to the city in the dark. As soon as we saw that our party got out of there fast.



Nah, Fuck that B, i aint getting involved with none of that.


[Adventurer Passing By 743]

I’m in the market square and she was just following a guard into an inn. I was not close enough to see what her name was tho.



Ay, that is horrifying, just what kind of player is she! She must be a psycho or something. Count me out of it Amigo.


[Master Sing-Ming]

This Sing-Ming will deal with such a player should she ever get in my way, worry not brother BigZ.


[Adventurer Passing By 555]

Sing-Ming, where do you think all that blood came from? She would likely rip you apart before you get a chance to swing at her.


[Master Sing-Ming]

This Sing-Ming shall not be beaten by that savage beast! Our Ming clan is not so weak to succumb to such weak rabble.



Hey man, dont go getting yourself all shanked up, its a game so you never know what shit could get real.


[Master Sing-Ming]

You speak true brother BigZ, but this Sing-Ming is already level 4. You need not worry so much for me.


[Adventurer Passing By743]

Lv 4 already? The enemies where I came from don’t give much xp and have almost lv3 after grinding for hours.


[Master Sing-Ming]

Yes, praise this Sing-Ming. I am the best player after all. I shall dominate this game with my heavens sword technique.



Damn B, you confident as hell.



Yes amigo, I’m sure you will rise to the top!





Proof Reader: Aegis_Of_The_Void



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