Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

A Happy Mother’s Day (Harry Potter)

Poll Winner

Themes: Loving Sex, Incest, Big Dick

Summary: Harry has always been attracted to his mum. And why not? She's not only smoking hot and insanely attractive, but also the woman who's always been there for him.
“Thank you, Harry. That was quite a lovely dinner.”
“I should hope so. It’s Mother’s Day and you’re my mum. I’d be a poor excuse for a son if I did any less.”
Lily Evans Potter chuckles as they step out of the restaurant together, with Harry holding her hand to help her over the threshold. When he goes to drop it, she holds on a little tighter and he gives her a smile, allowing it.
The two of them are well-known celebrities at this point in their lives. Not only was Lily the woman who’s love vanquished Voldemort the first time around, saving her and her son after the valiant death of his father… but Harry himself was the Man-Who-Won, who had defeated Voldemort on his Second Rise and brought peace and safety back to the wizarding world.
To see the two of them coming out of the most expensive, high-class restaurant in all of Diagon Alley on the evening of Mother’s Day surprised no one. After all, they were two peas in a pod, and everyone knew Harry Potter loved his mother, and that Lily doted on him in turn.
What they didn’t know was that Harry had always harbored feelings for his mother. She was drop-dead gorgeous, and incredibly attractive after all. Not just now, but throughout his entire life, Lily Potter had been the standard of beauty Harry measured every other witch he met by. Suffice to say, every single one was found wanting.
Tonight, it didn’t help that Lily was dressed to the nines. Her red dress was absolutely beautiful and hugged her curves perfectly while showing off her bared shoulders and her legs through a slit in the side. Her heels, meanwhile, gave her ass an extra bit of lift and her a couple inches of height. The front of her dress didn’t go as deep as the back, which was practically nonexistent, but it did go deep enough to show off her cleavage, her bosom nestled tightly into her strapless corset.
She looked positively stunning, and any man would be incredibly lucky to have a woman as beautiful as her hanging off of his arm, as Lily was doing to Harry now. As they walk down the street, she guides them along, and Harry lets her, figuring Lily just wants to go for a nice walk, see the sights, and extend their time together for a little bit more.
He doesn’t mind these things one bit. Spending any amount of time in his mother’s company is a joy for the young wizard. Sure, it’s also a little torturous, considering his raging crush on her, but Harry has long become acquainted with a little torture in exchange for getting to be with her.
That doesn’t stop him from being surprised when Lily leads them out of Diagon Alley through one of several of its ‘side entrances’, and into the muggle streets of London. Nor does it stop him from startling when she has them turn into a very fancy-looking muggle hotel. As they enter the lobby, Harry looks to his mother, slightly confused.
“Quiet, dear. Let me do the talking.”

