Cambrian’s Emporium of Everything (Multiple Settings)

Wonder Woman’s Overconfidence (DC Comics)


Themes: Instant Loss, Threesome, Humiliation

Summary: Right after the Justice League is formed, Batman tells the others to never step foot into Gotham. Wonder Woman takes issue with this fact, as well as his reasoning.


Gotham City. A vile pit of crime, villainy, corruption, and evil. Floating high above the city in her Wonder Woman Regalia, Diana Prince narrows her eyes and clenches her jaw as she looks down at the city. Her hands curled into fists at her sides, she flares her nostrils in anger.
A place like this shouldn’t even be allowed to exist. The Themyscirian Princess had seen quite a lot of evil since coming to Man’s World, but Gotham… Gotham took the cake. Unfortunately, the old adage that you couldn’t help those who didn’t want to be helped held true. The city down below was filled to the brim with the scum of the Earth. The worst of the worst.
For a long time, Diana had ignored Gotham. It wasn’t like anything in the city could truly harm her given her powers, but likewise she saw no reason to bother with a place like this. Anything good had long since fled or been wrung out by the corruption below, or so she’d always figured. Even when she’d first heard about the rise of Batman, a bat-themed vigilante, she hadn’t thought much of him or his antics.
And then there had been an Alien Invasion. And the formation of the Justice League. Truly, Diana didn’t believe that they could have saved the world without Batman’s assistance. The man seemed strange, even stranger than the other founding members of the Justice League, but he was also a reliable, stalwart ally.
When things had come to a close in regard to the invasion and they had finalized their plans to build the Justice League in order to combat future threats of a similar nature, Batman had only had one request. Except he hadn’t called it a request, and he certainly hadn’t phrased it as a request either.
Stay out of Gotham.
Four simple words, spoken in that gravelly deep voice of his. Needless to say, the other members of the Justice League had thought he was joking at first. But no… Batman had been entirely serious. Gotham was his city and he didn’t want to see a single one of them in it at any time. This, of course, had led to questions. After all, as capable as Batman was, the other members of the Justice League were all demonstrably more powerful than him.
The sort of enemies Batman tended to fight, whether they were one of those weirdoes he wound up attracting or just simple mafia members and gangsters… she or Superman could have handled thugs of that type by the hundreds in a single night. It would be so, so simple.
But Batman denied them. He didn’t want their help. Not just her and Superman, but all of the others too. According to him, they wouldn’t make things better, they would make things worse. Gotham was the kind of city where violence beget violence. Batman’s concern was that if they came and fought alongside him, more powerful villains would be attracted to fight alongside his foes.
… It seemed a little silly, at least to Diana. And more than a little paranoid. In the end though, the others all agreed to Batman’s demands. They’d agreed to stay out of Gotham. And… so had Diana. But she just couldn’t hold herself to that agreement. Not now that she knew there WERE good people in Gotham. Batman was just one, but he couldn’t be the only one or he wouldn’t have been fighting so hard for the city in the first place.
Gotham might be a cesspit of corruption and evil and darkness, but Diana was the Princess of Themyscira, Daughter to Hippolyta, and a proud Amazon. Besides all that… she was Wonder Woman. Corruption, evil, and darkness? She chewed and spit such things out on the regular!
That was why… she would go down there and do a little crime-fighting herself. With how fast she was, she didn’t even need to worry about being discovered. She would fly so quickly and move so swiftly that none of the gangsters she intended on taking down would even see her before they lost consciousness from her blows. Batman would surely be upset, but so long as he didn’t know it was her, she figured she could come around every few months or so after his paranoia and watchfulness died down and do it again.
A hundred thugs and criminals taken off the streets of Gotham in one night should help her fellow crime fighter out a little bit, right? A smile on her lips at that thought, Diana looks down and focuses her magically enhanced eyesight and hearing on the city below her. Eventually, she finds what she’s looking for, an alley with a drug deal happening inside of it. A perfect start to her night of terror enacted on the criminals of Gotham.