They reach the front desk, and Harry does as he’s told, staying quite and watching as Lily picks up a key card for a room, she’d… already reserved, apparently? The young muggle woman behind the counter at the front desk seems to look at him with appreciation in her eyes, and his mother with visible envy. In fact, Harry thinks he might just be hearing things, but it sounds like she mutters something under her breath about cougars taking all the good ones, as they depart.
He tries to put it out of his head, because it stirs up feelings Harry has done his best to repress. Getting into an elevator with his mother, he’s not entirely sure what’s going on… until Lily turns to him after pressing their floor number and steps in close, hooking her arms around his neck and giving him a very unmotherly kiss.
Harry’s green eyes, which he’d gotten from her in fact, widen as Lily kisses him right then and there. And not without a considerable amount of tongue too, the two of them heatedly making out like… like a couple, rather than the mother and son they were supposed to be!
When they finally pull back for air, Lily looks distinctly vulnerable as she searches his face. If she’s looking for condemnation or judgment however, she doesn’t find any. Harry is more bewildered than anything… but also not really opposed to what just happened. Still, he can’t help his questioning tone as he repeats himself.
Blushing, Lily shakes her head.
“Call me Lily, Harry. Tonight… call me Lily.”
He swallows hard at that, reading a lot in her gaze about what she wants from tonight, about what the point of all of this is. Her words are half an order, and half a begged request. She’s beseeching him to obey, and clearly testing him. His response will mean everything, Harry figures.
“… Lily.”
In the end, how can he say anything else? The blinding smile on his mother’s face is totally worth it, as she lunges forward and kisses him again. Harry’s hands go to her waist, and they press against one another, making out even more passionately than before. One of Lily’s legs begins to ride up the side of his body, her own body throbbing with need. If they had more time, Harry is pretty sure he would have ended up with her in his arms, and her legs wrapped around his waist.
As it is, before that can happen, the elevator dings and the doors open. They instinctively pull apart out of embarrassment, whipping around to face the open hotel hallway while fixing up their clothing… but there’s no one there. After a moment of staring at the empty hallway blankly, the two of them blush and then step out of the elevator hand in hand.
Lily guides Harry to the door to their hotel room for the evening and uses the key card to get them inside. As soon as the door is closed and locked behind them, she’s kissing him again, and Harry is kissing her right back. But of course, Lily wants more than that. The beautiful red head knows exactly what she wants, and guides Harry back to the bed, pushing him to sit down and leaning over to continue kissing him for a moment more.
When she pulls away, she gives him a great view down her dress at the same time… but Harry barely has a chance to process that fact before Lily draws her wand and taps her dress, disappearing it in a burst of silent magic. Then, she points her wand at him and does it again. No slow and sultry teasing, no frenzied stripping. Magic takes care of their needs, and all of the sudden they’re both incredibly naked.
Harry knows he’s staring, but he can’t help feasting his eyes upon his mother’s body all the same. Even twice his age, Lily Evans Potter is still a knockout bombshell. Beautiful red hair cascades down her shoulders, a sizable pair of breasts rests on her chest. Her waist is skinny enough that her wide hips make her more than suitable for what can only be called an hourglass figure.
For a moment, one foot in front of the other, Lily poses for him, letting him take it all in. Then, she steps forward and drops to her knees right then and there, spreading his legs apart and leaning in to breath in the scent of his musk directly from his rapidly rising cock. Feeling her hot air on his dick… Harry can’t help but groan and throw his head back.
“Fuck… Lily…”
“Harry… I’ve wanted this for so long.”
He can’t help but blush at that. His mum… wanted him just like he wanted her?
“S-Since when?”
Running her tongue along his shaft, Lily gives him a wry grin.
“I didn’t truly accept it… until you defeated Voldemort again. That’s when I knew, sweetheart. That’s when I knew… I couldn’t let any of those schoolgirl hussies sniffing around you have you. At least, not without me staking my claim first.”
Harry flushes at that. That was… well, that wasn’t as long as he’d fantasized about her, but to be fair, Harry had been little more than a boy when the dreams first started. More than that, Lily had been so very alone all that time, hadn’t she? She’d never remarried, she’d never been with another man. It was only ever his father. And now… him.
Cooing over his throbbing cock, Lily gives him another grin.
“Just as big as your father… perhaps bigger. Such a big, strong, manly man…”
Before Harry can formulate a response, she dives down his length, taking him into her mouth right then and there. His cock throbs and he finds himself at a loss for words. Lily is decades out of practice, or rather, should be… but her technique is still impeccable, and as she throats his cock, Harry finds himself throwing his head back again and groaning in pleasure.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