Her smile expanding into a savage grin, Diana points her fists towards that alley and zips down. Time to get started.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
“Fuuuuck she’s so tight dude!”
“Hah, bitch’s throat is pretty good as well!”
“Hey, you think this is the real Wonder Woman?”
“… Nah man. Has to be some hooker roleplaying or something. Maybe she thinks we’ll pay her afterwards?”
“Stupid cunt, bahaha!”
It wasn’t possible. This… this couldn’t be happening. Down in the alley, tears streak down Diana’s cheeks as she’s impaled in both ends and spit-roasted by a pair of good-for-nothings, low-level thugs. The scum have her bend over on her knees on the dirty, filthy ground of the alley, restrained in her own Golden Lasso. One of her few weaknesses, in fact. Bound in the lasso, not even Diana could break free. It was inviolable once you were tied up in it.
How though?! How had she wound up in such a humiliating, degrading position? Being face fucked and slammed from behind at the same time, choking on a filthy thug’s cock while his friend has his way with her cunt. How could she have lost to the very first pair of thugs she’d tried to go after? The details were fuzzy, even now. Her head was spinning. Had she… had she crashed or something? Had she hit something on the way down and taken a tumble? Had she run into two of the few smart criminals in Gotham who had seen her lasso and decided to tie her up in it before she could recover?
… In the end, it didn’t matter. Because Diana had come to Gotham with the wrong information. To his credit, it wasn’t Batman’s fault. His reasoning for why no other member of the Justice League should ever visit Gotham WAS sound. The escalation that their presence and level of power would provoke would quickly leave Batman in the dust and not strong enough to handle the metahumans who would wind up making Gotham their home.
He already had his hands full with the likes of the Joker, Scarecrow, Bane, Mr. Freeze, and Poison Ivy… just to name a few. The ‘powers’ that his rogue’s gallery had were one thing though. He could combat that sort of thing. But what was someone like Batman to do against some of Superman’s rogue’s gallery? What was he supposed to do if someone like Metallo showed up one day in Gotham?
… Probably trick the cyborg into running face first into an incredibly powerful EMP of some sort, but that was neither here nor there. The point was, Batman had enough on his plate without his allies in the Justice League accidentally making it worse.
However, what Batman didn’t know, or rather didn’t fully understand, was the other side of the coin. The fact that Gotham City was alive. The details were somewhat lost to history by this point, but Gotham was the sight of a millennia-old curse that had not just persisted but thrived on the evil committed in these lands for thousands of years.
The City of Gotham was indeed a place of darkness and corruption… but on a metaphysical level as well. And it didn’t take kindly to outsiders. Batman got a pass because he was a son of the city. He was born here, molded by the darkness. He was the Prince of Gotham.
But Diana? Wonder Woman? She was a fool if she thought that she could ever be anything but a road bump to Gotham’s children so long as she dared to step within the city limits.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
“Fuuuuck! I dunno man, she can handle cock better than any whore I’ve ever met, you know what I’m saying? Bitch is choking sure… but she hasn’t passed out yet!”
“Hah! Listen to yourself, idiot. You think THE Wonder Woman would be some Champion Dick Sucker? Nah… that just means you’ve been fucking really shitty whores!”
And so here she was. One cock constantly pistoning down her divine throat. The other pounding in and out of her divine pussy. She was one of if not the most powerful women in the world, but that didn’t matter. Not so long as she was in a place like Gotham. Not so long as she was bound in her own golden lasso and unable to fight back.
“Fuck yeah bitch! Here it comes!”
With a loud groan, the thug behind her abruptly lets loose in her cunt. Diana’s eyes widen and she lets out a muffled squeal around the dick still lodged in her throat. Some… some utter reprobate has just creampied her and left a load of unwanted seed in her womb! Never… never in all her years since leaving Themyscira and coming to Man’s World has Diana been so humiliated. So… so horrified.
Of course, a moment later the man in her throat also winds up reaching the edge and tipping over it. He cums and as unprepared and inexperienced with fellatio as she is, Diana chokes on his seed. It comes right back up, exploding out of the sides of her mouth and her nostrils, making a mess of her face and a mockery of her lineage as a Princess and her status as a superheroine.