She’s insistent on taking him all the way to the base, even if it has her gagging and gurgling around his dick. As she chokes on his member, those emerald green eyes of hers that he shares stare up at him, and Harry can only look back, filled with love for his beautiful mother.
After descending down to the base of his thick, fat member a handful of times, Lily abruptly pulls back, her hand fondling his balls for a moment as if testing something before pulling away.
“I-Inside… I want you inside of me, baby. So bad… need you so bad.”
Standing up, she moans as she speaks, running her hands up and down her naked, killer body.
“How do you want me, Harry? I want you to take me and throw me down, have your way with me. On the bed? On the floor? In the shower, on the sink? Go on, baby. Do it… take me.”
He really doesn’t need to be told twice. But call him old fashioned… he prefers the bed. More than that, he wants to be able to continue looking his mother in the eye. Rising to his feet, Harry grabs Lily by the hips and swings them both around. He tosses her almost bodily onto the bed, just as she’d asked of him, and then pounces on after her.
Lily squeaks at the sudden motion, and then squeals happily, as he climbs aboard. Her legs spread wide and fly up into the air, providing him access as he drives his cock deep into her hot, tight cunt right then and there. The older witch coos as she wraps her arms around his neck again, and she giggles as he pants heatedly, more turned on than he’s been in his entire life.
With her legs high in the air and bouncing all over the place, Harry begins fucking his mother in a consummate mating press. It just feels right, taking her in this fashion. On her back, limbs wrapped around his body, her body pinned beneath his. He growls lustfully, and dips his lips to her chin and neck, kissing along her jawline as she moves to give him better access.
All the while, Harry slams home into Lily’s pussy with all his might, fucking his mother well and properly into the hotel bed. At a certain point, they end up making eye contact again… and in that moment, it comes spilling out, his mouth running ahead of him a little bit.
“I love you. I’ve been infatuated with you for longer than I can remember. Those schoolgirl hussies… some of them are my friends, but none of them could ever hold a candle to you. You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and I’ve never wanted to be with anyone else.”
By the time he’s done speaking, Lily has gone still, freezing in place beneath him, staring at him with wide eyes. But that, thankfully, doesn’t last very long. Suddenly surging forward, she kisses him again, and Harry kisses her right back as her legs, which had been knocking in the air, finally come down to securely and tightly wrap around his waist.
Fucking her just feels so good. And not only does it feel amazing, but it feels right too. Perhaps it’s not acceptable by society’s standards, but Harry doesn’t care about that. He means every word he said. He loves Lily with all his heart, and now that he knows she feels the same way about him, there’s nothing Harry wants more than to make up for lost time.
The young wizard groans into Lily’s mouth, as she moans into his. His cock, so very large and filling her up in what he hoped was the nicest way possible, throbs inside of her. He’s getting close, even as Lily tips over the edge again and again, the beautiful vivacious red head cumming more than once as he pounds her into the bed.
The more she cums, the closer Harry gets, until he’s sure he can’t hold back any longer. He’s going to blow, but every attempt to let her know that is stymied by how tightly she’s clinging to him. Her legs around his waist keep him from pulling out, and her arms around his neck keep his lips connected securely to her lips.
He mumbles, trying to warn her, but she just wrestles with his tongue some more, swapping spit until finally it’s too late and with a low groan, Harry spills his seed inside of her. Lily doesn’t so much as flinch. She doesn’t freeze up or try to belatedly push him away. She just holds him close until it’s done, and only then relaxes her hold on him.
Immediately, he tries to apologize, of course.
“I’m sorry, I-!”
But Lily just shakes her head, silencing him with a grin.
“I knew. I wanted it. Thank you, Harry… for the best Mother’s Day I could have asked for.”
For a long moment, Harry just stares at his mother. Then, slowly, he breaks into a grin and goes back in for another kiss. Maybe they’re not ‘normal’, even by the wizarding world’s standards. Maybe their behavior isn’t ‘acceptable’. But neither of them truly cares. They have each other, and that’s all that matters.
As well, Harry’s cock really isn’t going soft… he’s still buried inside of Lily, and still hard as all hell. When they pull apart for air again, his mother looks down between them and giggles.
“James could go all night long too. It seems you take after him in more ways than one…”
Biting her lower lip, she looks at him with needy eyes.
“Please… fuck me again?”
And so, Harry does. Again and again, all the way to morning.


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