“… Switch up?”
“Heh, sure. Hey, you got those markers you were using to tag the drugs on you right now?”
“Err, yeah? Why?”
“Hand em over and I’ll show you.”
The worst part is, even as they pull out of her throat, Diana doesn’t dare to say a word. She coughs weakly but doesn’t demand her release. She’s too scared. Not that they’ll hurt her more, because even with them abusing her body, they can’t truly harm her physically. No, she’s afraid they’ll realize she’s not some cosplaying whore like they think she is. She’s afraid they’ll release she’s the real deal.
And so she doesn’t say a word, even as they switch positions and flip her onto her back. Her head of raven locks are pulled tight in one thug’s fist as he yanks her over and feeds his cock into her mouth from the side. At the same time, he grabs the top of her regalia with his other hand and yanks it down with a grunt, freeing her ample bosom from their confines.
All she can do is let out a muffled whimper as he gropes and squeezes and kneads her tits one after the other, sharing no care for them as he forces her to suck his cock clean of their combined juices from where he’d just fucked and came inside of her.
However, the humiliation of his actions is nothing compared to the actions of the other man who has now taken up position down below. It starts with him grabbing her legs and spreading them apart. And then… his spit-polished cock doesn’t go for her already-creampied cunt. It goes for her asshole.
“Stupid whore. Think I’m really going to double dip where my buddy’s already had his way with you? Hah!”
As he drives his cock, barely lubricated with nothing more than her saliva into her ass, the tears start up again. Just when Diana had thought this couldn’t get any worse… but no. Her humiliation and degradation continue to escalate, especially when the man now plundering her anus pulls forth those markers that he’d procured from the other thug… and begins to write on her.
She can’t see what he’s writing or drawing. All she feels is the sensation of the markers going across her inner thighs all the way up to her knees as he manhandles her into the best positions to write in. Still bound by her own golden lasso, Diana can’t fight him. When she’s restrained like this, she’s as weak as any mortal woman… weaker, really. Helpless. Tied up. Forced to gag upon the cock in her mouth. All Diana can do is take it. All of it.
“Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!”
“Fuck yeah. Love this bitch. Man, this is worth missing out on some sales.”
“Definitely. Still, we better make it back up by the end of the night. Dunno about you but I don’t want the Penguin mad at me.”
“Fuck no. Dude’s a fucking psychopath.”
“Yeah but that’s Gotham for ya, hah!”
As both thugs laugh and continue to have their way with Diana, something inside of the heroine breaks. Here she is, a Princess of Themyscira, THE Wonder Woman… and these two worthless thugs aren’t just having their way with her, they’re cracking jokes over her helpless, bound body. As she gags on one cock and is butt fucked by the other, they’re talking about being afraid of a man known as THE PENGUIN for fuck’s sake!
Diana has seen pictures of the Penguin. He lives up to his name, but not his reputation. And yet… and yet, these drug dealing scumbags are more concerned about angering him then her. She’s never been more humiliated in her life.
Finally… finally they finished up, cumming in her holes one last time each. The one in her ass is the worst, even though the one in her throat results in more cum exploding out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth. That burns, sure… but the feel of sticky seed in her bowels will sit with Diana for a long, long time to come.
They laugh as they pull out of her and get to their feet, fixing up their clothes. They make their parting comments, but Diana barely hears them. She’s just glad they’re walking away. Finally… finally she’s able to lift her head. Even though the alley is dark, between her enhanced eyesight and the glow of the golden lasso she’s still tied up in, she can see what the one thug has written on her body as a parting gift.
Wonder Whore.
Fuck me.
He went out of his way to use a different colored marker for each to make them really stand out. And then he’d… he’d even drawn a juvenile dick on her powerfully built thigh with the space he had remaining.
Sobbing, Diana slowly wriggles free of her lasso. It takes time. A lot of time. But no one comes upon her before she manages to escape and hastily fly away from the alley and Gotham altogether.
She’s learned her lesson. And she’s never, ever going back.


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